Ranma's Curse Part 1: The Breaking Point

(version 1.2)
by Bryan Neef

Characters and situations created by Rumiko Takahashi Inspired by fanfiction by Hitomi Ichinohei, Richard Lawson, and Nicholas Leifker

This story takes place immediately after Ranma fights Cologne on the beach for the Phoenix Pill, the cure for the Cat's Tongue. Since Ranma has been locked in his girl form as a means of getting him to marry Shampoo, Ranma has had to suffer at Cologne's hands.

When it seemed like Ranma won, using Neko-Shampoo to trigger the legendary Cat-Fu Technique, something went wrong, forcing everyone to revaluate their lives...

Chapter1 Consequences

Ranma sat in her room. She looked at the wall, not seeing it. She wore her favorite outfit, the red, silk shirt and black, ankle-tied pants. She had not slept in two days.

Kasumi had entered the room a number of times, trying to get Ranma to join the family. Since returning from the beach, a dreadful silence and depression had come over the house. Even Kasumi's gentle nature failed to return things to normal.

There was a knock on the door. Ranma did not hear it. She was lost in her own world. The door opened and Akane entered.

She moved over to Ranma. "Ranma? You have to start school again Monday.
We need to get you some new clothes."

For the first time in hours, Ranma moved. She looked at Akane, "I can't go like this. I...I lost everything. I'm nothing anymore."

"Did you lose everything? We're here! We don't think any less of you.
You're still Ranma."

"Look at me! I had the chance of becoming a man again. Now...now I'm girl.
I failed! Do you know how hard that is for me?"

"You didn't fail. You beat Cologne. What happened after that can't be blamed on you. You were...you were a cat. You acted on instinct," Akane said softly, turning her head.

"I know that! But it still doesn't help. It hurts too much. Pop rarely comes in here. He sleeps in the dojo."

"I'm sorry, Ranma. I wanted you to get the Phoenix Pill. I just couldn't hold you back. I tried..." Akane sank to the floor, crying.

Ranma cried as well. She grabbed her fiancee in an embrace. They sat there for several minutes, not trying to control themselves. Kasumi passed the room, waiting for them to calm down. She noted Genma at the head of the stairs.

She motioned him to follow. He did so, reluctantly. They entered her room.
She offered him a chair. Noting the unusual look on her face, he complied,
swiftly sitting in it. She sat at her desk, looking at him.

"Have you given any thought about Ranma?"

"He's my son, Kasumi. I'll move heaven and earth for him."

"Even now?"

"Yes. I don't want to see him suffer," Genma said defiantly, not yet realizing what he just said.

Kasumi's face showed anger for a brief moment. It was enough to send chills through Genma's spine. Kasumi spoke quietly and forcefully, "Has he not suffered enough? You've trained him in that terrible Cat-fu. You took him to China where he was cursed. And now, he can't change back because of Cologne's desire for him to marry Shampoo.

"You have avoided him for the last three days. It has been Akane, Nabiki,
and I who've helped him. Now I ask again: what are you going to do?"

Genma blinked. He had never heard Kasumi like this. He was ready to hide in his Panda form. He felt it appropriate, given the current situation.

Kasumi watched him for a moment. She noted his thoughts, but withheld comment.

Slowly, Genma spoke, "I can think of nothing that will ease my son's pain.
Cologne, herself, said she could not make or retrieve another pill for a few years. She added that there were no pressure points to reverse the Cat's Tongue."

Kasumi thought for a moment. She had anticipated this, but still was not prepared for it. She sighed and stood. She moved to the door, turning to Genma. "There will be changes in this household. I know three, no four,
people who will not be happy with these changes. It's time I saw to my sisters' need."

Kasumi left the room. Genma thought for a moment. There was something in that last statement that bothered him, but he couldn't think of it. He rose from the chair and left the room. He was about to enter his and Ranma's room when he noticed the sign written in Kasumi's elegant hand writing:
"This room is off limits!"
He sighed and went to talk to Soun. There was much to consider about the marriage of their children.

Kasumi sat on the floor across from Ranma and Akane. She waited while the girls dried their faces. She noted their now neutral expressions. Sighing softly, collecting her thoughts, she began, "Ranma, there are going to be a few changes in this house. Before you and Akane say anything, please hear me out.

"First, the three of us are going shopping tomorrow, You'll need clothes for school and everyday wear. What you have on is fine for practice and just lounging around home. But you need things more appropriate to your condition.

"Second, you'll have to get a new room. I think it would be best if you moved into Akane's room. There are a number of reasons why I think this should be done. One, Akane can help you adjust to your new self. I'll help,
of course, but Akane will be with you nearly all day. That makes sharing her room more practical."

"You mean I'm his fiancee."

Kasumi frowned, "Not right now. What Ranma needs is a friend. Not like Ryoga, but one who's there to answer questions, show her what to do. She'll need you in the days to come."

Ranma just now picked up on the gender references. "I'm a man, Kasumi," Ranma said, softly.

Kasumi smiled. "Not anymore. At least, not physically. Until we can find a way to cure you, you are a girl. All I ask is that you dress like one. I also ask that you refrain from any activities that are not appropriate to your gender. You'll have to wear your girls uniform and gym clothes at school. You'll also have to wear girls clothes in public and around guests.
Your outward appearance must be that of a girl.

"Third, you will have to follow my instructions, both of you. Nabiki will also work with us on this. I know it's hard, Ranma, but you have to get used to it." A sad smile crossed her face, "I had to adjust to taking Mother's place. I know a little of what you're going through. I can imagine the rest."

Akane and Ranma sat silently for a moment. Kasumi watched them patiently.
Ranma looked at Kasumi grimly, "How long do I have before I have to accept any of this?"

With a heavy sigh, Kasumi spoke, "The sooner the better. But that's only for the dressing and public behavior. As for accepting BEING a girl, that all depends on if a cure can be found. I'm not trying to hurt you or give up on you. I want to help. This is the best I can do. I'm sorry, Ranma,
truly I am."

Ranma looked down, "I'm the one who should be sorry for everything."

Akane took Ranma's hand in hers, "This is your father's fault. He took you to China where you were changed, where you met Shampoo. Kasumi's right,
though, you do need a friend. I want to help you."

"I guess I have no choice. About being a girl, that is. And yes, I need a friend. You two have helped a lot these last few months. Still, why do Akane and I need to share a room?"

Kasumi smiled, "Well, you both need to learn to change clothes in front of each other. This'll help you change in the locker room at school. Then there's the dressing habits and routines you'll have to learn. You'll need to learn some fashion and make-up tips.

"And there are other...things...that need to be addressed. The sooner you know about them, the better, but tonight's not the night."

Akane's eyes widened in surprise. Ranma looked at Kasumi confused. "What things?" she finally asked.

"How much do you know about being a woman? Not just the physical appearance."

Ranma thought for a moment. "Not much. I was raised by my father. The issue was never important, even after Jusenkyo and Shampoo. We were too busy running and fighting."

Kasumi thought for a moment. "Have you experienced anything unusual this last month?"

"Other than being dressed by you or Akane, no."

"Kasumi!" growled Akane.

"We're going to have to deal with 'it' sometime. She has to know. After all, it may be months before she's cured."

Akane rolled her eyes. Ranma watched their exchange intently. There was something going on between the sisters that concerned her. They weren't willing to say anything, yet. This bothered Ranma. She should know.

"Could you tell me now? If it's related to me, I need to know."

"You'll know, Ranma. If you were a true girl, I could tell you without a problem. Being a half boy, I don't know how to explain it to you. Please give me a couple of days to think of a way."

Ranma frowned. She felt it was serious and had to be dealt with immediately.
She also trusted Kasumi's judgment, especially since she was the family nurse and next best thing to a mother. Ranma nodded, maybe she could get answers from Akane.

Kasumi smiled, this phase of returning to a normal family seemed to be working. It was now a matter of working with the fathers. She also hoped to get Ranma in a better mood. It would help with the biology lessons.

Akane spoke up, "I guess I can't really call you a pervert anymore. But if give me any reason to think that, I'll make you regret it."

Ranma replied evenly, "You haven't given me a chance to set things right from the first day. Besides, I'm in no mood to be on your 'bad' side."

Before Akane could respond, Kasumi coughed innocently. "I think we had better get started. It'll take a while to put everything in place. And we still have to explain things to our fathers."

The three girls started picking up Ranma's female clothes and moving them to Akane's room. Akane tried to make room for the larger items in her closet.
Space was being made in some of the drawers. Ranma had very little need for the drawer space, but Kasumi said it was important to start with.

Ranma and Akane immediately started making rules about where to sleep, what Ranma could wear, and when she could wear them. Ranma also made stipulations about P-chan for when he reappeared. Akane was not very understanding. It took Kasumi to get her to agree to a compromise.

After the moving and rule making were completed, the girls moved downstairs.
Nabiki had just returned from a quick trip to the store. She was sitting in front of the TV with her father and Genma. They heard the footsteps and looked at the door. They noticed Ranma was a bit more relaxed, though the tension had not entirely left.

Kasumi sat at the table with Ranma and Akane at either side of her. She looked at the fathers and Nabiki before speaking, "I've had a brief discussion with Uncle Saotome. You all should be aware that there are going to be new rules concerning Ranma's condition.

"First the obvious. Ranma is no longer a boy. Until we find a way to unlock her condition, she will be dressing as a girl. This is more for her adjustment to school than anything else.

"Second, she and Akane will be sharing Akane's room. There are certain reasons for this. I will not go into detail.

"Third, they are not to be pressured about their relationship. Now is not the time to worry about it. It is inappropriate considering what has happened. Do you understand?"

Both men looked at each other for a moment, considering their options. They nodded their agreement. Before they could begin to question Kasumi, she held up her hand. "The final rule is that, aside from her dress and occasional and necessary manner changes, Ranma is to be treated as she always has been:
a boy.

"We all have to make adjustments to her new condition. We'll probably have to make certain, other, adjustments as time goes on. But, for now, this is the best we can do. Nabiki, do we have enough money to purchase clothes and other items for Ranma?"

Nabiki thought for a moment. "If we spread them out over a couple of months,
yes. I'd suggest she and Akane share as much as they can. I have a few things I no longer wear that might fit Ranma. You might, too. I'll work on the budget after dinner."

"Thank you."

Genma looked at Ranma, then Kasumi. "He's my only son."

Kasumi flashed her anger again, but said nothing. It was still too early.
They all needed to adjust, especially Ranma and her father.

Ranma spoke up, "None of this woulda happened if we didn't go to China!"

Kasumi put her hand on Ranma's shoulder. Ranma quickly calmed down. Kasumi stood up, looking Genma squarely in the eye, "We have to move on, Uncle Saotome. We all need to help Ranma. I have to make dinner, now. Ranma,
Akane, Nabiki, would you come help me. There are things we still need to discuss."

The four girls left for the kitchen. Soun and Genma looked at each other intently. Soun broke the uncomfortable silence, "What are we going to do,

"What can we do, Tendou? For now, Kasumi's right. We need to adjust. We may have to come up with a drastic solution to get the children to marry,

"How drastic?"

"I'll let you know when I think of it."

"You'd better, Saotome."

Ranma stood in front of the mirror. Kasumi held a modest dress in front of her. Akane sat on the bench, watching the two women pick out clothes. She noted Ranma's apprehension, but couldn't be angry at it. Ranma still needed coaxing, but seemed to be cooperating easier.

Kasumi finally sat down next to her sister while Ranma went to the dressing room to try on the new dress. "I think she'll be fine. She still hates herself, her father, and Cologne."

"Who does she hate more?"

"I think herself. If for no other reason than not being able to control herself during the fight."

"But she couldn't. She was thinking like a cat."

"I know. On one level, she knows that too. But she also has the attitude that she needs to be in control at all times. That's why she hates herself."

"What can we do?"

"What we're doing now. Helping her get used to being this way. How do you feel about Ranma?"

"He's egotistical, rude, disrespectful, and...brave, kind, caring," replied Akane, looking down.

Kasumi smiled, putting her hand on Akane's shoulder. "I guess we made the right choice."

"About what?"

"About a lot of things. First, giving you to her. Moving her into your room."

"Why do you refer to Ranma as 'her?'"

"Because I see a girl. A terrified, confused, little girl. Ranma, the person, is a boy through and through. We have to help her mature. It'll be the only way for her to survive."

"You don't believe I can be cured," accused Ranma, now standing in front of them.

Kasumi looked down, ashamed. "I'm sorry, Ranma. I think you will be cured,
eventually. But I don't see how at the moment. I want you to be cured, even if it is only to the point of being a man half the time. I...I won't say anymore about this."

Ranma still looked at her accusingly, but said nothing. She quickly turned to the mirrors, trying to see herself from different angles. Akane stood and helped Ranma with the evaluation. Kasumi just sat there, staring at the floor. She cursed herself for not paying attention to Ranma's locations.

