Disclaimer: I don't own the rights to Naruto or PJO/HoO/TTA.
Sun's Heir, Death's Guardian III: The Argonauts
"Okay, now I know that book is messing with me. It's back to the same size it was before!" Leo grumbled, glaring at the book that appeared in front of them.
"Yes! Finally! We're back to the most awesome one!" Apollo cheered.
"Until you try to sneak another peek at what happens in the end," Artemis deadpanned.
"I...Us dammit, Arte." The god of the sun pouted while his twin smirked victoriously.
"To ensure that doesn't happen, I'll keep hold of this book. We didn't have such issues with the last book," Hestia said, and Apollo had the decency to look sheepish. The book moved to her hands and she cracked it open, where the words appeared on the page. "Chapter Nine."
Two electric-blue eyes focused on a platoon of ants as they carried the carcass of a dead squirrel off of the dirt path. Whiskered cheeks pulled back into a small grin as he watched nature at work, a silent thanks sent to the Lord of the Wild for making this gross but awesome sight available to him. The young man engrossed with the world at large was laying prone on the side of the road, his arms propping his chin as he watched life in action. His posture slightly dirtied his white and gold Camp Olympia T-shirt that he wore beneath his father's old orange and blue jacket. Around his head was a white headband keeping his unruly blond hair from his face. There was a metal plate attached to the front with a spiraling leaf carved into it.
"Hey, I think that kid looks familiar…" Leo mused playfully.
"Not again." Thalia grumbled, her freckled cheeks heating up. Gods, she already felt a migraine from the ribbing she was going to get.
The boy was none other than Bolt Uzumaki, Legacy of Apollo and Zeus, Genin of Konoha.
"Yeah, my legacies are awesome, just like me!" Apollo said, buffing his nails on his chest.
"Yeah, that Octavian kid sure was awesome." Ares grinned.
"That so doesn't count!"
"That is disgusting."
Bolt's smile fell and he got back to his feet, dusting his pants off as he did. He turned and glowered at the white hooded girl, whose pale blue eyes surrounded by a light application of some kind of eye makeup – Bolt was a guy, he didn't know what that stuff was; his mom and sister didn't use any
"What a waste," Aphrodite said, frowning. "They would look so much better if they did. Even if it matched that gaudy silver you like to wear."
Thalia rolled her eyes. She was so done with hearing the Love Goddess speak. If only someone had a way to silence her for a bit. Like a steel plate over her mouth, or maybe a cone of light that kept anything within quiet.
"Applying chemical paste to one's face for aesthetic attraction is stupid and pointless," Artemis said dryly.
"You're ignorant, Artemis."
"And you don't know what words mean, Aphrodite."
– glared back at him.
She had slightly heeled shinobi sandals, shinobi slacks and her budding curves were hidden by the white hoodie that had the emblem of Suna plastered on the shoulders. Her blond hair was kept mostly out of her face due to her Sunagakure no Sato hetai-ite. Were it not for the fact that she was a girl and his personal Nemesis, he would've found her (maybe, but kind of not really, but then again a little) pretty cute.
"Heh, he's got some good taste. Desert flowers are really pretty." Apollo grinned.
"Seems like someone has a bit of an Oedipus complex," Piper said with a grin aimed at the Hunter.
"One: Ew. Two, he's not real. He won't ever be real. So your little "fun" doesn't bother me anymore, McLean. Deal with it," Thalia said dryly.
"...Aw, I was looking forward to being an uncle…"
"Shut up, Jason."
"That's life outside, Yodo.
"Yoda?" Percy asked.
"No. Yodo." Annabeth corrected him.
"...Japanese is weird."
What's really disgusting is the stuff you're poisoning your ears with," he said. His face twisted into a disgusted scowl when he heard the faint scream-o that came from her ear buds. "How can you listen to that garbage?"
"Oh, here we go…" Hermes groaned.
"I just don't get it! They're screaming! In your ear! With music! Why is it enjoyed!? They ruin parties!" Dionysus complained.
"It's a taste you have to become accustomed to, D," Apollo said. He rubbed his head. "Took me a few years to come to terms with it."
"It is not garbage, thunderhead!" Yodo snapped. The thirteen-year-old put her hands on her hips and glared daggers at him. For a brief moment, Bolt was reminded of his mother whenever she was really mad at him.
"I am nothing like that." Thalia glared at her supposed son.
"Of course you're not, Thalia," Annabeth said, failing to conceal a smile. To be fair, she wasn't actively trying.
Like the time he accidentally set her jacket on fire – how was he supposed to know it wasn't flame retardant?
"Because labels you dingus~!" Piper chirped with a laugh.
Thalia was baring her teeth. He set her jacket on fire!? Is nothing sacred? Her other better have grounded him for at least a year!
"It's music! I thought you of all people would know that, legacy."
Bolt's eyes narrowed and static danced between his fingertips.
"It's because I am a legacy that I say it's not! It's just noise!"
"Oh for the love of – Konohamaru-sensei, just kill me now!" a tired green-eyed boy groaned.
"I like this kid's style," Hermes grinned.
"Konohamaru...that's that kid who Naruto was close to, right? In the second book?" Jason asked.
"The scarf one, right? I think so." Piper hummed. "I thought he was a teacher in the school."
