Ch 7
Last chapter everyone! You ready?!
"Will I hope you know that this is all your fault." Nico was once again tied to the Zeus statue, because after his third attempt of escape everyone decide that this was for the best. Everyone besides Nico of course.
Will smiled a bit and responded to his accusation. "Yes I am aware."
"Your not even going to try to apologize?!" Nico kicked at the ground a bit.
"Well it's not like I'm upset with the outcome..." There was a long, weird silence between them while everyone either laughed, fan-girled, or took pictures.
At this moment in time Will, Nico, the seven, Calypso, and Aphrodite were all in Zeus' cabin. Why you ask? Well it was time for Will and Nico to fulfill whatever Will promised Aphrodite that he would do.
Aphrodite already prepared everything. And by everything I mean tea, food, chairs, outfits, cameras, and she even brought Jason and Piper back to camp.
"Well now that everything is set and ready to go shall we proceed with the fun!" Aphrodite exclaimed loudly with a microphone that she made appear. "Daughter if u please." She gestured towards the guy who was tied up.
Piper went over to Nico and cut off his ropes. Nico immediately stood up and bolted for the door. He did not want to see what the goddess of love had planned for him. Plus she had the eight most obsessive people in the world on her side. This place was definitely not a Nico safe zone. (Nico says no. Lol)
He reached the door and tried to shove it open but to his dismay it wouldn't budge.
Nico turned around and pressed his back up against the door then he glared at everyone in the room. "Why won't it open?!"
Aphrodite laughed and pulled Nico to the center of the room "You don't think that I'm foolish enough to let there be even a chance of you getting away! I sealed this place off. No one gets in, no one gets out!" The last line was said in a cold voice causing Nico to shiver.
"Fine!" Nico spat. "What is it that I have to do?"
"Oh it's simple really! I just want you and Will to pose a bit for pictures! And don't worry we won't make you do anything too inappropriate!" She said it like she was being nice. "Everyone gets to chose one thing they want as a pic and you two will do it."
Nico crossed his arms "And if I refuse?"
It suddenly got darker and Aphrodite seemed to grow taller and more menacing. "That would not be wise Nico di Angelo. You do NOT want to mess with my chance to see my otp in different and adorable situations! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME!"
Okay that is taking it a bit too far. She clearly needed to take a chill pill and Nico was tried and upset that his date was interrupted also he's had a pretty exhausting day, there was sooooo much running. The last thing he needed now was an angry goddess on his hands.
Nico let out a heavy breath. "Fine. Do whatever you want. I don't care anymore."
Seeing Nico depressed and his spirit broken, Will walked over to him and placed his hand on his head. "It will be okay Nico. We will do this quickly then you can go to sleep after. Okay?" Will softly smiled down at Nico in a comforting way. Nico looked up at Will and let a small smile slip through also.
It was a very touching moment, so of course it was going to be ruined.
There was a bright flash of light and the sound of a click. Multiple clicks actually, both Will and Nico turned their heads towards the sounds and saw about five regularly cameras and three professional ones, curtsy of Aphrodite. Everyone who wasn't taking pictures were squealing at how cute they were.
Nico sighed. "Okay. Let's get this over with."
Plenty of happy screams and squeals were heard through out the camp then.
~Insert photo montage here~
After what seemed like hours they finally finished. Nico and Will were forced to do many embarrassing things, although it was mostly Nico.
Some of those things included: having to sit on Will's lap, dress up like a girl, pretend to be sick so that they can get some doctor Will pics, at one point they wanted pictures of Nico taking a bubble bath but since Nico refused and threatened to start to kill people they decided against it, also they took pictures of Will and Nico singing a duet, dressed up like animals (Nico a cat and Will a dog), Will holding Nico bridal style with Nico's faces buried in Will's chest because he was super embarrassed during this one, and much, much more.
Nico was laying on the ground, withering in agony of all the humiliation he was just put through. He was so done with life right now. "Is it over yet?!"
Aphrodite was about to speak but before she could she was blocked of by her own daughter. "Just one more!" Nico groaned. "I promise this is the last one!"
Hazel and Jason offered a hand each to help Nico stand up which he accepted. Once he was up he tried to let go of their hands but their grip was tight. "What's going on?!"
This time Annabeth spoke. "We are only doing this so that you won't struggle too much."
Nico starts to struggle a lot. Because now he has an idea of what they are going to have him do.
Will kind of just stood there not quite sure of what exactly was going to happen but so far he like all the photos they took so it probably wasn't going to be too bad. Right? ... Right?...
