Disclaimer: I do not own Gotham or any of the characters.

"And I will wonder forever if I'll see you again,

or for six days, or for eight months, or for five years,

or for the rest of my horrible, beautiful life.

And other things will happen to me that are just as

amazing and lovely and traumatizing as you have been,

and I will tell you none of them. Maybe."

-Lost at sea, Bryan Lee O' Malley

It's been a week since that wretched day when that assassin broke into his house and Alfred showed his badass side and, and…. She left.

"Have you found her yet?" He asks detective Gordon over the phone every day, doing his best to conceal all emotions in his voice like he has been training himself to do.

"We're doing the best we can to catch your parents' killer, Bruce. I've got some men searching for the person on that sketch. Just hang in there, okay?" The detective assures daily, and the conviction in his voice makes him almost want to believe.

But doesn't he get it? It's not about that. It's so much more.

This is about the safety of the girl named Selina Kyle in the ruthless brutal streets of Gotham, the girl who is more than just the witness to his parents' murder, the girl who is his….friend, his first kiss. Don't think about that, he mentally scolds himself immediately.

Instead, he thinks about the horrors of the streets that he witnessed in such a short span of time. How in the world does she survive in the middle of that? Sure, she's strong, she's agile, she's been there her whole life, she's capable of looking after herself, but…


He goes through the newspaper again. More stories of dismay. More gang murders. More missing people. More corruption disguised as progress. And so much more chaos. But not a single report of any robbery pointing in her direction.

A part of him is glad that she has gone off the grid, hopeful that the people after her can't find her either. But another part wishes that she would just somehow let him know that she is okay.

And a tiny part is scared, but he's not willing to admit that to himself. He's learning to stand at the edge, after all.

So he does the only thing he can do- he waits, for some news, for some sign, for some accidental stumbling across her, maybe in three days, or six weeks, or some twenty years when they're both donning black leather spandex.

And he does the other thing he can do- he trains himself. He has to do something to make Gotham a better place. For the people of Gotham. For his parents and their visions.

And for the girl who's currently lost in them.

A/N: Plot bunnies keep jumping at me. Hope you liked this! Reviews make me happy. Have a great day! :D