Previous Chapter Summary

The dead of Shinji actually not Zouken plan, so in order to payback Caster, he make visit to her

True Assassin born and fight with Caster and Kuzuki. However it revealed the main attacker is Shadow who hiding, the Shadow manage to get rid of Kuzuki and Caster but not before Caster cast final spell and give last gift for Naruto to avenge her

Another dream cross to Manaka mind when she sleep, after that she become more serious and began to connect Naruto presence with Shadow. She questioned Naruto but the older blonde said he will told her later

Meanwhile Rin and Shirou also become wary to the Shadow and decide to visit Illya to warn them

Sakura who don't know Shirou spend time with Rin keep waiting for Shirou

Naruto who visit Ryuudou Temple got attacked by Assassin but Naruto dispose him easily

Meanwhile moment later in church, Naruto confront Kirei about the Shadow and confirm his identity as Lancer Master. But to his shock, Kirei stated he no longer Lancer Master

And before he able to question what he mean Gilgamesh come and finally both of them meet

"Even if it was other version of myself, I still won't consider him as my equal. Only that MAN who can be considered as my equal. Only that MAN I allow to stand side by side with me. Only that MAN I allow to be my ally. And only THAT man who I consider as friend." ~ Gilgamesh, King of Heroes

Chapter 14. The Shadow Assault!

Sakura Matou stare at the cell of hospital above her with blank look

It been hour since Rider give her the news... And been 3 hours since she wait for her Sempai...

When Shirou still not arrive until 10:00AM, Sakura was veery worry. She afraid that her Sempai got wounded because the War, no matter how good Saber is but Rider had inform her that Saver is way above the Servant of Sword

Not just Saber, but Saver is absolutely and completely unbeatable in one on one or even two on one against them. Even if Berserker and Saber work together Rider sure Saver still will be the one that come out as winner

In any sense, Saver is broken character in this War...

Such strong Servant clearly make Sakura worry... While true Rider did said Saver is good guy but Rider also warn Sakura that Saver Master is dangerous...

Rider had stated when she live she had seen psychopath... Seeing she also actually... Evil being she knew another evil... Like people said, "take one to know one"

And Rider absolutely sure too, Saver Master is mentally unstable and very dangerous

The Servant of Mount only caught the crack on Saver Master perfect mask a little... Very little and in fact maybe only she and Caster that knew due to both their alignment to Evil... But the mask is perfect... It soo perfect that they admit Manaka mask could be consider very good even in their Age

And Rider knew well how very dangerous person who can create and make such perfect mask... There no doubt that little girl is very dangerous and mentally unstable behind that mask

If the legendary Medusa even stated that, Sakura don't want to take a risk. No matter how good Saver but he still her Servant... That was very dangerous thing

So after one hour waiting, she use her Command Seal to order Rider to protect Shirou and check on him since Rider actually didn't want to...

And the result?

Is not very good...

When Rider manage to sneak in, she caught glimpse that Shirou actually spend his time with Rin... Training with her...

Even Rider can't help but flinched when see the blank expression of Sakura when she told her the news...

The terror and horrified look on Sakura face remind her to her own life... When she turned to Gorgon... Raped by Poseidon... And not just she got raped but she also cursed afterward...

Sakura... Very much like her...

Why? Why he didn't come?

That was what Sakura thinking...

He was... He said to her that he will come, he will come this morning... And he clearly wanted to meet her again... So why? Why he go spend time with Nee-san? Why? He'd acted so kind and special...

At that realization hit her...

Shirou kindness actually not special... But it was normal... It was his nature to help and kind to people...

She not special one...

Sempai was just trying to protect her like he would any other girl he thought was in trouble. He has no feelings for her other than that, and she was...

'I was an idiot to think he did...' Sakura thought with clear despair 'How could I have been so stupid as to think he would love me? Why would he? I... I... I'm filthy...'

She had been tainted by insect, numerous bugs. Why the pure and gentle Emiya Shirou will waste his time with her? An insect... A bug...

It just perfect that Emiya Shirou will spend his time with the great Rin Tohsaka... The idol in school and the most talented Magus in this Town... She should knew better that Sempai will never love her... His heart belong to Onee-san...

Isn't it good? A pair of insects loving each other? Why a bug like Emiya Shirou and Rin Tohsaka deserve a Goddess like her?

Sakura skin become paler at sudden thought that crossed to her mind

She didn't... She didn't... She didn't just think that! How?! How could she?! How could she... How could she thinking that?! She didn't feel like herself while she was thinking that. It was just so wrong, it wasn't her at all, it was filthy and horrible and nothing she would ever consider but...

After all I went through... They not even care... They not even aware... Why should I grace them with my kindness?

Her horror increased and mortification plastered on her face. Fear grip her chest as she can't maintain the feeling on her heart

Rider who watching Sakura in astral form in corner of hospital room notice the look on Sakura face

"Sakura?" She called, worry clear on her voice "Are you okay?"

That snap Sakura out from her thought... She turn to the corner and see Rider already materialize herself

"I... I'm fine... Rider... I just feel sick..." She answered

Yeah, that's it... She just still sick... The previous thought before never crossed on her mind... It just her imagination and prove she still need rest... That's why Grandfather still not call her until now, he must be know her condition

Yeah... She just needed to get another sleep, and get her mind back in order. It wasn't a problem, she didn't really believe any of those things. it was nothing but mindless lashing out, nothing more, nothing serious...

She just needed to rest, that was all.

Zouken Matou cackled as he feel Sakura dark emotion

All according to the plan...

When that Emiya boy said he will visit Sakura again, that was one of few the best button he can press

That night, he already knew Emiya boy and that Tohsaka girl will after Caster seeing she most vulnerable

However he can't have that, Caster and Assassin is needed to satisfy Shadow hunger

So he send Shadow underling to deal with them, however his primary target is the Master. Not need to dead since he can't have that yet, just maim them

If that Emiya boy death, Sakura mental won't break down. Not now, sure she will but the hope she gain still not enough to make her down to despair

However that doesn't mean he can't give her taste of despair. His plan is to have Emiya or Tohsaka wounded, and afterward he sure the Tohsaka girl will train the Emiya boy and make him not visit Sakura this morning

He let out manic chuckle again, oh that Tohsaka Heiress. Really, his entire family is a fool. Not just his father but also her, both of them is fool!

Her Sister practically ignore her whole existence, exactly just like what her father will do. A idiotic man who sold his daughter to Devil, a man who try to become something that not human by reaching root

Idiot... Both of them

And there Saver...

