
No p.o.v!

"I have nothing to dooo!" Stella screams "shut up im trying to do somthing" Musa says while trying to fix her guitar "what happen to it "Aisha asks "Riven was trying to play the guitar" Musa replys "well im pretty sure he doesn't know how to play it"Bloom says pointing at the guitar" lets do something fun" Flora says "what should we do" asks Tecna "lets prank call people"Stella says "who?" Bloom questions "lets sit in a circle so EVERYONE gets a chance do you understand me everyone ok Flora" Aisha says looking at Flora "wait um no im not playing I'll get in trouble"Flora says "the most prettiest girl in Alphea can never be caught" Stella says flipping her hair "ok fine I'll play" everyone sits in a circle "ok who's first"Aisha asks "i think Flora should go first"Stella says deviously " um no Flora shouldn't go first" Flara replys "okay Tecna you've been quiet your first"Bloom says everyone besides Tecna huddles up and starts whispering "okay Tec you are gonna call Ms. Griselda " "fine gimmi the phone" Tecna replys " dont forget *67 or we are all busted"Flora advised "hello" Tecna says into the phone in a funny british accent "hello whoever you are what is the meaning of this its 2am" Griselda says in a sleepy tone "i was wodering is your microwave is working ?" "Yes it is" "do you have a fridge" "ofcourse i do now hurry up" " is it running" "yes" "well you better go catch it" all the girls burst out laughing "what is the meaning of this you- Tecna hung up "that was good " Flora say while laughing "No it wasn't that the oldest trick in the book " Stella whines "My turn to choose who's next " Tecna says "Bloom" " what why me?"Bloom asks "you choosed me" Tecna replys everyone huddles again "ok Bloom you are going to prank call Riven"Tecna says "WHAT" Bloom screamed " here's the phone" Flora says handing it to Bloom "fine" "hey" Bloom says in a squeaky voice " how may i help you" Riven replys they could all here the boys in the background asking why it wass on speaker " i was wondering wanna go out and party i have nothing to do " "who the hell are you" Riven screams in the phone the girls could here he buys laughing "ya know Sophia we used to go out earlier this year" "WHAT" Riven screwms even louder then before "i still love ya" Bloom say in her squeaky accent Riven hangs up "ok my turn" "i say Musa" Bloom says. Everyone huddles again "i dare you to call Riven " "ok" Musa calls him " hey muse" he says in the phone "Riven i cant believe you cheated on me"Musa says in a voice as if shes crying"what are you talking about muse" Riven replys "dont act dumb she showed me picture's " "Muse that was only once when you and i broke up fo a bit" Riven replys "What so this actully happen i only called as a prank but this actully happen"Musa says angrily then hung up "Oh Musa" Stella says sadly "this is all my fault i shouldn't have made you call Riven im sorry" Bloom says ashamed "Bloom you did nothing wrong if you didn't tell me to do it i would of never known " Musa whispered crying then getting up "where are you going sweety"Flora asks "i just need some time alone" Musa replys . And goes into her room. "I am gonna kill Riven right now "Stella says opening a portal "who's coming"She asks Everyone walk in. They show up in the boys living room where all the guys are sitting with a sad Riven "Where is Musa?" He asks. "She doesn't wanna talk to you thats for sure" Stella replys and goes and sits next to Brandon . All the girl go to there boyfriends. "Why are you guys here?" Brandon asks with fake confusion "oh you damn right know why were all here so shut it"Aisha replys "hey Aisha calm down" Roy says "Can you do me a favor Roy"Aisha asks sweetly "Yeah sure what is it?"Roy asks "Shut up"Aisha replys "ouch"Sky whispers "oh you shouldn't be talking you knew all along and didn't bother telling me or fixing it!" Bloom yells "umm Bloom do me a favor and be a little quieter there are people sleeping its 3 am" Brandon says to her "oh no one sleeps its Saturday"Stella says defending Bloom "oh so you would rather defend her then me?"Brandon questions "yeah i would is that a problem pants?" Stella replys "Stupid Barbie"Sky whispers "Dumb blonde" Brandon says Stella heard both of the comments and says "oh soo thats what you've thought of me since the beginning" Stella opens a portal before going in screams "Brandon Shields we are over" everyone walks into the portal before going in Bloom turns around "oh ya Sky that goes for you to" She says closing the portal "Wow you 3 just got dumped" Roy says "yeah and you got burnned" Helia replys

AN:hope you liked this soo far