Soooooo I'm so sorry this took so long to get up. I will finish this story, it's just taking me a bit to do so.

Anyways, here's the next chapter. Luckily there's only 3 more to go after this! :)

Also, there's some mentions of other DC characters. I think most people should know but if you don't feel free to ask and I'd be happy to explain. :)

"Alright, well John's coming through the door now with food so I'll have to call you back," Felicity waved at John as he came in, two to-go bags of Big Belly in his hands.

"Sure thing," Barry said from his side of the phone, "It was nice talking to you. Sorry I've been sorta absent this week."

"Well, I wouldn't say absent," Felicity chuckled, toying with the menorah paperweight on her desk, "I've certainly noticed the gifts you've been leaving me."

"Yeah, I'm glad you liked them. Even if one was a possessed Kangaroo."

Felicity rolled her eyes, purposefully ignoring the med cart where the Kangaroo was still hidden (she'd threatened harm to anyone who might wanna try scaring her with it), "Though I haven't seen one for today yet and it's almost 9 pm."

Barry laughed on his side, "Well, that should be remedied soon. But, I've gotta go. Love ya."

"Wait," Felicity said, "Are you on your way now? Can I see you when you get here?"

"No and No," Barry said, "I've already been and gone. But I'll see you soon. I promise. I've gotta go though, the alarms are going off. I love you."

Despite being slightly annoyed by her elusive boyfriend, Felicity returned the sentiment before hanging up the phone. They tried to always end their conversations (no matter what the content) with an "I love you" because, in their line of work, you never knew when a conversation with someone might be the last. They'd learned that lesson the painful way when they'd had a huge argument that resulted in Felicity leaving angrily only to be met with a meta-human who'd decided kidnapping her was the best way to get to The Flash. It'd taken almost a week for them to find her (Barbara had had to fly in from Gotham to assist) and when they had, Felicity had been near death. Ever since then, no matter if they were arguing or not, they'd make sure it ended with an "I love you."

"That Barry on the phone?" Diggle asked, setting Felicity's bag of takeout on her desk.

"Yeah," Felicity reached in the bag. But instead of the styrofoam box she was expecting to feel, she felt the smooth texture of wrapping paper.

"What?" Felicity pulled out one of Barry's presents, "How did he get that in there?" She turned to look at John, "Did you know this was in here?"

John shook his head, "No. Must have done it when I had my back turned. Huh. Kid trips me out with that speed of his."

"Really John?" Oliver came out from the bathroom, dressed in his green leathers, "We've met a literal alien from outer space, but it's the kid with super speed you can't get over."

"Oh don't get me wrong," John popped some fries into his mouth, "The alien from outer space also freaks the living shit out of me."

Felicity laughed and pulled out her food before turning back to the present, "It better not be anything else that's scary."

Inside was a little wooden dreidel - definitely far from scary. Smiling, she set it next to the little menorah she'd received on the first day.

"A spinner top?" Oliver asked, looking at it from where he was setting up his quiver for the night.

"A dreidel." Felicity corrected, finger trailing along the outline of the letters on each side, "I taught Barry how to play the game last year. We were going to play cards but he was too afraid I'd cheat. Figured this game was a little more up to chance. Of course I still won, but that's beside the point."

She set the wooden toy down, beside the menorah paperweight, and slipped out the tiny notecard, "Rematch?"

She chuckled and set Barry a quick message, "That eager to lose again?"