The old insect eyes narrowed as his mind wondered about the blonde warrior. If there anyone Zouken Matou wary to in this War is that Servant of Savior

The power the blonde display rivaled or even mightier than King of Heroes. Zouken Matou know one thing, in this War Gilgamesh and Saver is the broken characters in this battle

Both of them Gods in battlefield, and if both of them clashed Zouken had no doubt there chance this city could be wiped out. And the possibility for that happen is very high

However despite both of them is equal in Zouken eyes but the old man more worry about Saver. She reason why Zouken wary to him more than Gilgamesh is because Saver not arrogant. Well he arrogant but not as much as Gilgamesh

Saver is more calm, calculating, sharp, strong and won't hesitate to kill innocent if it needed

Zouken pretty sure he won't be able to take Gilgamesh if the King of Heroes serious against him, in mere second he will reduced to trash, even the Shadow won't be able to beat the Golden King. A single wave of hundred weapon from the King gate will tear apart him and the Shadow

But the biggest weakness of the King is he VERY FUCKING DAMN arrogant... With little surprise, Zouken sure the King will be shredded by the Shadow

However, Saver is another case...

Zouken pretty sure the moment Saver meet Shadow, he will terminate it... After see the power he use when blown out almost 200 Shadow Underling with single attack all doubt is vanish...

He need to play his weapon very careful against Saver... Right now he only have three weapons, one is cannon, giant catapult and arrow... But those two still not enough to take down Saver who is big castle

He even let Sakura rest and flee from Matou Residence to avoid Saver. He had seen Saver Presence Detection and heard about it, and also know how damn pretty good it is

Zouken doubt he still going to survive even if he stay at his own territory against being like Saver, that's why he let Sakura rest in hospital. It because he also not there, the place currently is empty

He will back to Matou Residence after gather good amount of weapon to deal with Saver or at least able to distract him enough for Shadow to tear him apart


Zouken turned to see one of his weapon, a women wearing black outfit, white skull mask and dark purple hair that tied into high ponytail

"The spy on Caster place is killed... It was Saver..." She reported

Zouken blinked, that fast? He was thinking maybe it will be night when Saver come to check the temple... To think he will check it in noon like this...

"I see... Well, it doesn't matter. He must be thinking you already dead, now bring 20 of you with us..." Zouken ordered

Assassin bowed to her Master again as 20 dark shadow appear in space and 20 skull masked black figure appear

Seeing the army, Zouken grinned. This Assassin very useful, they maybe not possess strength but they possess numbers and can be very dangerous

He then feel another thing appear. His weapon, his main weapon

The Shadow...

It manifested, which mean Sakura must be sleep now. Heh, no wonder from the stress. Zouken pretty sure she find out about the Emiya boy

He cackled again, soon. His weapon will ready, only in few days, heck! Maybe soon Sakura will break down!

"Now... Its time to leave... We need another army to take down Saver..."

Zouken began to walk as the Shadow, followed by 10 Assassin and follow him. To the giant forest that covered Einzbern castle

Present. With Naruto, at Church

Naruto stare at the man in front of him. His face is serious and there steel on his saphire blue eyes that always cheerful

'This man...' Naruto observe the man who smirked at him

The fellow blonde that stand in front of him now isn't human, Naruto can tell that.

At one glance, all Servants can tell this man also Servant... But for Naruto... His eyes and sensor caught something else

The man maybe good in hide his aura, he exactly almost like Human, it as if this man is alive. Yet at same time he not, he almost like Servant but his aura clearly tell Naruto that this man is alive in flesh and blood

And the aura that this man possess... It like Saber but greater... There something about this man that seems familiar to Naruto... This man presence... Remind him of...

'Sasuke...' Naruto thought. This man remind Naruto to Sasuke somehow...

And also himself...

"You... May I know your name, Your Majesty?" Naruto asked, but despite the polite words there no politeness on his voice

Gilgamesh smirk dimmed a bit, despite the polite words from Saver but the tone he use still insulting. Still, Saver immediately can see and tell he is King. That was point for him in Gilgamesh book even if it only little

But still to demand his name and not offer him his own name. That still rude, even if he interested on him but that still not give Saver right to rude like this

However before Gilgamesh can speak, Naruto cut him

"Sorry for cut you but isn't it proper if I introduce myself first?" Naruto stated and Gilgamesh blinked. The smirk on the Golden King face lightened a bit and he make gesture so he continue

Naruto take deep breath before he flash grin to Gilgamesh "

"My name Naruto Uzumaki. Son of Minato Namikaze and Kushina Uzumaki. Emperor of Shinobi and Samurai. Child of Prophecy, the founder of peace, the first Mortal that dare to slap Goddess in the face and win against her! The Savior of the World when Moon about to crash down to the Earth, the Conqueror of Kyuubi, the mighty beast that hailed as God!" Naruto declared proudly while pointing to himself, foxy grin plastered on his face. He didn't have problem to declare his name, the only reason why no one know his name is because no one asked save for Lancer. Even Rin not asking that, she only ask what is he not what his name

He actually going to tell Lancer his name but since Lancer Master is problematic he decided not to. Now Kirei no longer Lancer Master, he didn't see what the problem

Beside, this man isn't same like all participant in Fifth Holy Grail War. There something about him that make Naruto wary

Gilgamesh who hearing that let out impressed grunt. The introduction and the tittle is quite impressive. He then put thoughtful face

"Naruto Uzumaki..." Gilgamesh rolled the other blonde name on his tongue. That name... He never heard that name, inwardly he scowled. There no information about him, when he reincarnated back to live he still gain information from Throne of Heroes

The declaration from Saver also not lie. Gilgamesh can tell that Naruto is being honest, even it sounds almost unbelievable and impossible. If Saver was that great surely he will be very famous but the Golden King can't find any info about him

'Either he is very good liar or... He come from different World...' Gilgamesh concluded. By any mean the King of Uruk not even surprise if Saver does come from another World. As the first King and the one that live in oldest era, such thing actually not surprise him so much

He had see many weird and impossible thing. But still, it kinda surprise to see someone who come from another universe like Saver

Kirei who listening Saver identity inwardly narrowed his eyes. He never heard Hero with that name, if Saver that great surely his name will be famous. Especially the part who repelled the moon

It remind him to Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg. It was said he also repel the moon when fight against Crimson Moon

Could it be.. There someone who help Zelretch when he repel the moon but died in proceed? Does Saver friends of Zelretch?

True all his abilites is similar like Magecraft when Kirei observe him but all of them actually not. Kirei make mental note to ask Gilgamesh after this, after all the King of Heroes still have information from Throne of Heroes

Unfortunately for Kirei, the information Gilgamesh gain come from Throne of Heroes limited to the information from Fourth Holy Grail War. The moment he reincarnated the information stop, the only one who gain info about Naruto is only Servant from Fifth Grail War

So it not surprise seeing Gilgamesh did not know anything about Naruto

But still...

Gilgamesh stare at Naruto, this man had asked his name, and he already introduce himself. Normally Gilgamesh will throw spear to normal man who dare to act like this to him

However there something about Saver... Gilgamesh can recognize this man not mongrel, the eyes Saver possess. Is not eyes of mongrel, the aura this man possess also not normal... There something... Something deep inside Gilgamesh that make the Golden King himself gawked...