Eventually they left the store. They returned to their part of Nerima.
There was still an uncomfortable silence between Ranma and Kasumi. Akane dared not try to patch things up between the two.

The trio turned down their street. Suddenly Ranma stopped. She saw Shampoo sitting on her bicycle, waiting for them in front of the dojo.

"Nihao, Ranma!" she exclaimed as she leapt from her bike.

Ranma backed away, assuming her ready position. This stopped Shampoo cold.
She noted something in Ranma's eyes. It looked like fear, but that couldn't be. Her Ranma was afraid of nothing.

"Shampoo so happy to see Ranma!"

"Go away, Shampoo. I don't ever want to see you again!" replied Ranma emphatically.

Shampoo stood there, unable to move or speak. Her Ranma stood there, ready to attack her. She thought he loved her. Her great-grandmother had said he would marry her. But now, rejected her. Again.

"Shampoo only want her Airen. What did Pervert Girl do?"

"It's your fault. If you had accepted all of your defeats at my hand, I wouldn't be like this. As far as I'm concerned, YOU AND COLOGNE DESTROYED MY LIFE! I don't want to see you again," Ranma exclaimed before rushing past Shampoo.

Unable to react, Shampoo stood there, waiting for the attack that never came.
Akane and Kasumi stood staring at the Amazon. They gathered the packages and cautiously moved past Shampoo. They then moved quickly to the gate.

They silently entered the house. Nabiki was at the top of the stairs. She pointed toward the bathroom. It was then they heard a scream. The three sisters ran to the bathroom.

They entered the room, finding Ranma naked and on her knees, crying. Akane choked. Ranma's eyes held despair. Akane took a towel and wrapped Ranma in it. She then took her back to their room.

Nabiki and Kasumi remained. They started cleaning up the room.

"What was this all about?" Nabiki asked.

"We ran into Shampoo outside. I...also said some things that shouldn't have been said."

"That's not like you. You usually say things that don't make much sense. Up until now, anyway. What did my wise older sister say?"

Kasumi caught the unintended sarcasm, "Nabiki, it's hard enough Ranma's mad at me. I don't need you making it worse."

Nabiki stopped. She looked at her older sister. She saw the tears run down Kasumi's cheek. It was then that it hit her. "You've accepted that Ranma's going to be like this forever. No wonder he was upset."

"I should have been more careful. I had this planned. Make the transition slow and easy. Just enough pressure she...he would be comfortable, but not enough to cause him...her pain. I don't know what to do anymore."

Kasumi sat down and began sobbing. Nabiki sat, facing her sister. Big changes were ahead of them. With Kasumi unable to deal with this, that would mean problems handling Father. Anger washed over her. She stood up, leaving the bathroom.

She stormed into Akane's room, not caring what was going on. She ignored Akane's protests and went to Ranma. She wasn't trying to hide her anger.
She slapped Ranma hard, stunning not only the red head, but Akane as well.

"You listen to me, Saotome Ranma. My sister's been trying to help you, and you made her cry. If you can't appreciate that, then you'd better leave.
Because if you EVER make her cry again, I WILL MAKE YOUR LIFE HELL! Do you understand me?"

Ranma nodded slowly. She didn't look at Nabiki or Akane, instead, she buried her head in her folded knees. She felt the sisters glaring at her. She wanted to run away, but a small voice whispered it wouldn't help.

Nabiki left the room, slamming the door behind her. She returned to the bathroom. Kasumi had recovered and was finishing up. "That heartless ingrate! I hope Akane gives him what he deserves," she muttered as she helped Kasumi put things away.

Akane stared at Ranma. She was angry, but for some reason, not as angry as Nabiki. She understood what had happened, but was powerless to stop it.
Like Kasumi, she had accepted Ranma's change as being permanent. She held onto the hope that things would turn out better.

Ranma stood up. Not meeting Akane's gaze, she put on her red and black suit,
but left off the armbands. She silently left the room, not caring if Akane followed. She looked for Kasumi. First in the bathroom, then in her room.

Kasumi's door was closed. Ranma felt Nabiki's cold gaze, but continued looking at the door. She knocked, waiting for a response. She heard movement on the other side and swallowed.

The door opened. Kasumi looked at Ranma sternly. She made no offer for Ranma to enter the room, nor did she dismiss the young girl. She just stood there, waiting.

Ranma looked at the floor. After a moment, she spoke in a shaky voice,
"Kasumi, I'm sorry about the way I treated you on the way home. You're trying to help me deal with the truth, and I'm not letting you. I don't deserve to be called a man, or a woman. I still want your help, but I don't know how to ask for it. I'm sorry."

Kasumi softened her expression. "You just did, Ranma. I don't know how to address you anymore."

"However you want. I deserve the worst."

Kasumi looked at the young woman a moment. "All right, Ranma-chan. You need to rest for tomorrow. You have a long day of lessons."

"Thank you, Kasumi," Ranma turned to leave.

"Ranma-chan. I'm sorry for giving up on you. You've come back from other problems. I shouldn't doubt you now."

"Yes, you should."

With that, Ranma returned to Akane's room. She noticed Akane's smile, and returned a weak one of her own. The two girls prepared for bed in silence.
Akane was a little nervous changing in front of her roommate, but tolerated it. Akane knew Ranma wasn't seeing anything at the moment. Not even the floor she was looking at.

Cologne sat at the table, listening to her great-granddaughter's sobbing.
"So, Son-in-law refused you. Not only that, but blamed you for his condition. He'll have to pay for that insult. HE was the one who destroyed the cure I offered.

"Hmph! Now I'll have to find another way to get him. Great-granddaughter,
stop this crying. It does not become an Amazon warrior. We need to rest and plan for Son-in-law."

"Yes, Great-grandmother."

Shampoo left for her room. Cologne continued to sit there, thinking about her revenge. She still wanted Ranma to marry Shampoo, but she would settle for his continued humiliation. Perhaps, if Son-in-law remained female,
then his current fiancee would reject him, forcing him to Shampoo. Cologne smiled. This new plan had merit, but needed work. She had time, though.

Chapter 2 School Is Hell

Ranma walked slowly with Akane. Both girls had left home early, hoping to avoid Kunou. Ranma stared ahead, her hands in front of her, holding her bag.
She felt nervous. This wasn't the first time she went to school as a girl.
It was, however, the first time she willingly dressed as one.

Ranma felt fear creep over her. She shuddered and quickened her pace. Akane followed suit, frowning. The silence had become unbearable.

"Ranma, are you prepared for our teachers not believing us?"

"Yes. I have the extra uniform in the bag. I'm ready for the teachers, but not the rest of the class."

"I'm not either. Our best bet is to avoid Kunou and the other boys. We'll have to work on the girls, but they've been understanding."

"Only after beating me within an inch of my life."

"They did no such thing. You just didn't defend yourself. Anyway, we'd better be confident."

The two entered the school yard. Ranma nervously watched for Kunou. The few students already there paid little attention to them. Ranma relaxed a little, but still kept her guard up.

She and Akane entered the building. They made their way to the principal's office. The secretary looked up, surprised to see Akane and a new, red-
haired student. "What can I do for you, Akane?"

"We'd like to see the principal."

"Shall I tell him it's about the new student with you?"

Ranma looked down at the floor. Akane's expression sobered more, "This is Ranma."

"Ranma? Saotome Ranma?"

"Hai!" replied Ranma softly.

"Oh! I thought Ranma was a 'he.'"

Ranma fidgeted while Akane sighed. She thought the secretary knew, like everyone else in school, about the Curse. "Normally, yes. That's why we came to see the principal."


Ranma was quickly growing irritated. This was also annoying Akane. Akane made a deliberate effort to remain calm. "Are you aware of Ranma's curse?"

"Curse?" The secretary thought for a moment. She frowned, then her eyes grew. "I'm sorry, Ranma, Akane. I had forgotten. We rarely see you as a female, Ranma, I didn't recognize you. I'm sorry. I'll let the principal know you're here."

The woman went to another part of the office. Ranma and Akane relaxed a bit.
"For a moment, I thought Cologne had used the Formula 110 on her," sighed Ranma.

Akane nervously touched her hair, remembering Shampoo's attack. Akane put her hand on Ranma's shoulder. The secretary returned, motioning them to follow. They complied, following her to a large office.

The principal motioned them to take a seat while he finished a phone call.
He hung up the phone and turned to the girls. "What can I do for you two?"

Ranma spoke up, "We're here to let you know I'll be coming to school like this for a while."

"There IS a reason for this, right?"

"Yes. I've been locked into this form. If I try to become male, the pain is intolerable. I...I destroyed the only cure while trying to get it," Ranma said weakly.

"Destroyed the only cure? Why did you do that?"

Ranma took in a ragged breath, "I fought too well. My opponent, the one who locked me in this form, used the cure to taunt me. I...I lost control and..." Ranma finished the statement, gesturing to herself with her hands.

The principal looked at the two students a moment. "Are you prepared to participate in class as a girl, Ranma?"

"Yes. There is a class that boys take that I'm signed up for. Do I go ahead and take it?"

"I think we can make an exception for you, this time. The rest of your student career will have to be as a girl, though."

"Unless I find a cure," Ranma added hopefully.

The principal smiled, "Unless you find a cure. I'll let your teachers know of your current condition. If there are any problems with the students, let them handle it. Okay?"

"Thank you, Sensei," replied Ranma and Akane in unison, bowing deeply.

After the girls left the office, the principal looked up their schedules. He made a quick note on who their teachers were. He then left for the teachers lounge, hoping to catch as many of them there as he could.

He opened the door. Sure enough, most of Ranma's teachers were there. The first period teacher had already left. He'll find out soon enough. The other teachers started moving toward the door.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I have to talk to you about one of our students." The principal waited while the others calmed down. "Saotome Ranma came to me just a few minutes ago to explain that he will be coming to school as a girl for the foreseeable future."

The room began buzzing with rumors and speculations. The principal waited for a moment before taking charge again. "According to Ranma, someone managed to lock him into his current form. I know he's not telling me everything, but it is upsetting him. I'll try to find out more details, but for now, treat Ranma as normally as you can. Don't let the students get too out of hand."

The assembled teachers agreed and went on their way. The principal returned to his office. He thought about how he could confirm Ranma's story without being obvious. He could call Ranma's home, but that could be a mistake.
Especially if Ranma left home as a boy.

He could call Dr. Ono Tofu, but that would be legally tricky. Ranma's history of violence towards the headmaster's son had the school preparing for legal actions. There was no real reason to add questions of confidentiality to the equation.

He could put subtle pressure on Ranma or Akane to make them confess. But if they caught on, he could loose his job and reputation. That was not an option at his age.

Still, Ranma had always been honest. When it became widely known that he had two forms, he went to great lengths not to abuse it. He remained a male student as much as he could. He often turned away when the females students looked at him in his female form.

The normally confident boy almost became a different person when he became a girl. While always confident in his varied skills, he was always self-
conscious when it came to dealing with the other students, especially the female students. Even during his swimming class.

Something was definitely happening to Ranma. This much was certain. It was his duty, as principal, to see to the well being of his students. Even the most unusual ones. This duty included finding out what actually happened,
and possibly why.

Ranma and Akane sat in their seats, tolerating the stares from the rest of the class. The teacher, apparently unaware of the entire situation, read the roll. Even when he reached a particular name, "Saotome Ranma?"

"Hai!" replied Ranma nervously.

The teacher looked up, not sure he heard the correct student. "Ranma?"

Ranma raised her hand slowly, trying to sound confident, "Hai."

The teacher contained his surprise. Up until three weeks before, Ranma had almost always been a boy. That last week before he missed classes, Ranma refused to wear the appropriate attire for a girl, even when threatened with disciplinary actions.

The teacher collected his wits before speaking, "I assume there is a reason for your change?"

"I'm locked in this form. Until I'm cured of either this condition, or the curse itself, I'll be coming to school like this."

"I see. Is there a cure?"

"The one that will unlock my curse was destroyed. The one that will cure me of my curse is currently out of reach."

"How is it out of your reach?"

"It's in China, somewhere. I don't have the money to look for it."

"I guess we'll just have to accept you as a girl until either cure takes place. As such, I expect you to behave appropriately. That goes for the rest of you."

Ranma sighed in relief. Akane smiled. She noted Ranma relaxing more.
Perhaps things wouldn't be so bad. They could at least have a normal day.
Not like when they had to worry about the rain, the fire pails, or other accidents.

The rest of the morning proceeded normally. At least as normally as could be expected at Furinkan High School. The teachers came and left with each period. They seemed a little surprised, but did not bother asking for details.

The lunch period finally came. Ranma and Akane remained in the room. They talked about the morning. Several other students watched the couple. They were wondering why those two weren't fighting over something.

