Iie – no

Gomen – I'm sorry

Gomen nasai – polite, sincere way to say "I'm sorry"


Sakura sighed, enjoying the feel of the sun on her skin, soaking it in. She could feel the warmth of the sand on her back through the beach towel as well. Overhead she heard gulls screaming and a little ways away waves crashing. A gentle, cooling breeze blew.

She turned her heads to gaze at her companion on his own beach towel, clad in black swim trunks that matched his hair. He turned to her just then, clearly enjoying the sight of her in her red bikini. Sakura smiled, taking hold of Sasuke's hand. Without warning, she rolled and was lying on his chest. She practically attacked his lips, and he responded hungrily. Their tongues made contact and Sasuke won the mini power struggle, his prize the exploration of her mouth.

They began to moan wetly, Sakura's loudest as Sasuke ran his hands up and down her curves, along her sides. She grabbed his hips, running her fingers along his waistband. He gasped and moaned into the wet kiss, bucking his hips slightly. Sakura smirked; proud she could have this effect on him.

Thank Kami-sama the beach was pretty empty that day. Sasuke's hand landed on Sakura's behind and things were getting perhaps a little too far when the lovers were suddenly drenched by a large, cold dump of water from above.

Their eyes burst open and they both looked up. There stood Naruto, his huge bucket still raised, a giant toothy grin on his face. The grin faded as he noticed the two death glares he was receiving. The blond decided that was a good time to drop the bucket and run.

"DOBE!" Sasuke yelled at him, running after him across the sand. Naruto screeched, terrified.

Sakura got up as well and pelted after them.

"Gomen! GOMEN! GOMEN NASAI, TEME!" Naruto shrilly screamed apologies as he dashed along the shore.

Sasuke growled as he tackled the dobe, sitting on his back.

"GAH! Sakura-chan, heeeeeelp!" Naruto screamed desperately like a girl.

"Gomen, Naruto…" Sakura cracked her knuckles. "I'm with Sasuke-kun."


Sasuke smirked evilly.

"Those are your famous last words, dobe."