A/N - This is rated M for a reason right from the start. If it's not your thing then you have been warned. My first proper M story so leave me some reviews and let me know how I did please.
Chapter 1.
It was another day with no cases. After being back at work 12 weeks from when she got shot Meredith Brody was bored. With no cases they were doing paper work and going over old un-solved cases seeing if they could find anything new. It had been a week since a case came in and it was solved in 3 days even with her stuck in the office. She was still on light duty but had an appointment with the doctor to clear her to return to field duty that afternoon. With trips to the gym and work with the physiotherapist she was back to full strength. Standing up she stretched, sitting for 3 hours straight had her all scrunched up. When she stood Christ LaSalle looked over at her and smiled. He still couldn't believe that this amazing ,beautiful, major kick ass women was not only his partner at work but also his girl friend. He had finally managed to get her to go out with him after the trauma of being shot. It had been the week leading up to Valentine's Day and he had not only wooed her with flowers,chocolates and gifts but he had managed to get closer to her with the events of being shot. She had spent 2 days in hospital and he had hardly left her side. He had plans to tell her he loved her on Valentine's Day anyway but her being wounded had brought it all forward and even though he didn't admit how he felt till valentines they shared some very special time together.
Standing from his desk he walked up behind her and wrapped his arms round her waist. Leaning in to her and placing his head on her shoulder he placed a kiss on her neck and whispered I love you in to her ear. Smiling she turned in his arms and put her arms round his neck before kissing him full on the lips. At that moment their boss and friend Dwayne Pride reappeared from the kitchen carrying a tray with 3 cups of coffee and packet of biscuits on. Seeing his agents wrapped up with each he gave a loud cough and placed the tray on LaSalle's desk.
" Sorry King got a little carried away " Chris said as he let go of Merri and walked back to his desk.
"It's fine Chris, it's not like were rushed off are feet with a case. I do remember what's it's like to be young and in love " Dwayne told his young friend.
Going back to his desk he picked his coffee up and had a drink before taking a biscuit out the packet and dipping it in his coffee. Merri walked over and picked her coffee up at the same as picking up a couple of biscuit. Walking back to her desk she sat down and started to eat her biscuits. After finishing her biscuits she picked her coffee up to take a drink but as she brought it to her lips she caught a smell of it and the sudden urge to be sick was over whelming. Standing up she made a dash for the bathroom just in time to empty the contents of her stomach in to the nearest sink. Seeing the way she bolted out the room Chris was hot on her heels and he flung the bathroom door open just in time to see her throw up in the sink. Not caring he was in the lady's room Chris ran up behind Merri and placed a hand on her back rubbing it up and down.
"Hey you okay princess? What brought that on?" Chris said still running his hand up and down her back.
"I have no idea. I went to take a drink of my coffee and bang I felt sick " Merri told Chris as she stood up and splashed her face with water.
"At least it's stopped now " Merri said turning to Chris as she went to dry her face on a towel.
"You sure your okay? Maybe when you see the doctor late you can get checked over just to be sure " Chris said trying not to sound worried.
" I am sure if the doctor thinks there is something wrong I won't get the all clear to return to field duty " Merri told Chris as she held the door to the lady's room open for them to leave.
As they came back in Dwayne looked up from his desk and looked between the 2 agents.
"Everything okay Brody? You feeling okay? "Pride asked as they came back in.
" I am fine thank's, probably something I ate last night didn't agree with me. I got my back to field work appointment later so if there's a problem am sure we will find it " Merri told Pride as she sat back at her desk.
Picking up the cup of coffee again the smell passed her nostrils and a wave of sickness passed over her again. Pushing the cup to one side she went back to the cold case files on her desk and went back to work. An hour later Chris stood from his desk and told the room at large it was lunch time. Merri stood and looking over at Dwayne she asked him he wanted to join them as they were eating out. Dwayne declined but told them to enjoy their lunch as he went back to his computer.
Arriving at a little restaurant they went inside and placed their order. Chris ordered the steak rare and Merri ordered the same but medium done. Sitting waiting they ordered drinks but after earlier today Merri ordered tea instead of coffee. The drinks arrived shortly followed by the meals which Merri set about eating liking she had never been feed in days. She had finished her meal before Chris got half way through his own.