Two of Akane's friends, Kyoko and Atsuki, came over to their friend. Ranma looked up and smiled warmly. Akane, too, smiled. The two friends joined the couple. Kyoko and Atsuki looked at each other nervously.

Kyoko leaned over to Akane, whispering, "Um...Akane, why is Ranma really dressing like this?"

Ranma dropped her sandwich on the floor when she heard this. She absently picked up the ruined food, her lunch bag, and her drink. She went over to the window, leaving the three friends to stare at her.

Akane turned to her friend, her anger showing, "Why ask me? Ranma was right here. You should have asked her!"

Akane moved over to Ranma. She noticed a completely neutral expression on Ranma's face. She took a deep breath before speaking, " What are you feeling?"

Ranma remained silent. Akane began to get angry. Before she could say anything, Kyoko interrupted, "Ranma, I'm really sorry. I...we thought you were playing a joke. Please, we know how you feel about your girl half.
I'm sorry."

Ranma's face was still neutral as she faced the deeply bowing girls. She finally sighed, "As much as I want to, I can't be mad. The way I've acted,
you have every right to be suspicious."

Kyoko and Atsuki looked at each other in surprise. To their knowledge, Ranma had never really done anything to make the girls angry at him, except the first time he went into the locker room as a girl. That was when they turned on him, nearly beating someone who could defeat Kunou without a weapon.

Akane, too, had a surprised look on her face. She realized Ranma was still feeling guilty about the way she treated Kasumi the week before. This did not make Akane feel comfortable. She patiently waited for Ranma to say more.
As did her friends.

It was then that she concluded Ranma wouldn't talk anymore. She was relieved, and surprised, to see Kyoko and Atsuki pull up chairs next to them.
Again, she asked Ranma, "How do you feel?"

Ranma's expression remained neutral as she spoke, "Alone. After roll call,
I felt relaxed. I wasn't worrying about who I was. Heh! I usually don't worry about that in class, anyway.

"I usually worry, about this time, anyway, about Kunou, Ryoga, Kodachi, or Shampoo." Ranma shuddered, but continued, "Now, I'm worried about getting through the day. Kyoko, you've shown me I still don't belong. That hurt, a lot. It hurt more than the idea of me remaining this way forever."

With that, Ranma began to laugh. At first it started as a chuckle. It quickly grew into a near maniacal laugh. Akane froze in fear. Kyoko and Atsuki were stunned. The rest of the class stared, unable to comprehend the situation.

Ranma calmed down enough to speak, "My God! I sound like Kodachi."

Ranma began to cry. Akane held her fiancee for several minutes, her own tears flowing freely. The students who remained in the room stared at the couple. Several of the boys looked on in disbelief. Several of the girls looked on with disgust. Kyoko and Atsuki looked on with sympathy.

For Ranma to say and do what she just did was unthinkable. Kyoko had always thought Ranma to be an unfeeling and uncaring. He seemed obsessed with his manhood. This opinion changed little when she found out Ranma had two forms.
Now, she saw something else. What, she wasn't sure, but is was enough to question her earlier assessments.

Atsuki, on the other hand, had always thought of Ranma as strange. She could tell he cared for Akane, but was always puzzled by the way he treated her.
Often insulting her or ignoring her efforts to help. She often wondered if a lot of it had to do with his Curse. Seeing Ranma's reaction meant her assessment was correct, in a way. The Curse had affected Ranma, but in a what way, she was not sure.

Ranma eventually regained her composure. She left her lunch alone as she stared out the window, ignoring the world around her. Occasionally she answered questions, usually after coaxing from Akane.

They soon returned to their seats. Ranma was surprised, and pleased, when Kyoko and Atsuki thanked her. The students quickly fell into the afternoon routine.

It was time for the physical education class. This was the class Ranma felt most comfortable in, no matter what gender. She entered the girls locker room. She was about to move to a quiet corner when several girls screamed and covered themselves.

Acting on instinct, Ranma jumped to the side of the door, her back to the girls. She was in her ready position. She was bewildered when no one was there. It wasn't until one of the more dressed girls came over that she realized they screamed at her.

"What do you think you're doing, MISTER Saotome?"

Ranma had been in the room before, usually after most of the girls had left.
She realized, no one was buying her story. She figured a few wouldn't, but that most of them would at least tolerate her. How could she prove to her classmates that she was telling the truth.

With the realization she couldn't, she hung her head and left the room. She sat on the bench next to the door. She buried her head into her hands, no longer wanting to face the class.

Several girls left the room. All of them glaring at Ranma. It wasn't until Akane sat next to her that she realized the room was empty. Because Akane was still in her regular uniform, she figured they'd be late.

They quickly changed and went to the field where the rest of the class sat.
The teacher patiently waited for them. The boys were already jogging around the track. The girls sat in the field, waiting for something.

Ranma and Akane sat next to Kyoko and Atsuki. The instructor waited a moment before speaking, "It has come to my attention that Saotome Ranma is a girl.
That means she has to change with the girls, participate in girls'
activities, and be one of the girls. Do I make myself clear?"

The class responded in unison, "Hai, Sensei!"

"Good. Now jog a lap. Saotome, I'd like to talk with you."

The girls jogged their lap while the teacher talked with Ranma. "Why aren't you a boy?"

"I'm stuck like this. When I try to change back, the pain is incredible. I can only tolerate cool water. The only way I can get relief from the pain is being in this form. I don't want to be like this."

"How long will you remain like this?"

"I don't know. The one cure I know of was destroyed."


"I lost control during the fight, and destroyed it while trying to get it."

"Would that have cured you altogether?"

"No. It'd just unlock my curse. The real cure is in China, out of my reach."

"I see. I'd like to hear the story sometime, when you're ready. With your skills and training, I'm surprised you lost control. We'll just have to learn to deal with this. Now jog your lap."


I hope you get help soon, Ranma. None of us can deal with this for very long.

Ranma, Akane, Kyoko, and Atsuki were leaving the school grounds. Ranma was in an even more foul mood. Her experience in gym class had been less than encouraging. Akane shared her fiancee's frustrations. Her two friends were understanding, if not entirely sympathetic.

Their thoughts were interrupted by the dreaded shout, "Akane! My Pig-tailed Goddess! How I have longed for thee these weeks gone by."

Kunou rushed in, hoping to embrace his two favorite people. Kyoko and Atsuki backed off. Ranma cursed under her breath, "I don't need this!"

Kunou noticed Ranma's uniform. "Oh wondrous fate! You now attend this glorious school. I shall date thee and show you this venerable institution."

Ranma ducked under Kunou's embrace. She let loose a couple of punches to his ribs with an audible cracking sound. Kunou lost his breath. His eyes bulged in surprise. Ranma spun on the balls of her feet, grabbed Kunou's outstretched arms, and flipped him to the ground. A sickening popping sound was heard when he hit the ground, arms flailing loosely, dislocated.

"DON'T EVER TOUCH ME AGAIN!" yelled Ranma.

The remaining students watched the attack. They had no real idea what had happened. They knew the red headed Ranma was an object of Kunou's desires.
They also knew the male Ranma competed with Kunou for Akane's attention.

They watched the red head storm off, followed by Akane. They saw Nabiki sneak off after them. They then moved over to Kunou. He gasped for air.
When he got his breath back, he screamed in shear tormented pain.

Akane and Nabiki caught up with Ranma. They watched her carefully, not wanting to intrude. They followed her as she approached doctor Tofu's clinic. The three entered the building.

Dr. Tofu met them warmly, ignoring Ranma's anger, "What can I do for you,

"Find a way to cure me. You must know something that old Ghoul ain't tellin'

"Ranma, have a seat. Akane, Nabiki, I'd like you to listen to this as well.
I can't reverse the Cat's Tongue. It can be done, but I don't have the skills or experience. I am currently looking for the formula for the Phoenix Pill.

"I have several friends helping me. I've only told them I have two patients who are afflicted, a male and female. I hope to hear from them soon. If you want cured sooner, you'll have to talk to the Amazon."

"I can't. If I go, she'll want me to marry Shampoo. I already told Shampoo I never wanted to see her again," replied Ranma softly.

"I see. Frankly, Ranma, I would have to say you'll remain like this for a long time, maybe the rest of your life. There is a small chance you'll come out of this by yourself. It may take months, or years. It's a slim chance because of the depth of the pressure point and the skill of the Amazon. Has she given you any indication of how old she is?"

"I think she's about 175 years old. She keeps changing her years of experience. I just picked a reasonable age. If it helps, she claims not to have expected the Cat-fu."

"I'm sorry, Ranma, but your Cat-fu has not been seen in over two hundred years. I, by myself, can't cure you. What I can do is make it so you can tolerate warmer water. Not enough to make you transform, but enough to warm you a bit. The temperature will be like that of a small puddle warmed by the sun all day."

"Thank you, Sensei."

"That's great!" exclaimed Akane. "Now you can relax easier."

"Like I can relax. Nearly every girl in school thinks I'm lying. The teachers aren't sure they believe me. They're just humoring me."

"Grow up, Ranma! You've never lied to them before. Why would they think you are now?" blurted Nabiki.

Before Ranma could answer, Tofu spoke up, "I think you're both right. You're too honest, Ranma. The teachers will believe you, to a point. But they'll become suspicious if you keep coming as a girl. Wait here, I want to make a phone call."

When he left the room, Nabiki leaned over to Ranma menacingly, "What did you do to Kunou?"

"I stopped him from embracing me. I was not in the mood to be touched by him."

"You broke his arms, Ranma. Didn't you see them flop to the ground? I HEARD THEM POP FROM WHERE I STOOD! You could have killed him!" responded Nabiki,
almost ready to tear into Ranma.

"I didn't know. I just reacted."

"My God! You have a temper every bit as bad as Akane's. No one could stop you if you were ever truly angry."

Akane sat in her chair. She started piecing together what Nabiki was saying with how Ranma had been acting for the last week. It was coming together.
The connection between the words and the actions.

Suddenly, she looked down at her hands. How many times had she hit Ranma out of anger? She'd lost count. Too often was her conclusion. How many times had he been angry? That was a more difficult answer. Once, maybe twice.

Was today the third time? She'd often seen him mad. That was a common state, especially towards his father. But she'd never really seen him truly angry. This was the first time she realized what anger could do.

This scared her. She began thinking, desperately, where did her anger come from. When she found the answer that could not be tossed aside, she began sobbing.

Ranma and Nabiki turned to her. Nabiki flashed anger at Ranma. Ignoring it,
Ranma moved to her fiancee. Akane leaned into Ranma, her sobs giving way to free flowing tears. Ranma tenderly held Akane.

Nabiki glared at them. She noted how Ranma was holding Akane, trying to soothe her. She cares. Everything has been a pretense.

Doctor Tofu entered the room. Seeing Akane, he asked them, "What happened?"

"I don't know. One second, Nabiki and I are arguing. The next, Akane's crying."

Tofu sat patiently. Eventually, Akane settled down. She refused to answer questions, saying she had a lot to think about. Ranma and Tofu left it at that. Nabiki, on the other hand, badgered Ranma into apologizing.

"Nabiki! Ranma did nothing to hurt me. She actually helped me. I...I can't talk about it right now. Thank you, Ranma."

Both girls looked at her, confused. Dr. Tofu sat there, pondering what had happened. He put his hand on Akane's shoulder, "I'm glad your feeling better, Akane. If you need to talk, I'm here. That goes for you two, as well."

"Thank you, Dr. Tofu."

"Please, just Tofu. That goes for all of you. Ranma, I spoke with your principal. You were right. I'm going to send him a folder with information about your condition and what I know of your curse. I'd like to go over it with you tomorrow before we deliver it."

"Thank you."

"You'd better get home. It looks like you three have a lot to talk about."

The three girls thanked him again and left the clinic. Each girl walked a respectable distance from each other. None of them spoke to each other.
Each was lost in her own thoughts.

They finally reached the dojo. They announced their return and entered the house. Kasumi met them at the door. She had a curious expression on her face.

"Kunou Tatewaki is here. He wants to talk to you, Ranma. His arms are bandaged and in slings. He is also having problems breathing. Before you meet him, I have to know what happened."

Ranma hung her head, "Today was a disaster. When we were about to leave,
Kunou spouted something about dating me and showing me the school. I just snapped and attacked. I told him never to touch me again."

"Oh my! We need to talk about your anger. Talk to Kunou and apologize,"
commanded Kasumi.

"Yes, Kasumi," replied Ranma meekly.

She entered the family room. Kunou sat at the table, staring at the pond.
Tendou Soun was also at the table, drinking tea. Ranma carefully moved across the room. She sat directly across from Kunou.

"My fair Pig-tailed Goddess, why did you attack me so?"

"First, I ain't a goddess, or a girl. I'm a man. Second, I got a name:
Saotome Ranma. Third, I've had a really bad day."

Kunou stared at Ranma for a long moment. It appeared that he was finally making certain connections. "Did you really mean what you said?"