Deep inside his heart... Where not even Gilgamesh himself aware... He knew... This man is equal to him... Something that insane seeing he only consider Enkidu, the one who equal to him

"Hmph! Uzumaki... My name Gilgamesh! the King of Uruk, the proud son of Lugalbanda and Ninsun. And the most prominent King amongst kings. I am the slayer of Humbaba the Terrible, the monstrous giant whom the gods feared. I was the one who slew the Bull of Heaven when the petulant goddess, Ishtar, unleashed it upon my people for my rejection of her advances. I'm the first worthy human to enter the Throne of Heroes, and none that comes after me could even hope to outshine my glory."

Gilgamesh introduce himself with triumph expression and cocky smirk. Naruto who hearing that had wide eyes as he stare at the Golden King with clear surprise on his eyes

'Gilgamesh, King of Heroes... Another Servant?! But how?! I understand if Assassin got summoned since the first Assassin actually fake but... How?' Naruto outwardly keep calm face however the gear on his mind actually try it best to work out and find the result

He maybe not as smart as Shikamaru but still! This thing is ridiculous! Jus... Justeache? Or Justeaze never mention about this!

How could be there another Servant other than him?! Could it be... Angra Mainyu found out about Justeaze act and it also pick champion to fight him?

And if that true, it was Gilgamesh from all Heroes... The King of Heroes! The Greatest Hero! The Original Hero!

A worthy opponent... The best of this World...

'Let me quote Manaka-hime. "Interesting".' Naruto thought with grin inwardly "I see. It pleasure to meet you, King of Heroes..." Naruto stated with bow

Gilgamesh only give amusement smirk seeing Naruto bow to him "I see you recognize your superior. Hmph! Perhaps there may be hope for you..." He responded

Naruto who hearing that rise his head to see Gilgamesh again and give him smirk "Don't rise your hope yet. King of Heroes, while true you are superior to the current me. But you not superior to the real me..."

Gilgamesh eyes narrowed at that statement. If he offended, he didn't show any sign other than furrowed eyebrow "Are you saying, you dare to grace me with only a shadow of yourself?" He asked with calm tone however despite the calm there hint of threat in his words

"Now, now..." Naruto snorted "No offense, King of Heroes but when I come here I didn't think I will meet the King of Uruk. I come here to confirm something to Kotomine Kirei so pardon me if I offend you..." Naruto said, however there amusement on his voice despite his words seems apologetic

"I see... That was acceptable reason..." Gilgamesh remarked "However, what make you think even your real self will be my equal? Many had stated they was my equal, many of them in fact only mongrel who is pretender. And only few of them I respect but even none of them survive against me. None of them equal to me..." He boasted in usual arrogant manner "While I admit, you indeed proved to be very entertaining and interesting subject. But to think yourself is superior than me? You walk on thin ice, warrior." Gilgamesh warned him with narrowed eyes

'This man clearly have pride issue. Remind me to someone else...' Naruto thought as he recall Sasuke who boasting about Uchiha "Believe me, as fellow Leader and King I can understand how you feel King of Heroes. But surely you also understand mine?" Naruto eyebrow furrowed "In my past, I'm the Greatest, the Strongest, the one that make impossible to possible. So I won't let anyone look down on me, even if it the Greatest King. Not until they prove themselves to me because I have my damn pride as well as the Greatest..." Naruto stated simply as he cross his arm to his chest

Gilgamesh eyes narrowed further. This... This man dare to speak like him in that way? How arrogant! He is the King! No one speak to him like that and live! 'Save for Saber since she look more tempting when rebellious.' Gilgamesh thought while began to ponder to throw Gáe Bolg to Naruto now

However there something that make Gilgamesh pause to do that. It was Naruto eyes, the steel and ice on the saphire blue eyes of his fellow blonde remind him to someone else

Someone who he consider as equal in live...

No matter how many damn time he insult him when they fight, HE still gaze to him with steel eyes that refuse to down.

'Enkidu...' Gilgamesh thought sourly. As he stare at Naruto he can't help but feel the familiar aura and eyes that crawl to his heart. Still, even if it familiar he won't accept this man that easy. Alexander also great King, but Gilgamesh still not accept him as friend.

But still, he will give this man chance to prove himself at least

"You have guts Uzumaki..." Gilgamesh commented and Naruto grinned

"Of course I am! I had punch Goddess in the face!" He stated proudly and Gilgamesh let out laugh

"Interesting. Very interesting indeed..." Gilgamesh said "Introduction aside, what your real purpose to come here?"

At that question Naruto face back to serious "The Shadow..." He said "Angra Mainyu, who control it?"

That statement brought surprise to Kirei and Gilgamesh who able to hide it very well. Saver aware of something that Servant should not be aware by anyone save for Einzbern family or Zouken Matou

"And don't try to lie. Kirei over there" Naruto pointed to Kirei with his thumb "Have his heart replaced by Black Heart, Angra Mainyu power surrounding this area like river..."

"I see... How can you know about that?" Gilgamesh asked in curious tone

"The Grail herself summon me to stop it." Naruto answered firmly much to Kirei and Gilgamesh surprise again "I won't tell the details. But the Fourth War, when Angra Mainyu escape via mud, the Grail become pure even if it only a moment. Then she come and ask my help to destroy the Grail..." He finished

'She?' Gilgamesh and Kirei thought with confused but save it for later. They both glanced to each other and Gilgamesh noted there hint of seriousness in Kirei eyes

Saver need to be eliminated...

While Gilgamesh also don't want to have such corrupt and vile thing as his treasure, but that thing will work to clean the Humanity. He will clean them all and gather the Survivor, the stronger and more worthy Human then lead them

"So you come here to destroy one of my treasure.." Gilgamesh stated with narrowed eyes "Maybe you more like Dog than I thought..." He sneered

"Don't be like that, King of Heroes..." Naruto snorted but he caught what Gilgamesh mean "You come here to destroy one of my treasure" It was obvious Gilgamesh knew he come from different World

It wasn't hard for someone to find it out if they have complete information from Throne of Heroes. The reason why Manaka didn't able to find out is because she didn't have complete information

Servant meanwhile will have one that complete. True there won't be any complete info about him but it won't be hard for any Heroes to put the puzzle and find out he actually new in Throne of Heroes and his history never exist

Which mean, he come from different World

Though Gilgamesh reason is different, but not Naruto know about that

"Now, now. Don't be like that Your Majesty, there reason I come and want to destroy it." Naruto stated "I have my own reason..."

"And what is it?" Gilgamesh pressed

"I just feel like it..." Naruto simply answered make Kirei blinked while Gilgamesh narrowed his eyebrow

"You like it?" Gilgamesh repeated

"Yup!" Naruto nodded "I kinda bored since I have nothing to do so I decide to play along..."

