Bet you thought you'd seen the last of me! So… if you haven't caught on by now, I don't update on any schedule. Also, I still have no definitive plan. So just hang with me maybe ;) Review what you think!

This is sort of an AU in that it doesn't fall in any particular place during season 1 besides Eddie knows Barry's secret but Iris doesn't. Also, what happens in this story won't necessarily relate exactly to what happens in the succeeding episodes of The Flash.

Disclaimer: I don't own Glee or The Flash

Back at Joe's place after dropping Iris at Eddie's, Barry switched out the drenched meerkat look for something a little more presentable. Of course it had to be red! Everyone knew that was equal to ruined clothes. Frustrated, he threw the stained clothes (even his socks) into the washer because he knew he would have a hard time explaining wasting clothes without trying to get the stains out first. He was sure the She-Devil put road salt in the slushie as a blast from the past. Without time to take a shower—just because he was fast didn't mean that he would give up precious relaxing time—Barry had to run a wet towel over his hair in a vain attempt to clean the mess.

Barry knew that Iris would only have more questions for him at that point, he took a cab to the next place that he could be in the company of friends: S.T.A.R. Labs. The cab ride helped him concentrate on his thoughts rather than just grumbling under his breath.

Why was Santana even in Central City? Barry couldn't help but think. I just got being the Flash under control, I don't want any more trouble. It's not like I advertised where I went after Dalton. Barry was just as confused by Santana's arrival in his hometown as he was nervous about having another secret from Iris. He could never have imagined keeping all these things about his life away from Iris when he was a kid.

Putting the thoughts on the sideline for the moment, Barry paid and tipped the cab driver before hurrying inside S.T.A.R. Labs. He smiled as he neared Caitlin and Cisco. He could already hear them bickering like five-year-olds. Part of their charm, he guessed.

"Cisco, I'm trying to work!" Caitlin's voice echoed.

"What are you even doing? We haven't even seen a metahuman in a week," Cisco's voice replied. There was a brief silence before he exclaimed, "Oh, crap! I jinxed it, didn't I?"

Barry walked into the lab in time to see Caitlin sigh and roll her eyes hard enough to give Barry a headache. Cisco continued rambling to himself about his superstitions.

Barry coughed into his hand signalling his presence to his friends.

"Barry!" Caitlin shouted, looking up from her non-work. "I didn't think you were coming in today." She approached Barry with a syringe clenched in her fist.

He looked warily at her predatory stance and took a discreet step backwards. Her eyes widened, and she smiled sheepishly at Barry before carefully placing the needle on her desk. Caitlin continued, "Sorry, Cisco was being frustrating. Again." She ended with a pointed glare in the engineer's general direction making him put his hands up in surrender. However, there was an undisguised smile. No one crossed Dr. Snow in the lab. No. One.

Barry huffed out a laugh, but it definitely caught Cisco's and Caitlin's attentions. Their lips drew into flat lines, and they looked at Barry with concern. He could always be counted on to laugh unashamedly in S.T.A.R. Labs alongside Cisco.

"What's up?" Cisco asked in a rare show of sympathy.


"Barry." Caitlin levelled a piercing stare at Barry. Does she know how to look into souls? Barry certainly wouldn't know the difference. He tried to withhold his own, but his perseverance cracked.

He threw his hands into the air in defeat. "Fine! It's just been a crappy day, you know? High school sucked..." He ended by trailing off into an internal monologue.

"Yo, yo, hold up!" Cisco shouted. "High school? I thought we already took care of your bully? Tony Woodward is sitting in our prison 'cause of that dope super sonic punch. Unless he got out. Oh my God, he got out! Why didn't you tell us as soon as you saw him? Barry, this is serious!" He began to run around gathering tools from the scattered remains of his latest project. "No one gets out of my prison!"

"What are you talking about? I didn't see Woodward," Barry said, confused. He really didn't want to nab Tony again. Once was enough, thank you.

"Well then what's this about?" Cisco explained, disgruntled. "I thought we agreed that it was my turn next. I should have the next five turns at least." He sounded like a petulant child.

"Cisco!" Caitlin crossed her arms, channeling a disappointed mother perfectly. "Now tell us what's wrong, Barry. You look upset."

