Chapter 14

Bulla closed the door to her apartment's tiny bedroom and sighed as she looked around the small living room and microscopic kitchen. The apartment's main attraction was that it was near her work. There wasn't much else you could say for it.

It had been her home since she'd left Goten, almost ten months ago now. She made a conscious effort to push thoughts of Goten from her mind.

She walked over to the desk, picked up a letter from Valese and idly flipped through the pages. She hadn't replied to it yet. She would do that today, she promised herself, glancing over the sheets of scrawl that so matched Valese's personality. As she read, an inevitable smile curved her mouth. The letter was newsy and funny and typical Valese, she thought.

The doorbell suddenly rang, and she looked up with a frown and put the letter back on the desk.

Bulla glanced hastily in the mirror. She was dressed casually in faded jeans and a red flannel shirt, open at the neck with the sleeves rolled up. She looked clean and wholesome, but it was definitely not one of her more glamorous days, she admitted ruefully. Her hair, which she had pulled back, had managed with a will of its own to spring from its ponytail, cascading in errant waves surrounding her face. She been cleaning the apartment, and her face was slightly flushed from her exertions.

She opened the door and was suddenly paralyzed. Goten stood gazing down at her, looking darkly handsome, his well-built rangy body filling the door frame. Bulla's heart began to pound erratically. She tried to unlock her eyes from his gaze, but it was useless.

"Hello, Bulla." His quiet voice had a staggering effect as his sensuous black eyes slipped over her, exerting an immediate pull on her senses.

"What are you doing here?" she finally managed to get out in a soft, tremulous voice, realizing it was a foolish question, because she really didn't want to know. She just wanted him to go away. But he hovered over her, looking breathtakingly handsome—and threatening. Dressed in a black leather jacket that hung unzipped, a dark grey shirt and dark fitted blue jeans, he looked very much like as he had the first time he had walked back into her lift in the airplane hangar at Lilac's.

"I don't want you here," she whispered.

"May I come in? Or do we have this conversation while I stand out here in the hall?"

Knowing Goten, he would stand there and let the whole apartment block know what he had to say. He didn't care what people thought; he had developed a tough hide in prison.

He stepped inside and pushed the door shut behind him. The force of his tough, masculine presence seemed to suddenly crowd the small room. He threw his jacket onto a nearby chair and stood looking at her. Bulla turned away, keeping her back to him, and murmured a soft plea in an emotionally charged voice, "I don't know why you're here. We have nothing to talk about." Her body trembled from the strong play of emotions his nearness had on her.

"We've got a lot to talk about, Bulla. Now why don't you just sit down and listen," he murmured in that low-pitched voice that always vibrated straight through her.

She turned away from the window and looked at him. Slowly, something in the air changed between them. Bulla watched as his ebony eyes made a leisurely perusal of her, from the mass of luxurious aqua bluenette waves that surrounded her face, downward over her full breasts, tapering waist and rounded hips, to her legs and then slowly back up again. His had a hungry look in them. The impact of it was like an electric jolt.

With a surrendering groan, she admitted instantly to herself that nothing had changed between them. if anything, it was even stronger than before, she thought as she felt desire stir deep inside her and remembered how long it had been since he had touched her. How was she going to send him away? Again, she turned away, desperate to ease the potent effect just his looking at her had on the both of them.

"I've got a thousand things to do today," she announced in a thin, rattled voice. "Really I do. I don't know how you found me, but I don't want you here." She fought to retain some kind of composure.

Why had he come? Her life had just settled into a quiet pattern. She had just gotten used to going to sleep without aching to be in his arms, without longing for his power masculinity surrounding her soft curves. The memory had begun to fade. Now he was here, his black eyes challenging her to deny what was still there between them. Suddenly everything was chaotic and in turmoil again, and it was so useless.

"You ran away. You didn't give our marriage much of a chance."

How could he accuse her of that? She wondered in amazement. When she had put everything she had into their marriage, had given him everything and loved him in all conditions, had put up with everything to the breaking point. The accusation only convinced her that they were poles apart.

"I don't want to talk to you," she cried softly, her voice holding a plaintive note. "I don't want to turn everything in my life upside down again." She folded her arms in a resolute gesture. She saw his mouth tighten and his head angle downward, his handsome features hardening into a set, taut lines. She gazed back at him. He towered over her, and the room seemed to shrink with him in it.