At that statement Kirei pretty sure there will be fight now. Inwardly he cringed, if Gilgamesh and Saver fight in here and now there will be problem in public. It will cause Mage Association no doubt bother this War

He about to told Gilgamesh to delay the fight later or went to somewhere else but before he able to he found himself surprised when Gilgamesh start to laugh

"I see. I see..." Gilgamesh laughed, his expression show amusement "So you did it because you like it. Uzumaki, you really amusing..." Gilgamesh can understand what Naruto mean if what he think is true

In Naruto World, he was the King, the Leader, the Greatest. Just like him who is the King in this World. While Naruto reason is stupid but it actually hold power and confidence

As a King, he can do whatever he want and if he bored he simply can butt to someone problem

That's what Naruto words mean actually and Gilgamesh can understand that very well

This man not just have Enkidu traits but also Gilgamesh himself. And it was pretty damn amusing

"Hmph! I'm afraid I can't let you do that. While true it was vile thing but I still need it..." Gilgamesh stated simply

"Then we will meet in battlefield.." Naruto responded with same nonchalant manner "I'm sure you won't satisfied against clone like me. So we will meet, when the end come."

"Oh?" Gilgames furrowed his eyebrow "and what make you think I will wait?" He sneered "I'm the King, why should I wait for someone like you?"

"Because I also sure you won't satisfied if you interrupt now." Naruto simple reply "Seeing Kirei expression, I doubt you two responsible for what happen now. I'm sure you going to kill that thing in the end too." Naruto paused and he take breath "Beside, King of heroes. I sure you only want to face the best in the end right?"

Naruto is right. Gilgamesh only want to face the best. The Golden King actually didn't care about this War, save for Saber and the Grail to purge weak Human from his garden. He actually not plan to grace those mongrel with his presence until the end, only Saber who worthy for his presence

However that change when hear about Saver. Gilgamesh very interesting about the whiskered blonde but now he had meet him and know he from other universe, that make it become... Duller...

Gilgamesh had not interest to someone who come from another World. He already have his World alone, why care for other?

But... Still... Saver interest him. Naruto is the best from his own World. Summoned here to deal with Angra Mainyu. He actually don't care even if Grail summon another Hero but the Grail summon the best

That was something worthy his attention

If the Grail want to challenge him by summoning another King from other World. Why not?

He will show this man how superior is he

"Hmph! Very well, Uzumaki. I will let you deal with this Shadow." Gilgamesh stated after moment of silence "And when you done, we will fight at the peak of battle to decide who the winner"

"Thank you, King of Heroes." Naruto said in sincere tone and give brief nod to the golden King

"But." Gilgamesh continued and his eyes narrowed "I give you brief warning, don't you dare to touch Saber. He's mine, Uzumaki." The Golden King stated firmly

"Hoo?" Naruto eyebrow furrowed "I see you interested on her. If I may ask, why? Surely you know Saber desire for wish is a fool dream..." He told the King bluntly

"I know what she desire, she after all also stated her wish when there feast on the previous war." Gilgamesh replied and Naruto blinked, so there another feast before him eh? "But that what make her beauty, her fiery and hard personality is what make her interested. Wouldn't you agree?"

At that statement Naruto find himself put thoughtful face. What Gilgamesh said not entirely wrong. Not all woman face is match with their behavior. There few woman who is better when they act strong and little tomboy

See for her mother, the fiery red hair and her personality actually good contrast. True Kushina can act like woman but his father actually find Kushina... Tomboy act attractive. It make her more appeal than normal, had Kushina act like normal girl it will be little dull

And Naruto can't imagine if Saber act soo... Girly... A little girly who love to gossip and much like Ino. It doesn't match with her appearance, love doll maybe tolerable but to find her act like Ino?

"Well, I find what you said actually true King of Heroes..." Naruto murmured "I'm agree with you on that part, so you want me to left Saber for the last for you?" He stated

"That's right!" Gilgamesh nodded

"If you say so then. No problem..." Naruto actually not have problem with Gilgamesh request. He will deal with this Shadow first, afterward his next target maybe Berserker or Archer

He want to save Saber for the last because Shirou. The boy ability intrigue him so much, he will let that boy have more experience first so he will ready after the War end. He can see Shirou Emiya is good boy


No... Not good. It more like for that boy, happiness is sin and he only can live if other people happy.

That boy Survivor Guilt is deep... It scar him to the level almost like when Sasuke watch his family murdered in front of him

He inwardly held snort at that. Uchiha Massacre... Some people look down at the event saying it was light one and Sasuke was too bitchy

Well, how about if it were you the one who experience it? How about your own lovely brother to kill whole your family? In front of your eyes? And when you reach your revenge you realize that was all is order. The reality your brother love you so much that he can't afford to kill you

Oh yeah, people mostly silence when Naruto retort that to them

Naruto can understand Shirou guilt. And his devotion to Emiya Kiritsugu, that boy not wish to become Hero just because want to follow Kiritsugu but it also because his guilty feeling from 10 years ago

That's why he want to see how Shirou growth. He already make vow to look for Emiya family, he will help Illyasviel Emiya and Shirou Emiya case. He plan to get Saber the last so that boy had more time to spend time with Tohsaka girl and training

"By the way, King of Heroes." Naruto called "You said there feast from Fourth War, it mean yo survivor from that one. If I may, how you survive this long?" He asked

Gilgamesh stare at Naruto up, down, studying his posture while crossing his arms to his chest before grunted "Hmph! I will answer that one out of kindness. It was simple Uzumaki, the mud. The Angra Mainyu connected to the Grail thus make it able to use Third Magic, at first it try to corrupt me but that corruption is nothing I can't hold of. Since it can't do anything to me, it reincarnated me instead, make me back to living." He explained

"Hmm... I see..." Naruto muttered as he digest the information he get. So that's how Gilgamesh able to live until now.

Naruto stare at the Golden King, then he focused his sensor more and enchant it with simple sensor jutsu. Now he can sense it better, he can feel little presence of Angra Mainyu from Gilgamesh body

He can't feel it before because this place is surrounded by the aura and only when he can focus more that he can sense it

"Very well, King of Heroes. I think that's all. Now I will take my leave.." He stated and the Golden King nodded "Oh, I almost forgot. How about tomorrow night we meet? We will share our story, I will prepare the place for our conversation." He offered "Of course, Kirei can come too..." He added as he stare at Kirei who silence since the beginning

"Hoo?" Gilgamesh put smirk as one his eyebrow rose "I heard about your feast, I heard you held it in flying fortress. That was indeed quite impressive..." He admitted with grin

"So Kirei already told you." Naruto grin a bit "I will held our conversation in there then. I will give you personal tour tomorrow, please come to Fuyuki Bridge at 10:00PM..."

"Hmph! Very well then, I will look into it. Don't disappoint me, Uzumaki-san." Gilgamesh smirked and Naruto smirk back

"I won't..." He responded "I will take my leave then." With bow, the clone dispel himself

Gilgamesh and Kirei stare at the white smoke that slowly dissipated before Kirei turn to the King "You sure it wise to allow him move freely like that?"