"Guess he got demoted," Percy said.
"I think it would be a promotion if he's teaching a squad in the field," Annabeth said.
"He got stuck with trying to keep an eye on Thalia and Apoluto's kid. I'd think that's a demotion," her boyfriend said with a shrug.
Annabeth laughed while Thalia gave her cousin the stink eye.
He was dressed in a beige long-sleeved shirt, his Konoha hetai-ite tied around his arm. He wore the standard dark slacks and his ears were pierced with studs, a right of passage in his clan. The boy was looking at the lone adult among the group. "It's less bothersome than having to listen to these two argue over music. Again."
"Ah, laziness. I can relate to that well." Leo smirked as he laid back.
"You and I both, Leon Valedictorian," Dionysus said.
"Shush, Shikadai. Let your sensei enjoy the show." Konohamaru Sarutobi, dressed in the standard Konoha Jonin attire with a navy blue scarf around his neck, grinned. He leaned back against a tree and crossed his arms over his chest.
"He's got the right idea," Dionysus said with a smirk. "Nothing more entertaining than watching brats argue."
"Fist fights are more fun to watch." Ares protested.
"Hm, that is true."
Good, Bolt thought, his glare still locked with Yodo's, now I can finally shut y-!
An explosion from somewhere in the wood made the four shinobi burst into action. Bolt and Yodo were overtaken by their sensei while Shikadai kept with the standard Nara man's tradition. Yodo glanced back at him with a smirk on her face.
"You're not purposefully trying to fall behind are you?" she asked. "I'll tell Temari-shishou."
"Bothersome bitch..."
"Mouthy isn't he?" Ares chuckled.
"What a rude little boy," Hestia said, frowning.
"She knows that they're possibly thirteen, right?" Reyna asked softly.
"I don't think that really matters to her." Nico muttered.
"What was that?!"
"Nothing, Yodo-san. Nothing at all."
"Wise boy, keep your mouth shut." Hermes nodded his head.
Bolt snickered at his teammates' byplay. Though they weren't related, Yodo was the live-in student of Temari Nara, being one of the experimental exchange students between the Five Shinobi Villages.
"That's interesting. The Alliance has lasted a generation thus far," Athena said.
"Lame!" Ares groaned.
Her technique and expertise with wind nature was matched only by Bolt's own natural affinity towards it. As a live-in student, Yodo treated Shikadai more like a sibling than a teammate or friend.
"Oh crap," Konohamaru said as he perched himself on a high branch overlooking a clearing. The three younger students stopped beside him and he looked down at the blond boy. "I see two kids fighting mismatched Zetsu clones..."
"What is a Zit-sue?" Percy asked.
"According to the annotation, it's a carnivorous plant-like being that acts as a spy..." Hestia muttered.
"I wonder who it works for?"
"You be quiet, Hades!" Demeter sneered at her brother.
Bolt furrowed his brows and peered down at the area. For a moment, he saw the same, but then the white-skinned plant-beings were replaced with ugly brown humanoids. They were naked. With, er, male anatomy swinging about.
"Why are they naked?! Just, why!?" Piper groaned. So many unpleasant memories had come forward from that scene.
"Beauty Queen, just do like I do and repress it." Leo offered, tossing some popcorn into his mouth.
"Well, Thunderhead, what are they?" Yodo asked.
"Earthborn," Bolt said, grimacing. His sensei groaned and the two other genin shuddered.
"Bothersome. What about the kids? Are they from the 'States?" Shikadai asked.
"Not sure. Can't get a good bead on them. Their kunai are definitely not kunai." Bolt squinted, trying to see through the Mist as best as he could. Legacies had a bit of difficulty when the Mist was actively trying to conceal things from mortals. Monsters were easier to see, because they were threats, but specifics of immortals or demigods were hit-and-miss.
"Should we send for one of the D-Squads?"
"...That is the most ridiculous name for a group I have ever heard…" Athena deadpanned.
"Percy must have come up with it," Thalia said, smirking. "Or inspired Naruto."
The demigods snickered while Percy glowered at his cousin.
"Hey, my kid is great at naming things because I'm great at naming things!" Apollo argued.
"That is not how it works." Artemis deadpanned.
"How would you know?"
Yodo asked, looking up at Konohamaru. He hummed in thought and Bolt bristled.
"Give me a second, okay! I can do this!" He grumbled. He squinted a bit harder and then scowled. "Gods dammit, I can't see anything from up here. Back in a sec!"
"What-? Wait, Bolt!" Konohamaru reached for the boy, missing him by inches. He groaned into his hand and then looked at the sky. "Ugh, I wasn't that bad, was I, Ebisu-sensei?"
Bolt dropped from one branch to the next, a determined gleam in his eye. His gaze is unmoved from the supposed demigods, and his pace hastened when their visage flickered and silver became more apparent in their color scheme, as well as their feminine features. On the third branch from the forest floor, still about thirty feet from the ground, he caught himself and held his hand out. Sparks danced above his palm as a sphere began to take form. It grew until it was the size of a golf ball, sparking and whistling as it spun.
"Ha, look at that. A lightning variation it seems." Zeus rumbled in interest.
"Yes, yes. Very nice and shiny, Zeus." Poseidon rolled his eyes at his brother.