"I've got something to say, and I'm not leaving." He stepped forward with the air of a man who intended to say what he had come to say, and nothing on the face of the earth was going to stop him.

A feeling of helplessness swept over her.

"Have we got that straight, Bulla?" His voice was soft, steel covered in velvet.

Her last shred of hope, that she might get him to leave, withered and died. Her gaze slid over his built, powerful masculinity, his thick black hair that was forever in that unique style that was him. There was about him that aura of strength she had noticed when she had first met him. She tore her gaze away, knowing that it was useless to try to make him go. She would have to hear him out. Restlessly, she moved towards the small kitchen. Goten watched her speculatively.

"There's something different about you," he said, "but I can't put my finger on what it is." The leaden color in his eyes changed into a glittery ebony.

Bulla tried to stem the surge of anxiety inside her. She knew why she looked different, and she wasn't ready to explain what that difference was.

"Would you like a cup of coffee?" His eyes narrowed at the tremor in her voice.

"Yes, I would."

Keep clam, she thought. There's no need to panic. One cup of coffee, and maybe he will be gone.

She moved past him, and his expression slipped into an enigmatic mask while she got some cups out of the cupboard and he stood lounging in the doorway. She felt her skin burning as his gaze slipped possessively over the soft feminine curves he knew so intimately.

"How long have you been living here?" His low-pitched voice invaded the kitchen and curled around her senses like a whip.

"I found it soon after I left…you," she murmured, wishing the kettle would boil and he would go into the living room instead of hovering in the doorway.

"Why did you leave, Bulla?"

"I would have thought that was pretty obvious." She turned to face him. "You did everything you could to tell me you hated me, and probably would continue to hate me for the rest of your life."

He bent his head and stared at the floor for a long moment. And then looked up again at her.

"I want you back," he said quietly, holding her gaze.

His words sent a swift, sharp shaft of pleasure that was undeniable. The intensity of it shook her. Why was the pull he had on her still so strong? she wondered as she gazed steadily at him.

His eyes glinted, and he seemed to be struggling with some feelings still at war within himself.

"You came forward and cleared my name, you and Trunks. The lawyers contacted me and asked if I wanted to take things any further, to reopen the case. I don't. I'm satisfied. I've been exonerated, and that's what mattered most to me. I don't hate him anymore. I don't hate anyone anymore," he added meaningfully.

"Not me?" Bulla murmured softly.

"Least of all you, Bulla," he added. There was an expression in his eyes that seemed to send quick, sensuous darts piercing her skin.

"The lawyers corroborated what you told me about your stepfather. I knew deep down inside that you were telling me the truth when you tried to explain what had led up to your testimony in court, but I was too angry, too filled with wounded pride. I couldn't accept that I had fallen so deeply in love with you, so I couldn't accept that what you were telling me was the truth." He paused. "It was a very courageous thing for you to do, Bulla. And I think it must have been you. I can't see Trunks doing it without a good solid push. Am I right?"

"It was what we owed you, nothing more," Bulla said quietly, dismissing his words. "Nothing more. No one can ever make up to you for those years stolen out of your life. But I believe I've paid my debt to you," she told him, referring to what he had told her that day at the condo when he asked her to marry him, so to speak. "Trunks has been ordered by the judge to do community service. I wasn't charged because the judge took into account the extenuating circumstances and my age at the time." She looked up at him, questioning him with her blue eyes. "What will you do now? Will you leave Lilac's and look for a job with a major airline?"

"I've come to like working at Lilac's. I'm not sure what I'm going to do yet. I've talked to Phoenix about buying a share of the business and getting in on the management side, but we haven't made any firm decisions." He let his black-eyed gaze slide over Bulla.

"But that's not why I came here. I didn't come to talk about my career plans. I came to talk about us." He moved forward.

Suddenly the kettle whistled, and Bulla was grateful for its shrill wail. She didn't want to talk about them; it was all too confusing. She wanted him to go and to leave her to get on with her life, such as it was. She picked up the kettle and poured the boiling water into the waiting cups. She replaced the kettle on the stove, not looking at him, and then lifted the small tray and led the way out of the kitchen. Goten followed with that sensual ease with which he did almost everything. She sensed his assessing gaze sliding over her. When they reached the living room, she set the tray on the coffee table in front of the couch.

