It looks like the bunnies want to write for Christmas! As the title and synopsis suggests, there will be 13 chapters to this. Each day will represent a prompt. I will post the pairing/friendship in the title before the story so you know what you're about to get into. The plan is for this to last up until New Year's Eve so there might be a day or two without a story. Also, please bear with me, this is the first time I've posted an "in progress" fic.

Thanks to Craig Bartlett and Snee-Oosh for letting us play with their toys and a special thanks to the TaserTricks community who came up with the awesome prompts that I have "borrowed". This pairing is Curly/ Rhonda.

Ugly Sweater

"Thaddeus Gumblethorpe! What in the hell are you wearing?"

The dark haired teen grinned at her horrified expression and pulled at the hideous sweater he was wearing. A mangled cacophony of green, red and gold, the sweater itself looked as if it had been knitted by a blind elderly Aunt. Creepy elves, candy canes, badly put together Christmas trees matched with equally badly put together presents, a sleigh and a bevy of reindeer were mashed together in horrific rows and boxes. And all of it was currently residing on her boyfriend's chest.

Not only was it bad fashion sense, the damn thing needed to be burned.

"It's my ugly Christmas sweater." He replied. "Isn't it great?"

"Great would be the last thing I would call that horrible monstrosity on your body. I insist you take it off right now."

"No can do, sugar plum." He said. "If I take it off, I won't win the ugly sweater contest. And other than bragging rights, the prize is a $200 gift card to TechMart. I need a new blue ray player."

"Tad, I will buy you a blue ray player and as many blue rays as you want if you please take off that sweater."

"But, bragging rights." He repeated.

"There is nobody insane enough to wear a sweater as ugly as that out in public."

"Rhonda!" Arnold's voice called from the corridor. She turned to see him hurrying towards her.

"For the love of God, step away from the crazy people." He reached her and with one hand, snagged her arm and pulled her away from Tad.

"Arnold, what in theā€¦"

"You'll thank me later," he said. Tad was staring down the hall, his lip curled in distain as Helga walked through wearing the cousin of the hideous sweater Tad was in. Hers was an explosion of red and silver with garland, actual garland, attached to it. If it wasn't as ugly as Tad's, it was damn sure trying to make a good case for it.

She sneered back. "Gumblethorpe."


"You're going down."

"You wish blondie."

"You both might as well quit now, because I'm going to win this!"

"Oh my God, my eyes!" Rhonda wailed as Harold walked down the stairs of the school towards them. His had to be the worst. A strange horrific patchwork of red, green, gold, silver and blue all looking as if it were hastily sewn together with a huge Santa stuck head first in a chimney right on the front of it. Arnold merely shook his head.

"I refused to even sit next to her on the bus this morning. Phoebe was smart, she made her parents drive her to school and then promptly disappeared."

"Well I stand corrected. There are two other people insane enough." she muttered. "I don't even understand what's going on right now."

"There's an ugly sweater contest today." He explained. "Part of the last week before Winter break thing. The first prize is a $200 gift card to TechMart. Personally, I don't think my dignity is worth $200."

"That's not ugly, that's just rude." Helga insisted as the burly teen took the last step and faced off with them.

"It is too ugly. And I'm getting extra points because I don't even celebrate Christmas."

"You're not getting extra points for that," Helga snapped.

"If anything you should be disqualified." Tad added.

Harold remained undaunted. "Nope, I'm gonna win this and you sucker are gonna choke."

"Dream on, chucklehead."

Tad grinned back at Rhonda. "Wish me luck sugar plum."

"Will you take that ridiculous thing off once this contest is over?"

"Whatever your heart desires my queen."

She raised a hand. "Give them hell baby!"

He blew a kiss towards her and followed the other two into the Main office. She and Arnold stood silently for a moment.

"Bets on who's going to win?" She asked.

"I got five on Helga." He answered immediately. She shook his hand.

"Done. And now," she pulled out her phone and began typing. Arnold peered over her shoulder curiously.

"What are you doing?"

"Asking Walter to pick up a halfway decent sweater and bring it to school at the end of the day. Because there is no way that Tad is leaving this school wearing that abomination."

He nodded slowly. "Tell him to pick one up for Helga too."