The Hunger

Disclaimer: The labyrinth nor its characters does not belong to me but this little story does. This is just a little something that came to mind and just flowed out onto the computer screen. Should I continue? Please tell me what you think. If enough like it I might just consider continuing this story.

The Hunger


It was so cold the air about her freezing her breath as it came in short tortured and confused breaths. What was she to think? What was she to do? Wrapping her arms about herself she rubbed them trying to bring back some warmth but failing. The night sky was frightening and unfamiliar as she looked about herself in confusion. The ground scrunched beneath her feet as she slowly, shakily stepped forwards. The grass beneath her feet crunching and breaking with each tortured step.

Deep blue eyes searched unfamiliar surroundings her long dark brown hair swept back behind her small ears. Her surroundings were eerily quite making her all the more afraid. It was the type of deafening silence that made ones skin crawl in fear. She half expected to wake up in her bed safe and sound this scene before her being only a nightmare but something within herself told her that was not to be. The darkness around her was only lightened by the star filled sky and the large full white moon.

Sarah Williams was trembling now the cold striking to her very core her very sole. Surrounded by nothing but thick forest and freezing cold her dress attire of black slacks and thin red turtleneck giving little warmth in the open cold air.

Taking in a deep breath she finally had enough courage to call out, "Hello!"

Her lips trembled as she held herself in wait for an answer but received none. Sarah's mind searched for a reasonable explanation, some kind of rationality that would explain her being there. It was a total mystery to her, no explanation, nothing. Sinking to her knees she rocked herself back and forth trying to comfort her freezing body and her racing mind. Her thoughts came to a moment in time that she had long ago tried to put away in the back of her mind. An adventure and a struggle to get her half brother back that she had so stupidly wished away, not realizing the consequences of her wish. It was supposed to be make believe, fantasy, but no it was real. Piercing mismatched eyes underneath a cruel and hungry stare came to mind his blond hair fashioned in a style that he could only pull off. A King he was powerful and magical.

Uncrossing her arms she shakily pushed herself back to her feet now determined to defeat this unknown that lied out before her. She had stood up to the Goblin King, gone through dangers untold and hardships unnumbered she could get through this, what ever this was.

A haunting howl pierced the looming silence causing her the flinch and look about her surroundings. Not wanting to stick around to find out just what had made that haunting howl Sarah started forward. With each step she quickened her pace until she was running as fast as her feet would permit her. Dodging thick undergrowth and trees she fought her way through the forest fearful of what was now following her.

Eyes glowing in the darkness he pursued her paws padding lightly against the soft ground as he commenced with the hunt. Hungry so hungry, he needed her flesh, to devour, to gorge. She smelled so sweet to his long black nose, he could smell her fear, sense it. This was what he loved most about the hunt. His white fur shook in the night breeze as he ran after the human woman.

Her lungs felt as if they would burst her limbs starting to feel numb with the cold. Not really able to see exactly where she was going she continued further fearful of what chased her. She stumbled forwards, foot catching against something. The stumble turned quickly into that of a fall, hands reaching forwards to catch herself before she made full impact against the ground. Sarah's heart wrenched as she heard a growl. She tried to stand but fell once again as a sharp pain pierced through her twisted ankle. Turning around she forced herself to look her pursuer in the eye, to know what it was that would end her existence.

Yellow eyes stared at her slowly approaching. Sarah pulled herself back frantically trying to get some distance between her and the creature that slowly approached her. Her hands ached, burned from the cold. Lips trembling with cold and fear.

The large wolf was now in full view, his white fur glistening against the moonlight. His hungry eyes looked over its prey deciding how he would go about this one. She was beautiful making his mouth water with the expectation of tasting her, drinking her blood, devouring her flesh.

She choked back the tears daring her voice, "Please don't hurt me. God, please don't hurt me." The tears escaped as she now knew her fate, to die at the mercy of the wolf in front of her, to never know how or why she was brought here.

Growling his sharp teeth shown ready to pounce, ready to kill.

Something so soft within her mind she barely recognized it but it was there. A silent reminder of so long ago as a familiar voice of a long lost friend wrung in her mind, "Should you ever need us." Opening her eyes she whispered out, "I'll call."

Lunging forwards he was rewarded with her arm as it reflexively came up to protect her face. She cried out in pain as his teeth sunk in, "Jareth!" she cried out again as the pain raked through her arm as she struggled against the impossible. Its claws scratching against her leg as he fiercely let go and started for her again.

Before the wolf could grab hold once more he was stung with an impact throwing him back. Yelping out as the surprised pain ripped through its body the wolf franticly scurried to its feet. Not caring for another blow the wolf retreated back into the darkness hidden it watched as a man he had not seen before stood over his intended prey.

Sarah trembled holding her bloodied arm desperately trying to get up, to run and get away while she could. Never once did she notice his appearance nor see his rescue as her vision was blurred with tears her body racked with pain. She cried out as she felt someone touch her shoulder flinching away from the contact, not knowing what it came from.

A cultured voice, one that she had never thought she would ever hear again, one that sent her heart dropping through the pit of her stomach. "Sarah," it was only one word and she knew exactly who had called her name.

Teary eyes looked up to the man that had spoken her name, a man that she had stood up to so long ago, defeated. He looked the same, not at all changed from the handsome and powerful man that she had faced so long ago. "Jareth," just as his name left her lips the world around her went black as she fell into unconsciousness.