"Yo" speech "Yo" ZANPACUTO

'thought' 'zanpacuto'

Chapter 1: Lust for Revenge

So Ichigo just got back from the royal palace of Oetsu Nimaiyu to get his zanpacuto forged new. Now he had a short sword that looked like it was just a thick trench knife with a gap in the inside of the blade, the second sword was a thinner straighter version of his shikai zangetsu b4. He broke his bankai trying to stop Yhwach. Only this one also had a gap in the same fashion as the shorter one. (See cover picture, that's how he looks and that is his new zanpakuto.)

With Rukia and Byakuya

"That is an impressive bankai Rukia. I'm proud of you. Now rest please, it's dangerous to use your bankai." (This is right after she beat Asnodt.)

"Thanks brother, but there is no time. Kenpachi just finished his battle, and it looks like four more Quincy are making there way to him. We can't let him get killed."

"Yes, you are right. The power he has is just what we need to turn this around. Let's just hope Renji can join us soon." said Byakuya.

They started flash stepping towards Kenpachi when they hear a loud clap, and saw a giant flash of light in the sky. It was followed by a huge surge of spiritual pressure.

'What? How? I thought that boy was sent back home. Then how can he be here, and so soon? How did he force his Zanpacuto in to revealing its true self in just under two days? (Let's pretend that it didn't take two weeks or so to run down the stairs) More importantly, why is he heading towards Kenpachi? Could it be he mastered his own spiritual pressure and therefore is now capable of sensing others spiritual pressure?'

"Rukia let's hurry. That boy is heading right for Kenpachi, and I'm not sure he knows what else is making it's way there."

"Yes brother, let's go." said Rukia 'I knew you would come back Ichigo; I have faith in you.'

"He knows, brother. That is why he is going straight there. That's just how he is. He doesn't care that he is out numbered. He doesn't care if he might die. So long as he can fight, no, so long as he can breath he will fight". Rukia told Byakuya with a hint of pride in her voice.

-With Kenpachi in a giant crater-

Kenpachi was in bad shape; not physically though. Physically, he just had a few cuts, bruises, a few bumps here and there, but his spiritual pressure was a different story. He needed some rest. Not much, just enough to regain his bearings. Then he would indulge himself again (cutting a damn meteor with just a shiki will do that to you). He was drained. He had little spiritual pressure. Which is still more than most had. To him though, it was a fraction of a fraction of his normal levels. He looked up at the sky when he heard the loud clap and saw the giant flash before he grinned knowingly.

'Ha, that boy. He sure has grown these past months. He was training with the royal guard. His spiritual pressure may have grown and changed a bit too, but that's it all right, took him long enough, too. That lazy bastard.'

As Ichigo got closer to the floor, his spiritual pressure became heavier. It almost felt like it was sucking the air out of everyone in the soul society, and pressing them down on the floor.

'What the- how? This is impossible! That boy is a damn demon! He isn't human after all. Now I know why he beat me back. I can't wait to fight him again.' thought Kenpachi. Then he felt Ichigo's spiritual pressure just disappear, as if it was never there. 'That's it. I'm going to die. They always say delusion is the first sign of death. Ha, I really thought I felt a stronger Ichigo. Shit, I even imagined he was stronger then me, What a jo-' he was cut off before he could finish his train of thought.

"Yo, Kenpachi. What are you doing just lying there like that, idiot you make it look like you are a weak, frail old man."

"Shut your trap. I'm just resting a bit ... wait what are you doing here Ichigo?"

"Who me? Well you see, um ..."

'This is bad. They really had a shot at taking him out. Just now, I bet it's his own fault, too, for toying with his opponent. Meh I wouldn't be here if he just finished me last time; so, in a way, it's a good thing, I guess...'

"Well I never thought I would get to say this; but I'm here to save you idiot" stated Ichigo in a nonchalant fashion and a proud grin.

Just as Ichigo finished speaking, 4 Quincies arrived. They all appeared to be female.

"Idiot, who the hell told you to save me? Get the hell out of here and I'll stall them. Go, now."

"He's not going anywhere, and you're going be dead soon. Got it you demon bastard?" said Giselle.

"Shut up Giselle. I'm going to kill them both before you can make them your toys," said Bambietta.

Just then, Ikkaku and Yamichika landed behind them on one knee, swords stabbed into the ground. Kenpachi and I looked at the Quincy.

"My, my! Boy you reek, you now that?" said Yamichika almost like he was talking to him self. "You really look the part though, don't you? But you just can't hold your urges, can you?" he said, now pointing at Giselle.

"What did you say, stupid soul reaper? Who do you think I am? How dare you insinuate something so foolish and degrading to me! I think I will make you my toy after all" (Zambezi is what she means by toys.)

As the Quincy where arguing, Yamichika looked at his captain, then at Ikkaku, then to the ground. "I-I'm s-so-sorry captain Zaraki, and Ikkak. I understand if you don't want me in the squad after I use this." Yamichika whispered almost to low to be heard but it was.

Yamichika released his true Shikai, and engulfed Bambianet in his kido zanpacuto vines, and gave Ichigo an opening. He took it, even though Ikkaku was about to take it him self. He let out a massive getsuga tensho. All that was left was Yamichika's zanpacuto's vines the body of the female Quincy disintegrated. No one had time to relax, as they heard a large explosion and turned to see Rukia with one of the other female Quincies lifeless body propped on her zanpacuto, then another Quincy getting shredded by Byakuya Kuchiki's Bankai.

"Hey, hey! What the hell is all this? Why the hell did you all come here? It was just going to be me and Ichigo against them all. You'll have to make it up to me when this is over." Said Zaraki, getting worked up and back on his feet from all the death and blood that took place right in his version of personal space. (His version is fighting distance meaning anywhere he can feel spiritual pressure)

"You'll get someone to fight soon. There is a big group coming our way ... hmm seams like lieutenant Abarai is making his way here too. I hope he does not do something too reckless like you boy." Byakuya said with a calm and cold face to Ichigo. But before Ichigo could reply, Renji arrived, kneeling to his captain.

"Captain I'm here. Sorry for the delay, I ran into some Quincies named bazz-b, but I was able to take care of him. Whats the plan sir?"

End chapter

Well I hope I caught any mistakes I made and you all can enjoy this revised chapter. I'll work on the second one, hopefully I can get it done right now.


Also thank you very much Sweetheart102! I know I am illiterate as fck but you still helped me on this you saved my ass and this story. Thank you and your name really suites you, specifically being so nice about my record braking mistake filled chapter. ? ゚ムヘ? Also thanks you babymunkhcin