Payback's A Bitch
Disclaimer: I don't own anything. I don't own One Tree Hill. I don't own James Lafferty even though I wish I did.
Summary: What if Nathan and Brooke walked in on Lucas and Peyton mid make-out session instead of Haley? Timelines are mixed together. It is set when Lucas was cheating on Brooke with Peyton, but Haley left for tour and Nathan said that if she left it was over. Nathan/Brooke (Brathan) Mentions of Brooke/Lucas (Brucas) and Minor Lucas/Peyton (Leyton) Mentions of Peyton/Nathan.
Author's Note: Thanks for the great reviews :)!
1. anyabindra1: Thanks for the review :)! Its what keeps me going too! Thanks for being such a loyal reviewer :D!
2. Guest: Thank you :). And Thanks for the review :)!
3. kanikafultz: This isn't all that long but the next chapter will be posted as soon as I get 5 reviews for this because I finished writing it :)! Thanks for the review :)!
4. LiteratureSoccerEnthusiast: Thank you :)! Loved your review :)!
Previously on Payback's A Bitch
Brooke chuckled to herself and thought, "Here he comes."
But instead of going to Brooke he made a Beeline straight passed her and asked Theresa if she wanted to dance. He was met with an immediate yes and they walked to the centre of the dance floor.
Brooke was livid, "How dare he?!"
As Theresa grinded against him he met Brooke's eyes.
After the song ended she stood there and Nate whispered cockily in her ear, "You might be A Bitch, but I'm THE Bastard."
He walked upstairs knowing he'd won. Brooke huffed and had half a mind not to follow him, but then again when had she ever listened to her mind. She followed him upstairs anyway knowing it was pointless to try and resist him, because she could never get enough of Nathan Royal Scott.
Chapter 5: Nathan Scott is Back!
Today is the day that would've been Nathan and Haley's anniversary. She didn't even pick up the phone to call him. And all he wanted to do was drink all day and party all night. But something was bugging him and that something was Brooke. How could he have gotten so jealous yesterday? It's not his place to be jealous, they're not dating...
"Yet!" screamed a little voice in the back of his mind. Nathan ignored the voice and was also going to ignore his phone until he realized it could be her.
"And what her would that be? Haley or Brooke?" Teased the little voice in his head.
Turns out it was an IM From Brooke.
Sign in to view instant message from FabBDavis
HotShotScott23 has signed in
FabBDavis: Hey Natie :)!
HotShotScott23: Natie? =D LOL
FabBDavis: Yep, that's your new nickname :p!
HotShotScott23: Okay Brookie Cookie :) so what are you doing later ;)?
FabBDavis: What do you think I'm going to be doing ;)?
HotShotScott23: Me ;)
FabBDavis: Cocky much =D?
HotShotScott23: oh you know I am ;)... Time and place baby, time and place ;)
HotShotScott23 has signed off
Brooke giggled after reading his message.
FabBDavis has signed off
Brooke turned her chair and came face-to-face with the calendar.
"Oh my god!" Brooke exclaimed.
Today - Naley anniversary
"Damn it! I got to get over there!" Brooke said to herself.
'He's probably so sad and heartbroken,' Brooke thought.
Nathan decided he wasn't going to mourn the bitch that abandoned him. Instead he was going to have an awesome time being Nathan Scott. First up on the Being the awesome Nathan Scott list is basketball! And since the school is closed, Dan or Deb would spot him at the house and Lucas would be at the River court, the next best option would be a Basketball video game.
Nathan was just going to spend the night at the apartment but then he thought, 'Screw this! I still have the Beach house key.'
He let a smirk cross his face and hopped in his car to head to the beach house.
Nathan Scott is back...
Author's Note: So how do you guys like it? I know it's short but I'm only updating at 23 reviews because I love the number 23 ;)... Or 25 review cause I love that number too :)!
Thanks for Reading :)!
Please Read & Review :)!