
I have no affiliation with Cardcaptor Sakura or any other of CLAMP's works. Also any similarities to real life events or people are unintentional unless explicitly stated.

When Tomoyo opened her eyes she was alone in the darkness. She held out her hand in front of her face. Curiously, she could still see it. She looked at the emptiness around her and then cautiously walked ahead. It was a bizarre sensation. She could not see anything besides herself but it did not feel as if she was falling or climbing. Everything felt still.

In the silence she heard the sound of someone sobbing. Tomoyo turned around to pinpoint it, and found herself next to the crying girl. She put her hand on the girl's shoulder but Cousin Kotori continued to gaze ahead. Tomoyo followed her gaze. There, laying down several paces away was Kobato. Even from this distance she could see that her breathing was shallow.

Tomoyo pulled on her cousin's hand. "Let us go to her."

"It's impossible," Cousin Kotori said in a barely audible whisper. "I've tried and tried and she's never any closer."

If that was the case, then Kobato must be on another plane like the sun compared to the earth. Even so, there must be a way for them to reach her.

Two great figures passed through them. They did not seem to notice Tomoyo and her cousin. She recognized one as Iorogi, the Spirit World prince. He was pulling along another figured dressed in a hooded white robe that obscured the face. The being in white stumbled to a stop.

"Come on, Suishou," he urged.

Tomoyo recalled that Suishou was the name of one of the citizens of Heaven.

"I didn't want this, Ioryogi." Even though spiritual beings were technically genderless, Suishou sounded feminine.

He crouched, put his hands on her shoulders and spun her to face him. "Look at me. It's done. We can finally be together after all this time."

She turned her head to the side. "What is this mortal child doing here?"


She pushed him aside and rushed to Kobato. She held her palm up against Kobato's chest. "She's been struck by the energy that leaked into her dimension. She's still alive, but barely."

"Leave her."

"If it wasn't for me her time wouldn't have been cut short," Suishou said. "Maybe saving this child is my atonement to save this child. Heaven's net is wide but its mesh is fine after all."

"No!" cried Iorogi.

A bright light shone from them and when Tomoyo opened her eyes again she found that she and Cousin Kotori were underneath the Hanato Family shrine's torii gates.

Toya knew that his parents were arriving in Heung Gong today so he purposely picked up an extra shift. There was plenty of extra work to go around. He had no intention of talking to them after Sakura's disappearance.

Unlike Kotori and the reports of others being teleported around the world on the Day of the Dead, Sakura was nowhere to be found. Kobato and the brat were also missing, but Tomoyo said that Kobato was in another world. He felt concern for the brat, but he wasn't his sister.

Unfortunately for Toya, when he was summoned to his manager's office, he found his parents there waiting.

"Son, can we talk," asked his father. "At least listen to what we have to say."

His manager excused himself and closed the door. Toya, irritated, leant on the door and crossed his arms.

His mother stood up and tried to approach him. "I know that you're angry with me for telling your sister in Heung Gong, but remember that she's my daughter, my flesh and blood. In my heart I still have faith that that was the better alternative than the dream I saw."

Toya glared at his mother. "Where is she then? Have you dreamt that too?"

"I don't know," she admitted. "But, please, believe in the future. I was given this gift of dreaming of the future for a reason."

"For what reason?" he shouted. "The same reason that my sister is somewhere God only knows where. The same reason why we will never see Koe again, why so many people have been displaced, why children are ill, why some are struggling to survive, while' we're alive and well?"

He knew he shouldn't have shouted at her, but he did anyways. Everything was messed up. He took deep breaths to try and subside his temper.

His father stood up and put his arm around his wife's shoulder. "Life doesn't discriminate, Toya. It keeps moving forward. I can't give you a definitive answer to why things are happening this way, but we can't lose hope that everything will be all right. Sakura wouldn't want that."

He looked outside the window. He saw a flash of white and then it was gone. He had dream seeing powers too, but they weren't as strong as his mother's or cousins.

"We've already lost a niece and a daughter; don't make us lose a son too."