"Where are you working?" he asked as she passed him a steaming cup. She sank into a cushioned chair next to the sofa, careful to keep her distance from him. He sat on the sofa, stretching his long legs out in front of him for moment before leaning forward to place the coffee on the table and resting his arms on his outspread knees.

"I have a job with an airline company." She knew he was stalling, not saying what he wanted to say. His eyes seemed to drink her in, and she gazed at him with a longing that she could no longer conceal. As Bulla and Goten gazed at each other, the taut lines at his mouth relaxed. She went on with surface conversation, avoiding the undercurrents that were racing between them and threatening to overwhelm her.

"Mr. Phoenix gave me a very good reference. It was easy to find a job." She rose and stood in front of him, only inches away.

"How did you find me?" she demanded with a thread of exasperation in her voice. "Did he tell you?" She had sworn both Mr. Phoenix and Valese to secrecy. She was suddenly angry that one of them had obviously gone back on his word.

"Let's just say I found out," he said, gazing up at her, his eyes mystifying. "I've been trying to find you for mouths. Phoenix wouldn't tell me where you were, and Valese wouldn't, either." His voice flickered dangerously with some nameless emotion, and Bulla wondered what it was.

Goten didn't volunteer any more information, and the expression in his eyes grew smoky. His gaze began to travel slowly up over her legs, enjoying the view and snug-fitting jeans allowed.

She suddenly wished she had on a skirt. The look in his eyes made it instantly clear what he was thinking, and the knowledge made her blood run hot and her face grew warm.

"For Kami sake, don't stand in front of me like that." He ground out the words, biting down on each one as he tipped his head downward, averting his eyes. "I'm having trouble keeping my hands off you as it is."

A heat rush flashed through her with such riveting force that she almost winced. Bulla turned and walked to the other side of the room. Goten, equally restless, moved to the window near the desk. He stared out for a long moment, as if he were weighing his words before said them. Bulla suddenly realized how much she was still in love with him and that she was sliding down that slippery slope of desire, unable to stop herself, with nothing to grab onto.

"Bulla, I love you so very much. And I want you back. I never knew how much I loved you until you left. I didn't know how much because I kept it well hidden from myself."

She noticed that he said the words as if they were dragged from him, as if they were still difficult for him to say, which only served to give them more impact.

"Because of my anger over what you had done, I couldn't admit to myself how much I loved you."

Bulla wanted to go to him, to wrap her arms around him. But some caution, some instinctive reserve held her in check, and she stood poised on the other side of the room, afraid to move. Not quite able to believe her ears. All those weeks and mouths of living with him had conditioned her to hold her natural responses in check. Too many times she had reached out only to be rejected.

"I don't think I could come back," she said in a soft voice that echoed her doubts, her fear that things might still be the same if she returned to him. She could see something flare inside him at her resistance. He swung around.

"Damn it, Bulla! I couldn't help the way I felt. I couldn't dismiss those years that were cut out of my life with a snap of my fingers." The intensity of his emotions fired the words at her across the space of the room.

"Why did you ever marry me if you felt that way?" she asked with a shaky tremor in her voice, close to tears but struggling not to let it show.

"I told you at the time," he said flatly. "I couldn't stop wanting you. Don't you remember that day in the condo? I told you, I still wanted you, but I didn't like the way you made me feel. I wanted to punish you. Maybe I thought in time…the anger would go away." His black eyes seemed to deepen as he spoke. "It's all gone now. I want you back, and I promise things will be different."

His built, powerful frame still dominated the room. Yet there was a strangely vulnerable look in his ebony gaze that echoed his declaration of love, and it had a powerful effect on Bulla's senses. But she still hesitated, she still wasn't sure. She couldn't go back to the way things were. How could he be so sure that he had rid himself of the bitterness? Hers and Trunks' confessions had restored his good reputation, but it hadn't restored the time spent in prison or removed the scars those times had left on him. She turned away, still protecting herself with doubts. She heard him cross the room and move close behind her. Her whole being was finely tuned to his presence, so that when his hands slid to the sides of her waist and he pulled her gently back against him, a soft low moan of pleasure escaped involuntary from her throat. She closed her eyes at the overwhelming sensation of his nearness and touch.

"Oh, that's not fair," she whispered.

