Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or Percy Jackson and the Olympians/Heroes of Olympus.
Reading: Sun's Heir, Death's Guardian III: The Argonauts
Prelude: Phoebe's Gift
A new book appeared before the audience.
"Finally," Apollo smiled, no more Dite's kid. It was his kid's time to shine!
"Aren't you happy, Thalia?" Annabeth asked with a grin as the hunter glared at her with a grumpy look.
"Shut up, Annie."
"So, who's reading?" Apollo asked.
"I will." Jason said.
"Alright, good man." the sun god nodded.
After he cleared his throat, Jason began to read of the new and final adventure of Apollo's son.
The sun shone brightly down into the window of a bedroom. A young boy with wild blond hair groaned and rolled onto his stomach. He grabbed a pillow and pulled it onto his head. The pillow warmed too quickly and the boy yelped. He tossed his pillow at the window and scowled at the current bane of his existence.
"Alright, alright, geez, I'm up," he said. The sunlight died down and he sighed.
Apollo snickered. He loved doing that to people.
"So, where's Naruto?" Percy asked, not that he really cared.
"A new challenger has appeared." Leo said in a deep voice.
He rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom across the hall. His hand grabbed onto the doorknob and jostled it. Nothing.
"It's occupied, dork!" A girl's voice called from within.
"Ah, siblings hogging the bathroom." Apollo nodded. "Never had to deal with that with Arte. She always went outside."
"Why you-!" Artemis started to strangle her twin for having the very nerve of mentioning that! She was a hunter, true, but she never-she didn't go outside!
"Artemis." Zeus said tiredly as Apollo started to turn blue. "Enough."
Artemis mouthed 'I'll get you later.'
Apollo blew her a kiss. Adding more fuel to the fire, yes. Well worth it? Double yes.
He groaned and pounded on the door. "Hurry up, will ya? I've gotta pee!"
The loud whirr of a fan caused the girl to shout. "Go use another bathroom then, this one is occupied!"
He pounded on the door again. "How long have you been in there?"
"None of your business! Now beat it before I call Mom!"
"I'll tell!" Piper snickered.
Resigned to his defeat, he walked down the hall to the stairs. The floorboards creaked and protested against his steps, but he ignored them and continued on. The smell of cooking meat filled the air and the sound of something sizzling hit his ears.
"Bacon..." The guys said, each with a dreamy smile on their face.
"Gross." Piper gagged. "Those poor pigs."
The bathroom could wait. Food was needed. Now.
"Like every boy." Artemis rolled her eyes. "They think with their stomachs."
"Damn right," Apollo said.
"Morning," he said as he came into the kitchen and plopped into a chair.
The cook smiled lightly. "Morning, Bolt."
"Bolt?" Hades asked dryly. He snorted. "What shmuck would damn their child, Bolt?"
"I think it's a fine name." Zeus huffed.
"Yes. Because naming Percy "Fish" would have been just as fine." Poseidon rolled his eyes as Percy paled at the very thought.
"Bacon and eggs, again?" Bolt sounded a bit disappointed.
The cook turned and narrowed two purple eyes at him. "Do you have something against bacon?"
"No, but this is like the third time in a row," Bolt said. "How many pigs did you kill to get all the bacon?"
"Piper, get off the soapbox." Leo rolled his eyes. Piper just stuck her tongue out at him.
The cook huffed. "Personally, I didn't kill any. I did pay a farmer for the meat though, so take your beef up with him."
Apollo chuckled. "Ba-dump bump."
"That was bad," Bolt said. He failed to hide his snicker.
The cook tittered as she made a plate. "Still made you laugh, didn't it? Where's your sister?"
"Hogging the bathroom," Bolt said. A plate was set in front of him and he smiled. "Thanks, Baachan!"
Kushina smiled back at him. "Anytime, Nikkō."
"Waifu?" Apollo gasped. "What's she doing with this new kid?"
"Shut up and we'll see." Athena told him.
Bolt pouted. "Baachan, I'm eight years old, don't call me that anymore."
"But you'll always be my little sunlight, Nikkō," Kushina gave him a tight hug.
"Aww," Annabeth said. "That's adorable."
She kissed him on the head, making him whine. "You've got a test today, eat your breakfast and then go get ready."
"Hai, Baachan," Bolt said. He ate an egg and then went back upstairs to prepare for the day.
Muffled rock music came from the other side of the door with various signs that either said "No Dorks Allowed" or "Keep Out"
"Typical sister stuff." Leo nodded. Nyssa was like that, too.
and in the center was a poster for an old rock band called AC/DC.
"Girl's got good taste." Thalia smirked.
Bolt had heard a few of their songs before thanks to a few archaic things called CDs he got from his grandfather.
Apollo rubbed his chin, a smile slowly splitting his face as he made the connections between all the clues.
