This is set immediately after Kuvira's Gambit, in which (SPOILERS FOR EPISODE 11) Kuvira blows everyone up with her giant mecha. So if you have NOT caught up yet, do NOT read this. Bookmark it for later or something. Trust me you'll want to watch it first.

Anyways, as a general reminder for all you hillbillies that DON'T KNOW, the series finale and the conclusion to the Avatar franchise is airing next Friday, so lets all put together our hands and pray for Kai to SPEAK, because he hasn't done that since the first episode and that really pisses me off.

As always, all characters belong to Bryke, none of them are of my own creation. I'm just borrowing them to play House.

Story, ensue.

Kai winced as he stumbled out into the light. It blinded him momentarily, leaving him staggering in circles. When the dark spots finally cleared from his eyes, he could faintly make out voices asking him if he was alright.

He simply nodded, still too shocked to speak.

One minute they'd sealed the deal with Bataar Jr and the next they were blown sky high. Kai'd barely managed to pull Jinora to her feet before they were hit.

His breathing hitched and he stopped moving.


Ignoring the stinging in his eyes, Kai scanned the premises. Everyone had gotten out. Right?

He squinted into the sunlight, quickly trying to pick out Jinora from in between all the rubble. His heart rate was picked up as he realized he couldn't spot her.

Was she still in the building? Did she not get out?

"Bolin!" he yelled for the earthbender. A faint yelp of acknowledgement came from his left.

"Sorry, I'm kinda in the middle of something here!"

Bolin was still taking the brunt of the weight of a heavy slab of concrete, ushering out a couple of airbenders. His face was contorted from the effort and Kai knew he couldn't hold on much longer.

"Has Jinora come through there?" he shouted, trying to raise his voice above the ruckus. Either he hadn't heard him or he couldn't answer, and Kai should have left it at that. Instead he raised his voice even louder, repeating his question.

As the last few people came straggling out into the day light, Bolin heaved a loud grunt and let go of his grip on the heavy stone, ducking out in the nick of time. Sweat rolled profusely down his cheeks as he took deep breaths.

"Sorry, Kai," he managed to say in between gasps, " yeah, she's out. She was with Ikki and some other airbender."

Kai released a breath he hadn't known he'd been holding.


Jinora was alright.


He turned on his heel, already beginning his search when Bolin called him back.

"Kai!" he yelled at the younger boy from where he was resting. The earth bender drew a nervous breath, as intense green eyes bore into his skull, waiting for him to continue.

"It's Jinora," he said slowly, "she's not in good shape."

Kai didn't hear the rest. He'd already broke into a sprint, dashing about looking for her.

"Kai," a soft voice stopped him in his tracks. He turned and his heart sank all the way into the pit of his stomach.


She was lying on the floor staring up at him.

"Where's Ikki?" he asked, crouching down beside her.

"She went to get our dad." was what he heard her say, but by then he didn't really care about her sister anymore.

The Jinora in front of him was paler than he'd ever seen her before. Her clothes and hair covered in small debris and- wait, was her ankle supposed to be pointing that way?

He exhaled violently, to the point where it was almost painful, "Jinora, your foot." he managed to say in a hoarse whisper.

"Yeah, I know," she mumbled, managing a brave smile. It wavered as she slowly raised her hand to take his. "But I'm fine. So don't worry about me."

Here she was lying in a pile of rubble with a broken ankle and she was the one comforting him. Jinora with the broken ankle was comforting him.

This was all Kuvira's fault.

A swelling, white hot lump of anger seared in his chest, threatening to spill out at any moment.


Who was that lady to take their city? To hurt Jinora? Who did she think she was?

Kai pulled away from Jinora's grasp and made to stand up, when he was forcefully pulled back down again. He turned his sharp gaze down towards her, her hands wrapped around his wrist.

"Where do you think you're going?" she said, looking the slightest bit hurt.

His expression softened, but not completely. Running his fingers through her hair, he leant down and planted a soft kiss on her forehead.

"I'm going to turn Kuvira's giant metal monster into a giant pile of spare parts."

"Kai, no."

"Jinora," he snapped, "she broke you're foot."

"Ankle. The concrete broke my ankle."