"What's not fair?" he asked softly against the side of her face, his lips grazing her temple. "The effect you have on me isn't fair," he added huskily, as his fingers softly threaded through the mass of waves at the back of her head, stroking and comforting. "It's driving me crazy being in this room, not being able to touch you. What do you think it's been like for me all these mouths? Lying awake at night remembering what it was like between us."

Bulla's whole being instantly responded to him, and she shuddered when his arms tightened around her.

He raised his voice slightly. "Don't you know by now the effect you have on me?" He was falling back on what he knew had never died between them, using the most powerful weapon he possessed. He lowered his head to nuzzle the side of her neck.

"I never stopped wanting you. I never stopped loving you. Other feelings got in the way, that's all." He breathed against her ear as his mouth moved in a searing caress down the length of her neck. "Nothing is standing in our way now. I think you want me as much as I you. Come back to me, Bulla. I need you." His voice was an urgent caress, causing desire to surge so strongly inside her that Bulla knew she must try to resist it or she would be lost forever. Her hands locked on his, trying to push them away, but he only pulled her closer to him, and she felt him mold her body to his. She turned in his arms, resisting.

"I'm through with love." Bulla's voice caught on a tremulous note. She had failed dismally, and she wasn't willing to try again.

"How can you be through with love when you were made for love?" he countered softly.

"I don't want to hear about loving." She tried to move out of his arms again, but he held her tightly and wouldn't let her go.

"I need time to think," she begged. "How do I know it won't be the same as it was?" Her voice was shaking, with all her senses now fully aroused. "Maybe all those feelings are still inside you. It's only because we've been apart for so long. When we're together again, day in and day out, those feelings will come back just as before. I can't come back now. I need time to think first." She pushed at his hands.

"You'd better go," she murmured.

"Are you sure that's how you feel?" His black eyes contemplated her with open skepticism.

"No, I'm not sure what I think. I need time. I don't know what I feel. Everything is all confused…inside my head." She couldn't think straight when he was near her, holding her like this. Her voice was choked and barely audible. They weren't the words she wanted to say, but she felt she had no choice. Now, suddenly everything was havoc inside her. Why had he come back and disturbed the peaceful routine of the new life she had made for herself? It wasn't much of a life, but it was all she had. Frustration surged inside her.

"I wish you'd never come here!" The anguished words suddenly exploded from her. She didn't want to say that, either, but she couldn't stop herself.

At that moment a tiny wailing erupted from the one of the bedrooms, and Bulla instantly froze, not daring to breathe. She hoped desperately that Goten hadn't heard it. But his head turned shapely at the sound, and his ebony eyes clouded with puzzlement as the sound came again, this time much more loudly and much more clearly.

The color drain from Bulla's face.

"What was that?" Goten demanded.

"Nothing." She responded too quickly, and then the wail came again, and she closed her eyes, willing it to stop.

"That sounds like a…" Goten left the sentence dangling in midair, set her away from himself and started to move towards the bedroom door.

Bulla rushed after him in futile pursuit, unable to stop herself.

"Where are you going? You can't go in there!" Her voice ended on a wobbly note as he turned to confront her.

"Why can't I, Bulla?" he snapped as she caught the full impact of his narrowed glittering gaze. She reached out to grab at his shirt, but came up with a handful of air as he moved out of her reach.

"You shouldn't go in there," she warned. But it was no use. With long strides, he burst into the bedroom, pushing open the door which swung back and hit the wall.

She was behind him, and she watched as he stopped short, staring silently in front of him. The tiny room was papered with teddy bears and furnished with a crib and chest of drawers bought from a thrift shop. Two mobiles of teddy bears and purple and pink stars hanging from the ceiling. A rocking chair with a baby blue cushion sat in one corner.

But Goten paid no attention to the décor because his eyes were riveted on one tiny, squalling creature in the crib and another one sleeping soundly by it. The first one was flailing its tiny arms and legs in a fine rage. Goten stood stock-still, as if he had the breath knocked right out of him, stunned from shock.

He swore beneath his breath as if he couldn't believe his eyes. And Bulla clenched hers tightly, hoping she was caught up in some bizarre dream, hoping she would wake up any second now and find that he was gone. But he moved forward and stood gazing down at the babies in the crib for several long moments. Suddenly he turned around and with the intensity of his raw feelings vibrating in his voice demanded, "What are those? And who the hell do they belong to?"