"Not need to worry Kotomine." Gilgamesh reassured "What your plan actually? You, also actually will stay low and kill the winner of Grail right? It was same like me, I will wait until the end. Let Saver handle everything, this Shadow. I doubt it can beat Saver."

"And about Rin and that Emiya boy?" Kirei asked

"The Tohsaka Heiress. I will handle her Servant when this Shadow over. That Emiya boy too, as much I want to kill him but he useful for my Saber now. My battle with Saver will come when this Shadow death and after I deal with him, we can come for them..." Gilgamesh answered

Kirei nodded, the plan was quite simple. Right now he need to stay low, he actually worry about Rin rather Shirou. He had train Rin and knew the little girl very talented, though he can beat her but if he deal with Emiya at same time it will be quite dangerous

However, he sure he can handle them when the Greater Grail manifest itself. Nothing problem, though he need to hide now since there big chance Naruto will tell Rin about his status

"Uzumaki won't tell them about your status until the Shadow over..." Gilgamesh stated

"May I ask why?" Kirei narrowed his eyebrow, why Saver wouldn't tell Rin now?

"Because he need you..." Gilgamesh said with smirk "I can see it, he also invite you on feast tomorrow is the fact not I know why though. So you didn't need to worry for now, just make your plan to strike the moment the battle with Shadow gone.."

Though Gilgamesh didn't know Naruto reason but he actually right. Right now Naruto need Kirei, no doubt Rin will confront Kirei about the Shadow. And if Rin knew Kirei traitor the Tohsaka Heiress will report it to Mage Association

That was big NO for Naruto. Not yet, Naruto can't get many attention now. Kirei handle that part pretty well actually that's why Naruto need him, Naruto need Kirei to handle Mage Association for now

If Magus from there come here, the Grail is at risk and so do Naruto existence. Naruto can't have that, not yet. He need more time, this War will end, with his own way

"If you say so then.." Kirei muttered as he began to reform his plan. That was acceptable, if Rin not after him now then there nothing to worry "By the way, do you know exactly why who Saver is? I never heard someone named Naruto Uzumaki. And surely if his claim is as great it is, he should be recorded in history." He asked curiously

"Hmph!" Gilgamesh grunted "While I don't have any proof either he lie or not, but I can tell he not lie... Don't bother to look about him Kotomine, you won't find it anywhere." He stated

"Why?" Kirei can't help but asked again

"Because he live in fairy tale..." Gilgamesh simple response make the priest blinked

What Gilgamesh mean?

As he waiting for the King to elaborated but the Golden King seems won't do that. Deciding the King won't answer anymore he move the topic, he can think about it later "Should I come too tomorrow?" He asked

"You may come. He does invite you right?" Gilgamesh simply stated before he turn around "I will back at my room, do what you want but I suggest you stay away from Uzumaki way until I deal with him." He siad as he leave the priest alone

"If you say so..."

Meanwhile at Einzbern Forest

The girl flee from the castle with the black giant...

It is a baffling escape...

She has abandoned her castle, the place designed to offer her the best defense to run to the forest

But that not matter...

She can sense it... She can feel it...

Danger is approaching the moment the enemies enter the forest...

As Lesser of Grail, Illyasviel von Einzbern can sense just what exactly that coming for her

And the second one is the giant of berserk, Berserker himself

The giant is personification of destruction who has his sanity taken away and only obey the girl.

Heracles by any mean is Greek greatest hero, the Mortal who manage to become God and stand in Zeus side. A Hero who finish Twelve Labor and gain immortality

By any mean, with the castle defense and Berserker on her side. Illya almost had nothing to fear... Save for Saver...

But now...

Even the Giant of Destruction spoke to his Master to flee... The insane giant, still manage to tell that not even he could defeat the approaching enemy

And that's what Illya need for run...

The thing that approach her is not ordinary thing... She know the thing that come for her is not something she and Berserker can match alone

So she ran... She ran away to the forest... She knew if that thing approach Berserker, the Servant of Madness won't become her Servant anymore

The giant carries her on his shoulder as they make their way through the forest

While they run, they can sense someone is on their way... The enemies however isn't the one she sensed, this time it was normal one

"Hoo, very wise aren't you? You know you can't win so you flee..."

Illya and Berserker halted as they see Zouken Matou appear, Assassin with white skull mask standing on his side

"Matou Zouken. So the person that's not chosen by the Holy Grail is acting like a Master..." Illya spat to him as she glance at Assassin. This Assassin isn't like fake one who she meet in Fifth Holy Grail Feast, this one is real. Why she not surprise somehow

Zouken must be know the hole that Caster made and then close it, he must be use the Samurai Assassin body ad catalyst to summon the real one

Illya jump down from Berserker and confront the founder of Makiri family, her red eyes is sharp and there no fear on it

"Hah! The Holy Grail doesn't choose the Masters. It just a vessel. Are you poisoned by the church, saying that it has mind and that it consecrates?" Zouken snorted while let out chuckle

The girl didn't answer and merely glare to him coldly. She knew what he mean actually by that, her old man also cheating and make her summon Berserker two months before the Grail War started

The Holy Grail is merely something to be filled, Masters are not chosen, but prepared as part of the ritual. And Servant merely tool to open the gate or path to the Root

"Hah. Aren't you the one who poisoned by delusion, Zouken?" Illya retorted with scoff "The Holy Grail that becomes the container has no will, but the Great Grail that choose the Master does. You people tried to fill the Holy Grail by summoning heroic spirit because the prototype is here, in this land..." Then she shrugged "Well, I'm sure the Makiri blood declined because you, the person concerned forgot about such thing." She said with cold manner

But the old man only let out laugh at her scorn response, not even bothered with the insult

"Oh, there's no need to worry. Makiri's decline will end now. The matter is about to be complete. The plan was to take part in the next ritual, but I was blessed with good game pieces. My earnest desire is about to come true..." Zouken replied in nonchalant manner

"I see... Then do as you wish. I'm not interested in you. I don't like having vessels beside myself, but you're going to fail anyway. I won't bother you, so why don't you go back to the pit where you belong?" Illya told him in mock pity manner

"You do not need to tell me about that. The sunlight is tough on this old body of mine, so I will return to my nest once my business is done..." Zouken said "But... I get rather uneasy when thing run too smoothly like this. I shall take your body just in case. My dearest wish is virtually complete if I can seize you here..." The hostility began to spark as he spoke that sentence

And as soon he did that, 10 Assassin emerges from the tree, all of them landed, circling Illya and Berserker like pack of hyenas corner their prey

However Illya remain calm. She not even afraid to the pack of Assassin that surround her and Berserker

"A Noble Phantasm that allow you to split your body and make multiple Servant..." Illya remarked as she stare at the groups of Assassin, then smirk plastered on her face "Do you think a numbers of cokcroach will enough to take down Berserker?"