"About you touching me?"

Kunou nodded.


"Am I that undesirable?"

"To me, yes. The entire school knows I am the Saotome Ranma you hate. Your rival for Akane. They also know I am your 'Pig-tailed Goddess.' They laugh at you, more out of pity than humor."

"How can this be? My beautiful Goddess and my most hated foe being one in the same?"

"We've explained this to you and you have watched it occur several times. I am a man. While in China, I was cursed with this body. Certain events have led to my being locked in this body. I can't change back."

"How can you call your body a curse? I will have that knave's head for doing this to your innocent mind!" Kunou's mind seemed to lock out any further rationality.

Ranma was about to grab Kunou when Kasumi's subtle cough stopped her.
"Because I am a man, I cannot be interested in other men. That is all you need to know. Don't try to touch me without my permission. I don't want to hurt you again. I was too angry today to know what I was doing. For that,
I am sorry."

Kunou sat there for several long moments. Rationality was returning to him.
Not once did his Pig-tailed Girl ever apologize to him. Until now, her speech and manners were much like his hated foe. They never seemed to be together, yet they were connected. They shared the same name and the same affinity for Chinese clothing.

The pieces finally locked into place. His rational mind broke through. He finally spoke, "By my honor, Saotome Ranma, I will honor your request not to touch you. I will also cease my attacks on your male self. You have shown me compassion and restraint, qualities I have rarely seen in anyone. Even myself.

"I have but one question: what will happen to your engagement to Akane?"

Soun spit out the tea he had just sipped. Ranma sat there, remarkably calm.
"I am honor bound to marry Akane. We have not discussed anything. I...am in no condition to fulfill that honor at the moment. I ask that you honor our engagement, as the others have."

Kunou bowed, "I will honor both of your requests, though it leaves me...

"It is no worse than what I feel."

"I will see you in the morrow, Saotome." Kunou bowed again and left.

Kasumi stood in the doorway, smiling. Nabiki looked dumbfounded. Akane was surprised. Tears came down Soun's face, "I'm proud of you, Son."

"That was incredible, Ranma. I didn't know you could hold back like that,"
stated Akane.

"Thank you, Nabiki," Ranma said with a relieved look on her face.

"You're...you're welcome, Ranma. We still have a lot to talk about, but you did very well."

"Where's Pop?" Ranma asked, still somewhat withdrawn.

Soun sobered. "He left on a training mission earlier this morning. I don't expect him back anytime soon. If you are going to go through with the marriage to Akane, you'll have to move back to your old room."

"Father, there are still things Ranma needs to learn. It would be best if she stayed with Akane. Besides, you don't want to imply you don't trust them," interjected Kasumi.

Soun sputtered, "No, of course not. It's just that it's not proper for a man to be sleeping with his fiancee before they're married."

"But Daddy, Ranma's not a man at the moment," countered Nabiki. "It wouldn't be 'proper' for her to sleep in the same room as her future sisters-in-law,
would it?"

Soun turned red, "Your right. Ranma has her own bed. As long as she sleeps in it and behaves herself, I guess I can allow it. The sooner she has her own room, though, the better."

All four girls chimed in, "Yes, Father."

Soun smiled. Ranma called him "Father." It felt good, even though she may have added sarcasm. Soun was now a happy man. He had to tell his friend that their children had accepted the engagement completely. Ranma's current problem was now insignificant compared to the joy of the families being united.

Ranma sat on the floor in Akane's room. Akane sat on her bed. Kasumi and Nabiki sat in chairs. Ranma had no expression in her face, despite being happy earlier. Akane explained what happened that day. Nabiki added, in detail, the incident with Kunou.

Kasumi responded in her customary way, "Oh my! It's a wonder you hadn't hurt him earlier. Now, about your anger. You can't keep it penned up, nor can you release it the way you did, either. We have to find a way to vent it without hurting anyone."

"I could do various kata when I'm not in the dojo or another, suitable place."

"That would be good. You do need to keep up with your training. You seem happiest when you're working out. But, more importantly, you now have a hope of being cured. And right now, a little hope is better than none."

"Yes. I do feel better, but I still feel...empty. Hopeless. Alone."

Kasumi frowned. "You have a family here, Ranma. Whether you are a boy or girl, you have a home with us."

Akane smiled, "That's right. Just don't expect me to go easy on you now that you're a girl. I might be able to beat you in a rematch."

"You wish!. I'm still faster than you are," replied Ranma with a smile.

"That's good to know. As a member of this family, you'll have to pull your own weight. No more freeloading."

Akane turned to her older sister, "Nabiki!"

"She's right, Akane. If I'm to belong, I need to help out more. Isn't that what you wanted to begin with, Kasumi?"

Kasumi blinked her eyes. She smiled softly. "No, Ranma. I wanted you to be able to live with yourself. If you helped out the family, I felt you would be helping yourself by not concentrating on your condition."

"Money is my area, Ranma, that was what I was referring to. Somehow, you have to start contributing money to the family."

"All right."

An uneasy mood hung in the room. It wasn't the depression from the previous week. Nor was it the joy at the news Ranma had a chance at being cured. It was more a resignation.

"Kasumi, do you know where Pop went?"

Kasumi looked at Ranma, evaluating her. "As Father said, he went on a training mission. He said he would not be back for several months. I'm sorry, Ranma, I can't say more."

"I understand. If you'll excuse me," Ranma said as she stood, moving to the open window, "I have some things to think about." She leapt out the window and up to the roof.

The Tendou Sisters sat in the room, staring at the window. Kasumi broke the silence, "I hope she doesn't ruin her uniform."

Akane and Nabiki stared at their sister, dumbfounded. Akane collected her thoughts first, "Why did Ranma's father leave?"

Kasumi got up and closed the window. She turned to her sisters, "He is ashamed at how Ranma is behaving. He claims to be seeking a cure, but I think he is running away. Father is a little better. The reasons Ranma is staying here are because of school, she needs help adjusting to her physical condition, and she needs moral support. Those are the reasons I gave our fathers."

"So Daddy would have thrown Ranma out as well," commented Nabiki.

"Yes. They are ashamed at Ranma for not being able to regain her manhood.
That's when I gave those reasons. It was wrong of her father to take her to China like he did. It's wrong for him to abandon her now. She needs a place she can be herself, whether it is as a man or as a woman.

"I do hope, with all of my heart, Ranma is cured. I want her happy. I want the family to be happy."

"So we should probably include Ranma in more of our activities," commented Akane as she looked out the window.

Kasumi nodded.

"Won't that change him into her? That's something he doesn't want. I don't think we want that either," commented Nabiki.

"I don't know. If we're careful, Ranma will remain the boy we know. If we make the wrong move, we'll lose him to a new person. A person who'll probably hate us. At the moment, Ranma's greatest need is not going to be met."

"What's that?" asked Akane.

"She doesn't have anyone to train with."

"What about his friend, Ryoga?" asked Nabiki.

"He seems to have difficulty going from place to place. Yes, he's strong and they've known each other a long time, but I don't know."

"How about you, Akane? You two have fought quite a bit," Nabiki commented.

Akane looked at her hands. She shuddered, remembering what she discovered about herself. "I don't know anymore. She beat me like I was standing still. She's often told me I'm in her way."

"Well, let's think about it. You both need the exercise. Maybe Father can help."

"There's still something we need to address, Ranma's comments about her engagement to Akane. Daddy'll be telling Saotome-san. You know those two will want the wedding immediately," stated Nabiki.

"Oh my! That would cause problems, not just for Ranma, but for you, Akane.
How do you feel about this?"

"I don't know. My heart leapt when she said she'd marry me, even if it was a matter of honor. We've shared a lot this last week. Even if she were cured,
I think she'd still marry me. The strange thing is, it no longer matters to me which she is."

"I don't believe it!" exclaimed Nabiki.

"Well, didn't you once suggest interesting combinations and that we'd never be bored?" replied Akane evenly.

Nabiki blushed.

"To set the record straight, Nabiki, I prefer the male Ranma. I just don't know yet what to do if he can't return. I love him. I want him to be happy.
Like she said, though, we haven't discussed anything and she's in no condition to marry me."

"I'm glad you're not rushing these thoughts. Still, it will be hard on all of us if Ranma can't be cured. We've accepted her into our family, without help from our fathers. I would suggest we treat her like another sister,
keeping in mind she's a boy," offered Kasumi.

"Well, we've referred to Ranma as both he and she while talking about her current gender. We're going to have to come up with a solution. Either way we go, we could cause more problems than we solve," observed Nabiki.

"True. As always, we have to be careful. We may need to talk to Ranma about this," replied Kasumi.

Ranma lay on the roof, waiting for the sun to set. She had had a terrible day. It started out reasonably well. The school accepted her explanation,
but did not truly believe it. The female students were outright hostile toward her, even after her explanation. The guys were trying to get information on the locker room, even hints about what their girlfriends looked like undressed.

Then to top it off, Kunou made another unwanted advance. Ranma reacted with pure rage, something she was trained never to do. Now, her father had left,
abandoning her when she needed him the most.

Tofu had given here encouragement. There was a chance the Cat's Tongue would wear off, but the odds were slim. Tofu also said he had friends helping him find the cure. Then there was Kunou's agreement to stop harassing her and Akane. This, topped with Kasumi's statement about a home, made Ranma's day better.

Ranma smiled to herself. Despite the argument they had the other day, Kasumi still wanted her around. It was Akane, however, that had her wondering.

Akane cried at Tofu's. It was obvious to everyone it was something Ranma said or did. It was also startling to find out it helped Akane. Ranma determined she had to find out what it was that made Akane cry.

There was a movement to the right. Ranma looked over, expecting to see Akane or Ryoga. Instead, horror flooded her. She saw a white cat with a purple mane and hair ribbons.

Ranma leapt to her feet, almost falling from the roof. A horrendous scream left her. She jumped blindly from the roof. The cat quickly followed. As Ranma hit the ground as Akane came out of the house.

She was almost out the outer patio door when she was almost hit by the panicked Ranma. She noticed the cat following Ranma. It stopped at the sight of Akane. Akane's anger built within her. She did not care this time.

"What do you want, Shampoo? Ranma told you never to come back!"

The cat looked at Ranma, sadly. It turned and left the yard, looking back before dropping over the wall.

Akane turned to see the terrified Ranma peeking out from behind Kasumi.
Akane choked, You should see yourself, Ranma. This isn't you. Slowly,
Ranma moved to Akane.

"Thanks, Akane."

"No problem. She'll be back, you know."

"Uh huh."

Kasumi frowned. There was something new to the task. She needed to help Ranma get over her fear of cats. She scolded herself for not realizing that Cologne's actions made Ranma worse.

It was becoming apparent that Ranma was becoming more like a dependent child than a confident sixteen year old girl. Her confidence shattered in a single day. This bothered Kasumi greatly. Something had to be done. The problem,
now, was how to fix things.

Chapter 3 Sisters

Ranma sat with Tofu in his office. She held a copy of her file he was sending to the school. She read the information. So far, she understood exactly what was being said. She was also pleased at how accurate, yet concealed, it was.

"Well, I've included the facts. I left out the names of your assailants. I believe that will satisfy everyone. Don't you agree?"


"Good. Tell me, Ranma, how are you holding up?"

Ranma sighed, looking at the floor, "I'm still mad. I hate Cologne and Shampoo for what's happened. Though, Shampoo can't really be blamed. She is trouble, but she doesn't really mean any harm.

"Cologne is the one who's pushed this. She really didn't give me much choice about things. Because of her, I'm stuck this way. Pop says she can't get the cure for a long time. I...I don't want to pay the price of the cure.

"I also feel alone. Pop left yesterday. He claims he's training and that he'll be gone for a few months. I don't exactly believe it. He may be back,
but that'd be to see if I've changed back into a boy."

"Why do you think that?"

"Ever since we've been cursed, he has refused to look at me in this form for very long. The first two weeks weren't bad, because we were running from Shampoo. We didn't have time to change. Since arriving here, if I've remained this way for more than a few hours, he disappears. He only tolerated me the last month because there was a chance for me being cured,
and I learned a new technique.

"What's even worse, he spends more time on his own as a damn panda than I have as a girl. And he has the nerve to call me immature and not being man enough to handle problems! If it weren't for him, I wouldn't be like this."

Tofu looked at Ranma, his expression neutral. "I haven't heard from any of my friends and colleagues yet. And from what we talked about yesterday, I think it would be best if you adjusted. Please, Ranma, hear me out.

"You'll be going through some difficult times with your body. We know that you're mind is still that of a boy. We also know that your body is 100%
female. I don't think your father can handle this. He may be feeling guilty and ashamed, so he is seeking a way to deal with his feelings. Don't judge him too harshly.

