Harry stared at his supposed father in shock, mouth agape and eyes wide.

"We'll leave you two alone." Remus said, gestering for everyone to follow him into the kitchen.

"It's really him, pup." Sirius whispered to him, before following the others.

They just stared.

After 2-3 minutes, James shifted uneasily. "Uh... hey, son."

"Hey..." Harry said, still staring with wide green eyes.

More awkward silence.

And then, slowly, James sat at the end of the couch, not taking his eyes of his son.

"Um... you like Quidditch?" James asked.

Harry slowly nodded.

"Ron told me you play for your house team." James said. "Me and Sirius got on in our second year. I was a Chaser and he was a Beater." he broke into a grin. "One time, we were using the school brooms in our first year, and Sirius's went out of control and he ended up on the castles roof! It took forever to get him- oof!"

Harry had lunged himself at James, hugging him.

James froze for a second, before hugging back, smiling.

He felt tears soaking his shoulder, but he didn't care.

He had his son back.

"I missed you." Harry mumbled into his shoulder.

"And I missed you." James said, kissing his sons jet black hair that was so like his own.

A moment of silence.

"So, Sirius's broom went crazy-"

"Do not talk about that!" came Sirius's muffled shout.

Harry couldn't help himself.

He burst out laughing.

A little while later, James, Sirius and Remus were helping Harry up the stairs to his bedroom.

"Will I be sharing with Ron?" he asked.

"Ron? Na, we made a room for you." Sirius said simply.

"What? Y-You didn't-"

"Hey, I worked my arse off to make you a room, and hell if your not gonna use it." Sirius cut him off.

Remus snorted. "Ya, right. I'm the one who had to do all the shopping."

"It's not my fault!" Sirius said.

"Ya, well, you can do the shopping next time." Remus said, before looking at Harry. "He made me a room too, and practiclly forced me to stay here."

"I didn't force you!"

"You threatened to burn down my house so I would be forced to."

Sirius began grumbling.

They came to a door, the words Prongslet at the top.

Sirius opened it. "Ta-da!"

"Wow." Harry said, looking around. "You guys went a little overbored."

"I told you!" Sirius said, suddenly turning onto Remus.

"Excuse me?" Remus said, raising his eyebrows.

"No, no, it's great!" Harry said.

James rolled his eyes, before helping Harry over to his new bed.

He drew back the blue covers and tucked the boy in.

"Night, green eyes." James said.

Sirius was still saying how he had told Remus that they'd gone overboard, when James grabbed him by the hair.

"Hair, hair, hair, hair!" Sirius said as he was dragged out of the room.

Remus shook his head, an amused smile on his face. "Night, Harry."

With that, he exited the room, switched off the lights and closed the door.

Harry smiled, before closing his eyes and going to sleep.

The next day, Harry, James, Remus, Sirius, the Weasleys, Hermione and Tonks where called to Hogwarts.

"We just want Harry to stay at Hogwarts for a month." Dumbledore said. "Saftey procation. You are welcome to stay as well, if you like."

And that's how they found themselves in the Great Hall eating dinner.

The normal House Tables and Head Table were gone. Instead, they were replaced by a large, round table in the center of the Hall.

With the new guests, the table was completly full.

On Harry's left were James, Sirius, Remus, Fred, George, Tonks, Ginny, McGonagall, and then Dumbledore.

On Harry's right were Ron, Hermione, Bill, Charlie, Molly, Arthur, Madam Pomfrey and Snape, who was glaring at James, his nostrals flaring. But he was ignored.

Harry swallowed his mashed potatoes and moved to put his fork down, but stopped seeing the glare Madam Pomfrey sent him.

James, noticing, chuckled. "Don't get on her bad side."

After dinner, the trio made their way to Gryffindore Tower.

The adults, twins and Ginny got their own privet quarters. They had been offered some, but refused.

Hermione decided to screw it and slept in the Boys Dorm.

"Oh, Harry." Hermione said, while they were climbing into bed.


"We forgot to tell you, your gonna need to attend a trial. About the Dursleys."

Harry sighed. He really didn't want to see the Dursleys again. But he nodded.

They fell asleep, unaware of what tomorrow may bring.

Harry was walking down the halls of Hogwarts alone. Well, he was actually limping slightly, but oh well.

Ron and Hermione were still asleep, and he had woken up at 4:53 am, hungry.

Not wanting to wake them, he had began making his way to the Great Hall alone.

He passed a painting he'd never seen before and stopped to study it.

It was of a lion, the background red and the picture frame gold, the colors of Gryffindore.

He studied it for a moment, before it turned to looked at him.

"Who are you?" it asked, it's voice deep and cat-like.

"Uh... Harry Potter." Harry said.

"I sense it in you, Harry Potter. You are of his blood." the lion said. "The Sanctuary is open to you."

It bowed it's masive head, and the portrait swung open like a door.

Harry slowly walked in, the portrait closing behind him, dumping him into total blackness.