They weren't bad, but it was really weird to play one.
Bolt went into the bathroom with his chosen attire and showered. When he stepped out, he took a moment to look over himself in the mirror. Unruly blond hair that made him look like he was struck by lightning, blue eyes that were on the edge of being either electric or the same shade as the sky, and two whisker marks that covered either cheek.
"Wait, whisker marks? Blue eyes boarding electric or sky blue, blond hair…" Annabeth trailed off with a grin.
Thalia choked on air and started to pale. "No way."
"Yes!" Aphrodite beamed wickedly.
Zeus huffed angrily while Apollo beamed.
"Awesome! A grandkid!"
He then made a few faces before brushing his teeth. It was the little things in life he did to make himself smile.
Bolt left the bathroom fresh and clean, with a white T-shirt that had a small spiraling flame on it and black shorts that had pockets to hide all his troublemaking gear. He had a big plan for Aburame-sensei and Sarutobi-sensei today. He grabbed the supplies he needed from his room and ran down the stairs, nearly bowling over his sister in the process.
"Watch it, dork! You're going to get someone killed," Joan said.
"Named her after Joan Jett, huh? Nice one." Apollo nodded in approval, while Thalia was still in shock.
Joan was a teenager, having been born five years before him. She was a near carbon copy of their mother; only she had their father's unique eyes and faint whiskers hidden underneath her freckles. Even her personality was the same as their mom's.
"A Thalia clone?!" Nico gasped out.
"Gods save us all." Percy whispered in a mock serious voice. Thalia came back to reality still a bit pale.
"Shut up." She snapped at them. Stupid cousins.
"Maybe if you moved your big butt I wouldn't run into it," Bolt said in return.
"Perfect siblings." Apollo nodded.
"You little-Come here!" Two tanned hands reached out to grab him, but Bolt slipped away and ran into the kitchen, his sister right behind him. Bolt skid to a stop before he could run into the woman giving him the 'Glare of Doom' (patent pending)
"Yeah, that's Thalia's glare, all right."
"Annie!" the red faced hunter cried out.
from the kitchen entryway. She was dressed in formfitting black jeans, a solid black shirt and a white jacket with gold trimming. Her untamed raven locks reached her tense shoulders and two intense eyes glared down at him for daring to run within her home.
"Hot." Leo said, getting glares from Zeus, Artemis, Thalia, and Jason. "What? It's true!" he cried out. Not like Thalia would give him the time of day.
So distracted by this obstacle in his way, Bolt failed to elude his sister, who grabbed him under the head with one arm and proceeded to give him the worst noogie of his life to date with the other hand.
Jason pursed his lips...he wanted a noogie from his sister. He sighed. They've missed so many sibling moments.
"Ow! Joan! Stop!" Bolt struggled to get free from his older sister's wrath.
"You need to learn some manners!" Joan said as she ground her knuckles into his head. There was a sharp whack and Bolt dropped to the ground, his hands on his head. Joan held her own and scowled at her attacker. "Mom! He started it!"
"Arte would say that all the time."
"Because you do, Apollo!"
"And I'm finishing it. Get in the kitchen, both of you."
"But I already ate," Bolt said.
"Kitchen." The electric blue eyes narrowed. "Now."
"Stern mama." Piper whistled, getting a glare from Thalia.
"A heavy hand is important." Reyna idly commented with her lips pursed. She had been updated on her affairs in this story. And currently she was not pleased for her other.
"Yes, Mom." The two siblings quickly took seats at the table across from each other. Bolt tried not to meet Joan's eyes, but he failed in his endeavor and swallowed heavily when she mouthed 'I will get you later.'
"I feel for him." Jason said for his nephew. Thalia was a bit scary.
He made note to stay out of Joan's sight for most of the day until she cooled down.
"Here you are Ran'un." Kushina set a plate down in front of the girl.
Joan frowned. "Baachan..."
"Don't you start too," Kushina said with a smile. "If I can still call your brother Nikkō, you'll still be my little storm cloud."
"Ran'un." Annabeth smirked at Thalia, who scowled.
"I swear Annie, I will tell stories about you as a kid."
"…Still worth it."
Thalia clicked her tongue.
"What's the word for pain in the butt?" Thalia asked with a smirk.
"I thought they called that 'work'?" Kushina smiled and handed a plate over to Thalia, who took it with her left hand, a golden and silver band on the ring finger.
"And canon!" Apollo beamed at seeing his mother's ring.
Thalia nibbled on her lip.
"That's only if you hate your job, Kaachan." A tall man walked into the kitchen, he wore a white flak jacket over a white shirt with a golden Omega on the front. A pair of dark jeans covered his legs and taped around his left thigh was a kunai pouch. The man had short hair and three whisker marks on either cheek, unlike the two that were on Bolt and Joan's.