"Also, Tendou-san has had no experience raising sons. He's still not recovered from his wife's death. Your being a girl is taking a toll on him as well. He is lucky to have Kasumi there to help. And you're lucky to have her, Akane, and Nabiki as well.

"Kasumi will be excellent at making you feel comfortable about your body, but I think she might be too willing to help your mind, as well. The two have to be in balance, but she may be too eager. She means well, and always has.
She's intelligent enough to know and understand the risks."

"We had this argument the other night. I came down on her pretty hard."

"I see. Ranma, if you need someone to talk to, about anything, please come to me. I may not have all of the answers you're looking for, but I'm here to help."


"Well, you'd better be off to school."

Ranma left Tofu's office. She was feeling better. She moved quickly toward the school. She still had to meet Akane at the principal's office. She still had about ten minutes, but she wanted to be there on time.

Suddenly she leapt to the top of the fence. Her mind went into battle mode.
She wasn't aware of it until it happened. The wall crumbled before her. She heard a familiar deep voice, "What's the matter, Ranma? Trying to skip out on our man to man fight again?"

"Lissen up, Ryoga, I ain't got the time! We can talk, or fight, after school."

"We fight now!" Ryoga yelled as he started to throw fast punches.

Ranma easily dodged the blows. She was not comfortable fighting in her uniform. She wanted to end this fast. She used her amaguriken to stun Ryoga, sending him toward a water fountain.

The fountain was in front of Akane and Nabiki. Ranma cursed, leaping to catch Ryoga. She set him on the edge of the fountain. The sisters saw the friends, and stared at them.

"What do you think you're doing, Ranma?" Akane asked, annoyed.

"Training!" Ranma said with a smile. "I was talking to Ryoga about training,
and he got a little excited. Right?"

Ryoga looked at Ranma, noting her glare. "Right. I'll see ya at the dojo tonight."

"You do know the way, don't you?" asked Ranma.

"Like the back of my hand."

"Tell ya what: stay in that clinic all day. I'll pick you up there. Tell Tofu you're waiting for me. He'll understand.," stated Ranma.

"Okay. See ya!" Ryoga got up and walked away, in the opposite direction.

Ranma sighed, "So much for tonight."

"Did you bully him again?" asked Akane.

"No. He attacked me. I asked him to wait, but he kept coming. Sorry."

"We'll talk about this later. Right now, we need to get to school," stated Nabiki.

Ranma was relieved. At least now she had a reprieve from Akane's anger. She could use the classes to deflect it. It also gave her time to figure out what to do about Ryoga.

Cologne watched the fight from a light pole. She had been watching Ranma for the last week. She noted that his father had left while Ranma was in school.
She had also noted the reaction of Kunou. This surprised her. The second time Ranma surprised her.

This was not good. For a matriarch to be surprised by a male, especially an outsider, was intolerable. It showed weakness. She could not allow any weaknesses. She had found a strong mate for her strong great-granddaughter.

She jumped for the pole. She intercepted Ryoga. He seemed confused. Not so much at her, but at the events of the past few minutes.

Cologne stopped him. "You look like you need help with Ranma."

"If he'd just stay put, I know I could beat him, eventually."

"So, you doubt yourself? Even against a female?"

Ryoga fumed, "I don't care what body he takes, he ain't no girl. I'm confused as to why he's dressing like that, though."

Cologne pondered how to respond to that statement. She remembered her new plan: humiliate Ranma into marrying Shampoo. "Perhaps he has grown fond of being a girl. I don't think she's interested in fighting anymore. Is that what you noticed?"

Ryoga stared at the woman. "Somehow, I doubt that. One thing about Ranma,
he doesn't like his female body. He'll use it, but he doesn't like it. And when it comes to fighting, Ranma doesn't back down. He won't start one,
unless he has to, but he'd never back down."

Cologne narrowed her eyes. This one is not as stupid as I thought. "Why did you fight Son-in-law, then?"

"We have a lot to settle. Certain challenges have yet to be settled."

Cologne smiled, "I see. I'll train you so that, with one touch, you can defeat Son-in-law."

Ryoga pondered the offer. "I can't. Ranma asked me for help. I might be able to settle the challenges while helping him."

"But he embarrassed you in front of the woman you love. That, alone, is reason to accept my training. If you defeat Son-in-law, the girl will be yours."

Ryoga grinned widely. "I'll accept your training. When do we start?"

Cologne smiled. "We start Friday. I will meet you at the Nekohanten Cafe Thursday night. You will have then to fight Ranma. If you are not at the Cafe by sundown Thursday, I will send my great-grandmother after you."

Ryoga nodded. He started off again. Cologne pointed him in the right direction. He thanked her and went to Tofu's.

Son-in-law has devoted friends. To bad they are easy to manipulate. He will be disappointed when he loses his fiancee. But at least Shampoo will have a worthy man, and I the perfect tool. Cologne thought, cackling on her way back to the Cafe.

Ranma sat in class. The teacher had noticed she was still a girl. It didn't bother Ranma this time. By tomorrow, the teachers would accept Ranma's condition. At the moment, she was trying to figure out what to do about Ryoga.

He didn't know she lost the cure. Only her red hair clued him in on who she was. Still, Ryoga was by no means the brightest person she knew, but he was intelligent enough to plan his attacks. He often had trouble executing them,
though. This meant that Ryoga would eventually realize Ranma was stuck as a girl.

Ranma's thoughts were interrupted when everyone broke for lunch. Kyoko and Atsuki joined her and Akane. She smiled at them. They returned the smile genuinely.

"Rumor has it that Upperclassman Kunou has given up on both of you. I figured he'd give up on Ranma and go all out for you, Akane," commented Atsuki.

"I would have thought so, too. But you wouldn't believe what Ranma did when Kunou came over," responded Akane enthusiastically.

Kyoko and Atsuki turned to Ranma, expecting an immediate response. Ranma,
who was following the conversation while eating, paused. She lowered the platter of rice and her chopsticks. She looked at the two girls squarely in the eyes, "I calmly told him that I was his hated foe, 'the knave Saotome Ranma,' as well as his 'Pig-tailed Goddess,' that I was stuck like this and had no interest in boys."

Ranma paused, noting their interest and excitement. "I also told him I would marry Akane." The girls gaped at Ranma as she continued, "I told him I'd appreciate it if he wouldn't pursue us anymore. I also apologized for dislocating his arms."

Ranma raised an eyebrow at their facial expressions. She quickly glanced at Akane, noting a look she had seen once before. It was a look Akane had when she was around Tofu. Ranma pushed the thought aside.

Kyoko and Atsuki prompted her for more. "He simply vowed, on his honor, to uphold those requests and the request not to touch me. He said he'd see me today, but that'll be after school."

"I can't believe it. After you nearly killed him, you 'calmly' talked to him?" asked Kyoko.

Ranma lowered her head, the enthusiasm of the story left her. "Nabiki yelled at me for that. And after that, Kasumi ordered me to apologize. I, sorta,
didn't have anything left."

The two friends looked at Akane. She nodded seriously. Atsuki spoke up, "If you dislocated his arms, and he calmly talked with you, then you must have given him brain damage."

"Well, I've been told boys don't think with their heads. Maybe his brains were in that boken of his," Ranma replied with a smile.

Kyoko and Atsuki looked at each other in shock. Akane frowned, hitting her fiancee in the arm. Ranma continued smiling. Soon, all four girls began laughing. Several of their classmates looked on, surprised at the quartet's actions.

Ranma entered the dressing room. She still received hostile looks, but no one actually protested. This pleased Ranma. At least she could relax a little. She could feel everyone's eyes on her as she moved to a quiet corner, but she tolerated the stares.

She started to undress, still slightly nervous. Kasumi had encouraged her to change in front of Akane, Nabiki, and herself when she tried on new clothes.
This eased her stress.

Akane came in and started changing quickly. Both Ranma and Akane heard a remark dripping with contempt, "Look at him trying to pass himself off as a girl."

Akane turned to the speaker, her anger showing. Ranma put her hand on Akane's shoulder. "It's okay, Akane. I already know I'm not welcome here.
I don't think I ever will be," Ranma said coldly and audibly.

Akane's anger quickly subsided, replaced by concern. She looked at Ranma,
noting the neutral expression. It was obvious Ranma would cry were it not for her male pride. Akane also noted the girl's reaction: the look of triumph.

Akane and Ranma finished dressing. They proceeded to the field with the rest of the class. Ranma still wore her neutral expression. Akane could sense Ranma withdrawing even more. She took Ranma's hand in hers. Ranma offered no resistance, pleasing Akane greatly.

"Ranma, don't shut us out. Just because they don't want to understand,
doesn't mean I don't. You still have a family that wants to help."

Ranma relaxed her body, but not her expression. "I guess you're right. I should feel lucky. At least they're not trying to force a transformation. I should be relieved they're tolerating me."

"That's better. We've got things to do after school, so you'd better be alert."

Ranma smiled slightly, "All right."

Ranma and Akane prepared to leave school. They were making their way to the gate when Kunou appeared in front of them. "I greet thee, Saotome Ranma-san,
Tendou Akane-san. There is a foul rumor about that you are being treated unfairly, Ranma-san. Is that true?"

Ranma shook the surprise from her head. This had to be Nabiki's doing. "It is, Kunou-san."

"Is it also true it is the fairer sex responsible for this mistreatment?"

"It is."

By now, a large crowd had gathered, expecting to see the usual fight. Those near the trio were surprised at what they were hearing. The rest could only speculate.

Kunou looked over the crowd quickly. He raised his voice, "Saotome Ranma is a man of honor. Despite my past claims, I have learned of, and recognize,
his honor, no matter what body he wears. I, Kunou Tatewaki, stake mine own honor on this!"

Everyone's jaws dropped, including Ranma's and Akane's. Before Kunou could say or do anything, Ranma bowed deeply. In a voice only he could hear,
"Thank you, Kunou Tatewaki-san. You have inspired me to be more forgiving."

Kunou returned the bow. "You have helped me regain a sense of balance. I merely repay the honor."

Both warriors stood. Kunou turned, heading for the gate. Ranma and Akane also moved to the gate, not listening to the crowd. They quickly caught up with Kunou. He slowed his pace to theirs, maintaining a slight lead.

Ranma broke the silence, "We're going to Tofu's clinic to meet a friend of mine. I'd like you to join us."

"Is that wise, Saotome-san?"

Ranma thought for a brief moment. "I need your help. I would like to discuss it with you and my friend. I would also like to thank you, again,
for your help."

"That would be acceptable. And, you are welcome. Truth to tell, I found it difficult to address you as a man. It took a lot of convincing from Nabiki.
I see thy honor, but..."

Ranma looked down at herself. "It's hard for me to look at myself like this every morning. It was easier when I had the chance to change. I knew it was temporary. Now, I'm not so sure..."

Akane took Ranma's hand. Kunou noticed, but said nothing. They entered Tofu's. Ryoga greeted them warmly. He eyed Kunou coldly, though. Tofu entered the room smiling. "How was your day, Ranma?"

"Much better. I hope Ryoga hasn't caused any problems."

"No problems. I understand he's going to help you train while your father's away."

"Yes. We might be in later tonight."

"That'll be fine. I'll talk to you then."

The young people left the clinic, heading for the dojo. Kunou looked at how serious Ranma and Akane were. He could hold his curiosity no longer, "When did your father leave?"

Ranma stiffened. "Yesterday, during school. I'd appreciate it if you didn't ask."


They entered the dojo, announcing their return. Kasumi greeted them warmly.
She offered them tea before going to the dojo itself. They watched Soun finish up his exercises.

"Ah! You're back. Are you ready to start?"

Ranma and Akane looked surprised. It was then that they heard Kasumi, "They just came home, Father. They also have guests. Are you going to train with Ranma?" she asked Ryoga.

"Yes, Kasumi."

"Are you feeling better, Kunou-san?"

"Much, thank you."

Kasumi smiled and set down two bundles of clothes. Akane rose, taking one of the bundles with her to the dressing room. Ranma turned to Kunou.

"Since my old man is gone, I'm going to need people I can train with. Ryoga,
I thought of you 'cause we're old friends and we can't really hurt each other. Kunou, I'd like you to train with us, when you've healed. It won't be easy, for either of us, but I need all the help I can get. I'll understand if you don't want to."

"I would be honored. I may not be able to directly help you, but we can work something out. I can assume you will let me touch you, provided it is with dignity."

Ranma smiled, "Yes. I have wronged you, and would like to start over, as friends. I would also like you to keep Kodachi away from me as much as possible. I don't need her to compliment things more."

"I will tell her, if she asks, that your male self is visiting family elsewhere. I will not willingly inform her that the female you is here.
She is difficult to handle, and may find her way here."

"Thank you. Please, stay and watch. It may help you find a way we both can improve our skills."

"Again, it would be an honor. I will try to remain your friend, though I still see you as my 'Pig-tailed Goddess.'"

"I'm in too good a mood to argue. But, one wrong move and you'll be in pain."

