A/N: Hey guys, this is my very first story ever so please be kind in your reviews. I am open to options and suggestions.

Kate:17/11th grade

Mia:16/11th grade

Ana:17/11th grade

Christian:18 /12th grade

Elliott:19/12th grade


"Come on Mia I want to hurry up and get to the mall before someone takes the shoes I have been eyeing" I'm in the living room of 'Grey house manor' waiting for my best friend Mia to come shopping with me. We meet in per-k and have been bet friends ever since. As I'm sitting on the couch Mia's older brothers come strolling in from football practice, and damn Elliott looks sexy as hell his hands running through those beautiful golden locks. Elliott is about 6'3 broad shoulders lean muscular amazing green eyes, oh god what would love to do to that boy just thinking about it has me all hot and bothered . Just as I manage to stop drooling he catches me staring at him he pit's on his pantie dropping smile and I'm drooling all over again and then Christian comes in looks between the two of and rolls his and drags Elliott up stairs mumbling .

"Come on lover boy we have to go over these plays. I refuse to lose to the West Side High assholes this year "I blush as his gaze linger a little while longer before he disappears. I won't lie Christian is a good looking bastard 6'2 unruly copper hair that I like to call ' sex hair'. Dark gray eyes really built but bulky his body is very impressive but he has a really bad attitude and I don't know why at first I thought he just didn't like me but he is like this with everyone. Elliot, on the other hand is really sweet and funny and just all around yummy.

Just as I'm about to call for Mia again she comes down the stairs wearing a white v neck with a lace back, her favorite gold necklace diamond drop earrings, pink handbag, pink shorts and silver sandals he hair in curls down her back. "FINALLY!" I say with my hands dramatically waving in the air.

"Sorry I had to get my hair just perfect just in case ya know...we run into some cute guys" Mia blushed and I couldn't help but laugh "by cute guys you mean my brother Ethan" I say with smirk and she looked like a tomato I laughed so hard I had tears in my eyes. "Mia it's OK I know you like my brother I'm fine with it you know how I feel about Elliott" now it's my turn to blush.

Mia smiles at me and says "Are you sure Kate? I don't want things to get weird or have you thinking I'm using you to get close to him." I give her a confused look "of course I'm OK with it you are my best friend I know you wouldn't use me like that. Are you sure your OK with me liking Elliott?" she smiles at me and nods her head "Absolutely" I sigh as relief washes over me "thank god I thought you would be upset and think I'm like Lily" I say as we head to my white 2014 Porsche Cayman. Mia huffs and says " no way in hell would I ever think you would be anything like her ugh she is just... just ugggghhhh." Lily is one of our friends from school how has the biggest crushes on Christian I have ever seen I mean almost every girl in school has a crush on him except for me of course but for some reason he has never shown any interest in any of them, they literally throw themselves at him but he acts as if they don't exist.

After a while we all assumed he was gay but that doesn't stop all the girls from poking out their lips, chest, and asses even his parents think it but we wouldn't dear tell him, he has a bit of an angry problem we figured he would come out when he is ready. "I know I still can't believe she did that personally I thought it was funny but Christian on the other hand didn't find it as amusing." I laugh pulling in to mall parking lot.

"Yeah Kate cause it's so much fun waking up to Lily under your blanket give you a hand job half naked" she says with head cocked to the side with one of her perfectly arched eyebrows raised. I simply shrug my shoulders and get out the car "exactly I love to death but she needs to understand that he is not into her and that no means no and everything would be fine" she explains following me out the car into the mall. "I know Mia and she has been bugging me all week to convince you to let her spend the night again" I sigh and start looking through the clothes on the racks, I know she has been bugging me too. I want her to come I really do be I don't want her coming there just to go after Christian even though she has promised me many time that she would be on her best behavior I don't know I'm still iffy about it what do you think Kate." "I think if you want to really want to hang out with her again I say put her to the test" she looks at me like I'm speaking Chinese I smile at her and explain you know put her to the test invite her over to hang out and she how she acts you don't even have to stay home. We could go to a movie or go ice skating or my all, time favorite SHOPPING!" We have a good laugh at that because Mia and I can shop forever given the chance. Then I get an idea " why don't we make it group think so we can see if she can handle being around him and keep her hands to herself." She thinks about it for a minute "I don't know Kate"