Bolt leapt from his perch and dove down onto the nearest Earthborn.
"Heads up! Raiton: Chibitama Rasengan!"
His technique pierced through the back of the Earthborn's head, the body exploding into bits and pieces of dirt. Bolt rolled through the debris and stood his ground, his back to the two girls, while two more sparking orbs grew in either palm.
"Boruto Uzumaki?" One of the girls asked. Her previously empty hands were suddenly filled with silver hunting blades. Bolt chanced a glance over his shoulder and grinned.
"Hey, Aunt Phoebe! Mind if we drop in?" he asked.
"He did not just say that," Artemis said. She groaned into her hand. "Oh, why?"
"He's punny! He truly is my grandson!" Apollo beamed to the point even a dimmer couldn't help.
"Hades?" Zeus asked.
"Oh, with pleasure."
Apollo was suddenly engulfed in a pillar of shadows. "Hey! Who turned out the me?"
"Zeus, what do you say?" Hestia pushed. The King's face contorted into a twisted and pained grimace.
"No, thank you, Zeus. I believe that was the most entertaining thing I've ever seen in my life," Hades said, chuckling.
Zeus simmered while Poseidon let out belly shaking laughs.
"'We'?" The other girl and Phoebe repeated dubiously. A sharp whistle in the air was their only warning before a barrage of winds decimated three of the Earthmen. Yodo landed on their other side, her small battle fans unfolded to reveal three purple moons.
"Three to one. I'm winning, Thunderhead."
"It's not as satisfying as Porcupine Face, but I still like it." Percy decided with a nod.
"No one asked for your input, Percy," Thalia growled.
"I dunno, I think Princess is the best." Nico hummed.
"Death Breath, I will shove you back into that hotel so fast that Chronos will have to slow time down just to see it!"
"Yeah, yeah. Whatever, Thunderhead."
"Shut up, Yodo." Bolt grumbled, his ears burning. He could imagine the smug smirk on her face. Oh, it was all he could do to not smack it off! (Doing so now would probably get him killed – Aunt or not, Phoebe did not find any amusement in an attack on a girl. Playful or otherwise.)
"Who do thou think thou art?" the other girl asked. Bolt paled and his Raiton: Chibitama Rasengan almost faltered before it collided with the Earthborn. What was Zoë Nightshade doing here? As far as he knew, his great-aunt's lieutenant never parted from the Hunt unless Artemis ordered her to specifically.
"...Did you get kidnapped?" Apollo asked, a slow grin spreading across his face. "Don't worry sis, I'll help save you again."
"For the last time, I was not kidnapped!" Artemis snapped. "I exchanged my safety for one of my Hunters and Annabeth Chase."
"You were totally kidnapped." Ares snickered.
"Wow, and I thought that Engrish was insulting," Yodo said with a snort.
"Engrish has given us so much though." Apollo said, "Just look at JoJo! The references, I swear."
"Thou finds my speech insulting? Thou must not be familiar with a mirror."
"Oh, Hoover Dam." Percy blinked. "Zoë dished out a burn."
"Someone check the temperature in Hell, because I think it just froze over," Hermes said.
"No, that's not due until next week," Hades said.
Two sun-blotted blue eyes snapped open, incredibility dancing within them as a thought echoed in his head.
Holy crap, when and how does ZoëNightshade of all people learn to dish out a burn? And why am I not there to see it!?
"Because you have stupid weird dreams of crazy." Thalia muttered, but did find it amusing that Zoë of all people could dish it out.
Now she kind of wanted to be there to see it.
"That's what snapped you out of that vision?" The amused query came from a past life that manifested itself in front of Naruto. Helios had his arms crossed and a bemused smile was on his face. He shook his head. "And I thought that I had the weirdest dreams."
Shut up. Naruto thought, a small scowl on his face. He felt slight discomfort in his shoulders and took in his predicament. His arms were, once again, chained up above him, one wrist crossed over the other. His left eye twitched in annoyance. Seriously? Again with the chains? Well, at least I'm not naked this time.
"Don't count your blessings just yet, Kid." Helios had his arms crossed across his chest before one gestured to their surroundings.
"He has blessings?" Hazel questioned lightly.
"No. Not really." Frank told her. "It's a phrase."
"I was making a joke, Frank."
"...I knew that."
Naruto looked around and frowned at what seemed to be the interior of a trailer truck. Littered throughout the trailer were furs of various bears, mostly that of the Polar Bear. He heard two soft groans as the trailer ran over a bump and to his left he saw Mark and Hazel. Both were in the same predicament as he was.
"If you're planning to escape, you might want to reconsider," the aged elegance that suddenly boomed into the world made his spine shake.
A tall figure, crouched within the trailer, approached from the shadowed walls to the left, blocking the exit that would lead to freedom. His eyes were a cold silver, like the moon on a clear winter night, and his upper face was scarred, while a well-kept blue-white beard covered the lower portion. Not as bad as Ares', but just enough to show how durable he was. Though crouched, the figure's posture was that of a confident combatant.
The massive being, while not gigantic, was intimidating. His armor was a glistening black – Stygian metal, Naruto thought – that was shaped to resemble a bear. A polar bear's skin was pulled over the metal, giving an even further intimidating visage. The white fur was spread out in patches to emphasize how much, or in some places how little, protection there was. The bear's head seemed to meld with the helm the being wore.