"I have pledged my honor."

Ranma bowed to Kunou, then left for the locker room. Soun sat, watching the exchange. He was uneasy. There was something wrong with the entire situation. He didn't know what. He felt the whole thing had to be a nightmare.

He best friend, his brother, had left saying he could not have a daughter.
Ranma could no longer be a man. It seemed his own daughters were trying to make his future son-in-law into a girl. He, too, felt he should leave, but he didn't feel he should leave his daughters unattended.

Still, Kasumi was here. She could easily keep the peace. She had done so for the past nine years. She was also like a mother to everyone.

He mad up his mind. He would leave in the morning, joining his friend in the mountains. He would leave a note explaining why he left. He would lose to Ranma, using that to claim his need to retrain.

He smiled inwardly. This was a good plan. He saw no flaws with it, until Ranma stepped from the dressing room. He then realized, there had to be some male influence for Ranma.

"Ranma, we have to settle our man to man fight tonight. If you can beat me in one hour, I will concede."

Ranma grinned, "I've beaten you so many times already, why should I accept it now?"

Ryoga shook his head, "Because of comments like that."

The three participating teens went through their warm ups. They were ready to go. Soun joined them. Kunou watched with interest, trying to analyze every style.

The bout began in a fury. Ranma and Ryoga tore into each other as if it were a real fight. Akane fought her father. Neither Tendou was capable of taking on Ranma or Ryoga.

Kunou realized how lucky he was. He could feel the impact of the punches where he sat. With each blow Ranma delivered, the more Kunou's arms and sides ached. It was quickly over between Ranma and Ryoga with Ryoga slumping to the ground, unconscious.

Soun turned from his daughter. She stopped her attack just in time. She turned to see Ryoga on the floor. Ranma stood there, watching them with an irritating grin. Father and daughter attacked Ranma.

As planned, Soun let himself be beat (though he would never, truly admit it was a legitimate victory for Ranma). Akane and Ranma stopped when they heard the crash. Soun had ended up through the far wall. The four teens rushed to his side.

When he awoke, he found himself in his room. Kasumi, Ranma, and Ryoga were there. Akane looked upset. Ranma looked depressed. And Kasumi looked,
well, she looked like Kasumi. Soun tried to sit up. He was helped up by the three girls.

"Son, were you taught to hold back?"

"No. Pop and I usually went all out. I just got carried away. I'm sorry,
it won't happen again."

"Think nothing of it, my boy. I should have been prepared. Kasumi, how long have I been out?"

"About a half hour, Father."

"Where are the guests?"

"They're downstairs. They'll be here for dinner. Are you ready to join us?"
replied Kasumi.


The three girls helped Soun to his feet. They then went down to begin eating. Soun noted Ranma's expression was a bit more relaxed, though there was still a great weight on the young girl's mind. He almost felt guilty for planning to leave. But he felt it would be best to help his friend.

Kasumi entered the kitchen quietly. She began her morning routine, rinsing her hands, putting on the apron, and looking over the room. She noticed a piece of paper on the table. It was addressed to everyone. She carefully opened it. Her face went pale as she sat down, reading the note:
I am going to meet Saotome to train.
It was embarrassing to be beaten by a student in such a way. I do not know when I'll be back.

Ryoga is welcome to stay to help Ranma train. I leave Kasumi in charge of the house and Ranma and Akane in charge of the dojo.
Your loving Father

Kasumi fumed at the note. She had expected this from Genma, but not her own father. She knew him to be emotionally unstable at times, but never an outright coward. At least, that's how Kasumi saw this act.

She moved to the patio, looking at the pond. "Mother, what have we done wrong? Is Ranma so terrible he has to be avoided?" A tear rolled down her cheek as she returned to the kitchen to fix breakfast.

Ranma woke up to the sound of activity in the kitchen. This was something she rarely heard. It usually meant that Akane was cooking. She heard Akane's even breathing. If it wasn't Akane, or Pop, then who could it be?
She stretched a bit then got up. She cautiously went downstairs. She was shocked to see it was only Kasumi in the kitchen.

Ranma slowly stepped into the room. "Kasumi, what's wrong?"

Kasumi turned to Ranma. She had a sad look on her face, a look Ranma had never seen. Kasumi put the bowl she held onto the counter. She hugged Ranma as a mother hugs a crying child. It was a comforting hug. "I'm sorry,
Ranma. I'm so sorry."

Ranma gently pushed Kasumi away. The elder girl had a fresh set of tears.
Ranma looked concerned. She started to say something when Kasumi handed her a piece of paper.

Ranma read the note, her face turning white. She sat down, staring at the burning words. Kasumi hugged the young girl, not wanting any more pain to come.

Akane and Nabiki came down the stairs. Akane held P-chan. It was at this site that P-chan squirmed from Akane's arms and went back upstairs.

A few moments later, Ryoga came downstairs. He noted that the girls were now in the family room. He moved inside, but stayed out of the way. Kasumi motioned him to the table. He sat across from Nabiki, who handed him the note. He read it quickly. When he finished, he crushed the paper in his hand. He looked at Ranma, concern for his friend evident.

Kasumi collected her thoughts, then began to speak, "It's obvious to me our fathers can't deal with this. It seems Cologne has made our lives miserable.
Ranma's most of all. The question is, what do we do now?

"My original plan was for everyone to help. Now, I don't know what to do.
I could still try, but I'll need your help now, Ryoga."

"I'll help anyway I can. My honor is satisfied, Ranma."

Ranma was too stunned to respond. Ryoga didn't expect her to. Kasumi thanked him.

"I can have some things done that'll make it hard for either 'man' to forget what they're doing to Ranma," offered Nabiki.

Kasumi smiled, though it wasn't cheerful. "They're still our fathers,
Nabiki. Any other ideas?"

Ryoga struggled with his thoughts. "Cologne is that crazy old Amazon,

"The old Hag," answered Ranma softly.

Ryoga nodded. "She offered to train me in a technique that was supposed to stop you with one touch. I accepted, but I think I can get lost so I'll miss the meeting time."

"When do you meet her?" asked Ranma.

"Thursday. At the Nekohanten Cafe."

Ranma was thinking. For the first time in over a week, she thought beyond her immediate problems. "Meet with her."

Everyone looked at Ranma in disbelief. She looked across the table, toward the pond. "Meet with her. Learn that technique. She'll probably challenge me with you as her champion. Like before, she may use my manhood or Akane as a prize.

"We have today and tomorrow to work on a solid plan. Kasumi, I don't feel like going to school today. Akane, could you have Kunou come over tonight?"

"Sure. Why?"

"Like I said, I need his help. He may have to join us when we get the challenge. Maybe we can force her to relent if we go as a family."

Nabiki looked at Ranma, studying her. "What kind of family?"

"With the exception of Kunou, Ryoga, and possibly Tofu, as sisters."

Kasumi smiled. Nabiki never changed her expression. Akane looked puzzled.
Ryoga looked downright confused. The plan seemed good at this point, but the idea of Ranma accepting herself as a girl? Ryoga would have to find out what was going on. The only thing he could think of was it was the stress of her father leaving.

"I'll finish making breakfast and then call the school. Ranma, you can practice with Ryoga and then see Tofu," explained Kasumi.

"I'll meet you in the dojo, Ranma," Ryoga said calmly.

Ranma left the table to change. Ryoga stood up to leave. Kasumi stopped him gently, "You're concerned about Ranma's statement, aren't you?"


"We're dealing with Amazons. Their not like the Western Amazons, but I think Ranma's trying to show Cologne, and herself, that she has family that cares.
It also has to do with her accepting her engagement."

"He did!?" Ryoga's face went pale. He'd spent the night as P-chan, with Akane. Surprisingly, Ranma hadn't tried to stop him.

"The day before yesterday, as a matter of honor. I suspect differently,
however. She hasn't given up on becoming a man."

"That's good to know," commented Akane, now slightly red.

"Don't worry, Akane. I don't think she'll think of you as a sister," offered Nabiki dryly.

Akane flashed her disgust at her older sister. Kasumi frowned wile Ryoga just stared at Nabiki.

"Nabiki! We don't need those thoughts. With our fathers gone, it's up to us to help Ranma. There will be no pressure on her or Akane."

Nabiki looked at her older sister, then nodded, "You're right. Ranma's been full of surprises the last couple of days, I just got a little carried away."

"Good. Now let's get ready. Thank you for helping, Ryoga."

"You're welcome, Kasumi."

Ryoga went to the dojo. Ranma caught up with him. They both entered the main hall. They went through their kata, each lost in thought. They finished, turned, and bowed to each other.

"No holds barred?" asked Ryoga.

"Fine by me."

They began fighting. Each blow solid. Each defense flawless in execution.
The punches and kicks that slipped through were fast and hard. Neither fighter truly went all out, but their blows were strong enough to injure a lesser opponent.

Ranma had to concentrate on not sending Ryoga into the pond. This hampered her attacks significantly. It was now just a matter of wearing Ryoga down.
It wasn't long before Ryoga grew tired and sloppy. Ranma made a final kick to the chest. This sent Ryoga flying to the far wall, where he collapsed,
gasping for air.

Breathing heavily herself, Ranma moved over to Ryoga. She sat next to him looking at the opposite wall. "Good...Fight. I haven't...been this...
tired...in weeks."

"Did you...fight when...you became...like this?"

Ranma frowned, her breathing easier. "Only against Cologne. I just didn't realize Pop didn't want to train me like this. It was one thing to be caught off guard, I could always change back."

Ryoga closed his eyes. All he had wanted to do was fight Ranma. First, for things that happened when they were children. Things he no longer remembered. Then he had to fight Ranma for being knocked into the Spring of the Drowned Piglet. Now, all of that seemed meaningless. His friend was stuck in her cursed form. He now knew it could happen to him.

He would be training under the woman who had changed his friend. A change that was not just physical, but emotional. He could tell Ranma was on the edge. One wrong word or action would send her into madness.

He knew what madness was. He faced it when he became a pig. He faced it when they fought Kodachi. He had seen it in Kunou the first few times they had met. Now, at least, Kunou was cured.

"Y'know what you need, Ranma?"

"What?" Ranma asked, eyeing Ryoga suspiciously.

"You need to travel. Get away from here. It'll help you forget your problems. It'll also make you appreciate what you've got. Whenever I leave here, I look forward to coming back to Akane," Ryoga finished, looking at Ranma.

"So what do you think of my plan?"

"You can't have Akane. I'm tempted, but there is too much I hafta do here.
I need help, like I've never need it before. I don't want to be like Pop,
running away from my problems. You're chasing me isn't running away.

"I ran away, once. That's how I got into this mess. All because of my idiot father and the Jusenkyo Training Grounds."

Ranma leaned back, closing her eyes. Ryoga looked away. He used to think Ranma was selfish. Now he saw that the Ranma he kept wanting to fight was himself. "I'm sorry Ranma. When we get done with Cologne, you can beat me up anyway you want. I won't resist."

"I need someone to train with. You're the best friend, male friend, I have.
Now, let's get to breakfast before I get more depressed."

The two friends left the dojo, arriving in time for breakfast.

Ranma sat in Tofu's office. She waited while he worked on a patient. Ranma noted his degrees and awards. Not only was he a chiropractor, but a fully licensed medical doctor. This surprised Ranma.

She knew it took years to become a doctor and several more years to become a chiropractor. It seemed that Tofu was too young to be both. Yet here he was,
a family doctor and a chiropractor. Now Ranma knew why the family looked to him for so many things.

Tofu walked in, almost startling Ranma. He sat at the desk next to Ranma.
He followed her eyes to the various documents. "I see you've found my secret."

Ranma looked at the smiling Tofu. She grinned sheepishly, "Secret?"

"Hai. There are too many doctors in this area. I found I could help more by becoming a chiropractor. I could point out ailments to my patients, and then send them to the other doctors. They, in turn, send their patients to me.
That's why there are so few sick people in the neighborhood."

"So, how many people, besides the doctors, know about this?"

"Just you and the Tendous. They found out about five years ago. I believe it was Akane who found out."

"I figured it'd be Nabiki or Kasumi."

"Yeah, they're very observant. Now, what can I do for you?"

"Well, you know Pop ran away Monday."


"Well, Tendou-san ran away last night, after I beat him in practice. Not immediately, but sometime in the night. Now, it's just me and the girls.
It's not like I haven't been alone with them before. It's just that now, I don't have anyone I can relate to."

"I see. Have they pressured you into actually becoming a girl?"

"No. It's just that with Pop, I've been a girl for two solid weeks after we became cursed. He should be used to me like this. And Tendou-san, he's been looking forward to my marrying one of his daughters for years. He even said that my condition was no problem that first day.

"Now, after three months with them, they leave. I don't want to be like this anymore than they do. Why are they giving up on me?"

