Title: It's Dark In A Cold December, But I've Got You To Keep Me Warm

Author's Note: As always, these characters aren't mine. They belong to Dick Wolf and NBC.


Day Twelve: Providence26: After Liv is injured on the job very close to Christmas, Alex insists she spends them with her rather than being alone and injured eating take-out over Xmas. On Xmas eve Alex has to go into work for a few hours, Liv looks for a dvd amongst Alex's collection and comes across some home movies. Alex returns, mortified to find Liv watching movies of her as a kid, but Liv looks up at her and says, "I want a mini Alex." Christmas wish granted – thank you, Santa.

"Really, Alex," Olivia says, being ushered into Alex's apartment, "you don't have to do this. I'm perfectly fine spending Christmas like I normally do."

Alex rolls her eyes. "How's that – getting takeout and lounging around on your couch?" She shakes her head. "I don't think so. Now, go sit on the couch and find something to watch; I'll be back in a few hours."

Olivia pouts, settling on the couch. She grabs the remote off the coffee table and switches on the television.

Before she closes the apartment door, Alex says, "And don't you dare even think about taking that sling off. I'll know."

Olivia scoffs. "It's not even that bad."

"You were shot, Olivia."

Olivia shrugs, sending a searing a pain through her shoulder. Alex quirks her eyebrow at the pained expression on Olivia's face. "Fine," Olivia says, "I'll leave it on."

Alex shakes her head, the corners of her lips pulled up into a smile. "Behave yourself. I'll be back in a few hours."

Olivia spends the next 57 minutes searching through the channels on tv, then through Alex's extensive dvd collection, in search of something to watch. At the bottom of the dvd rack, there is a few small drawers, and Olivia opens them, hoping to find something that interests her.

She pulls out the dvd case marked July 4, 1984 and places it in the dvd player. Four-year-old Alex fills the screen and Olivia grins. "Perfect."

On the screen, Alex is running around a large backyard, her blonde hair flying behind her. The camera zooms out and Alex's older brother comes into view, several water balloons in his hands. Alex takes one look at her brother and shrieks. The camera cuts out and when it comes back, Alex is running toward her brother, the hose in her hands.

Over the course of the next three hours, Olivia watches Alex talk about her first loose tooth, learn how to ride a bike, her first school performance, and the day her parents brought home her first dog.

When Alex gets home, Olivia has started watching the video of her fifth birthday. Alex drops her briefcase and looks at Olivia, completely mortified. "Why?"

Olivia grins, looking up at Alex. "I think I'd like to have a mini-Alex."

Alex quirks her eyebrow. "Do you mind explaining?"

Olivia shakes her head, blushing. "Well, what I mean is, I'd like to marry you someday. And, yeah, maybe I'm only saying this now because these painkillers are really strong, but that doesn't make it any less true, Alex."

Alex breathes out slowly, a smile spreading over her lips. She kisses the top of Olivia's head and says, "Maybe we should start with dinner."

Olivia nods, turning back to the movie. "Yeah," she says, "that sounds like a good idea."

Alex picks up her briefcase and places it on the coffee table. Best. Christmas. Ever.


I really hope you've all enjoyed reading these little stories. I'm so grateful for all of you comments, favorites, and follows. I can't even begin to describe how much they all mean to me.