Stark High

I look out the window as New York City passes by. My mom and I moved here recently because of her new job. That's my family, just the two of us. My dad left before I was born, or at least that's what my mom says. Anyways, New York is looking pretty good. Most of the buildings are now repaired or have been replaced with new ones. Only the occasional damage gives any indication of the battle that took place here sixteen years ago.

The school bus screeches to a stop, causing me to turn my attention to the sight in front of me. A new town means a new school, more specifically, Stark High. I look forward in anticipation. Because Stark High isn't just any school, it's where Liberty and Sam go.

For those of you who have been living in a cave or something (like, hel-LO it's 2028! Where have you been?), Liberty and Sam are, like, major celebrities. Liberty Rogers is the daughter of Captain America who, like him, has super-soldier powers. Samuel Thorson, who goes by the superhero name of Shocker, is the son of Thor, and has the same powers as Thor, although to a lesser degree. Still, both of them are training to become the next generation of superheroes. And both of them go to my school.

I get off the bus and head towards school, stopping briefly to look at a plaque. This school was founded from the generous donation of Mr. Anthony (I don't know his middle name) Stark. I snort at how formal his name sounds all spelled out, especially considering that YouTube video I saw recently of him dancing like a robot in his Iron Man suit at some party, then falling over because he got drunk. It's nice that he founded a school though.

Stark High is, for the most part, just an ordinary public school. Yet, walking down the hall, I notice a few differences from my last school, like a fancy computer lab, courtesy of Tony Stark. I also notice, that, like my last school, everyone is more or less normal. I mean, I don't know what I expected. Liberty and Sam greeting me while reporters comment on our every word? No, this school is definitely normal. In fact, it's almost boring.

A bell ringing reminds me that there is probably somewhere I am supposed to be. Looking around, I realize that everyone else has a piece of paper with their schedule on it. I guess because I'm a new student, someone forgot to give me one. Since I am right next to a door marked "Office," I decide to ask for my schedule.

Upon my entering, a secretary looks up from her work. "Yes?"

"Hi, it's my first day, so I was wondering if you have my schedule or something?" I ask.

The secretary looks at me. "What's your name?"

"Laura Lakes," I reply.

The secretary rummages around for a bit, then smiles as she finds what she is looking for. "There you are," she says, handing me my schedule. "Have a nice first day."

I smile. "Thank you," I say, then leave the office.

I look at my schedule and find my homeroom number. I am about to head there, when something catches my attention. In the school nurse's room, which is next to the office, two guys are arguing. And one of them sounds strangely familiar…

Slowly, I approach the door, trying to make as little noise as possible. Now, I don't want you to get the wrong idea. I get good grades, don't do drugs, and don't have unsafe sex (or a boyfriend for that matter.) But that doesn't mean I don't like to have fun, and listening in on people is harmless enough. And in this case, since everyone else is in class, it's easy enough to do.

"I'm not kidding, he zapped me!" one of the guys complains.

The guy whose voice sounds familiar chuckles. "You wish! You're just trying to get me suspended from football so you can be quarterback!"

Suddenly, the familiar voice clicks. Because he's the famous quarterback of the Stark Cyborgs football team, Sam Thorson!

I smile. It seems today might be interesting after all.

AN: Hello :) This chapter basically just sets up the story. The next chapter is where you get to meet all of the young heroes (although you won't know who they are! Suspense!), and the third chapter will be full of action!