Ch 25: Goodbye
Sakura waited for a long time. It was around 2 AM and she still hadn't gotten any calls or texts from him.
She was getting a bit scared now thinking something might have happened to him.
'Oh, Naruto... Please be ok!' She thought while looking out the large glass wall. The sky was dark, but the city lights helped make it a bit brighter.
Her phone began to vibrate and Sakura's heart skipped a beat.
Without hesitation, she went to answer it, "Hello?"
"Ah, Sakuraa!"
It was Ino.
Being a bit disappointed she answered, "Oh, hey, Ino. What? Can't sleep?"
A yawn was heard on the other side, "No, apparently, they wanted a 'realistic' sleepy model... Well they got me I'm sleepy as hell..."
Smiling a bit Sakura said, "Ha! Sucks to be you! Nah, I'm kidding... Sorry about that. I'm still waiting for Naruto to come, but he isn't answering."
"Pft, that idiot probably fell asleep and his plane was late."
Sakura looked out once again and sighed, "Yea... You're probably right..."
A small laugh came from the other side, "I remember when you would call me just to complain about Naruto..."
Sakura grinned, "Oh, yea! I was so stupid back then...!"
"That's all you talked about! How he was some jerk who was just trying too hard and stuff."
She remembered seeing him for the first time. She never knew they both would end up this far together.
"You would never shut the hell up! I mean I talked about something and then you go and say something about Naruto. To be honest, I thought you had this weird crush on him or something…"
Sakura laughed nervously, "Yea, well, that wasn't near it. He always went to make me angry… Like some stupid bully, except I was the lame ass bully. Ugh, this just makes me cringe."
Ino laughed, "Ok, I'm so tired right now… Why won't they let me leave, Sakura?! I just want to sleeeepppp!"
"Man, suck it up! Just kidding, sorry I can't be there to keep you up."
Sakura once again looked out and saw nothing but the bright lights of the airport. Each minute passing was like hell.
"Once I see Naruto, I'll smack him for not answering…" She thought while listening to Ino talking on about her day.
"… And then I left my keys with my purse in the car. I was so mad! But that's not all…"
Her bodyguards were ready to switch with a new pair of bodyguards sent by Tsunade. She sat waiting and waiting.
"He said he would be here soon! Tsunade said he was going to be here soon! I've been waiting for hours…!"
Sakura leaned back to her chair giving a sigh.
"Sakura! Hello? Don't tell me you went to sleep…!"
Shaking her head, she answered, "Sorry! I'm just still worried."
There was a small pause and Ino answered, "Sorry, I can't stay and chat anymore. I have my turn now… wish me luck! Oh, and don't worry about him! He's alright! Goodbye..."
Sakura gave a tired smile, "Ok, goodnight, I mean, goodbye!"
After hanging up, Sakura felt so tired she decided to just close her eyes only for a bit.
But her mind was so worried she only slept for about 10 minutes.
Sakura couldn't hold it any longer. She decided to go and ask where Naruto's plane was.
"I should have done this a LONG time ago… I'm so stupid…" She thought while standing up, with her guards closely behind.
She approached two men, and one seemed like he worked there. They looked like they were having a deep conversation and worry all over their faces.
But before Sakura could ask, she heard the uniform man say, "Yes, unfortunately, his plane crashed into the ocean and there were no survivors..."
Sakura's eyes grew wide and she slowly stepped away.
"W-What?!" She thought in fear.
There just had to be a mistake! Without another word, she ran off to see if this was really true.
"I mean, what type of lame movie ends like that!?" The man with the uniform said shaking his head, "I cried, ok?"
The other man looked at him oddly, "Dude, why are you wearing that?"
"Hm? Oh, I just came back from a costume party. Ay, ya like?"
Sakura ran towards the front desk and asked quickly, "Where is Naruto Uzumaki's plane?"
The lady checked in the computer and her eyes looked confused, "This... This can't be... They can't find his plane anywhere!"
Sakura looked at her with wide eyes, "W-What do you mean?"
The lady shook her head, "It says that it disappeared in the ocean and wasn't found at all… They don't know where it is! Oh my god and this just came in!"
Sakura couldn't believe this, "Are you sure? That's not it, I know that's not it, there has got to be a mistake!"
Typing in some more, the lady shook her head again, "I don't think…"
Sakura covered her mouth and slowly walked away, ignoring the calls. Her heart was beating fast and refused to believe to what she was hearing true.