"Oh." Apollo's smile dimmed as Artemis' features turned into worry. "I forgot he was chasing them."
"As did most of us," Hera said, frowning along with the other gods.
"Wonderful." The king of Olympus grunted. As if having his own father to deal with wasn't enough. Now there was Leto's father in the mix.
It was the smile that scared Naruto most, though. It wasn't a particularly toothy smile, nor was it gnarled and deformed. The reason he trembled from it was due to how much the smile resembled his own, how much the smile resembled his father's. A smile that showed how handsome a man could be, while at the same time concealing the frightening power of a well-hidden and cunning mind.
"K-Koios." The stutter was impossible for him to keep from leaving his mouth. His great-grandfather regarded him with that smile, not once breaking it.
"Greetings, demigod." Koios didn't particularly spit the name in disgust, but he clearly had some reservations about the species. His smile remained in place as he stood, his head tilted and his back not entirely straight, within the cramped confines of the trailer. His hands folded behind his back. "If that even is what you are. You are he, yes? The one they call 'Heir'?"
"It's in the title, so yes." Jason nodded.
"Don't be a smart mouth, Jason," Hera said.
Naruto swallowed and nodded. He didn't feel like he was in danger, but that was in the sense of one who climbed a tree just to say he could. Oh, the danger was present, but whether he succumbed to it or not was entirely up to him.
"Show me."
It wasn't a request.
"No, duh." Dionysus said.
Wordlessly, Helios' power flowed from within and his body was enveloped in light. The blue suns in his eyes watched the Titan of the North, who began to examine his form. After what felt like forever, the Titan pulled away. His smile remained in place before he too began to glow. The Aurora Lights seemed to fill the truck as Koios unleashed his power. The arms' distance between them wasn't much, but it was enough for Naruto, especially in 'God Mode', to understand where he stood in the grand scheme of things.
"A bit low tier, but soon you'll be out of the little leagues." Ares said mockingly.
Atlas was a second generation Titan. Second, as in, not the original. He was mighty, he was strong, but he was not the mold.
"Still a jerk." Annabeth grumbled.
"That's true," Percy said.
Helios was a second generation Titan turned God, his power came from two sources, but his worship was small. His fading was evidence to this.
"And he will be missed." Apollo sniffed.
Hestia let out a soft scoff as she turned the page. She wouldn't shed more than a tear for Helios. He was such a horrible influence on her nephew.
Koios was a Titan. From the original breed, born of Gaea herself, one of the few who cut down the sky at her demand. He was prophetic, intelligent, and powerful. He gave counsel to his brothers and sisters, and fought against the Elder Gods.
In short: Koios' power was Maximum.
"...Beg pardon?" Zeus asked, sparks emanating from his person.
"Well, to be fair, he isn't wrong," Hades muttered. "They are in Canada. Our influence there is not as strong as it is in the Continental U.S."
"Speak for yourself. I happen to have quite the following up there," Apollo said. "A lot of musicians come from Canadia."
"Lord Apollo? We really don't like it when people call it that," Frank said.
"Pfft, shows what you know."
What Naruto released was a candle's flame compared to the raging snowstorm that was Koios. He would be snuffed out in a millisecond, maybe even half that, if he tried a direct assault. He saw, from the corner of his eyes, thick ice enveloping Mark and Hazel from the waist down and slowly rising. He cut off his exposure and the winter air barreled past his normally high tolerance.
Thankfully, Koios capped off his power and the frigid chill receded as did the Aurora. His smile remained as did his posture.
"You are powerful, Heir. This is true," the Titan said. He lifted a hand and began to inspect his nails. The not as powerful as I am remained unspoken.
"Why all the posturing?" Percy grumbled with an eye roll. "Every immortal I've met, it was always the same, they always postured and proclaimed their power. Right up until I kicked their butts or humiliated them. "
"Because we are, Prissy." Ares sneered at him. "And I don't remember you doing either against me."
"Sure. Okay." The son of Poseidon replied mockingly.
"I cannot think of a time where you fought or humiliated me, either," Athena said.
"Uh, well we were on a time limit-"
"I fail to recall suffering a defeat at your hands," Hera said.
"That's because-"
"I don't remember any fight against you, Percy Jackson," Artemis said.
"Yeah, I would remember that, too." Apollo nodded.
"...I get it…"
"Really, Percy, I don't think that you've ever tried to-" Poseidon began, smiling at his son.
"Dad! Alright, I get it!" Percy groaned. He crossed his arms and pouted while the other demigods snickered or grinned at his suffering. Some friends they were.
Koios glanced back at the two half frozen demigods. "So, going so far as to procure Roman allies? I had not thought the Olympians would think themselves so weak."
"They don't, but we Demigods know we need all the help we can get," Naruto said. All of his muster went into not stuttering.
"Can't fault him for that," Jason said. "Titans, the big Titans, have an aura about them. Krios always made me second guess myself."
"Luke didn't," Percy said.
"That's because he was housing the essence of a Titan, Percy," Annabeth said.
"Bob did, too. Though, you were already wigged from the Underworld. And you were poisoned," Thalia said.