Tofu sat back in his chair, thinking. "Did you tell them about your meeting with Shampoo last week?"

Ranma thought for a moment. "No. Nabiki and you are the only ones we told."

"Where did you confront Shampoo?"

"In front of the dojo. They weren't there, though."

"Maybe your father was on the other side of the wall. Obviously not in view,
but still there."

"Oh no! And after that, I started wearing these all the time," Ranma said,
pointing to the cotton blouse and black slacks that had a flap of material that went to her mid-stomach.

Tofu noticed Ranma wore a bra. "Ranma, forgive my next question, but are you dressing completely as a woman?"


"That may have something to do with your father leaving. But, at the moment I'm not concerned with that."

"Hai. Kasumi felt it would help me through certain problems."

Tofu smiled sympathetically. "I see. Has she talked with you about any of these problems?"

Ranma looked at him. "You mean 'it?'"

Tofu nodded, his expression serious.

"Hai. I'm not sure I understand, but I know what to expect."

"Good. Then I won't bother you unless you want my help. As I said, your father may have left because you're willing to go along with Kasumi. I can't say for sure, but he may feel he's losing his son.

"I think your unique condition is difficult for Tendou-san to deal with. In all the years I've known him, he still hasn't fully recovered from his wife's death. Normally, a person would be well adjusted by now.. They'll still feel pain and emptiness, but it isn't as strong. Tendou-san hasn't recovered to that point.

"You've seen how emotional he gets. He's still dealing with his grief.
Kasumi gets a bit overwhelmed at times. Nabiki and Akane were too young to really remember much. The girls have done a remarkable job of recovering.

"I think, by seeing you as a girl every day, Soun is feeling as helpless and desperate as he did when his wife died. Don't think of them as cowards.
Like you, they need to adjust. The girls can help you with being a girl physically. They can also help you be a person.

"You're father and Soun are adjusting the best they can. Perhaps better than we think. Again, I can't say for certain, but I'd like to believe that's what they're doing. I think you should too, if for no other reason than to remind yourself you still have a father who cares."

Ranma carefully thought about Tofu's comments, considering the implications.
"I guess you're right. I've wanted to fight almost everyone and everything since this happened. I suppose they're doing the same thing. Thank you,

"You're welcome. Is there anything else you need?"

"There is one thing. Cologne is going to challenge me to a fight this weekend. She'll be using Ryoga as her champion. I'd like you to come as a witness. It may keep her from trying any dirty tricks."

"Let me know when and where."

"Thank you. This means a lot to me."

Chapter 4 Breakdown

The small group made its way to a clearing near a stream. Shampoo lead them to the center. "Here you stay. Great-grandmother and student over there.
You have two days to train. Then Shampoo marry Airen!" She bounded off in the direction she had pointed.

Ranma fumed as she took off her backpack. "I'd rather die than marry into that family!"

"I thought you said Shampoo was cute after she gave you her Kiss of Marriage," retorted Akane.

"That was before this."

Kunou came forward. "I fail to see why you need me. I still am unable to fight, or train, you."

"True, but maybe you can come up with a way for me to defend myself. If the Hag has manipulated Ryoga, you may be able to help by recognizing it."

"I shall start immediately."

"I'll start dinner. That way you can start training," added Kasumi.

Nabiki headed to where Shampoo had gone. "I'll scout around. Maybe I'll be able to tell you what she's doing."

"Don't get caught," cautioned Ranma.

"I'll protect her," stated Kunou as he left with Nabiki.

"Ranma, why exactly did you need me if you had this help?" asked Tofu.

"That Ghoul likes to use pressure points. She may think twice before using them if you're here. I also figured she wouldn't attack outside of the challenge if we came in numbers. It'd be great if Pop or Uncle Tendou were here, but your being here means a great deal to me."

"I understand. There may be a few things I could learn from you and the Amazon."

Akane had finished with the tent. She helped Tofu with his. She also gathered firewood. After about twenty minutes, she, Ranma, and Tofu were at the edge of the clearing.

As they had agreed, Akane attacked Ranma with all of her strength and skill.
While Ranma could easily avoid them, she minimized her dodges. Instead, she tensed her muscles, absorbing the blows. It hurt, but it was giving her the stamina she needed to go against Ryoga.

It also reminded her of the times she trained with her father. Of the times he'd use large, metal objects to strengthen her body. Her current body didn't exactly need to be strengthened. It was her lack of training for the last month that caused problems. She had to regain her stamina.

The last thing she remembered before blacking out was her father's words,
"When fighting, keep your mind focused and alert. An attack can come from anywhere."

Ranma woke up. Tofu was gently probing for a concussion. Akane was upset,
nearly in a panic. Kasumi was bringing over a bucket of water, a glass, and a washcloth.

Ranma held out her hand to Akane. Akane came over and took it. "Sorry to scare ya, Akane. I was thinking of the times I trained with Pop."

Akane smiled. A tear ran down her cheek. "I should have noticed your lack of concentration."

"There's no concussion, or any other damage. I suggest we wait for the others before continuing," suggested Tofu.


It wasn't long before Kunou and Nabiki returned. They talked about how Cologne was exploding boulders with a single touch of her finger. They also explained that Ryoga was strapped in a harness with boulders being sent at him.

Tofu frowned at this. He knew the pressure points on a human body, but he hadn't heard of them being in objects before.

Kunou and Nabiki described the effect on the surrounding area. It literally tore the plants apart. Ryoga had been slightly injured, but not to the extent the area had been damaged.

"The amaguriken!" exclaimed Ranma.

"The what?" asked Kunou.

"The kachuu tenshin amaguriken. It's a super-fast punch that the Hag taught me. She said if I could master it, she'd give me the means of returning me to a man.

"If I can practice that, I may be able to catch or deflect most of the debris. I wouldn't last long in my current level of fitness, though."

"Perhaps if we practiced with small, fast moving objects. It'll give you the practice you need and help build your stamina," offered Akane.

Kasumi smiled. "Bees or wasps. If you aggravate the hive, they'll attack.
But you'll have to find a way to stop them without hurting them."

Ranma thought. The early sessions of learning the Cat-fu rushed into her mind. She shuddered. "I don't want to become a bee. Being a cat's bad enough."

"Perhaps using a sling shot with several stones in it. You'd have to catch everyone before they hit you or the ground," suggested Tofu.

"What will we use as a sling?" asked Akane.

"Leave that to me, dear sister," replied Nabiki as she left the camp. "I'll be back in an hour. Don't wait up."

Nabiki returned with a popular beach toy: a water sling. It could be fastened to poles and used by one person or held by two people and fired by a third. The family chose to fasten it to poles and work from there. They tested it a few times before being convinced it would work.

Several rocks were placed in the sling. Akane pulled back, waiting for Tofu's command. Ranma stood ready. As soon as Akane released the sling,
she began her amaguriken.

The first several attempts resulted in her being struck more than she catching anything. Each attempt resulted in more stones being caught.
Ranma braced herself for one last attempt before dinner.

Akane released the sling. Ranma waited for several heartbeats before starting her amaguriken. This time, the wait paid off. She began moving her right arm at incredible speeds. With two fingers, she plucked the stones from the air, flicking them to her left arm.

She moved her arm in a wider area, catching nearly every stone. Three stones whizzed by her head. Several more just beyond her reach. About a dozen actually struck her, stinging and bruising. She caught the final stone,
flicking it to her left arm.

She looked around the camp, evaluating everyone's reactions. Tofu stood there, expressionless. Kunou was stunned, though he handled it well. Akane was pleased, having seen Ranma use the technique before. Nabiki had her usual neutral expression. And Kasumi seemed pleased.

"Well done, Ranma. Can you do that with both arms?" asked Tofu.


"Can you perform the kachuu tenshin amaguriken with both arms?"

"Hai, why?"

"After dinner, let's try again. This time, use both hands to catch and drop the stones. Also, only worry about those that will actually hit you. You'll waste less time and energy that way. That may be your best advantage."


"Perhaps we should wait until tomorrow. The light is fading and Ranma needs her rest," commented Kasumi.

"You're right. We'll pick up early tomorrow."

Everyone sat near the campfire. They took a good helping of food. They began talking about school and their problems with classes. Nabiki talked about her plans for college. Akane, too, talked of college, though she was more vague about her plans. Kunou talked of taking over some of his father's holdings, if he ever saw his father again.

Even Ranma talked of her plans, though she left out any references to either of her genders. She talked of becoming a physical education major, about either taking over the Tendou dojo or starting one of her own. She did not go into details, but everyone understood.

The conversation drifted to the subject of their fathers. It was uncomfortable, but the mood was still good. It was Ranma who started,
although it took coaxing from Akane and Kasumi.

"Well, Pop took me from home when I was five or six. We traveled a lot. We didn't stay anywhere for more than a couple of months. He'd always try a new technique on me. They were always legendary or mystical things. The Cat-fu was one of his early 'successes.' He woulda tried others, but he at least remembered the Cat-fu.

"We'd also learn different styles, too: aikido, kempo, juijitsu, and others.
He was always saying things like, 'One must forsake everything for the Art,'
or 'To be a man, you must experience the pain of the Art.'"

Ranma lowered her head, looking at her chest. "Now what am I? Am I a man trapped in a woman's body? Am I even a man? Or am I a woman and just don't know it yet? I just don't know." Tears rolled done her face. "I just want to be normal again."

"I, too, know pain, Saotome Ranma. My mother was strict, painfully so. And my father, he was always away on business, even when mother died. He lost control when he received word of her death. He is like Kodachi, or rather,
Kodachi is like he. He treats people like toys.

"Somehow, he has people believing he is respectable. He is, technically, the principal of Furinkan High School, though he has not been seen in nearly five years. I question my own sanity every day. I must thank you, Ranma-san.
For while you broke my body, you freed my mind and spirit. I am forever in your debt."

"I never understood you until now, Sempai," Ranma said between sniffles.

Kasumi added her soft voice to the discussion, "Father was devastated by Mother's death. He's just now getting his strength back. It has been ten years. I am proud of his progress. At least until he joined Saotome-san on their training mission.

"That is worse than not living when Mother died. Ranma needed...we needed him to help us. He should be training Ranma, not us imposing on our friends.

"I can understand Saotome-san. He has no experience with daughters. I can almost forgive him for leaving Ranma. But Father, he left us when we needed him. Ranma has been showing more life these past few days. I thought it would make Father proud.

"To leave the way he did, in the middle of the night, is inexcusable."

"I've never seen or heard you like this, Kasumi," remarked Akane.

"I've never allowed myself to feel this way about anyone. I just can't help it now. I don't hate our fathers, I'm just frustrated at their actions."

Tofu looked at Kasumi. He had not become a rambling mess around her since Ranma returned from the beach as a girl, unable to return to being a boy. He sighed softly, "I'm sorry. I feel guilty about telling you how wonderful my father was. I hope you forgive your fathers. I know it'll be tough, but trust me, it's better that way."

"Thank you, Tofu," responded Kasumi. "We should get cleaned up and ready for bed."

Everyone pitched in with cleaning the utensils. They soon broke up into pairs: Tofu and Kasumi; Kunou and Nabiki; and Ranma and Akane. Each couple went their separate way.

Ranma and Akane walked along the stream. They didn't hold hands, but walked close together. They didn't talk for several minutes. It wasn't until they sat on a boulder that they began talking. At first, it was about little things: homework, make up classes, and what it would be like to go to Kyoko's birthday party in two weeks.

It was then that Akane became serious. "Ranma, what are you feeling?"

"Calm. Empty. Almost alone."


"This sounds strange, but without Pop nearby, I feel incomplete. I can't explain it. You're here, so are Kasumi and Nabiki. Knowing that lessens the feeling."

"When Kunou came over after you beat him, you said you were honor bound to marry me. Did you mean that?"

"Then, yes. Now, I'm doubting if there's any cure. I want you to be happy.
It took this to make me realize how much you mean to me. You've helped me since we met: getting me away from Pop and Nabiki; my fights with Kunou and Ryoga; and everything else that's happened."

"Did you mean what you said about not being sure what you are?"

"I'm beginning to get comfortable as a girl. That scares me. I was born and raised as a man, but I feel...freer as a woman. I don't have to worry about being forced to change. I don't have to think about 'Guys don't do this sort of thing.' I also don't think of everything as a guy or girl thing anymore.
I think more that people do these.

"I guess Pop gave me a very one-sided view of the world. I'm just now discovering there's more to it than the Art and his idea of what men do.

"I've been a girl almost a month and a half, longer than anytime before, and I'm already losing my sense of identity. That scares me. Not so much what I am, but who I am is being lost or taken from me."

Akane put her arm around Ranma. "Are we pushing you to hard?"

"No. You're doing everything right, I think. It may be me. I don't know.
I'm just scared and not really thinking straight. I want to be accepted for who I am, if only I knew who I was now."