"I'm baby-sitting," Bulla croaked in desperation. "One of the women who works with me…"

His eyes were measuring her intently, and a murderous gleam sprang onto them at her words, making her snap her mouth shut. A wry sardonic twist of satisfaction pulled at his mouth when she did. It was no use, she thought. He knew. She could see that. How could he not? One of those babies was going to look so much like him and the other one like her. They had black hair with streaks of blue in them while one baby had sapphire blue eyes and the other one had ebony eyes, just like its father.

Goten bent forward, lifted one of the baby's out of the crib, the one that had been crying, and held it at arm's length in front of him, inspecting it as if it were some kind of new invention, the first one of its kind ever produced. One of his rusty smiles began to curve the corners of his mouth. The baby stopped crying instantly and looked back at him. They were absorbed in each other. Then, holding the baby gingerly, he turned back to Bulla.

"She's beautiful. They both are," he said in a hoarse voice that conveyed how deeply he was effected.

"Yeah, they are," Bulla said, as she took a deep breath. "They're a boy and a girl. I named her Soshi," Bulla said and pointed to the baby Goten was holding. "And him Ichi," she said, pointing to the baby still asleep in the crib.

Goten's mouth flicked into a wry grin. He seemed very pleased to have fathered both a son and a daughter. The baby continued to watch him. There seemed to be an instant bond between the two, both were highly curious about the other, it seemed. Soshi put a hungry fist to her mouth and focused hazily on her curious daddy.

Helplessly Bulla watched them, unable to tear her gaze away. Finally Goten looked back at her, and she saw the rusty smile fade. With narrowed, accusatory gleam in his eyes, he asked her.

"How old are they?"

"Almost three months. I've been working and leaving them in day care at the hospital."

"You weren't going to tell me I had children." His voice was deceptively casual, but she knew it masked a growing anger. He lowered the baby back in the crib, and, much to Bulla's surprise, Soshi lay quietly by her brother, and Goten placed a purple pacifier that laid by her foot and placed it in her mouth.

"Why didn't you tell me, Bulla?" Goten asked, his voice tight with emotion. "For Kami's sake, why didn't you tell me?"

"I…was going to. I was waiting for the right moment, but it never came. I kept meaning to." The words rushed out of her mouth. She had meant to tell him, she really had. "You had a right to know, of course. But I…didn't want to bring children up with things the way they were between us. After I left, I knew if I told you, you would…want…"

"You're damned right I would want," he replied with a strange, strangled hoarseness in his voice again. "They are my son and daughter. Those are my kids!"

Bulla braced herself for another sharp rebuke. But instead of the hard, flinty look in his eyes that she had expected to see, there was something else. She stood waiting. He took a deep breath and finally let it out in a long, ragged sigh. It was as if he couldn't believe what his eyes clearly told him was reality. He looked around the room, then back to the crib and then to her, struggling to absorb the new state of affairs.

"I can't believe you kept all this from me," he explained. The tone of his low-pitched voice echoed disbelief, but also other strong emotions. When his gaze flicked to hers, he seemed a little ashamed and embarrassed. She noted with swift surprise that his whole expression had changed. The closed, distant look had fallen away.

"I guess I can't blame you." He dragged the words out slowly and huskily from somewhere deep inside. Unbelievably, his face suddenly relaxed once again into one of his rusty smiles. He walked across the room and grabbed the tops of her arms.

"Kami, I want you back more than ever now, and I want our babies." Earnestness replaced the smile. "It will be different. I swear. I love you," he said. And then he pulled her into his arms and engulfed her in a bone-crushing embrace, his warm breath feathering the side of her face as he murmured the words close to her mouth.

"You're not through with loving, Bulla." Then his mouth moved with a warm sensuality over her, and he began kissing her, the side of her face, her cheek, her mouth, her neck with lazy rhythm that always drew a surge of desire from her. His kisses were tender yet insistent and demanded a response as his hands slid down her back and molded her to him.

Unable to stop herself, she put her arms around his neck, and her fingers sank into the thick hair at his nape. In seconds, her mouth was eagerly returning his long, drugging kisses. Her whole body flowed into his muscular strength, as their hunger for each other surged up from deep inside. The red haze of desire shrouded them in its mist.

