Hello all! Wow...it has been so long since I have updated and I feel absolutely terrible for this taking so long. But life definitely got in the way and slowly but surely more things will come one chapter at a time. After reading some of the feedback you guys have sent in and rereading the story myself, I have decided I am going to try and do my best to not be 'on script' from the show..that was never my intention in the first place. However, I do intend to use random themes and plots from the show to help move the story along. So some themes will turn up, but they may be out of order to what happened in to show, but this is supposed to be different so if me going out of context with some of the 'orders' of things bothers you, feel free to let me know. But I don't want it to feel like I am just writing my OC into a story that already exists...that is not the point of writing to me. So anyway, bare with me as I figure out re entering into this beautiful world and figure things out. It has been a slow process but not something I have given up, nor intend to give up. Once again I thank those of you who have stuck around and wait patiently for a new chapter. I appreciate all of you and hope you enjoy the new things I post.

So here I am with this new chapter that has started to open the doors of my writing imagination and I hope you enjoy!


It has been almost a month since we have last seen Kouga. I have to admit there were a few times that I'd get antsy wondering if he was okay. And every time Inuyasha would 'reassure' me that I needed to 'stop worrying if the damn wolf was alive or not' because he wasn't worth it. Yeah yeah okay whatever you say Inu…
Also in that time I had decided to hone in on my own skills, despite what Kouga had said that day. And I had made wonderful progress. Even Sango told me that I was improving at a quicker pace than she initially thought. Because of this, I decided to take a few hours to spend off on my own each day to really internally focus on my own skills and that is what I was off to do.
I was deep enough into the forest that I wouldn't be disturbed by anyone, or take any chances of being followed. Setting down my bag I stretched, loosening up my muscles and fully relaxing. Today was a day for honing in on my spiritual powers. I had recently discovered, while working with the monk Miroku, that I had a similar skill to that of Inuyasha's 'Iron Reaver Soul Stealer.' It was called 'isolated ember flare' and it took my purification powers and centered them into my hands and I have the power of releasing them or keeping them at bay, almost like my claws are even more elongated and charged with spiritual energy. For right now, it is easier for me to keep them at bay, I don't exactly have the best accuracy with this skill, unlike with my bow.
Focusing on the tree in front of me, I drew in a deep breath and focused my spiritual powers into my hands. Slowly they started to glow purple, and I watched as they elongated into claw shapes and I quickly flung my hand out towards the tree, hoping to make contact. As soon as I had released the power I had closed my eyes, afraid of what I would see. Opening them I groaned, not a single one had hit the intended tree. "Damn it! How come this is so much more difficult to control? Inuyasha makes it look so easy…" I muttered to myself. I practiced for a bit longer, making minimal progress, before deciding to take a break.
Sitting down by my bag, I pulled out a bottle of water Kagome had given me and took a few slow sips from it, trying to calm myself down. Getting angry would not help me get any better. Closing my eyes, I took in the surrounding auras and got a feel for the different animals and beings that were around. There were not that many animals nearby, maybe a few deer about a quarter mile away. I was enjoying the peaceful sounds and smells of nature when a sudden part of the forest grew eerily quiet. Sitting up, I honed in on the area to the North west of my location. Where there suddenly were many animals grazing, it was empty of those creatures now. In its place were a few different types of auras; one, I made out as a human, and the rest were varying demonic auras. But the one that stood out the most to me, was the aura of Sesshomaru! There was no way of misinterpreting that aura, it had to be him. This was my chance! Inuyasha wasn't around to fight with Sesshomaru so now I could talk to him and maybe learn more about my parents!
I quickly packed up my bag and strung my bow over my shoulders and took off through the woods in the direction of Sesshomaru and the strange mix of human and demons that followed him.

The closer I got to the clearing the group seemed to be in, the more confused I became. I could hear a little girl's laughter and some god awful squawking noise following after it. I masked my aura and moved in closer, not wanting to startle anyone. Jumping up into the trees I was given a clear view of the sights and sounds I had sensed; in the field, there was a little black haired girl with her hair pulled up in a half pony on top of her head, some impy little green demon running around after the carefree child producing the squawking noises I had been hearing. In the grass watching over the two smaller beings, was a two headed dragon. "A dragon!? I haven't seen a dragon, never mind one with two heads before!" I said out loud to myself staring in awe.
I watched the small group interact while in the back of my head wondered where Sesshomaru was. The whole reason I came over this way was because I sensed his presence nearby in the first place! I was so distracted that I hadn't noticed a new person coming up behind me. "What are you doing here?"

I jumped, startled at the voice and fell out of the tree. Clenching my eyes shut for impact I laid on the ground for a moment before peeking an eye open. Standing above me, looking down at me with an icy glare, was Sesshomaru himself.

Standing, I brushed the dirt and leaves off of my body before answering "I came looking for you. But I seem to have come found your little posse instead.

Sesshomaru 'hnn'd' in response.

Letting out an awkward rush of breath I decided to get right to the point. "I came searching for you because I need answers. I am Alivia, which you probably remembered...hopefully, and I was born in this time but taken to the future where I grew up in a family of priests and priestesses. The only thing that was given to me was this pendant. What you obviously do not know is, I am Inuyasha's twin sister, which would make you my half brother. And this pendant that was given to me from my adoptive parents was made from the fang of our father. You told me that the last time we met. As you can clearly sense I am a demonic priestess, holy blood and demonic blood somehow flow harmoniously through my veins."