"…He got even more attractive." Aphrodite said as she ate up the image while Apollo beamed proudly.
Some of the girls blushed and their boyfriends groaned. Leo was outright scowling.
Thalia swallowed heavily.
Thalia turned and smiled lightly. "Morning, Whiskers."
"Morning, Lia-chan." Naruto bent over and gave Thalia a kiss on the lips. Bolt gagged and Joan rolled her eyes. Their parents were so gross sometimes. He grinned when his father put a hand on his head and ruffled his hair. "Morning kids. Ready for the test today, Bolt?"
Bolt grinned. "You bet! I've got it in the bag! Shikadai already gave me the answers!"
"Smart boy," Hermes grinned and gave him a thumbs up.
Naruto grinned back as he pulled out his seat. "Atta boy."
"You really shouldn't encourage their cheating, Naruto," Kushina said, waving her ladle at him.
"If you're not cheating, you're not trying." Joan loosened her headband around her neck and shifted her shoulders to adjust her flak jacket.
"Chunin, huh?" Annabeth smiled. "Guess she's good."
"Damn right," Thalia mumbled. Her cheeks heated at the looks she got. "Shut up."
Naruto beamed at her from where he stood. "That's right, hime."
Bolt snickered. "Yeah, she's a princess, all right."
"Shut up, dork," Joan said. Her sun-like pupils glared at her brother for his mockery.
"I never got to call you dork," Thalia said wistfully to Jason.
"Please don't start," Jason said dryly.
"Shut up, dork."
"Stop fighting at the table," Thalia said around a bite of her bacon.
"Yes Mom." The two siblings settled for glaring at each other.
"Thanks, Kaachan." Naruto took his offered breakfast and set it on the table. "How many more days do you have off?"
"Lady Persephone was kind enough to give me these past three.
"She's sweet like that." Demeter smiled.
I have to leave today, sochi," Kushina said. Naruto smiled sadly and gave her a hug. They held it for a few seconds before Kushina walked around and hugged her grandchildren, kissing both on the side of their heads before she gave Thalia a hug goodbye.
"Same time for Christmas this year?" Thalia asked as they pulled apart.
"Hopefully," Kushina said. She sighed. "That idiot just loves to laze around in the winter."
"Do not." Apollo crossed his arms childishly.
"Do too." Artemis rolled her eyes.
"You always pick on me!"
Artemis cracked a little grin.
"I think it's cool!" Bolt said. "Dark most of the day and bright for a bit, it's like a giant firework!"
"Thank you, Bolt!" Apollo grinned. "He's my favorite legacy."
"That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," Joan said.
"Indeed, Joan." Artemis nodded. "Smart girl, just like her mother."
"Lady Artemis..." Thalia ducked into her jacket.
Now seated at the table, Naruto whacked her hand with his fork. "Be nice."
"Yes, Daddy," Joan said.
"She's a daddy's girl, huh?" Jason smirked.
"With a dad like that, why not?" Piper asked.
She glared at Bolt when he made a victorious face at her.
"Bye!" Kushina exploded in a plume of smoke.
Bolt looked at his father. "When do I get to learn that?"
"After you graduate," Naruto said.
"Boo! Teach him now!" Hermes cried out.
He put his egg between two pieces of toast and went to Thalia's side. He kissed her softly. "I should get going, too. Big day, today. Meeting and all."
"Yeah, yeah. Just get going already." Thalia said with a small smile.
"So eager for me to leave! It's almost scandalous," Naruto said. He chuckled at the frown she gave him and stole another kiss. "Tell your mystery boyfriend I said hello!"
"Like her father," Hera said scathingly under her breath. Zeus gave her a hurt look and Thalia glared at her.
She was nothing like her dad! ...In that sense, anyway.
He vanished in a flash of light.
"That idiot," Thalia said under her breath, her cheeks the lightest tinge of pink. She gave a stern look to her son. "You're not allowed to be like your father when you grow up."
"What? Why?" His dad was awesome!
"Right?!" Apollo nodded. His kid rocked!
"Because he always makes Mom hot and bothered before he leaves." Joan smiled innocently as Thalia glared daggers at her.
"Snarky daughter is snarky." Piper snickered while Thalia groaned.
Even her own kid was against her!
Bolt just looked between them in confusion. "What's that mean?"
"I swear I've seen that look on Percy." Annabeth giggled, getting a dull glare from her boyfriend.
"Thanks." He said as dry as sand.
"You'll find out when you're older, dork," Joan said. She set her plate on the counter and ran for the door. "I'm going out to train with my team! Later Mom, bye Bolt!"
The door was open for a second before she took off to the sky.
"Correction, Thalia Two Point Oh." Nico said.
"Shut up!" Thalia glared at her cousin. She was kind of miffed her daughter could fly while she couldn't. Stupid fear.