He broke off the kiss and muttered hoarsely in her ear. "I want you so much. Kami, Bulla, I've missed you so much. All those lonely nights. I thought I would never find you again. Valese wouldn't tell me where you were. Phoenix would bridle every time I even mentioned your name. What did you say to him? I couldn't drag it out of him no matter how hard I tried. All he would tell me was that you were all right. You were all right." He laughed deep in his throat. "But I wasn't all right. I've been driving everyone crazy with my hair-trigger black temper. I think Phoenix only put up with me because he knew what had happened between us and because the poor guy is surrounded by females at home and knows the misery they can cause." He pulled away to look at her with tenderness in his eyes.

"And now this latest surprise." He grinned. "It still hasn't entirely sunk in yet that I'm a father. That I've got a both a daughter and a son, I have to get used to the idea."

"Are you sure that it's not just your son and daughter you want?" Bulla ached with love for him and was transfixed by this sudden transformation, but she had to be sure of him this time. She was terrified that the bubble of happiness she was floating on was going to burst. She lifted her hand and touched the side of his face.

"Can't you tell how I feel about you? What do I have to do to prove it to you, go down on my knees?" His drawing voice ran over her like a caress. "I came here looking for you first. Don't you remember?" he whispered before he kissed her again, dispelling her last remnant of doubt. When he broke off the kiss, her eyes surveyed his familiar face through a languid mist of love.

"How did you find me?" she finally asked. He squeezed her, a mischievous gleam in his eyes.

"I saw a letter in your handwriting on Valese's desk, and I picked it up and pocketed it." He was completely unrepentant and pleased with his ingenuity. "I'm going to have that little firecracker after me."

Two cooing gurgles came from the direction of the crib. Bulla checked on the babies to find Soshi sucking on her pacifier and with a delighted smile on her face, her little cheeks rosy, and watched them with big glittery black eyes and Ichi was awake now looking up with curious blue eyes as Goten held Bulla locked in his arms. They both began to smile simultaneously.

"I'll bet they don't like being ignored any more than I do." Goten bent his head and bit the soft curve of her neck. He groaned softly and murmured against her ear. "I've been ignored for a long time. You've got a lot of catching up to do."

"They also know how to get what they want and are very determined about getting it," Bulla answered, a smile curving her lips. "Just like their daddy."

"Smart babies." Goten's hands slid underneath Bulla's shirt, and his large body shuddered as he touched her soft curves. "You still haven't answered me," he whispered as he flicked open the clasps of her bra. One long-fingered hand cover the fullness of her breasts.

"I want to hear you say it," he rasped as a huskiness invaded his voice. "I want to hear you say you're coming back and that you can't stand being away from me any more than I can stand being away from you. That you want me like hell." His voice thickened as his thumbs caressed the sensitive nipples of her breasts, and she closed her eyes with longing.

"I'll come back. How could I stay away after what you've told me?" she whispered. She felt desire curling deep within her. The way he was holding her, she couldn't think straight anymore, and she was having trouble getting the words out, as a hazy mist of sensuality enveloped both of them.

"Does that mean you're coming back with me today?" His hand unfastened the button of her jeans.

"I don't think I could stay away another minute," she answered in all truth, as she felt his hand slip inside her jeans and press her intimately into him. He groaned and then shuddered, his breathing disturbed, and his eyes glistened with aroused desire. He held her away from him so that he could finish what he wanted to say before conversation became impossible.

"When? How soon?" he demanded with a note of urgency in his voice. "I want you to come with me now. I don't want to have to hang around here or wait around in Lilac for you."

That challenging love that demanded everything now soared between them. Their eyes met, and the air crackled.

"All I have to do is notify the people at work that I won't be returning. The apartment's lease will be up soon, so that represents no problem, and the furnishings I can have some charity organization come and collect. They're hardly worth worry about. There's nothing else standing in our way. Is there?" she asked with meaning, wondering if there were still any dark shadows inside him.

Goten raised his head and looked straight into eyes. "No," he said quietly. "The past will never come between is ever again. We've both got too much to look forward to."

With a look of frustration that testified to his mounting desire, he pulled her back into his arms and whispered against her ear. "If you don't let me make love to you within the next five minutes, I'm going to explode."

With a ruling smile, Bulla placed her hands on Goten's arms loosened his grip on her and slid her hands into his. She then led him out of the babies' room and into the bedroom next door and pulled him into her bedroom and closed the door behind them. Where they would spend the next hour or two in each other's arms making sweet passionate love.

The End