"Oh come on Mia I can bring Ethan" I wiggle my eyebrows up and down giving her my best smile. Mia gasps the looks down smiling with a slight blush "Well I don't know doesn't it seems like we are having a triple date" damn I didn't think of with that way " hmmmm... your right that is giving her Christian on a silver platter we can invite Paul he's on the team the Elliott and Christian so now he has someone to talk to while talk to Elliott " I say with a wink. We are looking around the store when I finally find the black heels I have been eyeing

I tell Mia I'm going to check out the other things in the store while she tries on cute crop tops. I'm looking at the boyfriend when I hear someone groan. I turn the corner and I see a girl with long chestnut hair that went to the bottom of her butt, she is wearing black skinny jeans and a fitted band t-shirt. I walk closer to see what was wrong when her head snapped up and I finally got to see all of her. I looked and her from head to toe and I have to admit she is one of the most beautiful girls I have seen.

She must have just moved here because I have not seen her around here because I don't recognize her. She has big blue eyes, full pink lips a, button nose she has natural beauty so she is wearing little make-up just some eye-liner and some lips gloss. She looks like a deer caught in head lights her cheeks turn pink as I analyze her. Then she bites her lip and quickly looks down.

I extend my hand and introduce myself "Hi I'm Katherine Kavanagh but you can call me Kate." She takes my hand and shakes it quickly the drops her hand. We stand there for a few minutes in awkward silence. "Do you have a name?" I ask letting out a little laugh.

"Oh umm I…I'm Anastasia Steele but I prefer Ana." Her eyes never once meeting my gaze.

"Well Ana I couldn't help but over hear you groan and I came to see what's wrong?"

"Noting I'm just not sure what im looking for, or what would look good on me." She finally looks up at me till chewing on her bottom lip with a slight blush on her cheeks.

"Well Ana it's your lucky day I happen to be an expert shopper." I beam with pride. I grab her hand and practically drag her to the part of the store with cutest oversized sweaters, leggings and boyfriend jeans. "Shopping for you is going to be soooo much fun" I squeal "You have the absolutely the most perfect body shape I have ever seen, it's to die for a real perfect hourglass" I look back at her and she is as red as tomato I couldn't help but laugh, it obvious she is not used to being complimented. "Ok, here try this" I hand her and oversized cream sweater and a pair of black leggings. "Wait here, take a size bigger your tits are huge! What are you a 36 D" and she is red all over again and I burst into laughter as she tries to cover her chest with tiny hands. "Oh god Kate do They really look that big?!" Ana blushes even more I laugh as she blushes a deep shade of red and tries to cover her chest with her tiny hands, looking around to make sure no one hear.

"Oh my god Kate, shhhhhh" she is still looking around "Do they really look that big?" she looks down at them "I always thought they were normal sized" I smile at her "No my dear Ana they are far from normal but that's a good thing though. Now go try on that stuff while I go find you some boyfriend jeans" she walks into the dressing room to try on the outfit. While I'm looking at the jeans Mia finds me.

"There you are I thought you were look at shoes what are you doing over here? OHHHHHH JEANS! I need some new ones I have vowed to myself that I so I don't end up blowing up like Amanda, I mean oh my gosh…" I interrupt her "Mia! Calm down and breathe. I'm over her helping out someone" she looks at me with a confused look.

"Helping who? Is it someone I know? How is looking at jeans helping them?"

"Her name is Ana short for Anastasia. No you don't know her I think she is new to town, and I'm helping her shop she is really pretty so it's easy to find things."

"Well where is she? I want to meet her!"

"Mia calm down she is really shy so you have to tone it down a bit ok"

"Ok Ok I promise" just then and Ana comes out looking down. "I don't know Kate do you really think.." She stops midsentence when she sees Mia, she drops her head and introduces herself. "Hi… umm I'm Ana."

Mia's eyes went big her mouth slightly open, and I know she is trying to contain her excitement.

"DAMN YOUR BEAUTIFUL HOLY SHIT!" Ana looks like a deer caught in head lights and she blushes the deepest shade of red I have seen.