Bolt pouted jealously. He wished he could fly like that.
"At least one of them is grounded." Percy grinned. "Eh, eh?"
"Lame." Leo said with a raspberry.
Last time he tried to copy Uncle Jason, he broke his wrist.
"Way to go, Jason," Leo said.
"It wasn't like I was teaching him!"
"Help me do the dishes, Bolt," Thalia said, sighing at her daughter's behavior. "Then you can go to school. And you better stay there."
"Ah, hooky," Hermes said. "I loved creating that."
Athena glared at him. "At least you gave me forewarning so I could make truancy officers."
"Yes, Mom."
"Settle down, settle down." The tall and stoic man that was Aburame Shino, known as Aburame-sensei by the class, looked at his students. His gaze was locked on one student in particular behind his strange glasses.
"Interesting eyewear." Aphrodite said with a wrinkle of her noise.
He turned and nodded to his companion, who shrugged with a carefree smile on his face.
Bolt smiled innocently as he assumed his sensei stared at him. The last thing he needed was to be called out before the fun could really begin. The test was passed out by Sarutobi-sensei and Bolt stared at it for a moment before he looked up at his teachers. Both were sitting down.
"My prank senses, they tingle with delight." Hermes said with a growing smile.
His hands came together in the ram seal and Bolt channeled his chakra to the seals he had slapped under the chairs after school the day before.
Sarutobi-sensei's reaction was the most distracting, but Aburame-sensei was certainly the most entertaining. While Sarutobi-sensei jumped up and hollered while he held his rear end,
"My butt is stunned, I need a Full Heal!" Leo cried out.
Aburame-sensei went stiff as a board and slumped forward.
"He shocked his teachers." Annabeth gasped. Her mother looked livid.
Percy nodded in approval.
Thalia was outright grinning while her two divine brothers laughed.
Bolt grinned at his co-conspirator, who rolled his eyes and pulled out a sheet of paper and handed it across the aisle. He copied the answers word for word and then handed the answer key back.
Thank you, Hermes, Bolt thought.
"Dammit, Herm! He got caught." Apollo frowned at his brother.
"…Well, he should've prayed more!" Hermes said in an effort to defend himself.
"It wasn't me, Sarutobi-sensei!"
"Like that works." Percy scoffed.
"Sir, you have to call his parents! They need to be the ones to discipline him. Nothing we do works," Konohamaru Sarutobi said to the head of the academy.
"Well, didn't he get to be handsome?" Aphrodite asked with a smile.
"I don't have to do anything of the sort." The man had his hands intertwined in front of him, and frowned at Bolt. "You do know what I will do instead, yes?"
It took a few moments, but suddenly Bolt's eyes were wide. "Just call my Mom, please, Umino-jiji! Anything but that!
"I don't know…Thalia seems like the grounding type." Hazel hummed.
"No T.V. or video games!" Leo gasped. "The horror..."
If my dad finds out I'm responsible for that..."
"Yes, Hokage-sama would be displeased at his favorite restaurant's sudden decision to blacklist him," Iruka said.
"Kid's good." Hermes said, looking impressed.
He rubbed his chin. "I suppose the only other option we have...is detention..."
"Yes! Yes, anything but that!" Bolt nodded frantically. The last time his father was kept from Ramen...well...He heard that the village of Iron was a nice looking place.
"Wow, extreme reaction much?" Percy asked.
"Not really with this one," Artemis said with a thumb to her brother.
Iruka smiled at the amused Konohamaru. "See? No fuss necessary. Just send a note for three weeks detention home. For now, let him enjoy his weekend. If he has one."
"I doubt it." Thalia grunted. Detention? Little brat…oh gods, I'm getting into it!
Konohamaru chuckled. "You're a sadist, Umino-san."
"I'm insulted that you would say that, Sarutobi-san," Iruka said. He waved the two off and went back to his book that depicted a boy standing in the ocean with a sparking tube in his hand. "Now go, both of you. I have reading to do."
Konohamaru shook his head and led Bolt out of the office. "How does your dad do it, kid? A series of books and running the village? Shadow clones?"
"And he's a writer now? Brilliant!" Apollo grinned. "Thalia really lucked out, huh?"
"I suppose." Artemis commented since she liked Naruto.
"I'm right here," Thalia said in a tiny voice.
"They're unreliable," Bolt said with a frown. It just sunk in that he sacrificed the next three weeks of his freedom to survive his father's wrath.
"A wise play," Athena smirked.
Hopefully, it was a smart decision.
"Well, I hope he plans to hand the hat down soon. People aren't going to care who runs the village if his books keep selling like they are. What number is he on? Three? Four?"
"His next book is a special one," Bolt said with a smile. "Neechan wrote a story for it.
"Oh-ho! A budding writer as well?" The sun god grinned.
