Note: Here we are at the end! Thanks so much for sticking with this story, I've had a lot of fun with it. Keep your eyes open for a possible one-shot sequel for New Years.
Also, this is officially my longest completed story! The fact that I wrote it in under two weeks makes me rather proud.
December 25th, 2014
It was barely light out when Henry woke her. Emma couldn't remember the last time she'd had such a good night's sleep—though she suspected it had been just before her brother was born. She smiled up at her son's grinning face, ready to meet the day.
Downstairs, Emma found Regina cooking in her silk pajamas, the Nutcracker suite playing softly in the background. She appeared to be making a breakfast feast, complete with french toast, bacon, cinnamon rolls, and apple fritters. Emma's mouth watered at the delicious aromas.
Henry came in to the kitchen just as she took a seat at the bar. He was still in pajamas, but had thrown a reindeer sweater on and donned his Santa hat. He looked so much younger like this, and Emma hoped that at least on Christmas he would never stop being a little boy.
When the food was nearly ready, Henry was tasked with making hot chocolate while Emma set the table. They swirled around each other easily as they moved about the kitchen, and Emma was amazed by the domesticity of it all. It felt natural, as if they'd been a family for years and would be for many more to come.
Breakfast was a peaceful, quiet affair, even Henry too busy stuffing himself for much chatter. After Emma's second helping of everything, she was stuffed and sprawled in her chair with a content smile. Regina and Henry were still eating, but with her own plate clean Emma began thinking about the day ahead and didn't stay silent for long.
"So what's the game plan for today?" She asked uncertainly. It had been her plan to spend the day with her parents and brother, but now that she was here with her kid and Regina she hated the thought of leaving them; it was Christmas, and she wanted to spend it with her family. The fancy meal Snow would be cooking later in the day was tempting, but Emma would trade it for a simple afternoon at Regina's if that was the only way she could spend the day with her kid.
Henry was the first to respond with an exclamation of "Presents!" Both his mothers chuckled at that, but it wasn't really the answer Emma had been looking for.
"Traditionally, we open our stockings after breakfast, and save the rest of our presents for later in the day. However," Regina added, averting her gaze, "I believe Henry was hoping to see your parents today. I suppose the two of you will want to spend the afternoon with them."
Her sadness was well-hidden in her carefully neutral tone, but Emma had spent enough time trying to read Regina that she wasn't fooled. "You should come with us," Emma stated firmly, and if it was possible Henry brightened even more at the suggestion. "I know spending Christmas with my parents isn't exactly a dream come true, but it's day for family, and maybe it would be nice if we were all together. For Henry," she added quickly, and she couldn't say whether it was to help convince Regina or to hide how much she herself wanted to spend the day with her son's mother.
Regina inspected Emma carefully, as if searching for a lie or a trick, but finally, hesitantly, she agreed, and Emma felt her heart swell.
Regina had gone all-out with the stockings, though her own was heavier on nuts and fruit than chocolates and toys. She sat on the couch drinking coffee while she watched Henry and Emma.
The mother and son sat on the floor racing wind-up toys, and it was hard to tell who was more invested in the outcome. Regina smiled at the sounds of their laughter, heart filled with affection for both her son and the woman who had brought so much joy to his life. Emma's presence in their home and their lives felt right in ways she wasn't quite ready to examine, but she was long passed the point of fighting the inevitability that was Emma Swan.
"Regina!" Snow exclaimed, throwing her arms around her former stepmother. Regina stiffened for a moment before awkwardly patting Snow on the back, and when she was finally released she quickly stepped away. Similar hugs were given to Emma and Henry, who readily returned them, while David grinned at them all where he stood holding a squirming Neal.
"I'm glad you came," David told Regina gently, earning him a small but genuine smile.
The loft was full of Christmas decorations, including a small tree adorned with handmade ornaments. The many Santas scattered about were a bit tacky, but considering the elves currently filling her own living room Regina couldn't really comment.
Presents were opened with smiles and laughter, plus an eye roll from Regina when she saw the horse sweater Snow had made her. Henry was forced to wait on his present from his mothers, the bike hidden away in a corner of the garage at the mayoral mansion, but he was excited enough over the new books and video game from his grandparents to be satisfied for the moment. The Charmings graciously accepted Regina's gift of Parenting for Dummies, given with a smirk, and Snow positively beamed when she saw the small teddy bear Regina had brought for the baby.
As the afternoon wore on, Snow excused herself to finish preparing dinner. Before long Regina joined her in the kitchen, offering to help and wondering when she'd reached the point of willingly spending a holiday with the woman whose life she'd worked so hard to destroy.
The food was ready and Henry was setting the table when a knock sounded. "Did you invite someone else?" Emma asked her mother curiously as David went to open the door. Before Snow could respond, Emma's stomach dropped at the sound of Hook greeting her father.
Emma had been successfully avoiding thoughts of the pirate for days; now here he was pushing his way in to her first holiday with her whole family. She knew she would have to deal with him, and her feelings for both he and Regina, soon, but it shouldn't have to be today. Not on Christmas.
"Swan!" Hook greeted with a grin when he saw her.