Was he really gone?
"Ugh, Sarah! Miss Haruno said Naruto Uzumaki not Balto Kurosaki! Huh? Where did Miss Haruno go?" Another work lady said while looking around.
Sakura ran outside in the dark slowly letting out some sobs.
"No... No, this... This can't be real!" She said loudly.
'It's just a stupid joke!' she thought desperately.
Tears came down her face more and more and her nose was all icky.
She tried to wipe them off, denying that this was true. Sakura ran so far away from the airport, she didn't know where she was. Her mind wasn't working right. All she could think was that whatever she just heard was not true.
Her mind denied everything.
Stopping at a random corner, she cried some more and then got out her phone quickly. Her hands were shaking as she pressed his name.
Placing the phone on her ear she heard the tone.
"Please pick up the phone… Please pick up…!" Sakura desperately said.
"… … …"
"No…" She began crying while wiping her tears away beginning to feel a bit angry with herself.
"…. … Hello. We're sorry, but this number is not available at the moment… Please hang up and try-"
Sakura dropped her phone and slowly sat down on the dirt. She covered her face and started to cry, "Naruto…"
Her guards came running after her calling her name, "Miss Haruno! Are you alright, what happened?"
She stood up and covered her face, "Can't you see?!"
She was angry at everything, angry that this just had to happen to her right now. That once everything was perfect, it went crashing down immediately.
"He's gone!" She yelled, "He's gone…!"
They looked at her confused, "Who is?"
"Naruto! He and the stupid plane he was in! It crashed in the ocean…!" She picked up her phone, "And he won't answer his phone!"
Then she threw the phone hard to the floor as she began to cry more.
The bodyguards looked at each other and nodded. They took her out of the airport and drove her to the hotel. They called Tsunade to tell her what Sakura had said.
"What the hell did you just say?!" Tsunade roared in one of the bodyguard's phone.
"That is what Miss Haruno says. We are not certain to what is happening but we are bringing her to the hotel." One said to her.
Sakura was in the back, crying her eyes out. She was angry at herself and at everything.
"There's got to be a mistake. Naruto even called me to say he would be there soon. I'll call the pilot… Just make sure she is well and safe…"
With all the chaos, Naruto seemed to have the worst case. First of all, his phone was dead and the plane was landed on some desert. It was being fixed now, and would be ready in a few hours.
They had a radio, but it was being used by the pilot.
"Man, this sucks…" He sighed as he looked at the night sky, "I hope Sakura is doing well. She must be worried about me… Thankfully the Captain is making sure to tell everyone we are ok."
With the Captain:
"Sweetie, black goes with anything… Yes, chose that one. Anyways, here I was… "
Naruto sat down on a large boulder and then laid down looking at the stars, "Thankfully Sakura got the message the Captain gave to Tsunade and she doesn't have to worry."
"Ah… we still have like a couple of weeks left of tour… This boulder is so cold."
Sakura made it to her room and slowly walked to the bed. Oso was there waiting for her while waging his tail.
She slowly picked him up and hugged him tightly.
The rest of the night went painfully slow. All she could think about was him. She still had hope that he'd walk in and be like, "Kidding!"
"Months ago…" She said to herself, "I wouldn't have cared…"
Her nose was all runny and there were tissues overflowing the trash can.
But the sun painfully rose and its rays hit her skin. They would be leaving soon later this week. A knock was heard on her door. She didn't even bother to answer it, it was probably Tsunade.
Yea, it wasn't Tsunade.
"Go away, Sasuke…" Sakura barely said while pulling the covers over her face.
The door opened and in he came, "What the hell are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be at the art place thing?"
"You never cared did you?" She asked while taking off the covers from her face. His eyes grew wide, "W-What happened?"
"You… You don't know?" Now she really didn't want to tell him.
He shook his head, "No, what happened?"
Her eyes began to get watery and her throat was getting hard, "Naruto-"
But before she could finish, her phone rang.
"Sakura, where are you? You need to be here now. Come on, let's go." Tsunade's voice said through the phone.
She sniffed, "I don't know if I can… I don't think I'll be able to for like the next hundred years…"
"… Sakura…? Come on, if you need some time, fine I'll give you some time. Just be here before noon."
After hanging up, she lay in her bed and closed her eyes.
Sasuke was still there waiting for what she was going to say.