"You are Saotome Ranma. My very dear friend and...fiancee. You are also a part of my family. At the moment, that's all that matters."

"Thank you."

"I haven't told you why I cried in Tofu's office. It was listening to you and Nabiki arguing about your fight with Kunou. It was one of your reasons for fighting: you were angry. Do you remember what Nabiki said?"

"That I had a temper every bit as bad as yours."

"That's right. I saw what you did when you were really angry. I remembered what I did when angry. I also remembered my promise to Kasumi about my anger.

"What I saw from both of us was what anger could do. I then wondered why I was always angry. What I found scared, and saddened, me. I was still angry at Mother for dying. I thought I got over her death..."

"Now you're calmer. I'm sorry, Akane, I thought you were trying to do this f or me. I guess that was selfish of me."

"Given the circumstances, no. How do you feel about me?"

"I like you, a lot. You really are cute. If it weren't for the engagement being forced on us, I probably would have said so earlier. It's just that our engagement was furthest from my mind. I was mad at Pop, I wanted to be cured, I didn't need it. I'm sorry."

"All things considered, I should have been more understanding. Imagine my surprise at being engaged. At the time, I thought it was to another girl.
And I was fighting every boy in school. When I found out you were a boy, I thought you were like everyone else. It was your comments and actions that started changing my mind, and heart.

"I like you a lot, too. Now the question is: what are we going to do about the engagement. You've told Kunou and Dad that you'll marry me. I don't think Dad paid attention to your little provision about your condition.
He'll expect us to be married, no matter what. Kunou might, but he seems to understand."

"I'm glad. I think he'd be a great friend. I just hope his sanity is not temporary. And your right, our fathers would be crazy enough to marry us the minute they get back. So, how should we plan for them?"

"Let's not worry about that tonight. You have a fight to prepare for. I doubt we'll see our fathers for a month, anyway. Let's go back to camp, it's getting pretty dark."

They left their perch, heading for camp. They failed to notice the figure lurking across the stream.

Cologne sat on the log near the fire, thinking, So Son-in-law and that girl are becoming close friends. That is bad news. They have announced their intentions to marry, provided Son-in-law is cured. This poses new possibilities.

Another "Cat's Tongue" ought to keep Son-in-law discouraged for a while longer. That simple doctor won't be able to fix Son-in-law in any way. I must prepare. Even with my victory here, I still need to humiliate him more.

The afternoon sun glared on the group. Ranma was breathing heavy. Satisfied with her progress at catching stones, Tofu added the elements of avoiding and deflecting. He realized, as did Ranma, that the actual combat would include movement and positioning.

Akane let loose two rapid volleys of stone. Ranma began moving between the rocks, deflecting those she could not avoid. It was during this session that Nabiki ran into the clearing.

Ranma rapidly changed directions, being hit by a few stones. She barely reached Nabiki as the first stones came. She stood there and caught most of them. Those she couldn't catch, she let hit her body, moving in front of Nabiki if she had to.

The last stone fell to the ground. As it fell, so did Nabiki, her expression was of shock and disbelief. She knew Ranma could do this, but it wasn't until then that she realized exactly what Ranma could do.

Everyone had gathered around her, each looking at her with concern in their eyes and faces. Tofu did a quick exam. Kasumi brought some water. Kunou helped Ranma support her. Akane started to pace, angry at herself for firing too hard.

Nabiki recovered, waving them off. "I'm fine. Thanks, Ranma. I came back to tell you Ryoga doesn't look like himself. It's almost like he's both dazed and enraged. I think Cologne did something to him last night."

Ranma frowned. Her plan was for her and Ryoga to fight Cologne together,
forcing the Amazon to cure her of the Cat's Tongue. If Cologne had changed Ryoga, then there would be trouble.

She had to find out. She got up, letting Kunou take Nabiki. "I've gotta see. I may need to change my tactics."

Ranma ran through the woods. At one point, she took to the trees. She quickly came to the area Cologne and Ryoga were working in. Cologne stood on her stick, talking to her student, "You must remember all of the humiliations you have suffered from Ranma. Use these to increase your strength. Win this fight, and Akane will be yours."

Ranma watched in horror as Cologne touched a spot on Ryoga's head. His expression went from nothing to rage and obsession. She held in a gasp when she heard Ryoga's hate filled words, "You will pay for making my life Hell,
Saotome Ranma!"

Ranma noted Cologne's evil smile as she spoke, "It is time."

Ranma quickly turned, bounding for her camp. She landed in the middle of the camp. Everyone noticed her expression. She quickly went to Tofu.

"Is there a pressure point that will unleash a person's rage?"

"There are several, but they simply aren't used."

"Well Cologne used one on Ryoga. When they come shortly, he'll be in a full rage. It looks like she's tapped into why he likes fighting me. I should have known this would happen. I should have known it wouldn't be easy letting go of years of hatred."

"Hmm. Ranma, I'm going to use a series of points on you. They'll help you think clearly and speed up your reactions. I can't promise they'll give you your victory, but they'll give you a chance."

"I'll win. I have to, now."

Tofu applied pressure on certain portions of Ranma's head and back. In less than a minute, she was calm and breathing regularly. After another minute,
Cologne, Shampoo, and Ryoga arrived.

"I see you have brought many witnesses. Good. If my champion wins, you will marry Shampoo. If you win, you may continue living with the Tendous with no interference for two months."

"I also get my manhood back," Ranma added evenly.

Cologne looked at Ranma through narrowed eyes. "You've destroyed the only cure. It will take years before a new Phoenix Pill will be ready."

To Cologne's surprise, Ranma remained calm and neutral. She did notice the disappointed looks on Ranma's friends' faces. I have humiliated not only Son-in-law, but those he loves as well. It will only be a matter of time before he comes to Shampoo, she thought.

"Well, let's not dally. The winner is the one who remains standing or the first to recover. BEGIN!"

Ryoga lunged at Ranma, extending his index finger for the strike. As promised, Ranma was moving faster. She ducked under the attack, tripping Ryoga. He hit the ground, causing a massive explosion. The witnesses moved farther from the battle.

When the dust settled, Ranma stood directly behind Ryoga. Neither were affected by the blast. Ryoga turned, swinging at Ranma. She ducked under his legs. Using his precarious balance against him, she kicked him to the ground, softly.

He stood, glaring at her. Ranma noted his stance, she adjusted hers accordingly. Ryoga charged. Ranma grabbed his arm with her hands, pulling him closer. She used her knee to kick him in the stomach. To her surprise,
the kick hurt her.

Ryoga brought his free arm around. Still holding his arm, Ranma ducked to the ground, pulling him with her. His attack was spoiled. She released him.
Before he recovered, she leapt a couple of meters behind him.

"What is she doing?" asked Akane.

"I would guess our friend, Saotome, is trying to wear Ryoga down. Exhaust him and soften him up before dealing the final blow," answered Kunou.

"She still may not be able to win," stated Tofu.

"Why not?" asked Akane, concerned.

"Look at her limping."

They watched closely. The leg Ranma used to kick Ryoga was sore, almost numb. She timed things carefully, using minimal movements. Again Ryoga charged. Ranma let him get close. She put her hands on his shoulders,
essentially doing a handstand on him. She then gave a slight push.

This did two things. It sent Ranma high into the air where she oriented herself to Ryoga. It also forced him to the ground, which immediately exploded in his face.

Ranma leapt around the debris until she was next to Ryoga. Instead of attacking, she simply placed her hand on his shoulder. Ryoga renewed his attack. Ranma leapt to the side. She noted some blood on his face.

He lunged again. When he was close, she ducked under the attack. This time,
however, she kicked him in the face. Her foot hurt, but not too badly. More importantly, the effect she hoped for happened. Ryoga staggered.

Ranma stood still while Ryoga shook himself. Before he completely recovered,
she pressed her attack. She used a brief volley of her amaguriken to soften his face. It also softened her fists. Pain shot up her arms.

Ryoga shook off this attack. He raged at Ranma. She leapt out of his way,
into the trees. Ryoga stood there for a moment. He turned to where Ranma entered the woods.

As he reached the edge of his crater, he heard a crashing sound. A blur of red and black assaulted him. He felt his face go numb. He also felt a sharp pain in his sides. He thought he felt a rib crack. He then felt just the pain.

He looked up, his vision blurred. He saw something in red. Or was it the whole world? He wasn't sure. He lunged at the red object. It quickly disappeared. Ryoga stopped.

He found the red object again. He lunged, intent on using his new bakusai tenketsu technique again. He missed the red target and was being forced to the ground.

It exploded around him. He felt the shards cut deeply into his pain. He staggered up. Before he could fully recover, the red target flailed into him again. This time, he was sure a rib cracked. That was the last he remembered before the red object faded to black.

Ranma panted as she stood over her collapsed friend. She had several cuts on her face and hands. She was also ready to collapse. Cologne approached her carefully.

"Well done, Son-in-law. I did not think you had the strength in your current body. As promised, Shampoo and I will leave you alone for two months. Until then..."

She bounded off, leaving Ranma to collapse shortly after she left.


Ranma awoke in the room she shared with Akane. She was in Akane's bed. This surprised her. Both by being in the house and being in Akane's bed. She looked around. Finding herself still female, she sighed. She didn't see or hear Akane in the room.

She was extremely sore. She saw the bandages on her hands, arms, and legs.
She also felt them on her face. She noted she was in a pair of Akane's pajamas. She got up slowly, letting her muscles get used to working again.
She looked in the mirror, pleased at how few injuries there actually were.

She went to the dresser, collecting some clothes. She realized it was late afternoon by the way the sun entered the room, even with the drapes closed.
This disappointed her. She had spent over half the day asleep. The problem was, she didn't know what day it was.

She cautiously entered the bathroom. She was relieved the room was empty.
There was a note at the edge of the tub. She opened it nervously. She read the words carefully:
Congratulations on your victory.
You needed your rest after the battle, so we let you sleep late.
Ryoga's fine, he'll be ready to train with you in a few days. Take a cool bath and relax. You deserve it, Ranma-chan.

Ranma sighed, removing the pajamas slowly. She took a cool bath, her thoughts lost on the fight with Ryoga. She couldn't remember much. Hearing the downstairs door opened snapped her attention to the present.

She stood up, drying herself off. She dressed in a white blouse and the coveralls with the English word China on them. They were the pair she borrowed from Akane shortly after she arrived at the Tendou home.

She headed downstairs to the kitchen quietly. She peeked in. Kasumi was putting away some groceries. Ranma moved in to help. Kasumi smiled warmly.

"Kasumi, how did I get here?"

Kasumi stopped, turning Ranma toward her, "We carried you and Ryoga home.
That was yesterday, after the fight. You were completely exhausted."

"I don't exactly remember what happened. Could you tell me?"

"Do you remember the terms of the fight?"

"Vaguely. Something about marrying Shampoo if I lost and being left alone if I won."

"We're to be left alone for two months. Do you remember what Cologne said of your demand?"

Ranma thought, almost not remembering. Her eyes slowly widened when she remembered, "Another Phoenix Pill won't be ready for years."

Ranma started to shake. Kasumi embraced the young red head. Soon, Ranma began crying fully. Kasumi soothed her the nest she could, tears flowing from her own eyes, "I'm sorry. I'm so sorry."

End of Part 1

Acknowledgments -

Rumiko Takahashi for creating an entertaining world.
Hitomi Ichinohei for writing A Son's Duty and An Alternate History of Ranma 1/2 (as well as the many other authors who have dealt with this task.)
Nicholas Leifker for starting The Clothes Make the..., co-written by Hitomi Ichinohei.
Richard Lawson for Thy Inward Love, Magic, related stories, and Thy Outward Part.

And the many fine author's whose works I have read since starting this tale.
And my friends at an as yet unnamed anime club in Normal, IL, for their help in proofing this tale.

All characters and principle events are copyrighted to their respective owners (Ms. Takahashi/Shogakukan/Kitty Film/Viz Communications). The events,
as depicted in this story, are copyrighted by Bryan Neef. This story may be freely distributed, unaltered. If you wish to add to, or barrow from, this story continuity, please contact me at bneef before doing so.

Critiques are welcomed. I would like to know why you liked or disliked the story.

Author's notes-

Well, here's my first fan fiction with a plot. Instead of studying, I've been reading a lot of fan fiction. A lot of it is good, some of it not so good. Some of the best fan stories I've read so far are by the three authors mentioned in the credits.

This series will probably depress some of you. Some of you may even think it's cool. But I hope it is entertaining for every one. There will be four parts to Ranma's Curse a sequel I should probably rename (currently called Ranko's Life), and an as yet unnamed final series. I also have several side stories planned. I will probably bore all of you with notes like this at the end of each story.

For those of you who know Japanese, I'm sorry if I have used anything improperly. I'm starting to learn (the teach yourself method), and many of my references aren't complete. I'll just have to take a class, someday.

Enjoy the show!