
Glory to Arstotzkaaaa.

Now give your papers please.

Entry permit is over due,

I deny you,

Now just leave this plaaaaace.

I am not your buddy,

I cannot be bribed.

Now leave or you'll be detaaaaaained!

Glory to Arstotzkaaaaa.

Youll be denied if your from Kolechiaaaa.

(foreigner) Please let me in!

Now, good-bye…..

Glory to Arstotzkaaaa!

I need some money noooow!

I have a family too,

In fact my son just drew,

That picture on the waaaallll!

(picture) "Arstotzkan Hero!"

It gets alittle lonely,

Denying all of you,

Watching the minutes tick bye….

Tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock

(in house talking to wife)


I know your in there,

And that are son just died.

They said join them,

But I didn't want to,

Now EZICs after you,

don't let them iiiiiiiiin.

We only have each other,

And uncle and your mum,

Now who will we turn tooooooo?


Glory to Arstotzka….