"I…umm… thank you"

"Where are you from? How old are you? Do you go to Seattle prep? Will you join the cheer squad? OOOHHHHHH you would make a perfect. OHHHHH do you have a boyfriend? I could hook you up someone. There are plenty of hot guys I'm pretty sure would be more than willing to go on a date with someone as pretty as you. OOHHHH we can…"

"Mia! Calm down we just meet the girl five seconds ago and your already trying to set her up with someone. Let her breath. What if she doesn't want a boyfriend? For all we know she could be into girls." I love Mia but she can be a lot to handle at time and Ana is too shy and timid to stop her. But I have to admit I am curious as to who she really is.

"Sorry Ana this is my best friend Mia, she is easily excited. "I laugh and Mia is still smiling widely at Ana. I roll my eyes, tell Ana to go get changed, and drag Mia to the she shoe department. "What the hell Mia?!" What Kate did you she her she I drop dead gorgeous she…"

"Mia I know but you see she's not comfortable with the spot light on her and you were so in her far going on and on asking a hundred and five questions. Ease up a little will ya?" She lets out a sigh and nods her head. "Good, now come on there are suede Michael Kors heels we came for." We grab the heels and go see if Ana was done changing. We shop around for a little while longer then we get hungry.

"Hey what do you guys want to eat? My treat." I already know what Mia wants but Ana looks uncomfortable. "Ana? What's wrong you're not hungry?"

"It's not that it's just you have helped me enough for the day with the shopping and all, I couldn't ask you to feed me as well." She says looking down swaying from side to side. "It's not that it's just you have helped me enough for the day with the shopping and all, I couldn't ask you to feed me as well." She gives me a smile then looking down swaying from side to side. She is the first person I met that turned down a free lunch. Most other people fight over who's paying the bill, then we just end up paying for own meals. But Ana she is different not just the fact that she doesn't want me to pay for her meal, but the way she carries herself. Ana has this protective bubble around her you can see the sadness in her eyes and even in her smile you can see the pain, something happen to her something horrible I can feel it in my bones. I just wish I knew what happen.

"It's ok Ana I really don't mind your my new friend and I want to it's really no problem"

"If you're sure then would really like some Chinese from the Panda Express" she licks her lips and I laugh

We sit for lunch and the conversation is fun and flows easy going. We find out that Ana is 17 just like me and she loves to read, she also can sing, draw, play the guitar, piano and she can fix cracked phone screens, it how she earned money in New York City! Which is where she just moved from. She tries to answer as many questions as she can without giving too much away. I do notice that she that she is uncomfortable answering questions about her family, I wonder if she comes from a bad home?

"Wow, Ana you seem to have it all you are pretty you and talented with a killer body you seem like the perfect girl" Mia says while takes a bite of her salad and Ana blushes at her comment. "What else do you like to do" I ask eating my grinder from subways.

" Well…" she giggles " I'm far from perfect but I also like to work out and I have been doing MMA for a few years which I guess explains the ummm 'killer body'" she blushes even harder.

"Ana you never told us what school you go to." Mia says through a mouth full of food.

"I haven't enrolled in yet" she says cautiously looking at her for before she shoves a piece of orange chicken in her mouth. I have to admit I am a little shocked most people transfer from school to school when they move. Why didn't she do that?

Is she home schooled? Can't be she said she hasn't enrolled YET.

"Well you should think about enrolling in Seattle Prep with me and Kate it would be so awesome you would so much fun and we could introduce you to so many new people."

"Yeah Ana we would love for you to go to our school you would fit right in"

"Well actually I have a meeting to have a look around the school in a few weeks I will keep you girls in mind" She laughs while looking at her phone her eyes widen when she sees the time. "Wow it's getting late I really have to go. Thank you again for helping me shop and for the food, I really had a good time." She says as she starts to get up and grab her bags to leave.

"You know my dad could give you a ride home… or you could stay at my house Mia is staying too. I know we just met but it could be fun."

"I would love to but I can't, maybe another time. And where I have to go isn't far from here I don't mind walking" she says sadly

"Give me your number… maybe we can set something up soon" she smiles

"I would like that" she gives Mia and I her number then she is gone