Syaoran and Sakura were falling too fast and were too close to the ground. He told her he love her and that everything will be all right over and over again but the wind blew the words away. The ground came closer. He held her close and closed his eyes.

Sakura and Syaoran landed in some sort of net. They looked at each other, slightly stunned but with blood pumping through their veins. They were alive. Sakura smiled and laughed and embraced him tightly. They were alive.

The net was lowered to the ground and people swarmed them. Some appeared to scan them with hand held devices and others checked their eyes. She wasn't exactly sure what they were saying, but she was fairly certain that they were healers of some kind. One pointed to a screen showing a few drawings of faces that went from happy to sad. Sakura pointed at a happy one. The healers seemed satisfied and cleared away. She spun around looking for Syaoran, from who she was separated from in the swarm but found Tomoyo instead.

"I had a dream about Koe today," the eldest Hanato Sister told Meiling. "She is still completing her task of healing broken hearts."

According to her dreams, following the Day of the Dead, her sister's time had been stopped by the heavenly spirit called Suishou and then sent to another world with the Spirit World prince and given the task to heal broken hearts in exchange for a wish.

"Well, she's alive," replied Meiling, pouring some of the soothing tea. She'd been visiting the family regularly since that day to deliver them tea and to try and help them process what is happening. She liked the family, and she was Meiling, and didn't like the thought of abandoning them.

"But she doesn't remember anyone so how can she find her way back home?" she sighed. "I don't know how to tell the Yomogi kids or mother."

"First Sister," interrupted Honey. "Tell her about Cousin Star and Big Brother."

"What about them?" Syaoran and Miss Kinomoto had been missing for weeks now, and this is the first that she's heard of their whereabouts.

"Ah yes." She sipped her tea. "Our Lady told me that she saw them in a dream."


"In another world. She saw them through the eyes of her Other Self living there."

"That's good. When will they be back?"

"We'll have to wait and see."

Meiling scoffed before she could stop herself. "You can't keep waiting. When are you going to go complete your design course?"

"I have to help out here," she said.

Her younger sister said nothing but pursed her lips.

"I'm needed here," she insisted. After the disappearances, even the mother had descended into a melancholy state. "There's a time and place for everything and regarding the design course, it's not now."

"Well, I'm not waiting," declared Meiling. "I can't keep watching out for them. I need to do something. You should too."

She didn't have any left to spare to wait for them to come back. Meiling still had her dreams of becoming a healer, and if she wanted to do that she would need to put her time and energy into achieving that goal, however long it takes.

Tomoyo poured her Other Self, President Tomoyo of the Piffle Princess Corporation in Piffle World, a cup of tea and went to find that it was filled already. They were high up in a building . Outside the window she caught a glimpse of other sky scrapers and flying vehicles called "dragonflies" zooming around.

"I shall be upset to see my heroine, Sakura, leave us," lamented President Tomoyo.

"Is she going somewhere?"

"Yes." She put down her teacup and sighed. "I almost wish that the other travellers never arrived, but it was inevitable, I suppose."

There was a small blip on the intercom system.

"Excuse me, President Tomoyo," said Alpha, "There are visitors for you, the traders sent by the Witch of Dimensions."

Once in a dream, the Princess Tomoyo from Nihon warned her to expect the visitors. Their request this time was the same as their last visit, an artificial arm for Kurogane.

"What do you have to trade for it?" she asked.

They spread out their wares. "This time we have diamonds, this chalice, a crystal skull-"

"What is this key for?" asked Sakura through the translator. She had been in the room for a fitting.

"It's used to cross worlds."

She looked at Li.

"What is that worth?" he asked. He rummaged around, and took out a large round pendant on a string.

Tomoyo put out her hand to stop him. "Will it be equal in worth to the artificial arm?"

"I'm afraid not," said Fuuma, "but if you were to also provide maintenance and service for the arm for the next seven years, the exchange will be acceptable."

"I accept." When Sakura was about to protest she added, "Your happiness is my happiness. You miss your friends and family and I am certain that they are currently missing you. Besides, you have given me so much more valuable than technology. Your time and presence these past few months have been priceless."