" You must have been hungry, I have never seen you eat so much so quickly " Chris laughed as he finished eating his steak .
"Well I did lose my breakfast for some reason. Now what's for desert? Merri said picking the desert menu up.
Chris just laughed even more when Merri ordered a huge desert and then proceeded to polish the whole thing off. When she was finally finished Chris paid for the meal and they headed back for the office.
" You ready to show that doctor my beautiful kiss ass girl friend is back to full par and ready to kick some criminals in to shape " Chris said as he pulled Merri in to his arms and went to kiss her.
As Chris brushed his lips against hers she tasted the coffee on his lips and a wave of sickness over came her again. Pulling back quickly she took a few deep breaths holding her stomach trying to squash the urge to be sick. Chris stepped back a little just in case she didn't managed to stop herself being sick. Steadily Merri managed to calm her stomach and looked at Chris.
"You all good now?" Chris looked a little nervously at Merri.
"I really think my stomach has gone off coffee today, that's the third time today that's happened" Merri said as she took Chris's hand and started to walk back towards the car.
Once they were back at office Chris parked the car and they got out and walked back in to the office to get back to the pile of paper work that now needed filing away. At least Merri only had an hour till her appointment so it wasn't that bad. The hour passed really slowly as time always did when you were wanting it to speed up. Finally 2 pm arrived and Merri left her desk walking towards the door to go get the all clear to return to full duty. Dwayne wished her luck and Chris gave her a quick kiss on the cheek as she left.
Arriving at the doctors office Merri sat and waited to be called in. She had just sat down when her name was called which she was very pleased about. Going in she sat down and looked at the doctor waiting for her assessment to start. After checking her leg over and making sure it was healed she then set about taking bloods and checking blood pressure and temperature. Then came the hard part, the physical tests. After a run on the tread mill and a few push ups and sit ups the doctor sat and asked her how she felt.
"I feel good, I can't wait to get back and do what I do best " she told the doctor which was the truth.
"Well I can't see any reason you can't go back to full active duty. You leg has healed well and you have kept in shape so all done " the doctor told a very happy Merri.
Thanking the doctor she left the doctors and headed back to the office to tell the others the good news. Arriving at the office she looked through the door to see Chris sat at his desk with his feet up staring out the door. Seeing her as she approached he was up and out his seat walking towards her. She just made it to the doors and he stopped right in front of her.
"Well, do I get my partner back or shall I look for a replacement " before she had time to even enter the office.
"Clean bill of health, fit and ready to go " she smiled as she waved the return to work form in the air.
Chris scooped her up in his arms and spun her round before placing a kiss to her forehead.
"Welcome back, now we just need something other than this to do " Dwayne told her as he dumped a pile of files in the filing cabinet.
After the doctors the day seemed to drag even more as it was still filing paper work and looking over old cold cases. They were just starting to pack up when Dwayne called them both over to his desk. They both stopped what they were doing and walked up behind their boss. Looking at his computer to see what he was so engrossed in they saw he was looking in to a cold case from 8 years back. It was a case involving a dead marine and a set of suspects who's alibis were so tight they couldn't find a way to convict anyone.
"What we looking at here? Looks like a platoon who spent the night get wasted at a local bar on shore leave " Merri said not sure what she was looking for.
" Yes it was a full platoon getting wasted but by morning one was dead, murder to be more precise but they stuck together like glue and we had to let it go " Pride told the agents standing behind him.
"So what's new then? It all looks the same to me "Chris said looking just as confused at Merri.
"A hit just came back on a sample taken from the crime scene. It's off a drunk driver stopped last week. He was a member in the platoon but got a dishonorable discharge last year for his conduct " Dwayne told them as he pushed a few buttons and the plasma came to life above all their heads.
Looking up they saw a marine photo and file of the man stopped for drinking driving and then after pressing a button on the remote a DNA match to a sample at the crime scene and the man whose face had just been on the screen.
"So what do we do? Just cause his DNA was at the scene doesn't mean he did it "Merri told the 2 men she was standing next to.
" The whole platoon stuck to the story they were back on board when the murder took place so his DNA should not be at the crime scene should it unless he was there " Pride told them as they both saw were this was going.