Zouken know the answer... Illya didn't need to ask him about it... No matter how good Assassin but there no way they can hurt Berserker, even if there hundred of them but it still won't enough

Berserker Skin won't gain any scratch save for someone who possess B rank attack. And even if it does, after you kill Berserker with B rank level strength he will resurrected and then gain immunity from your attack

Against Assassin, who possess only C rank Strength. Even if there hundreds or more of them it still won't enough, none of them even will able to scratch Berserker skin

"Berserker!" Illya commanded her Servant

The Servant of Madness bellowed like a beast, before he moved and with fast apppear on one Assassin. He swung his axe-sword horizontally, even Assassin should be fast but Berserker is faster. Heracles is called Greek Greatest Hero for some reason

Too late to react, one Assassin immediately destroyed by the attack, the body crushed by the giant power and instantly death.

Seeing this, all Assassins leaped forward. Daggers on each their hands, ready to launched to their enemies. Their hands blurred as they throw numerous daggers

The result is like Illya predicted, the group of daggers bounced as soon it meet Berserker black skin like rubber ball meet thick wall.

Berserker let out another roar before he swing his axe-blade again, knocking few Assassin who not manage to dodge away. And few who got knocked instantly death as Berserker axe-blade slice them or crush them immediately, proving the monstrous strength of the giant

The Assassin seeing this able to see that there nothing they can do against the giant. They doesn't possess strength or Noble Phantasm that able to pierce Berserker skin, the result of the battle already clear

However, Assassin actually not known as Servant who kill Servant. But Servant who kill Master

With new targets, all Assassins slip daggers to their hands before they throw it to Illya

The white haired Homunculus had wide eyes as she see the projectiles aimed to her. But before any of them able to hurt her, Berserker stand in front of her and protect her from all attacks

And thus, the new game began. Now the table start to turned back as Assassin keep targeting Illya. There more than 10 Assassins who try to attack Illya but Berserker keep protect her

Dozens barrage of projectiles launched and all of them bounced as they hit Berserker skin as the giant try to attack the black Servant while keeping his Master save

By any mean this battle actually not intent to win, Assassins knew even there more of them they still won't able to harm the little girl from Berserker and it just matter of time before the giant able to beat them

But that was what they after

They never mean to beat or kill Berserker or his Master

They just mean to delay them, preventing them from escape until the main weapon come and take down Berserker

Illya know her situation is bad, if there no Shadow come after her this battle is nothing. But the threat that come after her now clearly make her in dangerous position

She can feel it approaching and getting closer! This has to end now! As much she hate to admit it but she have to flee now, killing Zouken Matou can next time!

"Berserker! Take me! We flee, now!" Illya commanded

The giant immediately grab his Master, he also knew the dangerous situation they in now. Flee is the only thing they can do, if they stay longer in here they will dead

"Hoo, trying to escape eh?" Zouken chuckled "Useless!"

While true Berserker and Illya can rush to escape from Assassin. But Illya position now is more open as she got carried by the giant. Assassin waste no time to use this as chance as they launch their attacks to the giant

Berserker roared as he try to defend his Master while attempt to flee. But Assassin is too many, and they also very skilled in projectiles. Few manage to hit Illya, the dagger pierce her shoulder, back and forearm as she screamed in pain

"I-I'm fine! Keep running Berserker!" Illya knew there risk to flee. The daggers is hurt, it almost like bullet and it tear her apart. But she willing to take it as long they can escape now, their situation is clearly very bad

Berserker hearing the command and scream of pain from his Master growled. He increase his speed so they can escape from their attacker, he can tell he surpass them in speed even if they are Assassin. Soon they will escape from them, he can feel it

However, that feeling washed away as Berserker sense another threat. And this time it come from front! Illya herself also can sense another presence waiting for them

'A trap?! He already set someone to guard the exist! Who is it?!' Illya thought with wary

The answer come as they see some figure standing not far from their direction. Berserker halted as he skid his foot to the ground, glaring to the figure in front of him

Illya who seeing the figure narrowed her eyes before it widened in shock as she recognize who exactly standing in front of her

"Y-You are..." Illya stammered. This is bad, the situation turned from bad into worse!

The figure merely give bloodthirsty sharp grin, his crimson eyes seems more darker than original as he stare at them

"Yo! Ojou-chan, going somewhere?"

15 minutes later, Einzbern forest

Saber, Shirou, Rin and Archer ran as fast as their legs can in the forest. While Rin and Shirou speed can't match Saber or Archer but at least they fast enough as they reinforce their legs to move faster than normal

Shirou maybe have little problem but he manage to keep himself very well since their situation is demanding

The reason why they ran now is because not long when they arrive, they hear explosion sounds appear. That indicating there fight in Einzbern forest which mean Berserker fighting against someone

They actually knew other than Saver, there no Servant that can beat him. Berserker is second strongest Servant, after Saver in strength and not to mention his Noble Phantasm skin make him more dangerous, all Servant know that. If someone attack Berserker, it either Saver or Caster

If it Saver, then they have to fast. Archer and Saber already witness Saver strength last night and if Saver have ten or more attack like that then Berserker finish. If it Caster, it only mean Caster already gather army or alliance to take down the giant

Both of them is bad, since if they lose Berserker now that mean soon they will be targeted. Berserker power is also one factor that make them save now

However right now, they actually wish it was one of those two rather than the reality

When they enter Einzbern forest, they sense a familiar wicked presence

Shadow presence...

Archer knew just exactly what horror Shadow can bring. Even Berserker won't stand a chance against it, if Shadow got it hand on Berserker. Then this war won't concern about Servant anymore

Of course he not said it aloud, but he at least give proper warning and even Saber support him since to all Servant, Shadow presence clearly bring fear to them


"Damn! Hopefully we not late!" Rin growled as she push her legs

Shirou on her side didn't bother to reply and only increase his speed. He maybe only spend time short with Illya, but he already feel there bond between them. He already feel close to her... It as if there something connect both of them

He already fail to save his friends in school from the Boundary Field. And he will be damned if he let Illya hurt!

'Wait for me, Illya!' Shirou thought while keep running

"We close!" Saber exclaimed

'Illya!' Archer thought while grit his teeth. The future Emiya Shirou actually very fond to Illya, in his past one of his biggest regret is he fail to prevent Illya from death!

While this Illya isn't his Illya but that doesn't mean he won't save her if he can!

Reinforcing his eyes, Archer sight focused. He look for Illya through the tree and try his best to find her

His eyes widened when he manage to caught Illya. With quick, bow appear on his arm followed by numerous swords behind him and he skidded

"Archer?" Rin called as she, Shirou and Saber who keep running see Archer stopped

"Keep going!" Archer barked to them sternly

The three people hearing that resume their speed as they ran, but Shirou look over to him for moment and his eyes widened as he caught Archer mutter something, he not able to caught it but somehow he feel he knew what is it

"Trace On..." Archer muttered as light appear on his hands, and when it died, a sword appear. He grab it before he kneel and take shoot posture "Complete Trace... Continues fire!" He murmured as the swords behind him launched to the target his see

As the numerous projectiles behind him launched, he pull the sword on his bow string, Prana flowed around him and his eyes sharpened "I am the bone of my sword..." Reinforcement flowed through his sword, the dark silver sword turned to pure red "Hrunting!"