"Will they be able to come home?" Tomoyo asked.

"Apparently its trajectory is quite random and it takes some time for the key to recharge between uses."

Tomoyo drank some tea. There was a possibility that she would not be able to contact them in the next world, or that it would be safe for them.

"Do not worry," President Tomoyo said with a smile. "Sakura told me to remind you that everything will be all right."

At first Sakura and Syaoran thought that Princess Tomoyo of Nihon sent them to the wrong world by mistake. After they walked out of the law enforcement box they walked around the alleyways, not recognizing anything. After all the travelling, the tears, the fights, the loss, and everything they had been through, they knew that everything would be all right as long as they were together.

They missed home. The longer they were away, the less frequently they would receive messages from their friends and family through the dreams. The last message they managed to receive was last year where they heard that Syaoran's eldest sister gave birth to a baby boy. That was also the time when where they were in hiding because the world they landed in was attacked by another Syaoran in its recent past.

Still, that feeling of the hope of returning home crumbling hurt but then, they turned a final corner and Sakura's eyes lit up. They saw the distinct shape of the Lecourt Station clock tower. There were so many new buildings surrounding it now and the aerotrains that arrived and departed from the station were a newer model. Time flowed differently between the worlds. Judging by the newspaper, they were gone for seven years, but that didn't mean that they were that many years older. Hopefully the others recognized and remembered them still.

A ringing sound came from Sakura's bag. She shot him a confused look and then rummaged through it. Excitedly, she showed Syaoran her chronophone. Their chronophones never really lost power, but this is the first that it was able to connect to a network. A backlog of messages flooded its memory. Syaoran checked his bag and found that his also was filled with old messages. He had forgotten to take his off silent.

She clicked her heels, and together, hand in hand they travelled home to their loved ones.

Author's Notes:

There may be a couple more things I want to tidy up later, but the Sakura Chronicles is DONE! Thank you so much for taking the time and energy to read my story. I really hope that you enjoyed reading it and thought it was worth your time. I really enjoyed the process of creating it and am happy that I managed to complete it. I couldn't have done it without you dear readers!

This story has been developing for a really long time. I think that I had the idea of CCS!Sakura meeting Nadeshiko extremely early in the drafts of the Lecourt Arc. Fujitaka and Eriol were supposed to be twins in the first drafts too, but that was removed, but then adapted for Yukito and Nakuru later on.

A large portion of the characters and plotlines were drawn from other CLAMP works, primarily xxxHolic, Kobato (which is where all the celestial war and Kobato's fate came from), X1999, Tokyo Babylon, Wish. I think all the characters, except for 4 were CLAMP characters.

Other books/stories/series/author's that have influenced the story include Interview with a Vampire by Anne Rice, Robert Jordan's Wheel of Time series, Doctor Who, the Bible, the His Dark Materials by Philip Pullman, Liane Hearn's Tales of the Otori series, Jaclyn Moriarty's poetry like prose, and the ever great storyteller Neil Gaiman. I read a lot, so I probably forgot a few others...

I did get a little nervous writing about the angels and the other spiritual beings, but CLAMP wrote Kobato and Wish which included those kind of characters.

While I was writing this arc I listened to Cosmic Love by Florence + the Machine, and Magic Mind by Ayaka on repeat. (I don't think I listened to anything on repeat when writing the Lecourt Arc, but I do think that Magic of Love by Perfume and Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls fit the story pretty well).

This chapter moves a little faster than the previous ones, but I hope you still like it. Originally it was going to be much more open ended. It's kind of weird looking at my brainstorming page, it's so different from what I've written.

In any case, please let me know what you think about it, if you think it can be improved somehow or if you have any questions even if this story has been published ages ago. I love hearing what you think. I can always reply via PM or by tacking on the reply in the Author's Notes section.

I'm not sure if or when I'll be able to publish something. It probably won't be another Sakura Chronicles story, but hopefully it won't be as complicated of a story as this one. haha