Fighting the demon

A/N: Hello! Okay, first of, I want to say sorry for not updating Mutagen Madness but I've had a lot of things to do lately, one of them being to plan a charity charity event at our school. Plus I'm just starting to recover from a cold, so I'm still kinda tired. But I thought I should give you at least something and came up with this idea.

I know I'm currently writing two other stories, but my inspiration for it is running dry, and a while ago I saw the picture of Speed demon Donnie and became inspired to write this story. For those who haven't seen it, look up the TMNT episode 'Race with the demon' but this story won't be much like that episode. In fact, it will be very, very different.

Anyway, enjoy and please review, favorite and follow. *UPDATED!*

Chapter 1, The mystical box

(Ancient China – The Shang Dynasty)

An old man galloped through the woods of China and carried a box under his arm while trying to stay dry as heavy rain had started to pour down. He was headed towards the shore to meet someone important. The man clicked his heels in the horse's side to make it go faster as the forest started to open up and he saw the shore. Tied to a tree was a oblong boat with a younger man standing beside it, waiting. The old man got down from his horse and walked up to the young man, who looked a little impatient and had his arms crossed over his chest.

"It is an honor to see you, Long Chen. It has been a while since we last met." The man, named Long Chen, bowed in respect and greeting to his old friend. He brought out the box from under his arm.

"Zhuang Ju, What I ask of you is very risky and dangerous. Are you certain you are willing to do this?" Zhuang Ju nodded and took the box from Long Chen and put it on the bottom of his boat.

"Yes, old friend. I will take this artifact with me to Europe, and there I will make sure it is kept safe from people, at any cost." Long Chen walked up to his friend and placed a hand on his chest. Zhuang was a bit taller than him, so he had to look up to meet his eyes.

"Zhuang Ju, this is not some game or a children's fantasy, this is a dangerous task that requires great responsibility and strength of the mind and spirit. In that box there is a great evil, great enough to take over you and once it has possessed you, there is no way of getting rid of the demon without a highly ranked wizard. So, no matter how tempting it may seem, do not open this box. No matter what!" Zhuang Ju nodded and loosened the rope around the tree and pushed his boat out into the water and jumped in. But before he got too far out into sea he waved to the older man.

"You can rest assured Long Chen, I will see to it that this demon will not get the chance to take hold of anyone." Long Chen sighed, praying his friend would stay true to his word and not let the demon get a hold of another innocent soul.

(North Hampton – Present day)

(April's P.O.V)

Casey and I had gone out to do some shopping, since we were a bit low on food and other supplies for the home. You know, with six people living together under the same roof we had a lot of shopping to do, especially food shopping. Well seven if you counted Alex, but she drove down here by herself and bought her own food and supplies so she didn't exactly count.

Donnie had repaired the van a few weeks ago and both Casey and I were struggling to carry the food and supplies back to the van, but it wasn't easy. All this food had been very expensive, but a lot of people recognized us as the 'refugees from the New York madness' and had showed pity on us and had given us money as a sign of sympathy, and the people who owned the store had been a little nice and had given us the food for free or for a lower price. It felt a little wrong to take the food without paying full price for it, but we needed it, so I guess I shouldn't complain, and I didn't exactly want to go back to Bernie's store after the Dream Beaver incident, since he still wasn't very sane even after getting some sleep.

Casey and I were on our way back to the van with tree bags of food each, and let me tell you, it wasn't easy to carry all that food back to van. I think I spilled out things, either a package of milk or butter or anything else every other minute. It also didn't help that while the summer had gone over to autumn it was still very warm in the air even if the nights were cold. I was sweating heavily under my coat and I had to switch my shorts and leggings to a pair of jeans that Alex had borrowed out to me, but I regretted it now. But it was good to know Casey didn't do much better. He dropped out even more supplies than I did, and even managed to make holes in the bags when he tried to drag them after himself.

"Ugh, y'know Red? It really bites that the guys can't come with us, cause we sure could use their help right now!" I looked at Casey, and saw he had spilled out half the content out of one of the bags when one the handles broke and he was now busy picking it up and putting it back down again. I put away my own bags and kneeled down beside him to help.