Illya ran as best as she can.

Berserker is loss... But not before he throw her as far as he can so she able to escape...

She still can't believe there another Servant can fought equal in strength with Berserker other than Saver!

She never think... That... He... He can fought equal in power with Berserker! It was absurd

She breathed heavily while keep running, the wound she receive actually deep. Dangerous in fact, but she can't afford to stop

If she stop, Berserker sacrifice will be in vain

She can't be captured here! Not now!

'Already caught me?!'

"You quite runner Ojou-chan!"

Illya gasped as she turn and see the one who stand blow on blow with Berserker behind her. There 3 Assassin stand behind him

"It quite impressive to run this far in short time seeing you not Servant.." The figure remarked before he shrug "But meh! You still can't outrun us, you know that right?" He grinned maliciously "Now be good girl and come with us.." He said as he extend his hand

Illya didn't response, she merely glare to them and take step back

The man sighed seeing this "Oh well, should know the answer. Boys, you can knock her.."

The three Assassins didn't need to told twice as they immediately jumped to Illya, they won't kill but maybe a little maim

Illya seeing this close her eyes, waiting for the impact. For moment her mind drifted to the time when she spend time with Shirou

Her original goal is to kill Shirou. Grandfather said Shirou will leave her just like papa, he will betray her, he won't be her friend

But it proved wrong...

Shirou care to her... Shirou stay with her... Shirou won't leave her...

Shirou is good guy...

'Be safe.. Onii-chan...'


Illya open her eyes again when she feel something pass through her with fast, and hear sound of flesh being stabbed. Her eyes widened immediately when she see the three Assassins got impaled by swords on part of their body


"Projection?" The figure who watching muttered with surprise. However suddenly his eyes widened when see there crimson projectiles launched to him, and with it strength, not even his special ability will able to save him!


"Kyaa!" Illya screamed as she ducked and cover her head from explosion that appear when the crimson projectile impale her chaser


Illya eyes snap open again when she hear familiar voice. She turned and her eyes widened as she see Shirou, Rin and Saber come to her

"Onii-chan!" She called in happiness and relieve. Her Onii-chan is here! He not abandon her! He come for her!

"Illya!" Shirou immediately approach her, kneeling on her side. He immediately notice she bleeding in various part and his eyes widened, filled with concern "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine! It hurt but I'm fine..." Illya reassured while winced due to pain

"Its okay! You save now! I'm here!" Shirou soothed calmly as he comfort the little girl

However both reunion of brother and sister cut short as Saber immediately stand in front of them, Excalibur ready and her face stern

"Shirou! Illyasviel, stand back!" She commanded. Whatever Archer hit, it still alive. She can sense there still enemy lurking in that smoke

Shirou not one who argue with Saber nodded as he immediately carry Illya in piggyback style and walking to Rin direction, he actually want to carry bridal style but there wound and it will make her hurt if he touch it

Rin who observing Illya condition have grim face. They too late, it was obvious Berserker is gone seeing Illya hurt like this. She gritted her teeth, just what kind of being they deal with if it can kill Berserker?!

'Rin, tell everyone to leave now!' Archer voice suddenly echoed on the girl head

'Now? But we still not see-'

'I already see the enemy! Run. Now! It not just one! There dozens of them approaching! All of them is Servants!' Archer barked in stern tone and hint of panic as he staring dozens of Assassins ran to their direction

'W-What?! Wait! What you mean by Servants?!'

'It doesn't matter just RUN!'


A single swipe suddenly gaining everyone attention and broke Rin from her conversation, the smoke cleared from that act and when they see who the culprit they freeze

"No..." Saber muttered with wide eyes "How..." Saber eyes wide and her jaw is open in shock seeing the person

Rin and Shirou unconsciously take step back as they see the figure. The man in front of them is different, but they still recognize him. But what make them freeze isn't the difference outfit

It was the aura he radiated... They had see he fight, when he serious or when he angry. But whenever it is there always cheerful and proud warrior aura he radiated. But now it gone... It replaced by pure bloodlust and vicious. It as if he different person from

"W-What the hell..." Rin murmured with wide eyes

"L-L-Lancer?" Shirou called in shock

Indeed. The figure indeed is Lancer. However his appearance is different. Gone his blue armor and blue hair, his armor now become more demonic. It was black and there spikes from various part of it, not like spandex anymore. His blue hair turned to ash gray and also seems more sharp as if it really horn rather than hair, his red eyes also become more darker

Gáe Bolg on his hand no longer pure crimson, but it turned to dark abyss with several red lines.

"Hello Boy..." Lancer responded with sharp grin "Good day, isn't it?" He stated while gripping Gáe Bolg and lay it over his shoulder

"What... What happen... To you..." Shirou stammered seeing the black knight appearance with wide eyes

However before Lancer able to respond a countless blue swords rain down from the sky to Lancer. The spearman of course sensing this as he jump back and dodge the rain of steel

'RUN!' Archer yelled to Rin

Rin didn't need to be told again, she immediately turn to Saber "Saber, carry Emiya-kun and Illyasviel! I will try my best to keep up!" Rin commanded

Shirou who hearing that snap his neck to Rin so fast as if it broken, shock is on his face "What?!" He asked

Unfortunately for him, Rin already turn around and ran. And unfortunately again, Saber seems agree with Rin as he feel Saber grip his wast

"Do not let go Illyasviel. And Illyasviel, hold on tight." Saber stated firmly before she dashed using Prana Burst, kicking the ground with incredible speed


Lancer who seeing this grinned, he about to move but then sense a large amount of Prana on the sky

Archer who watching from the sky by jumping from high tree preparing his bow again, this time it was the spiralling sword on the string, already reinforced and ready to launched


The blue spiralling projection launched from sky to the land. Archer aim actually not Lancer, but the ground not far from Lancer. He want to make explosion in order to cover Rin so she able to escape

Though with Lancer speed, it will be impossible actually. Lancer already fast and he still holding back that time. Now Archer sure Lancer speed maybe rivalled Saver when he use that enchantment body technique or even faster. This distraction only will give them start for short time and Lancer will catch them soon

However he still willing to try, right now there him and Saber. They have to escape from here, for now make sure Rin and his past self from this timeline with Illya escape

After that, tell them to pull them away from here using Command Seal. Both of them still have two Command Seal so it will be fine to use one, and it also better to use rather than got corrupted by Shadow like Lancer

Archer had no doubt the Shadow already got Berserker. And seeing there REAL Assassin, it mean Caster already gone.

Thing just getting worse and worse!

