Author's Note - I found a great story on this site called Forbidden Choice. As much as I loved it, I started thinking about how I would tell the story myself. I wanted to change a few things and add some points of view. I contacted the original author and asked permission to use her storyline along with details and even sentences. She graciously agreed. Please check out the original concept and story - Forbidden Choice by JKBrimera. A huge Thank You to her for allowing me to use her story and giving me the courage to post my take.

Chapter 1 - The New Law

Hermione Granger tapped her foot impatiently while reading over her Potions essay. Suddenly Ginny Weasley burst into the dorm looking windswept, her cheeks red, and her long hair coming out of her ponytail.

"Where have you been?" asked Hermione expectantly. "We're going to be late."

"Quidditch practice. Angelina kept us forever with new moves." Ginny replied as she yanked off her Quidditch robes and grabbed her normal ones. "Don't worry. We still have five minutes."

Grabbing her brush she quickly fixed her ponytail as Hermione began to twist her hands.

"Have you seen the reminders? Dumbledore will be making a huge announcement tonight. We can't be late."

"Relax Hermione. Of course I've seen the reminders. They've been posted everywhere for days now. Come on. We'll be fine."

Hermione jumped off the bed and the two girls made their way down the stairs, through the common room, and out the portrait door to the Great Hall.

Most of the students were already inside talking while enjoying their dinner. The tables were full of stews, bread, roasted turkey, and jugs of pumpkin juice. They looked down the Gryffindor table where they saw Ron waving his hands around as he spoke to Harry. As the girls approached they could hear them arguing about an upcoming quidditch match.

"The Chudley Cannons will win this time," Ron was saying around the mashed potatoes he had in his mouth. "'Hey can't lose wi' their keeper."

Harry leaned closer in his seat. "What?! Are you barking? The Cannons might have a great keeper, but the Harpies' entire team is phenomenal. They decimated Puddlemere in their last match."

Ginny sat down reaching for food as Hermione frowned and rolled her eyes. She did not want to sit through another dinner talking only about Quidditch.

"What do you think the announcement will be about?" asked Hermione trying to change the subject.

Just then Fred and George walked up and sat down beside them.

"No one really knows, but we heard many a rumor flying around about a certain cup returning to Hogwarts."

"The Triwizard Tournament?" said Ginny as she raised an eyebrow. "Seriously?"

Fred shrugged. He too had piled potatoes into his mouth, but swallowed before answering. "It's possible little sister."

"We'll find out shortly," said George looking up at the head table.

Dumbledore was staring up at the ceiling which shown a cloudless, starry night. He looked to be deep in thought with a troubled look on his face.

Finally after the desserts had been cleared away, Dumbledore rose from his seat and moved toward the podium. Immediately the hall went silent, an eager anticipation hanging in the air.

"Good evening everyone. As you have been made aware, there is an announcement to be made tonight."

Everyone in the hall stared up at the Headmaster waiting for him to continue. The only sound that could be heard was a rustle or two of a cloak as some adjusted to see him properly.

"It will not come as a surprise to most of you that house unity has become, for lack of better words, unheard of at best. The Ministry feels that all of you have given up on second chances and are not making an effort to live in harmony with the other houses. The Ministry fears that this could eventually lead to another war."

A sudden shiver ran through the air accompanied by a few murmurs. People hardly spoke of the war since it had past. Ginny felt her insides squirm as she gave a look around. Did they really expect them to be friends with anyone in Slytherin? That was like asking a hippogriff to befriend a tasty ferret. Judging by the expressions on the other students faces she could tell they were thinking along the same lines. Dumbledore paused before going on with his speech, his even expression giving away nothing. Somehow, that only made his next words more frightening.

"The Ministry wishes me to inform you of a new law that will come into place in response to these concerns: the Inter-Unity Law."

Small whispers broke out, racing like wildfire around the hall. Each student wanted to make sure that he or she was not the only one lost. Ginny frowned, and the other three adopted similar expressions of confusion. Dumbledore raised a hand, and the hall instantly fell silent once more.

"The law reads as follows."

He snapped his fingers, and a scroll appeared from thin air. The Headmaster unraveled it, but there was something reluctant and weary in his movements. Hermione sat up a little straighter. Dumbledore peered through his half-moon glasses.

"All witches and wizards over the age of fourteen and enrolled in Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry are hereby subject to the Inter-Unity Law. The aforementioned law states that, in order to encourage unity and integration between houses, the Triwizard Goblet will pair various students with other students of a high-level compatibility to their own. These matches will take place over the course of a week, though the union will be in place for life. These students will be expected to complete various courses and other such things in the hopes of an eventual marriage. Thank-you for your understanding and cooperation. Signed Cornelius Fudge, Minister of Magic."

Ginny's throat closed. Horror reared its ugly head, and she felt the sudden urge to vomit. There was no way that she was cooperating with someone so bloody thick-headed as Fudge. She looked over at the others, whose faces were twisted into masks of disbelief.

"Punishment for disobeying this law," Dumbledore said, "is Azkaban."

The silence was deafening. Every student was at a loss for words. Ginny could hear her own heart pounding in her ears, and her mouth felt dry.

"Your parents have been sent a notice about the new law however, you will be responsible for telling them who you have been matched with once the Cup has decided. Like the Sorting Hat, the Cup will see what qualities you possess inside and match you to the person deemed to be your choice mate. Do not think that you can trick the cup this time around."

Dumbledore motioned down the table toward Professor Snape. He was the only one who appeared unruffled by the announcement and was wearing a half crooked smirk on his face.

"Professor Snape has brewed a complex potion as well as other enchantments that have been put in place. If you try to trick the cup, beards are not the only trouble you will find."

Dumbledore looked imploringly at the students his eyes lingering on the Weasley twins. The twins glared at him but made no sound as seemingly mute as the rest of the students.

"Please drop your names in the cup outside the hall as you exit. The pairing will start tomorrow. I suggest you all get a good nights rest before your lessons in the morning."

At that Dumbledore swept out of the Great Hall and through a side door. The professors at the head table were standing up. They had been dismissed.

Slowly Blaise Zabini stood, his hand trembling.

"What do they think they're playing at? Those bloody Ministry cretins!"

Beside him Draco Malfoy was still sitting his eyes dark and brooding. As he stood up however, his expression was blank. Around them the noise started to grow as others stood up. Conversations started to buzz. Angry voices started rumbling as students cursed and shouted. Other students sat crying or completely still as if in shock waiting to hear different news. Ginny saw Luna comforting a third year at the Ravenclaw table.

"How can the Ministry do that?" exploded Ron angrily. "Forcing us together to marry?! What if I get paired with a Slytherin? I think I'd rather die! And what will Mum and Dad say? All of those weddings, I can't even imagine the hours Dad will have to work to try and pay for that."

Ron's angry tirade went on and on as they left the hall, stopping just outside to each drop their names in the worn cup with blue flames which glowed momentarily amber as it swallowed up their name, before moving on back to their dormitory. The girls got ready for bed in silence. They were still too shocked to speak. Ginny laid in bed and shut the hangings feeling as though her heart was as heavy as the curtains surrounding her.

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