"We got an address for him? You want him brought in now Pride " Chris asked walking over to his desk and grabbing his jacket off the back of his chair.
"No Chris we can call bright and early in the morning. We done enough today with all this paper work so you to go celebrate and I will see you nice and early in the morning " Dwayne told a happy looking pair of agents who really didn't look like they want to go hunt down suspects at 7:30 pm.
Waving good-bye to Dwayne they went and climbed in Chris's car and drove straight home. It had been a good day today, back on active duty and a case to follow-up tomorrow instead of sitting in the office. Merri was happy as they pulled up at Chris's house. Climbing out the car she walked towards the house looking in her bag for her keys as Chris locked the car and followed behind her. She found them and opened the front door just as Chris came up behind her and snaked an arm round her waist.
He had tried his best all day to keep his hands off her but now as he kicked the door shut behind him he couldn't help but pull her back to him and place long slow kisses against her neck and shoulders. Tilting her head to give him better access to her neck Merri let out a low moan as he found that spot just below her ear that turned her on. Hearing her moan spurred him on and he ran his right hand up her chest and rested it on her right breast as he gently squeezed it through the fabric of her top and bra. Feeling his hand on her breast Merri pushed her chest forward forcing more contact between his hand and her breast. Letting go Chris slid his hand back down her front and sliding it under the hem of her top he slowly slid his hand under her top finger by finger till his full hand was splayed out across her stomach. He slowly worked his way back up her chest till his hand rested back on her breast, rubbing his thumb over it he felt her nipple peak at his touch and the friction of the material of her bra.
Alternating between rubbing the hard peak of her nipple and squeezing her whole breast Chris kept kissing her neck and ear till Merri quickly turned in his arms taking him by surprise. The next thing Chris felt was the front door digging in his back as Merri pushed him against it and set about kissing his jaw line working her way along to his ear before coming back down to nibble on his neck. As she worked at kissing his face and neck Merri's hand had worked its way down his front and was working its way to un-doing the button and zip on the front of his jeans. With the hand Chris had round Merri's waist he brought it slowly down and slotted his fingers under the waist band of her pants and in the waist band of her panties stroking his fingers across her backside. Pushing forward off the door at the same time as holding her against him,stroking her breast and her backside Chris tried to steer Merri towards the stairs but only got a few steps before he found his jeans at his knees. Kicking his shoes off he stepped out of the jeans and went back to leading a very busy Merri backwards to the stairs.
Once at the stairs Chris removed his hand from Merri's breast and brought his hand down and used it to hoist her up round his waist so he could carry her up the stairs. Merri groaned at the loss of contact on her chest till she felt Chris lift her up and wrapping her legs round his waist she continued with her trail of kisses all over any part of Chris's neck face and shoulders she could reach. Chris took his time walking up the stairs carrying Merri as he used his lips, tongue and teeth to explore Merri's neck and shoulders. Once he finally found the top step he stumbled his way to the bedroom and walked till his shin hit the bed. Turning round he sat on the bed with Merri still wrapped round his waist.
Once Merri realised they had made it to the bed she slotted her hands under the hem of Chris's t-shirt and made quick work of pulling up over his head. Once he was free off his t-shirt Merri un-wrapped her legs from around his waist and pushed him backwards so he was lying on the bed. There was a pause as the looked at each through dark lust filled eyes before Chris used his hands to slide Merri's top up and over her head revealing his favourite red satin bra. Seeing her straddling his waist in that red bra made him grow even harder if that was possible. Using both his hands he cupped both breast, using his thumbs he brought both nipples to hardened peaks. Merri moaned loudly which only made Chris work them more through the material. Merri leaned forward a little which meant her lower body slide slightly further down coming in contact with Chris's straining erection. Merri felt it through her jeans and made slow deliberate movements to bring her groin in contacts with Chris's. Chris felt her tease him so letting go of her breast he quickly put his hands on her waist and flipped them over. Now it was Merri's turn to be surprised as she found herself looking up at Chris.