"And she was obsessed with pushing the boulder." Nico pointed out.
"I was so close! I could've done it!"
"The Gigantes could swing to your aid and still you would never conquer us," Koios said. Arrogant, confident, it was hard to say, but the warrior in him refused to let the slight stand.
"Your arrogance is your weakness," Naruto said. I should quote more Luke Skywalker. Especially at Castellan. That'd be funny.
"Overdone." Hermes dryly noted, glaring at his godly brothers.
"Still funny, though," Ares said.
"True that." Apollo snickered.
"A mortal's faith in their allies is theirs," Koios said in turn.
"...Did he just quote Return of the Jedi?" Helios asked, his voice soft.
"Where did he get a copy from?" Apollo demanded.
"I have to reward good behavior somehow," Hades said.
"But with Return of the Jedi?"
"It's still the Underworld, Apollo."
"Indeed I did, Helios. Though, I much prefer Empire Strikes Back. It is quite the importance in any epic conflict to consider that a foe when struck down, will eventually rise again if not killed outright."
"...Is he talking to the inner body spirit dude?" Leo asked with a shudder.
"Ye~p!" Frank nodded.
"And this just got more messed up."
Helios and Naruto went silent at Koios' response. Cold eyes continued to regard them and the smile remained on his face.
"Oh? Did you think you were safe in there? Deep within the folds of the Fade? You are the Titan God of the Sun, a beacon to those gifted with Farsight," the Titan said. "Remind me, how far was it you could see when you were 'alive'? Anywhere on the planet? I could do the same with my eyes closed. A squint and I see the face of that gas ball the mortals named after Jupiter. With one eye wide open I see the vastness of the cosmos, and with both, I see beyond the barriers of that fool Chronos. My dearest Phoebe had a limited Farsight, that which passed from her to Leto and onto my buffoon of a Grandson."
"I am not a buffoon!" Apollo pointed out, but was jotting down on a scratch pad, "But damn if that's not a good quote. Taking it."
"Oh, wonderful. Can't wait to hear it again after the ninety-sixth time," Hephaestus grumbled.
Naruto wanted to interject, to defend his father, but his survival instincts told him that this was one monologue that would cost him his life if it was interrupted.
"The only one who had a shred of my ability was Asteria, alas, she remained with her mother to hone it," Koios said, his smile falling and a faraway look in his eye. A beat passed, along with a bump in the road, before he regained his smile and focused back on Naruto. "You recall those visions of yours, which you assumed to come from Helios' awakening? Asteria was trying to help you, but she cannot see the fixed lines, for she, like her mother, is secluded, withdrawn from interaction. I, however, foresaw all of this, including our conversation now, Great-Grandson.
"I call out a big fat B to the S on that!" Apollo interjected with a scowl. "No one can see that far ahead! I've tried, but The Fates-!"
"Were born after the Titanomachy." Zeus cut in. He gave a knowing look to his son. "They weave the strings of mortals, Apollo. Immortal fates are much harder to predict. Which is why we use mortals to keep an eye out."
"Yet still question them or outright ignore them when they try to warn us."
"Poseidon, confound it, it was your son! You can listen to him all you want, but I will not be swayed by words brought about by a mortal child who just learned of us!"
"...That was almost a reasonable answer," Hades said. He leaned over to Poseidon and mock whispered. "I think he's finally learning."
"Prepare the bunker," Poseidon returned in the same poorly hushed tone.
"Oh the both of you can kiss the dark side of Tartarus' rear!"
I saw Kronos' fall during the Titanomachy. Whilst imprisoned in Tartarus I saw the dismal ages of suffering that came with Zeus' rule, the pain bestowed upon my children at his hands and just as I was about to admit defeat, to beg mercy and proclaim fealty to my nephew to stop it from happening, to protect that which was mine, I saw where it turned on its head."
Koios grabbed Naruto's head in one hand, the Titan's skin as cold as ice, and he leaned in so that their noses nearly touched. It was at this proximity that exposed a madness in his gaze, one that even Dionysus could not bestow on another. Naruto swallowed as the Titan continued his rant, his pearl white teeth exposed in a crazed smile.
"It's passable." Dionysus shrugged. "Seen better."
"Yeah, not as crazed as mine when I'm in the zone!" Ares bragged.
"That is unfortunately very true."
"Every moment, to this second, was clear to me! I saw Apollo punished for his idiocy! I witnessed the day of your birth, the tragedy which welcomed you into a world of suffering!" Koios' excitement dwindled and he recomposed himself. He pulled away, and released Naruto's head. Then, once more, he spoke. "I watched you, Great-Grandson, and realized what would come. It is here, in this moment, where that linear path I can see branches. Where it becomes fogged beyond my sight. This has happened only once before, and that was when Kronos introduced his new hire Zeus to us."
"...Zeus freed his siblings..." Naruto said, realizing that was the turning point for the Titans. The moment Zeus rescued his siblings was the moment that secured their victory.
"Heh." Zeus smiled smugly.
"Yes Brother, thank you ever so much for doing the right thing after Mother asked you to." Poseidon rolled his eyes.
"After all, you would have never won without us." Hades snidely added, earning a scathing look from their King.
"And you'd still be having stomach acid baths."