"Hey Killian," she said wearily. He sauntered over and kissed her soundly, oblivious to her lack of enthusiasm.
"I'm so glad you could make it," Snow greeted him brightly. Regina glared at her, but she took no notice.
"Yes, well, Emma's been so busy lately I've hardly seen her in weeks. How could I miss the opportunity to finally spend time with her?" The hint of accusation in his voice was hard to miss, but Emma ignored it, moving further from him as inconspicuously as she could. She had felt guilty for avoiding him, but now it was overridden by her annoyance that he continued to treat her as a possession and act like a petulant child any time she didn't put him first.
Snow happily arranged everyone around the table, placing Hook between Emma and David with Henry between herself and Regina. Neal sat in a high chair next to his mother, too young to eat but observing the faces around him with interest.
Conversation was stilted as they ate the delicious meal of duck and potatoes. Killian kept placing his hook on Emma's knee which she did her best to ignore. She knew she had enjoyed his company in the past—enough to date him and consider him a friend, at least, if never someone she could imaging wanting to settle down with. It had been nice to have someone to spend time with, someone who made her feel wanted, but now…
So much had changed in the month since Henry had shown his mothers the blank storybooks in the mansion. Her relationship with Regina might never be a romantic one, but just having her as a friend had given Emma so much more than a romance with Killian ever could. With Regina she had a home and a family; maybe that was enough.
When dinner finished, Regina was quick to offer to clear the table. Emma, knowing Hook's distaste for domestic tasks, offered to help. Snow gratefully picked up a fussy Neal and allowed them to take care of it, moving in to the living room with the others.
When they were alone in the kitchen, Regina turned to her. "So, your boyfriend joining a family holiday, it must be serious."
"Not really," Emma said awkwardly, relieved when Regina dropped it. They stood next to each other cleaning the dishes in silence, Regina washing while Emma dried and put them away. Emma had nearly forgotten what it felt like to be uncomfortable around Regina, and she didn't care for the reminder.
When the dishes were clean, they left the kitchen side by side. They were nearly to the living room when Henry called out, pointing at the ceiling. "Moms, look!" Both women turned their eyes upward, and Emma flushed when she saw the mistletoe dangling above them.
Emma gulped as her eyes met Regina's. She was visibly flustered, and when she opened her mouth Emma feared she was about to protest. Now or never, Emma thought, surging forward and capturing parted lips with her own. It was a dangerous move, but if this was the only excuse she'd ever have to kiss the beautiful woman she was falling for, she was damn well going to take it.
Regina stilled when Emma's lips met hers. The kiss was gentle, soft, full of the promises Emma was too scared to speak.
It took all of Emma's self-restraint to pull away. Regina's eyes were wide and her face flushed, but she stood frozen.
"What is this Swan?!" Hook called angrily, striding forward until he stood barely a foot from Emma, who shifted to place herself between he and Regina. "You're supposed to be my girlfriend, and here you are kissing someone else!"
"Girlfriend? Jesus Hook, we went on one date! We've kissed maybe a dozen times. We're not together, and I'm sure as hell not yours. Besides, it was just mistletoe, so back the hell off."
Hook looked shocked, but Emma didn't really care. She was sick of his possessive behavior, and it was a surprising relief to finally tell him off. She turned back towards Regina, only to find the woman gone and the apartment door slightly ajar. Without a thought, Emma ran out after her.
Regina was sitting on the curb, elbows resting against her knees, staring into the night. Emma said nothing as she sat beside her. She wondered what Regina was thinking, what she was feeling, how much she'd heard of what Emma said to Hook, and perhaps most of all what she would do if Emma kissed her again—no mistletoe, no excuses.
Minutes passed in silence before Emma finally spoke. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you like that."
Regina continued to look at the sky as she responded. "It was only the mistletoe, correct? A meaningless tradition?"
"Yeah. Right. Of course." Emma swallowed. "Except… maybe it wasn't."
Regina looked at her then, studying her face intently, searching for answers to questions Emma couldn't name.
Emma took a deep breath. "I care about you Regina. And if you don't want to risk our friendship, or don't feel the same way, I get it. I want you to be happy, and maybe I could be part of that."
"You're an idiot."
"Okay, I probably deserved that." Emma struggled to tamp down her disappointment. She had known it was a long shot; she should have learned a long time ago that she wasn't someone people wanted, wasn't someone people chose. And Regina had just lost her soulmate. It was stupid to think she'd want to be with anyone so soon. "Can we just, pretend tonight didn't happen? Go back to being friends? I don't want to lose you, Regina."
"Emma…" Regina sighed, reaching out a hand to tuck a loose strand of Emma's hair behind her ear. "You are an idiot for thinking I could ever have a happy ending that didn't include you."
Emma's heart raced and a goofy grin split across her face. Regina's eyes softened and her lips slowly stretched into a wide, warm smile.
"Can I show you something?" Regina nodded, and each woman's heart raced as she reached out a hand. Emma felt a little thrill when her fingertips brushed Regina's skin as she grabbed the locket. Regina had never looked at the back before, but there etched in the gold was another inscription:
To new beginnings.