Her own person
Chapter one
There was alot of screaming. Aya woke up to her mother grabbed her out of her bed.
"Mommy?" Aya asked when her mother put her in a closet.
"Aya, Be very quiet." Her mother said looking at her in the eyes.
Their was a scream right outside the door of the room. It sounds like Aya's father.
"Close your eyes and cover your ears." Aya sat down.
"I love you."
"Love you too mommy."
Aya woke up she was breathing hard.
She looked at her alarm clock it was only four A.M She knew she was not going to get any more sleep so she was going to start on breakfast and lunch.
Shin was the next one up.
"Morning, Big brother." Aya said happily even when she saw the blood on his hands but did not ask about it.
"You up early. Is every thing okay?" He asked when he sat down and Aya put some food in front of him.
Maya woke up a half in hour later. She did not say much.
They all left for school.
"Hey! Aya." A female voice said.
"Sakura." Aya said back.
Sakura was Aya's best friend.
"How are you doing?" Sakura asked.
"Fine." Aya said.
Sakura ran in front of Aya.
" You are bad at lying.I can tell you did not get a lot of sleep again"
Sakura stared at Aya. Her blond hair mixing with Aya's black hair.
"S... Sorry." Aya said.
Sakura grab Aya's hand.
"Come on. We are not going to school"
"What if they call.."
"Oh. Please! Mom well be too drunk to understand what they say ." Sakura said drag Aya off the shcool ground.
"You can not tell me Maya or Shin have never skipped school before." Aya smiled
"You got me there." Aya said smile.
They went to a park and eat what Aya packed for lunch.
"So what wrong?" Sakura asked.
"I am having really bad nightmares." Aya wrapped her arms around her legs.
She knew they were not just normal nightmare but what happen that night.
Sakura lean her head on Aya.
"It's going to be okay."
They went window shopping when a group of guys came to them.
"Well what do we have here?" The biggest on said. There where about six of them.
"You girls lost?" Another guy said.
" No. We know where you are." Sakura said.
Sakura tried to push pass them. One of the guys grab her arm.
"Agggggg. You bitch you broke my arm." The man yelled
"I am a lot stronger than I look." Sakura said. The fight had start.
Sakura had three guys. Aya had the other three.
"Well that was a good work out." Sakura said when all six guys were on the ground.
Sakura turned to Aya. She did not see one of guys the get up with a knife.
He run for Sakura. Aya pushed Sakura out of the way. She got the knife out of the mans hand then she lost control. She stabbed the man and could not stop.
"Aya stop!" She heard Sakura but she could not stop.
Sakura pick up Aya.
"Aya you are going to kill him!"
Aya snapped out of it.
" What did I do?" Aya said.
Sakura put her down.
"Come on. We needed to get out of here?"