Poseidon muttered, "At this point? It'd be preferable than to listen to you."
"And so it starts. Again." Hera mused, already deep in her own cup of nectar.
"Every day I wish I could go back and tell myself to kill him the second he stepped into sight," Koios said. He brought a hand to his head and rubbed it. "I could see what would have happened if Zeus let his disguise fall a moment too soon, I see the Gods finally digesting within Kronos' fat stomach, and I see a world where my children live, happy, healthy...and not faded. Rhea eventually kills Kronos, the strife of a mother, but she is forgiven. My remaining brothers and I spread our influence among the planet's humans, occasionally clashing, but for the most part, we rule supreme, and Titans remain dominant over the land."
"Forgive me if I take humans' suffering as a problem with your proposed 'paradise'," Naruto said. He could see where this was going without having to delve into any latent prophetic ability. This was easily the most long-winded speech to get him to switch sides since – well, since Pein tried to do it several years ago.
"Why do bad guys try to sway us?" Hazel asked in confusion.
"It all goes back to Star Wars," Leo started.
"Way earlier than that, Leo Valdez." Hermes corrected.
"Fine. Before Star Wars," the son of Hephaestus rolled his eyes. He shrugged. "It's just fun for them to be proven right and get people to join their cause, I guess."
"That's weird."
"And welcome to our reality, Hazel. It's a loopy place."
"Of course you would. There is no such thing as utopia for humanity, boy." Koios snapped. "Yours is a flawed replica of a perfect slave. Zeus was a fool to kill the Men of Gold."
"That was necessary, the Men of the Gold Age were loyal to Kronos and only Kronos. I told one to get me a drink once and it ignored me outright!" Helios grumbled. He tilted his head. "I'll concede to the 'fool' part, though.
"Oh, I wish I could have seen it. Our beloved King intentionally acting like a fool, " Poseidon said whimsically. "I'm sure it was spectacular."
"I hate you so much, Poseidon." Zeus forced out through clenched teeth.
He made a great fool at that dinner...before he made Kronos' puke. ...Nah, I'll count that."
"Helios, you're not helping–"
A hard backhand made Naruto see stars. His jaw hurt something fierce after the blow and all thoughts were put on the proverbial backburner while the nerves in his right cheek sent alarm after alarm to his brain by the way of a constant throb.
"Focus, boy," Koios growled. He grabbed the blond's face in his hand and forced their eyes to meet. "You will join me or die. The choice is yours. Now, choose!"
"I choose option C." Leo decided.
"Which is?" Piper asked.
"Batman rescue, duh."
"That would be the worst twist of all time. Awesome though it sounds," Apollo said, rubbing his chin.
"...I would love...a big bowl of ramen..." Eyes that were beginning to roll into their sockets accompanied the slurred words.
"He is either the dumbest or the bravest hero you've ever sired," Athena said.
"You're just jealous of my kid's swagger!"
"Weakling." The Titan sneered and released the Demigod's head. "That was but a fraction of my might. I suppose I'll have to convince you through other means."
"...Be...the greatestest...'ttebayo..." The last word was whispered out before Naruto's eyes closed.
"We shall try again another time then," Koios said. He walked to the back of the trailer, vanishing as he entered the shadows.
"I think he's gone," Helios said after a few minutes passed. Naruto snorted.
"Wow. I wasn't even trying. You know, I kind of expected a little more from one of the original Titans. Kind of disappointed," he said. An overwhelming frigid air filled the trailer and with it came the same weight of power that was released moments ago. Naruto gulped. "Oh, that was a trap, wasn't it?"
"There's a no duh moment, I just know it." Percy rolled his eyes.
"I think we can all see that, Seaweed Brain." Annabeth quipped.
Sure enough, as soon as he cracked an eye open, he stared into the Titan of the North's cold eyes.
"You chose poorly," Koios said.
"No! Now who's going to save Sean Connery?!" Apollo wailed.
"Man, after what you let happen to the fourth one, it's probably for the best," Hermes said.
"For the last time, that's not my call!"
"Yeah, that falls under the God of Theater's domain," Poseidon said, grinning.
"Just ...so much." Zeus rumbled.
A sword, easily the size of a surfboard, appeared in his hand. It was the made of the same black material as his armor. The Titan pulled his sword back, the tip aligned with the demigod's gut. "Now. Die."
"...It's been nice knowing you, kid. Look on the bright side, at least we're not going to die virgins!"
See you on the other side, Helios. Naruto's eyes scrunched closed and he braced himself for the impalement. He heard Koios armor shift as the blade was thrust forward and he flinched out of reflex. A beat passed. ...Pretty sure I should be in agonizing pain right now.
"Kid...You won't believe this..." Helios sounded awed. "Open your eyes."
"And face the music." Ares grinned.
Naruto did, first cracking one open again. Then it and the other shot to dinner plate proportions at what he saw. The bastard of a blade was shattered to just a few inches shy of the hilt, the Stygian Iron that forged it blocked by a thin layer of energy.
"Impossible..." Koios stared at the shattered tip of his sword. He looked back at the barrier that had erected itself around the demigods. "How-Why...I have so many questions!"
"You and me both," Naruto said, just as lost as the Titan was.
"So that wasn't him? And here I thought he was the perfect demigod," Percy said.
