Chapter 16: Closure

Hermione, as the deputy head of the DMLE, spent most of her weekend in interrogation, questioning the prisoners under Veritaserum to uncover other connections and micro-plots within the overall scheme to bring the mundane world firmly under the control of the magical. Alec, returned from Texas, also took his turn at interrogation to represent MI6.

The resulting deluge of information would keep Q and MI6 busy for weeks, dismantling or overseeing power changes in companies around the world that had been led into the plot. In most cases, mundane executives who stepped into the open positions were simply told that their predecessors had run afoul of the law.

The companies would be monitored for some time, to ensure they were running smoothly and legally. And MI6 and the MOM were in talks to create policies for working together in the field, under the auspices of the ICW, which was trying to come to terms with the need for magicals and non-magicals to work together.

Martin Prescott was personally arrested by Severus Snape, who then reviewed the man's potions research and discovered he was very, very close to creating the airborne Imperius derivative that would have been the cornerstone of the plot to take over the non-magical world. The research lab would be destroyed; the company would be restructured.

Severus was assigned a long-term mission to investigate the potions already on the non-magical market to determine their validity, use and marketability. The ICW sanctioned the work as part of the steps it was taking to work better with the non-magical world.

The ripple effects of the conspiracy would be felt for some time.

But on that first sunny Sunday at the Burrow after the mass arrest, more personal priorities took precedence.


"The yard looks lovely, Molly-mum," Harry said as he kissed Molly's cheek. He wore his trademark glasses along with black dress robes trimmed in green. James had been persuaded to wear robes, too, trimmed in blue.

"I'm so glad you like it," Molly exclaimed. "Without your personal input, you know, it's always a bit of a shot in the dark."

"We liked what you had to say when we talked, Molly, and the results are stunning," James added a kiss of his own to Molly's other cheek. "And I can't wait for a slice of that cake I see towering out there."

Pops of apparation were sounding from outside the Burrow's wards, which were primed to allow only those with a formal invitation to cross them. Laughter filled the backyard as members of the original Order of the Phoenix, their families and friends appeared. Though Molly had kept the invitees to known friends of the couple, their families had grown so that a substantial number of people filled the backyard. A number of children were giggling their way through games of tag in the orchard.

A tired-looking Hermione simply collapsed into a chair in the living room after she came through the Floo there. "Anyone up for a vacation?" she asked plaintively.

Harry laughed. "Not for us, not any time soon, I'm afraid."

Hermione nodded. "There's a great deal to do."

"No shop talk!" Molly admonished. "Harry, dear, you and James should go along and get the dancing started."

"Dancing?" Harry looked at his spouse. "I don't dance."

James laughed. "You do today."

The couple headed for the back garden, Harry nodding to the musicians setting up their instruments. "Looks like Molly's gone for a Ceilidh," he whispered to James.

"Well, why not?" James reasoned, as the first beats of the bodhran sounded and the pipes and fiddles joined in. James held a hand out to his partner. "Shall we?"

Harry rolled his eyes. "I make no apologies for the state of your feet afterwards."

"Noted." James smirked as he counted off the steps and led Harry reeling away to start the dancing. Other couples joined in as the singer stepped up with a Sonorous and started belting out the words to the old step-song. The yard filled with laughing dancers and giggling children, happy in the midsummer sunshine.


As dusk fell, a word from Molly stopped the music, and the group lined up to devour the full buffet, spread with global and local treats from both the magical and non-magical worlds. Fairies danced in the shadows, bringing light to the gathering dark, as friends ate and talked.

Ron finished his plate, then tapped his glass to make it ring, and stood. "Attention, all. I have been assured by my good friend Harry that if he'd had an actual wedding ceremony, I would have been his best man. I've decided that it falls to me, then, to make an actual toast at this reception for his bonding."

"Oh, -" Harry's quiet exclamation was quickly covered up by a louder Ron.

"And so, I can tell you stories, friends, about a speccy little sprout on a train to Hogwarts who had no idea about anything and everyone in the magical world. I can tell you about trolls and chess sets, snakes and Grims, a Goblet of Fire and his first date."

"Please don't." Harry said very, very quietly.

Ron heard anyway. "I won't talk about your first date, Harry. I wouldn't do that to Parvati. Oi, Parvati!"

Parvati looked up from her place at a table with her sister and her Hogwarts friends. "Oh, I have nothing to say about that, either," she said firmly, with a bit of a grin.

Harry covered his face with his hands, and James laughed as Ron continued. "We had good times, mate. And we had bad, as bad as it gets." A somber quiet fell over the crowd as Ron paused, letting everyone reflect on the war with Voldemort. "We lost you for a minute there, mate. And even though you came back to us, and you did what you had to do, I could see that it was killing you. I know the work you do is important, but I worried about you. I knew you weren't completely happy.

"Since James has come into your world, though, you've been happy. It's written all over you, every time I see you. And that's all I've ever wanted for you." Ron raised his glass. "To Harry and James!"

"Harry and James!" the crowd roared back, and downed their beverages as one. Elves popped up to refill glasses as Ron sat down and Alec stood up. He, too, looked tired, but his eyes twinkled as he took in the sight of his oldest friend in the world, content next to Harry.

"As Ron has been Harry's best friend since he was 11, I have been James' best friend since we were teens," Alec began. "The stories I could tell would curl your toenails."

"We should market that, mate," George shouted out to titters and chuckles.

Alec laughed. "My friend James hasn't had an easy life, but he's been devoted to his country, lived a life of loyalty and service. He's a dedicated man, a good man to have at your back in a fight. And now that he's got Harry, he's a happy man, too." Alec paused. "That's all any of us need, in the end. Harry is James' happiness, and I'm glad you've found each other. Harry and James!"

"Harry and James!" came the cry and toast.

Harry and James stood, and looked out at the crowd. Harry grinned. "Thanks," he said simply. "We're glad you could be here to celebrate with us today."

James grinned out at the crowd, too. "And thank you for welcoming me into Harry's family of friends. We're honored to be here."

George shouted, "Kiss him, already!"

And with hoots, catcalls, and the ringing of glasses echoing in his ears, James bent to lay his lips softly on Harry's.