Now Chris had Merri under him he slid his hands down her waist and in to her jeans trying to remove them which he did as far as her knees and she kicked them off the rest of the way. Lying back over her he un did the front clasp on her bra and was rewarded when her breast sprang free of the material. Licking his lips he quickly bent forward and taking one in his mouth and the other in his hand he slowly worked her breasts to hardened peaks, nipping the nipple with his teeth. Swapping places he gave them both the same treatment with his mouth. When he let go he rolled so the were lying on their sides facing each other. Using his hand he lifted Merri's leg up over his waist and used his hand to trail from her breasts to her panties. Slotting his hand in to the front of her panties he was rewarded when his fingers brushed her swollen clit and she bucked in to his hand. Working lower he dipped the tip of his finger in to her wet heat and she let out a long throaty groan of pleasure. Working his finger slowly in and out he added another and then another and Merri wriggled and shook as her climax hit. He kept his fingers in place and let her ride out the waves of her climax before he removed them and in one quick tear he tore her panties away and threw them on the floor. Removing her leg from his waist he rolled them again so she was back underneath him. He lifted slightly and using one hand he removed his boxer shorts.
Sitting up a little he looked down in to Merri's face and smiled as he positioned himself to enter her. Merri bucked up so the head of his erection brushed her wet folds and he couldn't hold back as he plunged forward buried himself deeply inside her tight wet heat. Holding still to enjoy the feeling of there joining he was hurried along as Merri started to move under him. Shaking his head and laughing a little he started a slow steady rhythm of pulling nearly all the way out then pushing all the way back in. He could feel Merri building towards another climax so he quickened the pace till he felt himself building. Bringing his hand down he flicked and rubbed her clit causing her climax to hit which caused her to tighten around him bringing on his own climax. Staying still till he felt himself going soft he fell forward and rolled at the same bringing Merri in to his arms as he lay them both on their sides. They both lay catching their breath and enjoying the after glow of their love-making.
As they slowly gained control again Chris placed kisses on Merri's hair as she ran her fingers up and down Chris's back.
"You fancy getting some dinner now since we got a little distracted when we got in " Chris asked Merri as he pulled back a little so he could see her face.
"Sure, but since it's your fault we got distracted you should make it while I have a shower" Merri said as she rolled to get off the bed.
"It was your fault I got distracted, you put them red bra and panties on this morning then walked around in them for ages before you got ready. What was I suppose to do? Make us late for work for the second time in just over a month " Chris laughed as he remembered the last time they got carried away like this when they got in from work. They got very little sleep that night due to the fact they woke several times during the night and made love to make up for lost time as Chris himself phrased it.
Merri disappeared in the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Chris went down stairs and after making coffee he set about making a quick pasta and tuna salad. He had just finished when Merri came padding in the kitchen wearing her bathrobe and a pair of socks. She was just about to go sit at the table when she caught the aroma of coffee and started to heave as she dashed to the sink. Standing taking deep breaths she yet again had to use all her will power not to be sick. Stepping back when the urge to be sick passed she saw Chris had moved the coffee and was in the middle of making her tea.
Sitting down she watched as Chris made the cup of tea and brought it over before putting their dinner on the table.
"Did you mention this to the doctor when you were there this morning? " Chris asked know full well what the answer would be.
"No I felt fine when I got there so didn't bother. She gave me a clean bill of health so it can't be anything serious can it " she told Chris as she tucked in to her pasta.
Chris shook his head and started to eat his dinner. He was going to keep a very close on her and see what happened. They sat and finished their dinner in silence and Merri drank her tea no problem. Chris got up to clear the plates away and brought his coffee back over to the table with him. He was just about to sit down when Merri stood up and walked away from him like he had the plague.
" I can smell that coffee from here so before you sit down I am away so I don't see my dinner for a second time " and with that she got up and walked away in to the lounge.
Chris finished his coffee alone before going in to the lounge and sitting down next to her. She was sitting reading a book so her snuggled up next to her and lay his head on her shoulder. Looking at the clock he saw it was past 10 pm so turning to Merri he asked
"You coming to bed? We got an early start tomorrow as we got to go see that suspect and since its your first day back in the field it would not look good if you slept in " Chris said as he stood up and held out his hand.
Merri took his hands and leaned in to his side as they climbed the stairs. Once in the bedroom she took her bathrobe off and climbed in to bed. Chris went to the bathroom and after a quick wash he joined Merri in bed snuggling up to her and holding her tight. He was not sure what the problem was with her but he knew they would find out soon enough.