And then, as if sensing him, the candles flickered on, soon followed by a roaring fire.

Harry gaped.

The room was large, with 13 other doors along the walls.

The carpet was red, the walls were hung with empty picture frames, the fireplace was made of bricks, and on the sill was a pot of floo powder. There was a couch and two armchairs looking as if they had been plucked right out of the Gryffindore Common Room. There was a cofee table between them.

And then, he spun on his heel and ran to Gryffindore Tower to get Ron and Hermione.

The two had been frantic when they'd realized their friend had gone.

Hermione was still scolding Harry as he dragged her and Ron towards the Lion Portrait.

"Harry, where are we going?" Ron finally asked, cutting Hermione off, who gave an annoyed huff.

"Trust me, you'll love it." Harry said.

They stopped outside the Lions Portrait, who looked at Harry, before bowing and the portrait swung open.

"Wow..." Ron said, looking around. "What's in the other rooms?"

"Don't know. Haven't checked." Harry said.

"Well, let's check then." Hermione said, walking over to the first door.

She opened the first door, only to find it empty, with white walls.

Room two and three were like this as well, and when they were starting to feel as if all the rooms were like this, they opened the fourth.

It was a giant library, filled with all kinds of books, old and new.

Hermione practiclly squealed with delight and rushed in, running her fingers over the books spines.

"I haven't even heard of half of these!" she squealed.

"Well... that's shocking." Ron said.

After finally dragging Hermione out of the Library, they went to room five.

Ron opened it this time, reavealing a Potions Lab.

There were at least 10-15 desks, each with it's own cauldron. There was a large cupboard (More of a room, honestly.) filled to the brim with potion ingrediants.

"Snape would be so jelous right now." Harry said.

They went to room 6, which was a large Dinning Room.

It had a long, single table, with about a dozen or so seats. The ceiling had the same enchantment on it as the Great Hall, so it showed the sky outside (today a bright blue, promising a sunny day).

"Our own magic ceiling! Just what I always wanted." Ron said.

They walked to room seven, which turned out to be a giant garden (Or, perhaps, it was a forest), that magicly supplied the Potion Lab.

"Imagine what it would be like to fly our brooms in here!" Harry said excitedly.

Hermione shook her head, muttering something about "Boys."

They went to room eight, which turned out to be a kitchen, half the size of Hogwarts Kitchens.

It was filled with white counters, a wall of ovens, pots, pans, cupboards and so on.

Ron opened the pantry, only to find it empty.

"Aw." he said, before closing it in disapointment.

They went into room nine.

It was their own Hospital Wing, filled with beds, and there was a cupboard with each of its shelfs filled with Bruise Balm, Blood Repelling and so on.

"Hey maybe I can train myself to become a healer." Ron said.

Harry and Hermione looked at him in surprise.

"Well... you were pretty good at healing Harry, once you knew what to do." Hermione said thoughtfully.

"And there's no doubt some Healing Books in the Library." Harry said.

Ron smiled and nodded, closing the cupboard.

The entered room ten, which looked like an Arena.

There were stands against the far side of the wall, a locker room/waiting room, the walls were lined with wands, swords, axes, maces, spears, shields and so on.

There was a small bookshelf, filled with Defence Books, A Guide to Wandless Magic, Silent Casting, Sword Fighting and more.

"This is barbaric." Hermione said, shaking her head.

They entered room eleven, only to come to a Quidditch Pitch.

The boys were jumping up and down in excitment.

It was a lot like the World Cup's pitch, but empty.

There was a shopping stand, where you entered a Quidditch team and hats, action figures and things appeared.

"This. Is. AWESEOME!" Ron yelled, quickly typing in Chuddly Cannons.

They entered the twelveth room, which had nothing but a plain door, a penestal, which held a piece of parchment, eagle feather quill and a bottle of ink.

Hermione took the quill, thought for a moment, before writing.


"Library." Ron said, with a roll of the eyes. "Of course that's the first thing you think off."

Harry opened the door, only to see that it led to Hogwarts Library.


Hermione looked at Ron with a smug smile.

Harry closed the door, took the quill and wrote.

Slythering Common Room

He opened the door, only to lead to the Slytherin Common Room.

"It must take us to any place in the castle." Hermione said.

"Wicked... imagine what the Marauders could have done with this!" Ron said

"If the Marauders found this place, the castle would be in ruins." Harry said with a smile, closing the door.

They exited the Teleportation Room and into room thirteen.

It was a simple room.

There was a long desk in the center, with three chairs. In front of the middle chair, was a glass pane, with a white wand-stick thing pointing at it.

Harry walked over to examine it.

On the white wand were the numbers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5.

"What is that?" Ron asked.

"No idea." Hermione said.

"We'll find out later." Harry said, closing the door.

"Oh, my god!" Hermione said, looking at her watch. "We should have been to breakfast half an hour ago! Come on, lets go!"

She grabbed their hands and they left the Sanctuary.