He then prepare another projection behind him, he knew this actually useless for Lancer but at least it can be used to delay Assassin group and maybe Lancer a little. To able make Lancer face projectile, he have to use A or B rank Noble Phantasm. No thanks for Protection from Arrow of Lancer skill

"Durandal!" Archer bellowed as he launch the peerless sword to Lancer

Saber who carrying Shirou and Illya paused as she stop and put them down. Her face stoic and she began to speak "Shirou, I want you and Illyasviel leave from here. I will go back to make sure Rin save."

"We will wait-"

"No Shirou! You go first! Rin will follow you afterward!" Saber snapped sharply "There no time to arguing Shirou! I know what Archer plan! You the Master will leave. After you all save, use Command Seal to call us on your side! We will try our best to hold them until that time come, understand?!" She stated sternly

Shirou who hearing the tone and seeing Saber serious face nodded. As much he want to protest but there no time for that and if he insist to stay, Illya condition could get worse, she already unconscious now. Not to mention Archer plan also sounds reasonable. They will make sure they save then they will call them back

"Right! Be careful Saber!" Shirou responded with nod before he turn around and leave with Illya on his back

Saber stare at her Master with stern look before she turn. Using Prana Burst to her legs, she dashed with incredible speed, Excalibur ready to strike

And soon, she see Rin who ran to her direction, Lancer behind her and ready to stab her with Gáe Bolg

'I won't let you!' Saber bend Excalibur to her back, the Invisible Wind around it swirling "Invisible Air : Bounded Field of the Wind King!" With loud howl of wind that support her from behind, Saber speed multiple followed by Prana Burst and on instant she appear on Rin side

She rise Excalibur and block the black-red cursed spear, creating spark around them before she parry the sword away and step forward then deliver swing

Lancer immediately jump back, however Saber charged and not let him to take distance. She will be at disadvantage if her distance to Lancer quite far seeing Lancer spear that damn long!

Saber let out battle cry as she swing down Excalibur and Lancer block it. Lancer merely grinned as push away the sword before swing his spear and deliver uppercut slash to Saber chin. Saber pull back her head, barely able to dodge the slash. She twist her body and deliver horizon spinning slash, but again Lancer block it with grin on his face

"Go! Rin! I'm sure you already know the plan!" Saber bellowed to Rin while keep focusing on Lancer

"I understand! Be careful!" The Tohsaka Heiress yelled back as she start to run again

"Well, I don't give a damn to them actually. Though I will after that little white haired girl. She was needed..." Lancer said with grin

"Over my dead body, Lancer!" Saber said coldly as she push him awy and deliver downward strike

Lancer block the attack using middle of Gáe Bolg, he redirect the attack before move pommel of his spear to strike Saber side, but the swordwoman do short jump and dodge the strike. She counter with slash aimed to his head but Lancer pull back his body before kick the ground strongly and jump back

Saber who about to after him have to cover her face due to impact from Lancer strength that pummel the ground, making her unable to. She inwardly cursed, now Lancer had his distance! But not just that, Lancer also seems stronger! And also faster!

Lancer send shark-like grin to Saber as he ready his lance, Saber grip her sword with more tight, also ready to strike down her enemy

However, suddenly Archer came down from the sky. He stand on Saber side, Kanshou and Bakuya already on his arms

"Mind if I join?" Archer asked with smirk

"Aren't you supposed to strike Assassin and Lancer reinforcement?" Saber asked back with narrowed eyes

"I can't do much. They too many, even if I delay them it just going to be short time before they reach here. It better if we work together and finish this one with fast..." Archer replied 'We only have short time before Shadow come, I assume it still consume Berserker. Maybe 10 or 15 minutes, Assassin will arrive here shortly, we need to give damage to Lancer as much as we can.' He thought grimly

"If you say so..." Saber accepted the reason, it sound logical

Lancer who hearing that snorted "A bowman who want to become Knight wanna-be? I don't think your presence will affect much!" He sneered

"We won't know until we try, do we?" Archer shot back, smirk still plastered on his face

"I don't know what happen to you Lancer... But you've fallen very, very far. Cutting you down once would have been a great honor. Now, I think it will just be a mercy for warrior like you." Saber said with solemn tone

Lancer who hearing that merely tilted his head to the side "Fallen? Saber… You know who I am. I spent my entire life desiring battle. Glory. And I spent each and every bit of it as someone's damn lapdog. The Hound of Chulann… but oooooh, things are different now! My new Master runs only on instinct. It has no goals, it's just a monster that wants to feed, to hunt and kill the Seven Servants. To face down each one, defeat them, and devour them." Lancer said, his tone growing steadily more excited. "That's all it wants to do, and all it wants me to do. And I can do it however I want, with my so-called Master too mindless to do anything about it but follow me in a frenzy, begging for scraps. I don't have anyone holding me back, Saber. Nobody's leash stopping me from claiming the ultimate battle that I always wanted." Lancer paused as he take breath, before a bloodthirsty grin and malicious gleam appear on his eyes "Fallen? For the first time in my life, I'm free!" He roared in pure joy and bloodlust before he lunged at them, like mad dog who lunged at his prey

Hello! Hello everyone! How are you all?! ('V')/

Sorry for long to update! I'm kinda busy! You see, I celebrate Chinese New Year! Happy Chinese New Year to you all! And Gong Xi Fat Chai for you who also celebrate it! Don't forget to send me the Ang Pao! XD

We also got 500+ favorite for this story! Yeaaaah! Give me applause XP

Anyway! Hell yeah! We have Shadow who growing more and more dangerous in this chapter!

Sakura depression seems drive her more into dangerous position! Will she consumed by Shadow and become one with it?! Or will she saved before that?!

Gilgamesh and Naruto come to understanding to each other! I hope you all satisfied with the conversation. There no battle between them, not yet. If they fight, it won't be like when Saber and Archer against Naruto. Instead, their battle will be the end of one of them! So their battle will come as last one!

And hell yeah! Lancer Alter! I sure many of you surprise about it right?! Hell yeah you are! I actually already plan this since the beginning! Rather than Saber, it were Lancer who corrupted! Of course his strength increased so high! His status will be posted on next chapter!

And what the hell?! Where Naruto?! While everyone busy fighting in crisis situation he gone in this chapter! DX

Don't worry! Next chapter he will come. We will see what he find in Ryuudou Temple and his reaction when he got memories from talking with Gilgamesh

As for harem, I got PM that stated Illya should enter Naruto harem because Shirou is her brother and Naruto also more match for her personality

I don't know about harem. While Shirou harem is absolute, Rin and Sakura. Naruto is another case, Manaka is sure join with him. Rider? Yes, also Rider. Saber, also enter his due to many people want her to enter Naruto's rather than Shirou. Illya is another case, I leave it to you all, give the opinion through review

As for Beta Reader, I looking for one! Please PM me if you interested and please don't give false hope. I already meet something like that too many! TT_TT

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Ja Ne! XD