"Definitely got that from her father." Percy snickered, he ignored the death glare from Thalia.
And I got to help Grandpa write one!"
Apollo smiled and placed a hand on his chest. "Bonding time with a grandson, nothing sweeter."
"Knowing you, you'll end up corrupting him somehow," Artemis said dryly. Thalia scowled slightly at the thought.
"...You just love taking your shots at me today, aren't you?"
Artemis' lips tugged upward in a small smirk.
"Really?" Konohamaru asked. He opened the doors to the academy and smirked. "I'll have to check it out when it's released. Maybe if it's good, you can use that to increase your grades. Get going, Bolt. And don't cause any trouble today."
"Yes sir," Bolt said. He ran off and jumped at the nearest cart.
"He's going to cause trouble." Leo said with a smirk.
"Duh." Nico snickered.
He climbed to the roof of the building next to it with a gleeful smile on his face. With a sudden idea, Bolt turned right and headed for one of his and Joan's favorite baby sitters.
"Baby sitters? Maybe an aunt or uncle, perhaps?" Piper asked with a smirk. Jason smiled at the thought.
"Stuff it, McLean." Thalia glared at her brother's girlfriend.
He came to a stop when he got to the tall mountainside. To the left was a pond nearly large enough to be a lake and to the right was a large cave carved in beneath the seventh head on the Hokage Monument. Hesitantly, Bolt went into the cave. It wasn't that he was scared of what was inside, but the darkness always made him uneasy.
Hades chuckled darkly at that, getting glares from Zeus and Apollo.
He swallowed and snapped his fingers. His hand crackled to life with blue static, giving off a dim glow.
"Seems he got the electricity in the family." Frank commented.
"Good for him," Annabeth shook her head. The kid must go wild with it.
"Ojisan?" Bolt's voice bounced off the walls of the cave. There was a deep growl before something slipped around his ankle and Bolt was pulled into the cave with a yell. He soon found himself dangling upside down, his electric blue eyes staring into a giant red one.
"The Fox…" Apollo glared at the image.
"You should keep yourself aware of your surroundings, Bolt." The owner of the eye turned Bolt around and set him on the ground. "Shouldn't you be out pranking someone?"
"A monster after my own heart." Hermes beamed.
"I wanted you to teach me a new trick!" Bolt grinned eagerly.
"No." The fox didn't bother to hesitate.
"Ouch, sad face." Leo winced.
"What? Come on, Ojisan!"
"Go ask your father."
Bolt frowned. "Dad's too busy."
"Then ask your mother to help you with your electrokinesis."
"I already learned the basics and she won't help me with anything else until I'm a ninja," Bolt said. If only he hadn't broken his wrist when he was six.
"Motherly love."
"Annie, quiet."
The large form of Bolt's Ojisan shifted until it was fully facing him. "...How goes your chakra control?"
"I can walk up ten feet without falling off the tree," Bolt said. That was higher than anyone else in the class.
"...Come to me when you can walk up and down a thirty foot tall tree." The red eyes closed and a deep steady breathing filled the air.
Bolt frowned. "Can't you teach me anything?"
"Pay rent or get out." Nico thumbed at the door.
A red eye cracked open. "You won't leave without something, will you?"
"Fine." The large kitsune sighed. "We'll work on aerokinesis again."
Bolt groaned. "I'm no good at it, though!"
Thalia seemed to smile at that.
"That's why we practice. You may never be able to fly like your sister or uncle, but gusts of wind are no laughing joke. The best way to practice this is to learn something your grandfather made."
"Because I'm awesome." The sun god said without any sense of humility.
"You're going to teach me the Hiraishin?!" Bolt's excitement made him glow lightly.
Bolt deflated and dimmed.
"I will be teaching you the move he created based off of my attack: The Rasengan."
"Awesome spinney ball of doom!" Leo cheered.
Bolt's eyes widened excitedly. Even Joan didn't know the Rasengan yet! She'll be so jealous!
"Arte always is of me." Apollo nodded sagely.
His twin scoffed. "Hardly."
"Ow," Bolt said. After a few hours of failed practicing, he left his Ojisan's cave sore and littered with a few scrapes that were slowly healing up. Bolt winced at the nasty gash on his palm. It wasn't as bad as it was before, but he couldn't go home with it. His mom would ask too many questions – not to mention freak out at the gash –
"What loving mother wouldn't?" Annabeth asked with a smirk.
Thalia glared at her with a red face. Gods, she wanted to die.
and his dad would probably figure out where he had been.
So, he walked to his second home away from home, the bookstore.
"Good for him," Annabeth beamed, making Percy roll his eyes.
He liked reading, ever since his dad first read him The Tale of the Utterly Gutsy Ninja Bolt was hooked. He even had copies of his dad's books, and he knew Joan had a few of them, but neither of them said anything. They didn't want their dad to try and appeal to them specifically...or stop with the free previews.