"Says the one with the broken healing ability," Thalia said.
"So eager to defend your boy-oof!"
Thalia had, somehow, managed to leap from her seat and tackled her cousin to the ground before he could finish his comeback. Before he could retort, she pressed a hunter's knife against his throat and glared with sparking eyes into his.
"I am so sick of that stupid joke!"
"Okay! Okay!" Percy held his hands up in defense. "I won't make that joke anymore! Just, put the knife away before someone gets hurt."
"Why are you so worried? You could probably re-attach your head after a decapitation underwater," Leo said.
"...That gives me a great-!"
"No, Ares." Poseidon and Zeus drawled while their respective demigods returned to their seats.
The trailer's doors exploded open and flew off of their hinges. One bounced and flipped end over end, being impaled on the side of the snow covered road, while the other swung on a stubborn hinge.
Standing at the opening of the doors was a woman. Dark hair was pulled up into a ponytail, a headpiece not unlike Yamato's hetai-ite protected her face, and light golden armor covered her body. Her silver eyes sparkled like stars in the night sky, and on her arm was a massive shield made of Stygian Iron.
"Leto." Koios mumbled. His brow furrowed in confusion.
"Grandma!?" Naruto gaped.
"...I totally forgot how hot she was when she armored up."
"Helios, bro, the Bro-Code says no going after the moms of your bros!" Apollo snapped.
"The exception is 'only if they are a step-mom and wearing at least one article of leopard print clothing.'" Hermes said, reading from a large leather bound text that was labeled 'The Bro-Code'. On the cover was a well dressed man, cupping his chin in one hand while his elbow rested in the other.
"How long has that existed?" Percy asked, looking at it funny.
"Since the dawn of time." Apollo said in a booming voice.
"2004." Athena glared at the book. "That thing takes up so much space on its shelf."
"What? She's a GILF."
"...Uuuuggggggh!" Apollo cried out, his eyes bleeding gold. He began scrubbing at his face with his hands. "Not cool! So not cool!"
Artemis shivered in disgust in her throne.
"That is a thing I will never be able to unhear."
"No kidding!" Apollo blanched.
"That we agree on, Nephew," Artemis said with another shiver.
Leto and Koios ignored the Heir and Helios' commentary, as they continued to stare each other down.
"Do you not remember who I am, Father?" Leto asked. Her voice was calm, not raised in the slightest over the roar of the rushing air behind them.
"You never thought before you acted, Leto." Koios rumbled. He dropped his sword and his hands balled into fists. "Do so now. Lay down your shield, and I will consider forgiving your treachery."
"Very well." Leto grabbed the edge of her shield and pulled it from her arm. She held it at her side and let her head tilt down. "I'm sorry, Father..."
"The shield, Leto–Oof!" Koios doubled over as the golden shield flew into his stomach and knocked him back to the far interior of the trailer.
Leto kept her arm outstretched from her throw, and with a gesture, the shield returned to her hand. She spun with the catch and threw the shield again, where it caught the elder Titan in the chest. He let out a curse in a language that sounded harsh to Naruto's ears. The shield flew back and was thrown again, this time hitting Koios in the face. The Titan dropped to his knee with a yowl.
He was cradling his shattered nose when his daughter threw the shield once more. It caught Koios in the throat, and he fell fully, his hands clasping at the crushed trachea. Pained gasps came from his lips and ichor poured from his mouth. Leto's last throw of the shield knocked him out cold, for it struck him dead center in the forehead. The Titan went limp, breathing nonexistent save for the soft wheezes he let out.
"Dude just got laid flat by a disk." Percy's jaw unhinged.
"That's Mother for you," Artemis sighed as Apollo cackled and cheered.
Her Mother could be so amazing, but also embarrassing. Seriously, what was she wearing?! And people wondered why Wonder Woman was dressed how she was. Most assumed Wonder Woman was based off of Hera or Athena or even Artemis herself. No, she was based off of Leto.
"...Holy shit..." Naruto gaped at the sight of the downed Titan. He yelped when a firm hand suddenly whapped him on the head.
"Language," Leto scolded. She waved her hand and the latches that kept him, Hazel and Mark locked against the side of the trailer came undone. The two other demigods hit the ground with thuds, or would have if Leto had allowed it. Like she did with her grandson. Naruto gracefully dropped to the trailer's floor with a grunt.
"Ha-ha!" Helios laughed, earning a glower from the demigod.
"Hurry," Leto said as she lowered Hazel and Mark to the ground. She glanced at her father. "Father will not be down for long."
"How did you even-?" Naruto began while rising to his feet.
"Find him? That's a good question." Athena hummed.
"Our mother is the sister to the Titan of the Hunt," Artemis said. "And, as Koios stated before, has a limited form of foresight. It would not be impossible for her to track them."
"Now is not the time for questions!" Leto hissed. "Wake the son of Ares and Pluto's daughter, Naruto. We must be swift."
"Yes, Grandma," Naruto said. He hopped to his feet and rushed over to Hazel, jostling her shoulder. She awoke with a start and a punch thrown at his head. Were it not for his trained reflexes, she might've connected. She was ushered over to Leto while Naruto went to Mark, who brushed his attempts to help off.