"Percy what are they going to have us do?" Will asked.
Percy who was standing between Will and Annabeth answered "Piper realllllly wants a picture of you guys kissing. Truthfully I think I would be better if we just waited a bit for this one. After all I'm pretty sure this is Nico's first kiss so it would be super mean of us to steal it like this buuuuttttt Piper gets scary when she's in a mood..."
'Nico hasn't kissed anyone yet! Then I have to make his first special! It can't be like this!'
Will could hear Nico shouting things like: ' I refuse!' 'This is crossing the line' and 'I'll have you burn in hades for this!' He didn't take it personally that Nico didn't want to kiss him right now because he just doesn't want to be forced kiss in front of everybody. Or so Will hoped.
He made his way towards Aphrodite, who was setting up video cameras now.
"Lady Aphrodite?" Will asked kind of quietly. This is a goddess after all who knows what she would do when angered.
"Yes my dear?" She said in a sing song voice.
"Can we hold off on the whole kiss thing for another day?..."
Aphrodite stopped what she was doing and turned to Will. This time her voice was hard. "And why would I do that my dear? Were you not the one who said that I could take as many pictures as I want of you two and I want a picture you kissing Nico."
Will had to steal his nerves. The goddess of love sounded like the goddess of death at the moment. "But Nico has never kissed anyone before. And I think his first time should be romantic and out of love. Not because he was forced to. You can take a picture after I kiss him for the first time..." After he added: "...If you don't mind Lady Aphrodite..."
There was a short period of time in which she thought over what he said before she responded. "One, I absolutely adore the fact that you said 'after I kiss him for the first time'. Two, you sound just like your father talking about how it should be all romantic." She signed. "So if that is what you want I guess I will allow it. After all, I am all about true love."
Will let out a breath he hadn't realized he was hold. "Thank you Lady Aphrodite!" Will then proceeded to walk over to Nico and pry Jason and Hazel off of Nico before grabbing his hand and walking out the door like it was nobody's business.
Piper just stared for a bit before she turned towards her mom. "Mother! You let them go?! Why!?"
Aphrodite smirked and slowly lifted up her camera. "Don't worry. We will soon get the picture we want the most." Que evil laugh...
~Outside the Hades cabin~
"Will how did you manage to get us away? Did you promise Aphrodite something again?!"
"... I might have..."
"Will! What did you promise?!"
"We can talk about that later. Right now let's talk about tomorrow!"
Nico looked up at will questionably. "Your changing the subject!... Okay, what's tomorrow?"
"The continuation of our date of course! Remember? Our date was cut short today for some reason."
"You dragged me back here to look at a picture of me sleeping! How do you not remember this!"
"Did I? Anyway I can't wait for tomorrow!" Will smiled brightly. "This time we will surely ride the subway!"
Nico had to laugh at how Will seemed so determined at that moment.
"You know, all in all I had fun today. I don't really want to repeat what happened in the morning with me tied to a statue and then hunted but I would like to go out with you again."
There was a short silence of them just smiling and remembering all the chaos they indued today and the chaos that is insured tomorrow. It was a comfortable silence.
In this moment, Will realized that this would be an appropriate time to kiss Nico.
So Will slowly moved closer towards Nico before they were just inches apart. Looking to see how Nico was reacting before he gently pressed his lips against Nico's in a short and sweet kiss.
Once they broke apart Will was smiling again and Nico was blushing. Again. Once the shock was over, Nico tried to speak but no words would come out. Will watched as Nico struggled to form a sentence when he heard a snap.
He chose to ignore it because he did want to ruin the mood. He winked at Nico and told him goodnight and see you tomorrow. Kissing him once on the forehead before Nico nodded cutely and quickly opened his door and walked inside closing the door after him. He need to process what had just happened.
Will, on the other hand, was so happy that he skipped back to his cabin and completely forgot about the snapping sound he heard earlier.
"That was a close one!"
"Yeah but did you get it!?"
"Absolutely! Photos and videos!"
"Great now we can add the photos to the book and the video to the montage and movie!"
That night tons of squeals where heard from the Zeus cabin as they had finally gotten their OTP together and had successfully gotten them to kiss. Today was a good day and they couldn't wait till tomorrow's date.
But then, all of a sudden, Piper realized something. "OH MY GODS! WHAT IS NICO GOING TO WEAR!?"
Hey everyone! I just want to thank you all for reading this and to all of those who commented, favorited, and followed I want to thank because you all inspired me to keep going. So what did you all think?! Personally I liked it. Maybe I'll even write a sequel... ;)