Barry ran a hand down his face. "I just saw someone that I didn't ever want to see again. God, I thought I'd never have to talk to her again." He sighed wearily.

"Ooooh, a girl!" Cisco winked at him.

"Yes, a girl. We dated until I decided that she was far too lesbian for us to go anywhere," Barry deadpanned.

There was a tense moment of silence in which Cisco and Caitlin gawped at his blunt manner. Cisco hesitantly approached Barry, scrutinizing his face. "Was that sarcasm? I can't really tell…"

"Yes," Barry responded testily. "She's a complete b—"

"Hey!" Caitlin interrupted, obviously scandalized at his flagrant swearing. "What's gotten into you?"

Barry took a minute to compose himself and became aware of how rash he was being. His friends looked uncomfortable by his new attitude, shuffling from one foot to the other and tapping out a random beat on the cool metal table.

It's not like they have much to base their preconceptions of me on, Barry thought. It shouldn't hurt to tell them, should it?

He took the plunge and began, "I'm not exactly the same person as I was in high school."

"Obviously," Caitlin scoffed, relaxing minutely. "It'd be ridiculous if we didn't change at all."

"Yeah, you should've seen my glasses in high school."

"That's...not what I meant." Barry hesitated before plowing forward. "I—"

"Mr. Allen. What brings you here on your day off?" Dr. Wells rolled in with the most (or least, depending on one's perception) perfect timing.

"Seriously," Barry hissed frustratedly to himself. He spoke up, masking his irritation, "Just talking to Dr. Snow and Cisco before I head home for the night. Unless you need me?"

"No, no. That's not necessary," Wells dismissed the offer without so much as a glance, already pushing his chair to the computers.

"Bye, guys. See you later," Barry bid farewell and turned down the hallway even though it was only three in the afternoon. It seemed like he would be waiting alone for Joe again. He was used to it from living alone for several years though.

The bitter scent of coffee wafted through the crack of the door as she pulled it open. It had been far too long without the drink for her to be functioning properly. There's a difference between being intentionally harsh and just being pissy.

She strutted (hey, you never knew who could be watching) to the front counter. Jitters wasn't as quiet or small-towny as The Lima Bean, but the atmosphere was soothing all the same. There was a worker behind the counter, but she was too entranced by the task in front of her to notice Santana's arrival. Santana admired her long hair, but immediately went on the defense when she turned around. That was the girl with Sebastian earlier.

The worker smiled sincerely when she caught sight of Santana, making the Latina even more suspicious. "Hi! You're Barry's friend from high school, right? I'm Iris West," she introduced herself.


"Sorry, I don't remember what your name is," Iris apologized.

Santana smirked. If Sebastian didn't want to talk to her, then she might as well force him to. "I'm sure whatever he came up with was very creative. Santana Lopez." She extended a hand across the counter for Iris to shake. Iris appeared entirely innocent; it was almost too easy. After a moment of thought, Santana recalled what the girl called herself. Confused, she asked, "Wait, West?"

"Yes, my dad is a detective in Central," Iris said, obviously used to the question.

"What? No, I mean, Se-Barry has a different last name," Santana restated hoping Iris didn't notice the slip of her tongue.

"Oh! We're not actually siblings. He's my foster brother," clarified Iris. Misreading Santana's stunned expression, she hurried to rectify Barry's cards-close-to-his-chest lifestyle. "It's not your fault! Barry just doesn't tell that many people. I probably shouldn't have mentioned it."

"It's fine. Just didn't expect that." Santana studied this Iris girl. Sebastian's foster sister?

Iris noticed the line growing behind Santana. Time for the after work pick-me-up. "I should get to work. Maybe you could come over for dinner with us tomorrow night?" Iris' eyes sparkled with anticipation.

"That'd be great! I'd love to catch up with Barry," Santana agreed, showing her best behavior.

"If it's alright, it'd probably be me and my dad and my boyfriend." Santana shrugged indifferently. Iris started scribbling an address on a Jitters napkin. "Here. Food will be ready around six thirty."

Santana thanked her and left in a daze, completely forgetting to order a coffee. That had been much easier than expected when she first decided to harass Sebastian, but Santana's isn't an idiot. She wouldn't throw away an opportunity like this. She smirked as she walked to the curb to flag down a cab.