Hi Everyone! This is my first attempt at a story so bear with. Let me know what you think :)

All Characters belong to Stephanie Meyer.

My name is Isabella Swan and today is my first day of university. I will be attending the most prestigious, most sought after university in the world, Aluthsia University. To be accepted into this pretentious university you must be very special and be special I mean you have to be a witch. Yes, you read that correctly, you have to be a witch. On the West coast of America, California to be exact, is a luxurious university for witches. Up until today, the university only accepted "pure" witches, meaning that if both of your parents aren't witches you are referred to as an "outcast" and unacceptable to the witch community. Today is the first day Aluthsia will open its doors to both witches and outcast. Today, me Isabella Swan, an outcast will be attending Aluthsia University with my best friend and fellow outcast, Emmett McCarthy.

From the outside the university appears perfectly normal, well posh normal. Emmett and I couldn't help but laugh at the situation. Emmett is my, 6'4 burly teddy bear, of a best friend. Right now he looks like stuffed sausage in my mini.

"Em, are you ok? You look a bit ... stuffed!" I said while chuckling at him.

"Ha ha, Swan, very fucking funny. Why couldn't you just have bought a bigger car, or maybe packed less shit," said Emmett in his most serious voice.

"Eh you leave my car alone. She's my baby." I said as I rubbed the dashboard pretending to pet her.

"Whatever Bella. Jeez this place looks way to swanky," he said as we pulled up to the gate of the university.

In front of us was enormous steel gates that led into the university's expansive grounds. The gates look intimidating and I highly doubt even Emmett would be able to move them an inch. I slowly let my window down and pressed the intercom button.

"Name please," said a very nasal voice that made me want to cover my ears. Emmett was shaking the car with his laughter.

"Isabella Swan and Emmett McCarthy," I said in my most serious voice that I could muster up.

The gate slowly creaked open and I drove down the path. The grounds were stunning. The grass was so green and luscious you just want to roll around in it. There were fountains and trees with the most beautiful flowers strategically placed all over the grounds. I was in awe, the grounds were beautiful but the actual university building took my breath away. It was an old elegant building that looked like it belonged in magazines. It looked more like a huge castle then a university.

"Holly shit balls Bells! I don't think we belong here." Emmett said in a scared tone.

"Eh yeah Em, I think you're right. Maybe we should turn around and go home." I said as I looked around the lot at all the fancy cars and the stuck up snobs getting out of them.

I was ready to put the car in reverse and get the fuck out of here when suddenly there was a knock on my window scaring the living shit out of me. Emmett must have seen her approach cause he was clutching his stomach laughing at me. I rolled down my window to get a better look at who to blame for my heart attack. With her face nearly pressed against my window, was a petite pixie looking girl. She had short black spiky hair that stood artfully in every direction. Her facial feature were refined and delicate. She had big blue puppy dog eyes. She had a friendly smile that lit up her face.

"Hi! I'm Alice Brandon. I'm here to welcome you to Aluthsia University and show you around campus. So what are your names?" the pixie girl said in a high voice that was almost musical. I was taken aback by her hyper friendly demeanour.

"Eh Hi, I'm Bella Swan and this is Emmett McCarthy," I said while pointing at Em while he was waving at Alice.

"It's so good to meet you both! You make such a cute couple!" she said while nearly bouncing up and down. Emmett and I just stared at her in horror. The idea of me and Em ever being more than friends makes me want to be physically ill. He's like my brother and he sees me as his baby sister.

"Oh god no! We are definitely not a couple. Nope, never gonna happen between me and Bells!" Em said in a horrified voice that had my cracking up. He was white in the face and looked like he might faith. I just had to mess with him.

"Well, Emmett McCarthy is there something wrong with me that you wouldn't want to date me? Am I that horrible to be around!" I said in the most serious voice while trying to keep a scowl on my face. Not laughing at Em's panic expression was hands down the hardest thing I ever had to do!

"Ummm no, Bells you're beautiful umm it's just ... that ... umm I don't see you in that way. You're like a sister to me." he said while looking around frantically for divine intervention. Alice and I broke out in laughter. We could hardly breathe since we were laughing so hard. At that moment, I knew Alice and I will be great friends. Em looked like he was ready to kill me for doing that to him. I kissed his cheek and mumbled an apology as I got out of the car. I went to shake Alice's' hand and she nearly tackled me to the ground with the bear hug she gave me. I just laughed at her enthusiasm and hugged her back. Have to admit she had a lot of strength for such a tiny person.

"So do you guys know what block your dorms are? It should be in the registration pack you got." Alice said as she helped us unload the mini. We really did pack a lot of shit.