'Oh, I get it now…' Sasuke thought while he sweatdropped. 'Is she that obsessed with Naruto? That she literally can't live without him? I better get out of here…'
"Sakura! I'm going to go now… feel better, ok? Bye." Without her saying another word, he left.
Oso jumped on the bed and next to Sakura who laid there motionless.
She looked at her phone and saw that it was around 8 in the morning.
"I might as well just go… To get my mind off." She slowly said as she got up.
Walking and staring at herself through the mirror, she saw her eyes were all red and puffy. She touched her face and let a few tears slip by.
She decided to go and have a nice warm shower to make her feel a bit better. But it wasn't really working. After that she changed and sat on her bed for some time while putting on her makeup slowly.
"Wait… Why am I putting on makeup without a mirror…?" She thought while walking up to one, "Ok… I need to put my shit together…"
But a few tears escaped her eyes again, slowly ruining her makeup. Quickly sniffing and wiping them again, she put some more.
Finally making it to the Onryx Studio, she walked in with a bunch of cameramen and paparazzi shooting her down with their flashing cameras.
Many started to ask her questions like:
"Sakura! Is today your last day here at Onryx Studio?"
"Are you really going to go to that charity place?"
"Where is Naruto Uzumaki?"
She sniffed more with his name being mentioned. Quickly pushing past the crowd, she made it inside, trying not to cry.
The paparazzi looked at each other and thought: Probably a break up. Nice, we will get popular now!
Tsunade saw Sakura and smiled, "Ah! Here you are! Sai is waiting for you."
Sakura shook her head, "I can't pose like this… Why do you think it's still ok! Did they find the body or something?"
Tsunade looked at her confused, "What? What body? Sakura what are you-"
"SAKURAAA!" Fans screamed on the outside holding out posters.
She sighed and faked a smile while waving at them.
But just then, Sai walked in looking impatient, "I think that you are late."
Sakura knew Tsunade wouldn't let her by. So she nodded, "Yea, sorry about that. Just lost something important, nothing much."
Sai looked at her confused, "Are you being sarcas-"
"Yes, I'm being sarcastic!" She angrily said while walking away.
Sai looked at Tsunade for help. She just shrugged and said, "Probably mad that Naruto isn't here yet. His plane got into some trouble and they landed somewhere. It's fixed now, thankfully. So, he should be here today."
Sai nodded, "Oh, I see."
But no one informed Sakura obviously. They somehow thought that Sakura knew now. (idiots)
Sakura was waiting on her seat and waited for Sai.
He walked in and they soon began. It was very slow and quiet for most of the day there.
"Sakura… You are very quiet today." Sai said as he continued to look at her and back at his work.
She didn't say anything.
After an awkward silence, she spoke, "He's gone, Sai… Naruto's gone."
Sai looked at her confused and thought, 'Yea? He is gone to see his mother. And his plane was delayed a bit, and should be back soon… She must be those over reacting girlfriends who can't be 2 seconds away from their boyfriends… Wow.'
"I'm sure everything will be fine…" He slowly said.
"Fine? I'll never be fine…"
'God, Sakura! He's only gone for like 2 days and you react like this…' He thought while shaking his head. 'If I tell her this, she'll hit me hard.'
But the day went on and Sai was done for the day.
Sakura had finished her part of the day with Sai and she walked out the building, trying not to cry. She had hold in for so long she didn't know if she could hold it any longer. Since everyone was busy, she didn't really see anyone.
She got in her car and was driven back to the hotel.
"Are you sure you want to go to the hotel, Miss Haruno?" Asked the driver, "Today is such a beautiful day!"
"Does no one know that the world-wide famous Uzumaki is dead!?" Sakura thought angrily. It seemed like no one really… cared.
"No, I'm fine. I just want to go and sleep." She said softly while looking out the window towards the busy city.
"Are you sure? I was informed that you hadn't eaten yet. Do you not wish to stop anywhere else to eat?"
But Sakura shook her head, "Its ok… I'm not even hungry."
Letting out a soft sigh, the driver didn't continue to question her.
The sun was ready to set, nearing the end of another day. As she neared her room, she started to cry some more. She was greeted by Oso who was jumping on her while wagging his tail quickly.
She petted him slowly and walked out towards the bedroom. Dropping all her belongings on the floor, she jumped on the bed and fell to her back on it. Her eyes were on the ceiling and tears streamed down her face once again.
Naruto had finally made it to the city. He thanked the pilot and the crew while getting on the car that was waiting for him.