He didn't even bat an eyelash, and continued as if she hadn't said anything at all.

"Because of her weapon."

"Look," Jinora heaved a loud sigh, "once I'm all patched up we can go rip apart her mecha together, okay? But right now I want you here with me."

She carefully cupped his cheek with her hand and flashed him a wanton smile. "Please?"

He faltered at her grin and drew a shaky breath. "Fine, " he relented, taking hold of her hand again. "but Jin-"


Like a gust of wind, Tenzin flew past Kai towards his eldest daughter, Ikki and Meelo hot on his heels. "What happened? Are you hurt?"

Jinora's lips parted in surprise, "Dad-"

Not bothering to wait for her answer, he rounded on Kai. "What happened to her?"

"Her ankle's broken."

"What?" Kai winced at the master airbender's booming voice.


"Oh, Jinora." Tenzin muttered under his breath.

"Kai," The sound of his name jolted him back to reality.

"Yes, sir?"

The airbending master looked troubled. He reluctantly sighed. "Take Jinora's hand and don't let go until it's time to go, do you understand me?"

That surprised both parties, but Kai was in no position to say no. He grip her hand and she gave it a little squeeze in return. Her palms felt soft and minute in his own, which was an oddly comforting thing.

It was a bit awkward, though, with her siblings peering at her over his shoulder.

"We're going to have to set your foot. There's a clinic nearby. So once everyone's ready we'll head there first, so just hang on a bit, okay?"

Jinora merely nodded, but Kai could tell she was scared. Her breathing was more forced and she wouldn't meet Master Tenzin's eyes.

"But I won't lie to you- It's going to hurt. It's going to hurt a lot. So brace yourself, but don't panic. Kai will be here to watch over you, okay?"

His reply was another mute nod.

Tenzin shot Kai one last meaningful look, and took off to round up the stragglers.

Once they were left to their own devices, she closed her eyes. "I don't want to do it."


"I don't want to set my ankle. I've done it for Meelo before and he was crying for hours on end." She looked up at him then, her eyes big and round, and glistening with tears. "I'm scared."

He felt his heart lurch towards her. Jinora was scared. And he couldn't do anything about it. Jinora was crying. And he couldn't know anything about that either. Because the truth was that Kai was just as scared. That Kai wanted to cry too. But he knew he couldn't. He'd never felt so entirely useless in his life. Not ever.

He lay down next to her slowly, never letting go of her hand. Pressing his face into the crook of her neck, he murmured some what helplessly, "I'm sorry. I don't know what to do."

Kai's breath was a wash of warmth against her skin. It relaxed her in a way. So did the way he wrapped his arms around her as if he meant to be a full body shield. They hadn't been able to be in this close a proximity in a long time. Too long. And she'd really missed it.

It was familiar.

It was Kai.

"It's okay," she said, so softly that he could only just make it out.

He didn't look up at her, but he did pull her closer. "Really?"

A faint "Mhm." tickled his ear lobe.

Quietly, he pulled away from her neck to face her. Kai examined her pale skin, her ragged hair, her tired eyes, and he swore in Raava's name that as long as he lived, he would never let something like this happen again.


Jinora laughed. It was a simple, sound of happiness, but it seemed to affect the atmosphere.

The tension in the air melted away, along with any of his doubts, and fears. The air seemed almost shocked. Kai reckoned that laughing wasn't a normal thing to do in a situation like this and a miniscule part of him felt a little worried. But nonetheless, he returned it with a grin of his own.

Things didn't seem so dark anymore.

It was brighter now.

She was brighter now.

Her laughs slowly faded into a infectiously wide grin.

"I'm not scared anymore."

And that was when Kai decided that this girl in front of him, this girl with the messy hair, and the broken ankle, and the debris coated face, was the most beautiful thing in the world.

So, I hope you enjoyed that, and if you did, you could leave a review in the box below. It really means a lot to me!

I really tried to make it close to canon Kai, whom we all know has a bit of an anger issue with literally anyone and anything that touches Jinora. I hope that it seems realistic enough? Or was it just sappy piece of klunk? Aw well. That's the fun of being a writer, right? You keep on at it until it doesn't even resemble shit anymore.

Thanks for reading, and have a good day!
