Hii, so this is a story I'm really hoping to complete. Never in my life have I actually finished a story, and I'm making it a point to actually do this. But yeah. It's nice to meet you, and I thank you so much for taking the time to read my story. I hope you enjoy it, and reviews are always appreciated. Requests are also taken into thought, but I do not take OC's.

Disclaimer: Sonic Underground, nor anything Sonic the Hedgehog related, I do not own.

Ever since his adoptive parents were taken away from him, and he had moved in with his Uncle Chuck, Sonic was taught to rely on himself whenever possible. It was the same thing that all Freedom Fighters did. Trust some, but heed newcomers. Uncle Chuck had raised him as a son, and he grew up to be an important weapon for the resistance. He could remember lots of the older fighters congratulating him when he was accepted into the fight, and how he couldn't contain his excitement. The proud smile on Chuck's face was what Sonic had been waiting to earn since he was a small child. Sonic had done lots for the resistance, accompanying them on supply runs, and breaking into bases to deploy bombs. Since he was so fast, the older fighters would send him in and drop the bombs before the security cameras could catch him.

Now standing before him were his two siblings, both glaring at him in anger, and jealousy? He didn't know what brought this on, but he knew that he was not selfish. He had sacrificed nine years for the resistance, not caring about whether he got hurt while saving someone else, the only thing on his mind being to stop Robotnik. Sonia had the guts to call him a selfish hog, and then there was Manic, who had agreed with Sonia about how they were sick of his 'Lone Wolf' attitude. But that was how he grew up, and he was only starting to realize that he didn't need to act like that now.

"It's just so frustrating!" Sonia huffed. "You only think about yourself while we do missions!"

Manic nodded beside her. "Like yeah, bro. You think you're the star whenever we're assigned tasks!"

"What-" Sonic was cut off.

Sonia glared at him. "Then there's the lone wolf attitude, thinking you don't need anyone to help," Her arms crossed over her chest in anger. "It's not just you in the resistance you know!"

"I know!" Sonic exclaimed, arms rising up in protest. "But it was how I was taught! I've been in the resistance for years!"

Manic shook his head in a disappointed way. "Why does that matter?"

"We've all been together for what, four months? So you've had more experience than us with fighting, but that shouldn't matter since we're family. You're the most selfish person I've ever met in my life-"

Sonic stood there shocked as Sonia rambled on. His eyes widened, and his mouth hung open in disbelief. Why were they saying this, he had done nothing but fight for what was right for the last few years. He wasn't selfish, unless it involved his chilidogs, then he could say he was, but for fighting for freedom!?

"-and sometimes I wish you were never my brother!"

Sonic froze, along with Manic. Blue stared at Pink saddened. He could feel the tears threatening to pour over, but he held them in. His fists clenched, and unclenched, boiling rage, and betrayal rushing through his veins. Steadying his breathing, and taking his gaze up from his dusty running shoes, he looked into his sisters eyes with a small fake smile.

"If that's how you feel…" He muttered, his left gloved hand moving up and taking a grasp onto his medallion, the power inside making him shiver. He didn't need it, he didn't need anyone anymore. He pulled, and felt the string snap from behind his neck. "…then may your wish be fulfilled." With that being said, he tossed the medallion to the ground at her feet, turned around, and ran.