Being without service for such a long time killed him. His phone was still dead and quickly wanted to charge it.
His driver greeted him, "Mr. Uzumaki! Would you like to go out and eat?"
Naruto buckled his seatbelt and shook his head, "No thank you. Do you have a phone with you?"
His driver nodded, "Yes, I do, here it is."
Getting the phone, he smiled, "Thank you!"
"I'm finally going to hear Sakura's voice!" He grinned warmly while dialing her number.
As he waited for her to pick up, he said, "I'll be heading back to the hotel first, please."
The driver nodded, "Yes"
Naruto leaned his head on the window and frowned a bit. She wasn't answering.
Sakura had heard her phone ring on the floor. But she didn't care who it was. She didn't want to speak to anyone.
She covered herself with the covers to ignore the sounds coming from her phone. But the ring wouldn't stop, making her angry.
"Why won't they leave me alone?!" She angrily whispered with tears coming down her face.
She placed the pillow on her ears, hoping it would leave.
It stopped ringing, making her be a bit more satisfied. But unfortunately, it began to ring again.
Without thinking she got out of bed and picked up her phone and gave a big sigh, "I don't even know this number! Why are they calling me?!"
She threw her phone out again, but it still went on ringing. She then went to grab it and force it off.
Naruto looked at the phone confused, "Hm, guess she must be busy. Hey, does this have texting service?"
The driver shook his head, "No, Mr. Uzumaki, it does not have that service yet, I'm sorry."
He shrugged, "Nah, its ok."
But as he looked out the window, there seemed to be some afternoon traffic.
"Great…" He sighed.
Sakura lay down on her bed for a while more. She stayed there for a good time. The sky was dark outside and the only light was the city lights.
She suddenly felt trapped only in that room. It reminded her of Naruto too much. She felt this huge pain in her chest, and she wanted to relive it.
"I should just go out for a walk or something… Cry somewhere else…" She said slowly while wiping away her tears. Her face hurt a lot from all the constant wiping.
Grabbing her bag and phone, which was still off, she headed out to bump into Sasuke.
"Sakura, where are you going?" He asked her.
"Going for a walk…" She said while walking past him.
"Don't you think it's a bit late for that?" He called out, but she ignored him and headed out.
She placed on a hoodie and covered her head. It was a bit cool outside and she just wanted to get away.
"Finally!" Naruto sighed as he reached the hotel and getting out of the car.
"I will bring your bags in, Mr. Uzumaki." The driver said.
He turned around and shook his head, "No, I'll help, too."
Unknown to him, Sakura had just walked past him, not knowing it was him.
Once everything was sent to his room, he saw Sasuke.
"Hey, Sasuke!" Naruto grinned at him, "How have you been?"
He looked up and gave a small smile, "Ah, I see you are back. Sakura's been acting so weird… She seems a bit obsessed with you… Anyways, how was your mother?"
Naruto looked at him confused, "My mother's fine… what do you mean about Sakura? What happened to her?"
The other one shrugged, "I dunno, she's been crying a lot or something. She just headed out…"
"What?!" Naruto sighed, "Ah… Where did she go?"
"She just said she would be going for a walk."
Naruto looked at his phone and went to charge it, "I'll just go and see where she went. Hey, Sasuke can I use your phone?"
Reaching his pocket he said, "Sure…"
Taking the phone, he went out.
Sasuke sighed and said, "This is why I don't want to be in a relationship now…"
Naruto headed outside and dialed Sakura's number. It rang, but nothing.
"Sakura where are you?" He thought worriedly.
Sakura had walked into the city park. She sat down on the bench, near a light post. Deciding to turn on her phone, she saw that she had a missed call from Sasuke.
"Sasuke?" She frowned, "What does he want?"
But she decided to ignore it, not wanting to talk to anyone.
Her phone then rang again and seeing it was Sasuke, she lowered the volume so it could vibrate.
Leaning back, she saw the dark sky. Nothing but pure black sky was shown.
"I wonder if… he feels better now…" Sakura said slowly, "Is he watching me right now?"
She closed her eyes and whispered, "I'm so sorry I couldn't love you much sooner…"
Getting a bit annoyed, she looked at her phone and saw Sasuke's text.
"Sakura, where are you?"
She sighed and decided to text him back, "Leave me alone. I don't want to be bothered anymore."
"Sakura, what's wrong? Why are you acting like this? What did I do to you?"
