Disclaimer: I do not own Soul Eater! If I dId It would be soma shIpper crazy world... please enjoy the story

High pitched screams echoed throughout the dark hallways. Screams that could make your blood run cold and skin crawl. Three people stood in the center. Looking out for their own lives but also someone else's. Another scream echoed as a loud crack sounded. Metal against metal, and leather against skin.

"How much longer?" one asked.

"Less than five minutes" one answered.

"Shit" one whispered, "we're not gonna make it!"

Metal clashed. It sounded like a war zone. Suddenly a flash of white light surrounded them. A dark figure appeared.

"Witch Kathrin" a female voice hissed, from inside a ninja sword. A venomous laugh filled the space. The figure finally showed herself. A tall woman stood in front of them, whip attached to her belt. Long green hair cascaded down her back. Green clothes, stained with blood. Draped over her shoulder was a lifeless, bloody, body.

"Shame you guys ran out of time" Kathrin cackled, a cold smirk across her face. "Her soul is mine, but as a nice person, I'll give you it's body". She threw the body to it's body to the ground. An albino caught it. Holding it's body close to his.

"Well I'll be off" Kathrin stated. The light, The building, and Kathrin were gone. The albino placed it's body on the ground.

"Maka... wake up goddammit!" the albino yelped. A raven haired girl sat beside him.

"I think she's gone.." she choked out. Looking at the albino with sympathy. The albino placed his head on Maka's.

"You know making me cry isn't cool" he whined through sobs.

"Crying? It is not... Cool? Ok I will remember that" a soft voice implied. The albino pulled his head away. His eyes widened as he stared at Maka.

"M-M-Maka!" the albion yelled. Scooping her up into a hug. Maka smiled softly.

"S-Soul" Maka whispered. She wrapped her arms around his back. Her breath softened, and eyes closed. Indicating she was asleep.

How'd you lIke It? By the way all the caped I's are to prove i can cap my I's but anyways... Like, Follow, and Review!