I paused looking at Sesshomaru who had remained silent the whole time. Finally he spoke, "I can't deny that some of your words speak the truth. However, if you are truly the demonic priestess you say you are, you could very easily still be the thief I claimed you to be. It is simple for you to mask your aura, making you invisible to your enemies, how can I trust you that you are speaking the truth?"

I let out a frustrated huff "Then explain to me how I am immune to most poisons and how I was born with these demonic markings that I have seen and heard resemble only one other being." I said releasing my demonic markings, letting them show in their true form.

Sesshomaru's eyes widened slightly taking in the markings. "I do not know how you would have inherited those traits because they are strictly to me, from my mother. Not a trait that would have been passed down from Father."

I would sigh "This is what I was afraid of. I don't understand how I inherited these traits. Unless something was passed along through our father-"

"Enough senseless babbling I don't have the answers that you are looking for. Be on your way back to the half-breed and his group."

My eyes widened at the lack of emotion coming from him "Alright. Well, you obviously don't care to find out any other answers about all of this, so I guess I'll leave since it's obviously a waste of my ti-" I was cut off at the sound of a high pitched scream. Sesshomaru was flying past me in the blink of an eye towards the noise. Turning, I quickly followed after just in time to see Kagura grabbing the little dark haired girl.

"If you want the little brat back alive come and find me at Naraku's castle. I'll trade her for the life of that demon wench behind you." Kagura cackled flying high into the air before disappearing completely.

I grimaced knowing this could have all been prevented if I hadn't have sought Sesshomaru out. I turned to peek at him, seeing his eyes laced with red as he turned to me slowly "If anything happens to Rin, you will pay for it." he said so quietly and then he was gone, chasing after the direction that Kagura had disappeared to.

I let out a rush of air before grabbing my bag and running after him. You can do this. You are the reason Kagura showed up in the first place so you need to fix what you have done. No Inuyasha, or Kagome here to help. No telling whether or not Kouga will ever show his face again either… I shook my head clearing those thoughts and focused on following Sesshomaru's scent. It was a lot harder than I had imagined it to be, but I was faring fairly well. Suddenly the two headed dragon from earlier appeared in front of me. I stopped and looked at the beast, who was looking at me impatiently; almost as if it was waiting for me to do something. "What do you want from me? I don't understand." I said to the demon calmly. The one head nudged the air towards its back and I caught on. "You are offering me a ride? Can you sense I am trying to help?" I said out loud mostly to myself.

"Of course you fool! Ah-Un has a mind of his own and isn't listening to me! Hurry up and get on his back half breed!" I looked up and saw the impy toad-like demon struggling to stay on the back of the dragon, Ah-Un. Frowning I decided to climb onto the dragon's' back, but not for the sake of the impy demon calling me a half breed.

"Who are you? And why do you think you could have any importance to the great Lord Sesshomaru?" the demon asked glaring at me.

I rolled my eyes "I owe you nothing toad. Especially if you can't talk to another person with any sort of respect." I retorted back, looking over the demon and towards where we were headed.

"Excuse me! How dare you talk me that way! I am Jaken! Lord Sesshomaru's most loyal follower. My faithfulness to my Lord puts me in high status in the western lands. Certainly higher than some nobody half demon like you."

I gaped at the little demon for a moment before laughing "Wow. You sure do talk a big game. Too bad you probably can't do much but talk. If that wasn't the case you would have watched over that little girl better." I paused, narrowing my eyes as my inner demon decided to input her thoughts before continuing, "And you know nothing about me or my heritage so you can't talk as if you are any better than me. My name is Alivia, and I am the long lost sister of your great Lord Sesshomaru." I said kicking the demon off of the dragon's back as he stared at me in horror.

To say I felt slightly bad for kicking the demon off would be a slight understatement. My inner demon feels no remorse, but I felt a bit bad. Stupid imp will be fine. Find the girl. Gain trust in Sesshomaru. Rolling my eyes I leaned forward "Ah-Un was it? Are you following after Sesshomaru?" the dragon nodded and my eyes went wide oh gods he understands me!? That is awesome!

A few moments later I felt this incredibly dark aura coming up fast, and Sesshomaru's aura started to grow stronger. "Great...we must be nearing Naraku's castle...now I can face Kagura once and for all and fix this mess. Maybe then Sesshomaru will be more willing to trust me." I said out loud.

Ah-Un snorted in response. "Yeah you are probably right. It's going to take more than that to earn his trust. No wonder Inu calls him the 'ice prick' he has such an icy cold demeanor." I grew quiet after that, seeing the massive dark castle looming in front of us. Sesshomaru was standing just inside the gates in the courtyard. He seemed to be the only one around, but my senses told me otherwise.

Sorry Inuyasha, it was impossible for me to stay hidden from Naraku forever, if I want to make things right with Sesshomaru, I'm going to have to go down there myself.

"Ah-Un, let's go down and join Sesshomaru." I said to the dragon who descended towards the ground. As soon as we landed a barrier went up around us. There was no turning back now.

A/N: Well there you have it! the latest installment in Alivia's life. This was definitely something I had a lot of fun writing and I can feel the creative juices flowing again so that's good news for everyone! Yay! Next chapter will have a little bit more from the other characters, but we definitely will see more from Sesshomaru and Alivia. Our other beloved characters return as well adding into the drama. Will Naraku finally discover Alivia? I don't know we'll have to see! It is so good to finally be back writing again and I don't feel as if I am forcing myself to do it. So hooray for that. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter and I look forward to hearing from you in the reviews.