"Spoilers." Apollo hissed darkly.
Hermes smirked. He loved spoilers. Gave him all the dirt.
"Hey, Bolt-kun!"
Bolt smiled at the cashier. "Hey, Reiko-neechan!"
"Oo, Nike's legacy." Aphrodite smiled, remembering that little cutie of a baby.
"Hiding out again, huh?" Reiko smiled back at him. She was a few years older than Joan and just an inch or so shorter than his mom. Her brown hair was pulled back into a loose ponytail and her golden eyes were hiding behind two wire-framed glasses. She was dressed in a tracksuit that Bolt heard his father say was a gift from her grandmother.
"Sexy." Leo whistled, getting a few nods from the younger gods.
"Quite the beauty." The love goddess nodded in agreement.
"Yeah, just until I finish healing some scrapes," Bolt said.
"Went to see Kurama-sama again?" Reiko asked. She shook her head. "Your mother will have a cow. And then Kyofu-sama will have to protect the cow from her."
Hera scowled at her stepdaughter and Thalia smirked. She would eat that cow.
"Kurama-Ojisan is so cool though!" Bolt said, missing her joke. "He's teaching me something that even Joan doesn't know!"
"Really? Well don't tell me anymore or I'll have to tell her. The girl-code is strong you know," Reiko said. She waved him over. "Want to come sneak a peek at the final book?"
"You got a copy!?" Bolt was shocked. His dad only let his mom or the publisher look at the drafts. He was at her side before he registered the fact that he was in motion. "What's the title?"
"Percy Jackson and The Last Olympian," Reiko said.
"What?" Percy blinked. Hestia looked interested at that.
"It's not finished, but it's a good first chapter."
"Ew...it starts with Uncle Percy on a date," Bolt said with a frown once he got through the first paragraph.
"With Rachel..." Percy chuckled nervously when Annabeth pursed her lips and glared at him.
"But it's not with Annabeth," Reiko said. She had a grin on her face.
Annabeth scowled.
"So? It's gross. I don't want to read about Uncle Percy kissing a girl," Bolt said. He hopped down and walked away. "I'm going to find The Titan's Curse. That one's my favorite!"
"So Naruto basically wrote about your adventures," Hazel said as Percy's jaw unhinged.
"And here I thought I stole ideas." Hermes whistled and soon grinned. "I love that kid."
"That's because your mom is in it." Reiko rolled her eyes.
Thalia perked up slightly when she heard that.
"It's the most interesting one!" Bolt denied with a light flush. "Artemis and Grandpa are in it."
Apollo beamed. "Aw...Hear that Arte? He loves us!"
Artemis hummed in mild interest.
He walked through the aisles before he grabbed the book in question and pulled it off the shelf. "And Aunt Bianca let Dad kill her off in the book."
"Whoo." Nico cheered dryly. Great to hear that.
"Always the most interesting choice," Reiko said. She flipped through the pages in front of her and then looked up. "Did your dad ever tell you why he never wrote himself in the books?"
Apollo pouted. "Lamesauce."
"Because he's cooler than Uncle Percy and would outshine him?"
Percy scowled.
Bolt asked while he flipped through the book to the last chapter he was on at home. He walked back to the front of the store and sat down behind the counter.
Reiko smirked and whapped him on the head. "No, you little idolizer. Kyofu left himself out because he thinks that the camps could've done it without him."
"Damn right." Percy crossed his arms.
Bolt rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. And then you'll say Uncle Nico wouldn't have become the head of Camp Olympia. He's so angst-y in these books."
"I am not!" Nico scowled, getting odd looks. "…Shut up!"
"What is Camp Olympia?" Reyna asked, never hearing of it.
"No idea." Hermes said, he knew the gossip around the Nectar cooler.
"I think it's cute," Reiko said. "Though I wonder how Miss Hazel will come out from the Underworld. Or how Mr. Grace met Mrs. Grace!"
"We know." Jason, Piper, and Hazel said as one.
Bolt gagged. "You sound like Aiko Inuzuka. She's always spouting off things that make me think she's a daughter of Aphrodite."
"Maybe she is." Reiko grinned. "Inuzuka-san is a good-looking guy."
"That dog boy?" Aphrodite gagged until an image popped, "Oh…I take that back. He got sexy." She leered at the picture until it disappeared, then she made a small noise of disappointment.
"For a washed up mutt, maybe," Bolt said under his breath. Reiko swatted his head and he chuckled. "That's what dad called him!"
"Humph, your father and Inuzuka-san have been butting heads for as long as I've known them." Reiko hummed and turned another page. "Is your hand healed?"
Bolt looked at his hand and saw that only a faint red mark remained. "Yeah, it is."
"I'll put the book away for you."