"I'm in dorm block C and I think Em is in block E," I said sadly while Em nodded. I hated the fact that we weren't in the same block. Em really has been my best friend since we were 5 and has lived next door to me since then. It's hard being separated even if it's only by three dorm blocks.

"Oh good! I'm in dorm block C too! Hopefully, our rooms are close to each other Bella! Oh, I can just feel this year is going to be amazing!" Alice said while hugging me again. Her happy demeanour is infectious and I couldn't help but smile.

A group of what can only be described as skanky hoes walked by us.

"I can't believe they are letting outcasts in this year. It is totally going to destroy the schools image. They should stay out, they don't belong here." one of the snotty bitches said. I glanced over to Em and saw him pull down his sleeves to hide his mark. I was fucking fuming. How dare those bitches belittle us! We might be different, but we still have power. Outcast have marks, it looks kinda like a tattoo. The mark is always in the form of an animal. Nobody knows exactly why these marks appear on people with that only has one 'witch' parent. Our magical abilities are more limited and in that sense we are less powerful than pure witches. The advantage we have is that out marks can come to life as we wish and help us defend or fight. Emmetts' mark is on his right forearm and is, ironically enough, a black bear. It suited him. My mark was different and for some reason unlike other outcasts I have no limit to my magical powers, which I found very odd. Only me and Em and my parents were aware of this. We all agreed that I will attend uni as a witch, not an outcast as I have the unique ability to move my mark anywhere on my body so that way I can hide it. Other outcasts don't have this ability. My parents told me to keep my mark a secret and not share it with anyone. My mark is a scorpion. This mark is apparently very rare and symbolizes extreme power. My parents before their deaths gave me many warnings to hide my mark and never reveal it to anyone. Unfortunately, they never told me why. That's the main reason I'm attending uni here, in hopes of finding the answer.

I turned to Emmett and told him not to listen to skanky hoes. He gave me a weak smile and started dragging the luggage towards the dorms. I was surprised to see that someone took my mini.

"They are going to park it in the student garage. We aren't allowed to leave campus without permission." Alice said while dragging me towards the dorms. I just stared at her in shock. What the fuck! Is this place a prison? What have I gotten myself into!

"Do you know who you were assigned as a roommate yet?" Alice asked bringing me out of my panicked thoughts.

"Um yeah, my registration pack said I'm rooming with some girl named Tanya Delani. Do you know her?" I asked Alice.

"Eww yeah, I know her. She's a total skank! I hate her. She's a sophomore with the biggest fake tits ever! Oh, she also has tried anything to get into the Prince's pants. She's just disgusting." Alice said while scrunching up her nose in disgust. I laughed at her and she scowled at me telling me I'll see. Oh yeah, did I forget to mention that there was a witch royal family. They are the Cullens and they run the University and the magical world. The university acts as a portal between the "normal shire" and the "magical shire" and the Cullens are in charge of keeping the magical side from interacting with the normal side. Legend has it there are many more mythical creatures on the other side and the portal was created to stop the wars in the magical shire from spilling into the normal shire. Anyway, the King and Queen are Carlisle and Esme and they have two children, Edward, and Rosalie. Edward is a sophomore and Rosalie is a freshman which mean I will most likely share classes with her. Joy! That's all I know about them. I don't even know what they look like. Don't judge me! It's not like I can google royal witch family!

As we were reaching the dorm blocks me and Alice said our goodbyes to Em and promised to meet up later. As I watched Em walk off towards his dorm my breath got knock out of my body. Standing outside dorm block C was the most beautiful guy I have ever seen. I had to remember to breathe and try to calm down my heart rate. This guy was pure sex on legs and I really wanted to kill the skank he was talking too. I could have an orgasm from just looking at that face. He had the most amazing sex hair I have ever seen. It was a copper color, kinda like a penny. From what I could see he had forest green eyes that could lure any women to his bed. His jaw line was pure sex. Oh, the things I'd do to that jaw. It was sharp and angular, it looked like it was sculpted to perfection. I nearly came on the spot looking at those berry red full soft lips. Those lips should be doing wicked things to my body. He was slim but muscular from what I could tell and about 6'2 in height. He was perfection. He was that guy all male models envied. I had a feeling my panties will drop to the floor of their own free will!

"You're drooling Bella!" Alice laughed and broke me out of me sexy man-induced haze. I turned and looked at her and asked "Who the hell is that fine piece of man meat?!"

"Haha, that is Edward. Edward Cullen as in Prince Edward," she said while smirking at my lack of knowledge. Fuck my life! Of course, he had to be the Prince. That fact nearly deflated my lady boner. Not only was he way out of my league, but there was no way in hell I can date the Prince since I'm meant to keep a low profile. Alice laughed at my disappointed expression and grabbed my hand reminding me I still have to unpack and meet my skank of a roommate.