This one was requested by Vinnie10, a DannyxEmber story that I hope will be interesting enough.

Chapter One: Say My Name

Amity Park was almost hers, all the hearts of the teenagers – and even some adults – were fixed on her music and her aura flared as she listened to the crowd cheer her name all over the electronics store.

"Ember! Ember! Ember!"

"That's right, say my name." She grinned and licked her lips, her hands stroking the guitar as she played.


She glanced behind her and smirked. The town's teenage protector, Danny Phantom, had finally made his appearance. Oh, she'd heard so many stories around the Ghost Zone about him. The second halfa – the boy who lived on the threshold of death even more than Plasmius ever was. He was an anomaly, a phenomenon, and he had decided that he was the one who would protect Amity Park from every danger. How cute.

She had been wondering when he would finally make an appearance, after he'd rudely interrupted her first performance at the school.

"Hey, babypop." She greeted, turning to him as she continued to play. "Come to sing with me? I normally only do solos, but I might be able to fit in a duet for you."

"I'm not here to sing, Ember." He pulled out a green and white cylinder. "I'm here to stop you!"

She glanced around. "Where's your little girlfriend, Phantom?" She teased.

"I don't have one." He formed a green ecto-blast and fired it at her. "Why does everyone keep saying that I do?!"

She flew into the air to dodge the attack. "Well, the way you hang around the girl, we all assumed! I guess there's nothing between you, though?" She grinned. "In that case, I won't be breaking any hearts with my next move."

He fired another blast, then clipped the thermos to his belt and flew at her. She turned the dial on her guitar and grinned, letting out a riff towards him. He was hit and flew backwards from the wave of energy, and then she turned the dial again, playing a few chords as she flew closer to him.

"I'm going to stop you!" He said, pulling out the thermos. Before he could open it, though, she played another riff and a pink energy wave shaped like a heart slammed into him. He groaned and fell back, the thermos slipping from his grasp and rolling to the side. "Nn…"

Ember kicked the thermos out of the way and knelt next to him, smiling. "Hey, babypop. How you feeling?"

"Ember…?" He looked up at her, blinking. "Wow…you're even more beautiful in person." He smiled dreamily.

She grinned and then walked over to where the audience could see her again, changing the dial back to normal. "Teenagers of Amity Park, let's spread the word and rock this world! Say my name! Let me hear it, boys and girls!"

"Ember! Ember! Ember!" The crowd cheered, and she laughed excitedly before looking over at Phantom, who was still kneeling on the ground with a dreamy smile on his face. With Phantom under her power, nothing would stop her reign here!

"Everyone, there's gonna be some big changes." She grinned, her eyes glinting with mischief.


The adults that she had no control over were all overpowered with her band and her fans working together and they were locked up in City Hall, the communication lines cut and Ember's ghostly fans standing guard around the building. Ember smiled as she stood outside the Mayor's house and then turned to the crowd. "This place looks a little bland, let's spice things up and paint the town!"

The crowd cheered, and stores were entered and exited many times as the whole of Amity Park was repainted in her colors. She stood in front of the mayor's house, watching as the humans did their work. Such mindless drones; and all hers!

Speaking of mindless drones, she had to put her prize somewhere. She flew over to where she'd told Phantom to sit and stood in front of him. "Hey, babypop. How you feeling?"

"Lonely. Why did you leave me alone?" He asked, his green eyes filled with despair.

Ember smiled and reached out to stroke his cheek. "Don't worry; I'm not going anywhere anymore."

He smiled and leaned his head into her palm, his eyes closing contentedly. She smirked and ran her hands through his hair. 'Wait until everyone in the Ghost Zone hears that the Phantom kid is obsessed with me!' She thought with a grin. "Hey…" she knelt down in front of him, looking up at his face. "Say my name, baby."

"Ember…." He smiled dreamily.

She gave a pleased coo and then stood up. "C'mon, let's go into my new home." She made her guitar disappear into her energy and took his gloved hand, leading him to the currently-being-painted Mayor's house.


"Danny…" Sam pursed her lips as she watched the ghostly songstress lead her friend inside. Tucker and Danny were a lost cause…was she the only one left? She touched the earpiece that blocked Ember's magic and clenched her fists. "I have to beat her…somehow."

Personally, I always wondered why she used the spell to make him fall for Sam instead of her. Having the halfa devoted to her would so rock and give her rep in the Ghost Zone. XD Therefore, that's exactly what she's doing here!
Oh hey, it's Sam. Knew she had to be somewhere around here. ~ Zone