The door was burst opened, nurses running everywhere trying to prepare themselves for the worst, a child crying for his mother while hugging his sister, A blue eye man sadly watching his love being sent to the emergency room, and a demon silently moaning in pain for his loss.

Sakura one of the medics in the hospital tried everything in her powers to save the girl, but it wasn't easy, she was loosing more chakra by the minute. Tsunade told her to stop working herself, but she refuses. She knew what would happen if the girl dies, she did not want to see her friend in pain. Not after causing him so much pain herself, she just wanted to do something right for a change even if it means loosing her life in the process she will.

Every minute that pass naruto felt anxious, he wanted to barge in there and see if hinata condition got better, but he restrains himself from making a scene. Shikamaru his advisers watch as he passé back and forth, he wanted to say anything would ease his friend, but he knew as well as everyone else that hinata would not be able to survive this, After all this disease was uncommon, and unheard off.

Deciding, naruto was about to walk in there when sakura and lady tsunade came out, both of them with there headed down. Everyone wanted to know what was going on especially bolt and himawari. Sakura refuse to look at them, she didn't want to lie or see their disappointing face.

"So, sakura-chan…Obasan...Is hinata alright?" he asks walking towards them both; they both stood still refusing to look him in the eyes. Tsunade kept her cool, while sakura was trying hard not to cry. "Naruto" she said sadly trying to find a way to break it to him

"Hinata...She's" she said trying hard not to cry

"Well, spill it already sakura" he said impatient surprising her; When ever naruto remove the chan in her name she knew he was serious.

Getting the courage to look him in the eyes she said the words that would change naruto's life forever "hinata, is dead" she said this time in tears



"THE COCK BLOCKER IS GONE!" some one screamed

"FINALLY!" they all screamed celebrating there greatest moment ever

"sakura-chan" he said emotionally

"naruto-kun" she said back before they move closer to each other about to kiss

"cut.. cut cut, this is the wrong script. Do over" I said making everyone disappointed

Naruto couldn't believe what she said, he just didn't believe it. "Your wrong sakura…your just wrong." he said emotionally, sakura tried to reach for him, but he backed away in denial, Bolt hearing that his mother was dead cried silently while hugging his sister who doesn't know a thing.

~Why... why... Is this happening to me~ he thought before walking away quietly, not even saying a word to his comrades.

Sakura watch him leave, she could feel his pain. The pain of never seeing your lover again, she knew this was life, but she was hoping life would get better for her friend. Still in tears she walk to his children and bend down to hug them, holding them tightly while crying.

Naruto sat down on the hokage tower, thinking about the time hinata confess to him and him giving her a chance. How she was so happy that he finally kept his promise to her and her almost fainting after he kiss her. He continued to watch konoha while crying, remembering when she told him she was pregnant and how happy he was to have his own child. ~Why does this always happen to me, everyone I care about always leaving me. Mom...Dad…pervy-sage…and now hinata~ he thought

"DAMMIT!" He screamed while punching the ground, not caring if his knuckles bleed or broke.

"DAMMIT! DAMMIT! DAMMIT!" he screamed

On that day everyone heard the hokage in pain and on that day the boy who would once smile for anything was no more, he was just an empty shell. It seems like there was no hope for him, he lost the will to smile, and was more determined to protect his village.