This has been sitting in my brain for weeks and I couldn't resist adding it to the story :)

Daniella Wayne.

Dani ran that through her head for months after her marriage to Bruce.

Daniella Wayne. Daniella Wayne. Daniella Wayne. Daniella Wayne.

It was so beautifully perfect. More than perfect.

But right now, something else was going through her mind. Her trembling fingers held the object in her hand. She forced herself to take some deep breaths and just think about how in the world she was going to tell Bruce. This was delicate news and she had to really think about how to get it across to him.

Then she knew exactly what she had to do.

"Hey, Dani," Bruce said with a smile as he prepared to leave. "I'm heading out."

"I'll be here," she smiled broadly.

"Is everything okay?"

"Yes, why?"

"I haven't seen you this excited since our wedding day."

"It's just…I love you."

"I love you too."

Bruce suited up and took off. Dani turned on the proper equipment and kept in contact with him down in the cave while went about doing his nightly business. She talked with him as she walked around the Batcave and occasionally looked things up for him. While she did all of that, she tried to prepare herself for Bruce's return when she needed to tell him what he needed to know.

She had to admit that was nervous. She had no idea how he was going to react to this news? Would he be angry and upset with her?

When Bruce returned, she sat in front of the computers about to burst from anticipation. He removed his cowl and gave her a quick peck on the lips. Then he went over to the case where he kept the Batsuit and began to take the pieces off.

When the case rose up from the floor, something was sitting inside the case already taking up the space where his suit should've gone.

Right there in the middle of the case sat a very small black eye mask that was obviously for a small child in addition to a large poster. The poster read, "Every superhero needs a sidekick. You'll be getting yours in 9 months."

Bruce spun around to look at Dani. She was biting her lip and looked nervous and scared and overjoyed and excited all at once.

"You mean…?"

"Yes. I'm pregnant."

Bruce laughed and ran over to Dani. He swept her up into his arms and twirled around with her. "We're going to have a baby?"

"We're going to have a baby!"

Bruce knelt down a little and lightly touched her stomach where his child was now growing. Dani put her hands on his and smiled at him. He stood back up and kissed her passionately.

"I love you," he said to her.

"I love you too. Both of us do."

It didn't take long for the media to catch sight of Dani's ever-growing belly. Soon, nearly everyone in Gotham knew that the Wayne couple was expecting a baby. Both Dani and Bruce had chosen to be surprised when it came to the baby's gender.

Bruce got the pleasure of dealing with an extremely hormonal woman for a whole nine months. But he had to say that in the long run, it was really all worth it.

He tried to remain extra careful on his Batman outings because he was not about to leave Dani to raise their child on her own.

When the time came to deliver her baby, Dani's breathing came in short gasps as she tried to cope with the pain she was experiencing.

Bruce took hold of her hand, which she held with a death grip, and rubbed a wet cloth over her sweating forehead.

After spending a total of 16 hours in labor, Dani successfully delivered a perfectly healthy baby boy.

She leaned back onto her pillow taking heaving breaths as Bruce gently stroked her arm and laid soft kisses on her forehead.

Finally, the doctors and the nurses in the delivery room cleaned off her baby and wrapped him up in a blanket before handing him to her. Dani could never express in words the sheer joy she felt when she held her little boy in her arms for the first time.

She and Bruce looked upon the face of their newborn with overwhelming happiness. Dani smiled at the fatherly touch he was already exhibiting towards his son.

"What are we going to name him?" Bruce asked.

Dani gave it a little bit of thought and then smiled up at him.