"Thanks neechan." Bolt shrugged. He closed the book and got to his feet. "See you around, neechan. Tell me when the next book comes out, okay?"
"Pre-order!" Percy grinned, "I'm awesome."
"Only with me," Annabeth smirked.
"Duh." He kissed her cheek.
"Will do," Reiko said.
Bolt left the bookstore with his hands in his pockets and his head hung. His mother was going to kill him for getting three weeks' worth of detention. Not to mention his father's disappointment. He thought for sure that he wasn't going to get blamed for his prank...then again, the shock tags were probably his motif by now.
"It runs in the family." Poseidon sniggered along with Hades. Zeus flared his nostrils, glaring at them.
Bolt grunted as he ran into something and fell to his butt. "Hey, watch where you're going!"
"Idiot, you're the one that needs to watch where you're going." Bolt looked up into the unique eyes of his older sister.
"Oh snap! Run boy, run!" Hermes urged the poor boy.
"Oh, hey Joan," he said. He wasn't sure if she was still mad.
"Hey yourself dork," Joan said. Well, she wasn't too mad. She offered him her hand and pulled him to his feet. "Where've you been?"
"Nowhere," Bolt said, looking off to the side.
Joan chuckled. "You suck at lying."
"It's in the blood." Apollo surged haplessly.
"So do you!" Bolt gave her an accusing look. "I'll bet you were flirting with that Nara guy again!"
"What?" Thalia frowned, eyes narrowed.
Joan rolled her eyes. "I wasn't flirting with Miroku!"
Aphrodite was tittering.
"I never said it was Miroku," Bolt said. He was pulled into another headlock.
"What are you going to do, tell on me?" Joan asked.
"Yes, tell the truth." Thalia nodded. You're supposed too!
"Maybe," Bolt said, grunting as Joan tightened her grip.
"If you tell Dad, I swear to the gods they won't find your body for seven days."
"And that's the lucky number." Apollo winked.
Joan started to take them off of the ground. She grabbed the back of Bolt's shirt and pulled him up so he could wrap his arms around her neck. "You're lucky that it's almost dinner time or I would hang you by Dad's nose."
"Ha! Now that's a new one!" Ares grinned, a real good one to be honest. Now, what shmuck should he do it to?
Bolt shuddered, recalling the last poor bastard that Joan had done such a thing to. It was in retaliation for touching her butt.
"What?!" Thalia snapped. Jason frowned at hearing that.
She got grounded for three months, but neither of their parents really enforced the punishment. In fact, their mother seemed to be extremely proud and he was sure there was a picture of it in his father's study.
"Damn right!"
"Really getting into it, huh?"
"Shut it, McLean!"
The day after, there was a silver pamphlet in the mail and their parents had a small argument.
Artemis looked innocent as Apollo glared at her.
"I can imagine how that one went." Hermes chuckled and cleared his throat. "Naruto would be like: 'My little girl doesn't need any man in her life!' and Thalia would be like 'No way Nightshade is going to recruit my daughter of all things!'"
"Humph, I can see where Naruto comes from," Zeus said. He preferred his daughters keeping to their oaths, even if Athena found a way around it.
It was over by the next day and no one brought up the pamphlet again.
They made it back to the small apartment complex that was remodeled into their home. Their mother opened the door and let Joan go in to wash up, waiting at the door expectantly for Bolt's explanation. He just handed her the piece of paper he had gotten earlier.
"Fifty lashes! And no candy!"
"Ares!" Hestia looked horrified.
The war god just laughed.
Thalia read the note silently, and then shook her head. "Grounded for the next two weekends. Go get ready for dinner and then you can tell your father about your brilliant class disruption."
"Busted." The demigods winced in sympathy.
"Yes Mom," Bolt said, going inside.
Dinner was a nice affair. They were treated with their father's special hamburgers made from Apollo's red cattle (with permission), something Bolt greatly enjoyed, but Joan was a bit miffed they didn't have ramen.
"Ha, it's reversed." Percy chuckled.
"Naruto's princess, indeed," Hazel said with a smile.
Thalia was both happy and miffed about that.
It was a simple family dinner, the four of them talking about their day. Bolt wisely kept out his training with Kurama and his reading, but did mention he visited Reiko after school. His mother talked about a conversation she had with her cousin about next summer's visit. His father complained about an annoying councilman trying to convince him to export Ichiraku as a worldwide dish.
"Never!" Hazel declared with her finger in the air.
Joan talked about getting a tricky collaboration jutsu down with her team, saying they'd show it off once it was perfected.
When dinner ended, Joan was roped into doing dishes and Bolt went into his father's study to tell him about his day. After he finished telling his dad about his prank, he let out a sigh of relief when his dad started to laugh.
Hermes smirked while Apollo glared at him. The little cattle-thief got lucky!
