Don't kill me, I have an update...and a cookie.


So, let me live. Eat the cookie, read the chapter...don't harm me...I'm updating. Now, I don't remember exactly what happens. SO FACTS ARE WRONG!


"Flat Trans. Your way of transportation." Rat Man tells us.

He waited and said nothing more. Minho told us he was going first and to have Thomas go last. We followed directions, people go in one by one after Minho. I go in sooner than I want to, I would have wanted to be third to last. But as I go in, I know Newt will follow.

We can't see when we enter, because it's so dark. When Thomas jumps through, the 'Flat Trans' closes. We're all alone, and worse...I don't even know where we are. Minho announces that we should start running forwards, and no one disagrees.

The Glader's put their hand around, trying to feel the perimeter. I do too...It's just wall. Flat wall on both sides. As I moved my hands around, I realize the whole room is like that. I guess there's only one direction to go.

Five seconds later, everyone starts to jog, trying not to bump into anyone around them. I don't know how long we'll be jogging, so I keep a slower, steady pace, still keeping up with the group. I'm not the best runner, and I don't want to be tired out early.

So we all run, in the dark. We don't know where we're going, how long we've been running. We just go forward, since there's not another way to go. To pass time, I loss myself in my thoughts. I think about what this all means. About what Rat Man told us. About being the Misplace. I try to figure out what it means, and it makes time go faster.

No one spoke, we just heard the huffs of breaths, and as time went on, they slowly got heavier. I found myself huffing, with pace. When I stepped down, I huffed. I got embarrassed by how it sounded weird. I almost laughed, at finding myself comparing my huffs to a ferret's noise.

I'm unprepared for the horrified scream that comes next.

People stop jogging, bumming into each other. Screams fill the room, so high and mortified that they sound somewhat like a girl screaming...

"Nera?" Newt asks. I shake my head.

"No. It's not me." I say.

I hear people shuffle around. Someone pushes past me, and I realize the scream is coming from in front of me. Thankfully it tells me that it's not Newt or Thomas. Then I feel guilty for being thankful. Someone was hurt, bad.

"Where is he?" Thomas asks from ahead of me. How did he get ahead of me? The guy who pushed past me must have been him.

I don't answer because I don't know where he is. "He was right here. He just collapsed and started to scream." Someone says, not to far ahead of me. So the person must be over there. More shuffling.

I don't know what's going on, but I lean to try to see. It doesn't help...because no one can see. You could be standing right next to Thomas, and not be able to see what was going on.

Five minutes later, Thomas is screaming. Now I'm freaked he's hurt, I don't even have a thought before I push forward trying to get to where he is. People move out of my way.

"Thomas!" I yell. I hear shuffling in front of me, and behind me. I assume it's Newt and Minho, they care for Thomas as much as I do. They're his friends, not to mention leader of the group.

I still couldn't see, but I knelt down. "Thomas?"

I could hear his ragged breaths. "I touched his face! And..." A gulp. "He...doesn't have one."