"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, bring four big talking turtles to the store to shop and carry our stuff. What could possibly go wrong with that idea?" It came out harsher than I meant to, but I was too tired to care and it was still very warm in the air and I felt sweatier than after a really hard training pass. Casey huffed and stood up stretch his back a little, before kneeling down again.

"Look, all I'm saying is that their help would be very useful right now. It's not like I know why they can't come here. But what I don't understand is why Alex can't help us. I mean, she's living with us and eats with us and trains with us, she could help a little too, right?" I sighed. I saw his point, but I knew why she didn't help.

"Because she buys her own food, makes it herself and sleeps in her own trailer and cleans her own messes. She handles her own errands herself and made it clear that she wanted to take care of herself, so I guess she thinks we should handle ourselves. And besides, we're still kinda getting to know her, it feels a little weird to ask someone you barely know to help you with your problems and errands." Casey shrugged and groaned loudly.

"I guess, but still." I shook my head at him and smiled lightly. I understood why he complained but it still didn't help the situation.

When we had put all the supplies back in the bag again I was about to grab my bags and stand up again, when I saw we had stopped in front of an antique shop with a Chinese vibe to it and in front of the shop, the owner of the shop and had placed table and showed up his things. And the man on the other side of the table was short, old and had a long white beard and long white hair, tied into a ponytail, and a blue kimono made of satin with an orange and red dragon on the back. I stood up without grabbing my bags and walked up to the table and looked at all the artifacts on display. There was everything from porcelain vases to figurines of dragons, gesihas, old men and other things. Casey had also walked up to me and looked at all the things on the table.

"Do you find anything you like?" I looked up in surprise and saw the old man look at us with kind and patient eyes. I smiled at him and fingered a little on a figurine of a jade dragon. "Oh, we're just looking. You have a lot of beautiful things, why sell all of it?" He smiled at me and picked up a white and blue porcelain vase and moved it slightly to the side.

"Well, everyone has to make a living somehow, and I think everyone could use a little beauty and history in their lives, don't you?" I nodded slowly, then my eyes fell on a box that looked very simple. It was a simple wooden box with some Chinese kanji on the lid and a lock that kept the box closed and locked. It looked simple, but also ancient and I couldn't help but feel attracted to the box. Casey looked at the box too, and I saw that he seemed attracted to it. In fact, he almost as if something was pulling him towards it, and I had to admit I felt something literally draw me towards it. I looked up at the man, and I heard my own voice and it sounded like an old recording.

"How much do you want for this box?" He looked down at the box himself, and I saw he almost looked as if he didn't want to sell it, but he picked it up and gave it to me. "This box has been in my family for a very long time and I have been told it has either an enchantment or a curse over it. And it has been told that once it was opened, a great evil would be let out. I have never opened it myself, but, I assume it is nothing but an old wives tale. I will give it to you for three bucks, since it is so old." I picked up three one dollar bills and gave it to him. But once I had the box in my hands I realized I had no idea why I had just bought it. And when we got back to the van, I couldn't help but ask Casey about the box.

"Hey, Casey? Did you feel something, I don't know, weird about this box?" I felt a little stupid for asking, but I couldn't help it. Casey looked at me, then at the box and then back at the road.

"Yeah, maybe a little. It felt as if there was something in that thing, that wanted me to get closer. I know it sounds crazy, but it's true." I nodded and looked down at the box again. It looked so simple, as if it meant no harm or anything to anyone. But then, for a second I started to hear faint whispers, so faint I could barely catch them and some kind of green light danced over the Chinese kanji that covered the lock. And while the light danced over the cover I felt a slight vibration go through the whole box. I gasped slightly and quickly put the box down on the car floor between Casey's and my seat.

"Yeah, maybe we should return it tomorrow. I starting to get really weird vibes about this thing." Casey hummed in agreement and kept on driving down the road. But what he didn't see was that box started to vibrate even more and the whispering started to drive me insane. I don't what the deal what that thing was, but I started to think that what that old man had said about an enchantment or a curse inside it was a bit more than 'an old wives tale.'

A/N: Sorry it's a bit short, but I hope the next chapter will be up soon. And for those who haven't read my 'Mutagen Madness' may not now who Alex is, and you can read about her on my DA account, Kamechan98 and you can also read a little more about my new re-write of my TMNT-Frozen story there as well.

Till next time, which will hopefully be very soon, good night everybody!