"What happened? Are we on a truck? Is that a Titan!?" Mark asked, the questions flowing from him almost as fast as they would from a child of Athena. It was impressive for one of Ares' kids actually, since they usually asked: "What are we fighting and how do we kill it?"
"I'm almost impressed," Athena said.
"Fuck you, Owl Pellets."
"In order: We got captured. Yes, we are. And that's Koios. Now we need to go before he wakes up," Naruto said.
"What? And just leave him here? We could kill him-!"
"With our bare hands?! Hate to burst your bubble, Mark, but Koios is too strong for us to try and choke out!" Naruto hissed. He grabbed Mark's shoulder and began pushing him towards the exit. "Now come on! If we're still here when he wakes up, we definitely won't make it back to Camp! And if I die, Lia-chan will kill me!"
"Heh, that's funny for two reasons," Leo said with a grin.
Thalia growled, but kept herself in her seat.
"I fail to see how that's my problem," Mark said dryly. He stared at the shield-bearing woman that was conversing softly with Hazel. "Whoa, who's that?"
"Grandma Leto."
"That's Leto? ...Damn."
"Oi! That's my grandma you're thinking about."
"Talk about a GILF..."
"Okay, he I can smite." Apollo said as he rubbed his hands together.
"Other universe! It doesn't count, Hothead." Ares glared at his brother.
"...Everybody gets one."
"See!? I told you she was a GILF!" Helios crowed.
"I greatly wish to hunt him." Artemis glowered.
"Trust me, Artemis. No matter what you would do to him, he wouldn't flinch," Poseidon said.
"Rhode always did have the most interesting and effective ways to punish her husband," Hera said. She sighed. "Shame she isn't here now, I would be willing to ask her for advice."
Naruto rolled his eyes and gave Mark another shove, the son of Ares staring dumbly at the Titaness. When they gathered around her, she placed a hand on her grandson's shoulder.
Without any warning, she shoved him out of the trailer. Hazel and Mark soon followed, the former screaming as she flew from the mobile truck and the latter still in a daze. Rather than hit the iced over road, the three landed on what had to be the largest trio of wolves that had ever been seen. Oh, Artemis' hunters had large grey wolves by their side, but those were simply adolescents compared to the canines that caught Naruto, Hazel and Mark.
"What are these things?" Mark asked, which got a snarl from the massive creature he rode with. He glared at it and noticed the flint-colored eye matching his with displeasure. "Yeah, fuck you, too. Bitch."
"Now how does he even know its female? Could be a guy." Frank shook his head.
"What? Should he lean over to check what its packing?" Leo asked with a snort.
"No, it's just rude to assume one's gender."
"Please do not antagonize the giant wolves that are saving us," Naruto said, trying to keep most of his weight off of the sleet colored wolf. He looked up at the trailer when it began to pull away. Leto remained in the truck's bed, watching them from the edge. She held Naruto's gaze for a moment with a smile on her face and he immediately understood what she planned to do.
Grandma… he thought, closing his eyes and fighting back the tears that threatened to stream forward. He opened them and returned the smile with a look of fierce determination. To show her he would go along with this, but not forget about her.
Leto's smile never dropped, even as she gave a nod to the wolf he was on. At that signal, the wolf craned its head – which was easily the size of Naruto's torso – up and released a howl. A howl in the distance returned the call. The sleet-colored wolf and the two other wolves broke into the woods, running at speeds that only bipeds could dream of reaching.
"I feel so insulted. And overlooked. ...I really need to start stealing things again…" Hermes grumbled.
"Wait, what about Leto?" Hazel asked, looking back towards the road. She pulled herself close to the massive albino wolf that carried her.
"She'll be okay," Naruto said. He looked away and added under his breath, "I hope."
"How did she even know where to find us?"
"Leto is Protector of the Young," Mark said. He shrugged off the looks he got. "I had to do a project on her back in Middle School. It was the first B minus I ever got. Mom took me out to a range after that. Course, then we got attacked by fucking werewolves of all things, but what can you do?"
"A 'B Minus'?" Naruto asked.
"I forgot to censor myself during the presentation."
"You can censor yourself?"
"That's bull, no kid of mine should censor himself."
"Fuck you!"
"Much better!" Ares nodded.
"Such crass language." Hestia murmured in distaste.
"And my hopes were dashed before they could even take flight," Naruto sighed. He glanced over at the daughter of Pluto, who seemed a bit pale – likely from Mark's casual cussing –
Hades' obsidian gaze shifted to Ares' wrapped around shades.
"...You never had a problem with that before!" Ares protested.
"Now I do."
"Double standards…"
before he looked down at the wolf he rode. "Any chance you can talk?"
The wolf continued to run, weaving through trees like they weren't even there, and ignored him.
"Yeah, I didn't think so," he sighed. He looked over at his fellow demigods as they came up on his left, both clinging to their wolves like he was. "Better hang on, guys, I don't think we're going to be let off any time soon."
As they rode the wolves deeper into the woods, Naruto wondered how the Camp was faring.
"Probably not so good." Percy wagered.
"Yeah, Thalia is learning how to make lightning clones. We're doomed." Nico nodded.
"I hate you both." Thalia grumbled, glowering at her cousins.
"Right back at you, Thunder Head."