"Tags on the chairs," Naruto said with a chuckle. He wiped a tear away from his eye. "That's brilliant, Bolt. Your fuinjutsu is getting better. Uncle Herm and Dad would be proud."
"We are!" the two male gods in question said with smiles.
"You think so?" Bolt asked.
Naruto nodded. "Yes. I have to agree with your mother, though. The next two weekends are ours. You don't get to play Valdez' video games,
"You fiend!" Leo exclaimed angrily. "Wait? I make games? I rule!" He threw he hands in the air. "Go Leo! Go Leo! Go Leo!"
curfew bedtime-"
"And...you'll have to accompany me tomorrow to Camp Olympia."
"There's that camp again." Reyna pursed her lips.
"I wonder what it is." Hera hummed.
Bolt perked up. "For real!?"
Naruto smiled lightly. "Your sister was your age when I first took her, it's only fair. Plus, Annie would love to see her 'cute little nephew' again."
"I would." Annabeth beamed at Thalia, getting a glare in return.
Bolt groaned. "I hope she doesn't try to teach me Latin again."
"I'll protect you from the evils of learning," Naruto said. He ruffled his son's hair. "Nico will be happy to see you. He misses his little buddy."
"Little buddy, huh?" Percy grinned and got a smirk from Nico.
"Shut it Uncle Percy, I bet he likes me more."
"Yeah right."
"I hope so," Bolt said. He yawned and stretched. "Uncle Nico's cool..."
"See? He does. Uncle Nico is way cooler." Nico smirked, liking the little guy.
Percy pouted.
Naruto arched a brow. "Someone seems tired for not having that eventful of a day."
"Weird," Bolt said. He forced back another yawn, but it still escaped his lips. His eyes drooped slightly. He blanked out for a second and soon found himself being carried by his dad. Bolt yawned again. "Dad?"
"Yeah, Bolt?"
"Can you read me something?" Bolt asked.
"Story time~!" Apollo smiled.
Naruto cracked a smile. "Sure. What do you want to read?"
" ...The Lightning Thief..."
"So likes me more." Percy assured, making Nico snort.
"If that's what you want."
Bolt was laid in bed and tried his hardest to keep his eyes open while his dad left the room. A beat passed and his dad walked back in, the book in hand. Bolt scooted over and let his dad take a seat next to him. Naruto opened the book and held it down so they both could look at the Ancient Greek alphabet that resided within.
"Look, I didn't want to be a half-blood. If you're reading this because you think you might be one, my advice is: close this book right now. Believe whatever lie your mom or dad told you about your birth, and try to lead a normal life.
"Too late." The half-bloods said as one.
Being a half-blood is dangerous. It's scary. Most of the time, it gets you killed in painful, nasty ways. If you're a normal kid, reading this because you think it's fiction, great. Read on. I envy you for being able to believe that none of this ever happened.
"I really do." Percy nodded.
But if you recognize yourself in these pages-if you feel something stirring inside –stop reading immediately. You might be one of us. And once you know that, it's only a matter of time before they sense it too, and they'll come for you."
"From the shadows~" Nico said with wiggly fingers…of doom!
Bolt's eyes started to drift shut again. The last thing he heard before sleep overtook him was his father's voice. "Don't say I didn't warn you. My name is Percy Jackson."
"Hi me." Percy waved with a stupid grin.
"Wow, you just like to monologue, huh?" Thalia asked.
"Shut up." The son of Poseidon scowled.
"I like his voice," Annabeth smiled, making her boyfriend perk up.
Blue eyes snapped open and were immediately shielded from the sun's proud beam. Three whisker marked cheeks contorted into a pained grimace.
"Wait, what?" Apollo frowned.
The blond owner of the cheeks and eyes grabbed at his hand, which felt like it was on fire. He pushed the remnants of his dream to the back of his mind and focused on the pain in his hand.
"A dream?" Thalia said, letting out a breath she didn't know she was holding, "So, only a dream. Okay."
"Hm, only a dream." Reyna said, looking interested now.
"Aw," Jason said. He frowned. "I'm not an uncle anymore."
The dream would be forgotten for a long while,
"No!" Aphrodite cried out. She scowled. "Nalia is going perfectly!"
"Aphrodite, cease your whining," Artemis said.
accessible to only one other who found the whole thing extremely amusing.
"Well wasn't that nice of Phoebe?" Helios asked himself as he watched the dream play through fully through his connection to Naruto's subconscious.
"Helios always did love a good show." Hephaestus said.
"Good to know there's a happy ending to all of this. Bolt huh? I wonder what story he will have."
"So it was just a dream?" Nico asked.
"A prophetic dream," Apollo corrected.
Reyna frowned, but she knew that the future wasn't set in stone either.
There you go kids, chapter one or prelude of the final installment of Sun's Heir, Death's Guardian reading.
remember to review about your fav parts!