"Nothing, Sasuke."
After a while, she heard her phone get another text, "But, I'm not Sasuke."
She looked at her phone in confusion, "Then, who are you?"
"Ummm Naruto? Sorry I didn't tell you earlier, I forgot I was using Sasuke's phone."
Her eyes grew wide and she stood up looking at her phone. Her heart raced fast, "Naruto?!"
"Oh, right. I'm here, too. I just don't know where you are? My phone is charging now."
She breathed in fast and anger boiled up inside her.
"Sasuke!" She thought angrily while dialing up his number, "When I hear his voice, he will never hear the end of mine. Thinks playing like this is funny!"
As she heard the tone dial, she waited angrily for him to answer.
"Sasuke! You idiot! Do you think this is funny?! Naruto is dead and all you can think is this stupid joke?!"
There was a long silence and she angrily continued, "I never knew you could…" Her eyes got all watery again and her voice was getting hard to find, "Don't you know how much it hurts to lose someone you love so much?"
She waited for "Sasuke" to answer.
"Sakura. Everything is ok."
Her eyes grew wide, everything stopped around her, and it seemed like nothing moved for those seconds.
"N-Naruto?" She could barely say, "Is that really you?"
There was a small chuckle heard on the other side, "It feels so nice hearing you again… I don't know what's going on, but I want to see you."
"You aren't dead! Where are you!?" She turned around desperately looking for him.
"I was looking for you! I'm walking stupidly near the City Park… Where are you at?"
"I'm also here! I'm near the playground and-" She continued to walk around looking for him.
"Are you the super weird girl with the pink hoodie?"
She gave out a small laugh, "And are you the weird boy with the shoes that don't match his top?"
"Ah, come on, I was in a hurry!"
She saw him waving at her.
Tears came down her face as she ran towards him, "Naruto!"
He smiled and shut the phone away. With open arms he grabbed her tightly while spinning both of them around.
She hugged him so tightly as if he were to disappear any second. She could smell his cologne on him as she buried her face on his neck.
"You're alive…!" She grinned widely as the tears spilled of joy, "I was so scared when I found out- and I was-"
Naruto held her tightly against him, "Don't worry… Nothing happened to me… I'm so sorry I made you feel like this."
Slowly letting go, she looked at his face. His eyes shone brightly, looking at her. She placed both of her hands on his face slowly feeling it.
"Don't scare me like that ever again…!" She cried as he moved a piece of hair away from her face.
"I promise I won't Sakura." He said as he went in to kiss her lips.
She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed back.
But before they could continue, Sasuke's phone rang loudly with the song "Anaconda" started playing.
They awkwardly looked at each other then looked at the phone as Naruto got out.
"It's my phone calling his…" Naruto said as he answered, "Hello?"
"Naruto, first of all, don't you dare mention anyone of what you just heard. It was a mistake. Anyways, did you find her?"
Naruto looked at Sakura and they both tried not to laugh, but it wasn't helped. They laughed loudly that Sasuke heard, "I see… Ok, I swear to god this was mistake, ok? I was testing out new ringtones! Just bring my phone back, Uzumaki…!"
Naruto laughed, "Ok, pft."
But he then went on singing, "Oh my god, looookkk at her butt…!"
"I'll see you, Uzumaki." He hung up making both of them laugh some more.
Sakura laughed some more and grabbed his arm, holding it tightly against her, "We should head back."
"Hold on…" Naruto said as they went on walking, "How did you think I was dead? What made you think?"
Sakura sighed, "Listen, I was waiting for you all night at the airport… I was getting so worried! So, I decided to ask some workers of your whereabouts."
She had to stop for a bit, remembering the whole scene again, "I heard they said that your plane crashed and that there were no survivors…"
Naruto frowned, "They told you that?"
Sakura blushed a bit, "Not exactly…? I didn't believe them and went to the front desk."
He wrapped his arm around her shoulder, "That kinda sounds like the movie that recently came out… it's called, 'Zombies Flew the Plane'. It's pretty stupid."
Sakura felt angry at herself, "You mean… they were talking about the movie?! Then why were they dressed as workers?"
He shrugged, "Maybe they were coming from the costume party? There was one like 2 days ago… It was all over the city, Sakura."
She shook her head, "Oh, yea? Then what about the front desk ladies? I said what had happened to your plane and she said it was nowhere to be found! How do you explain that?"
Taking a while to think he said, "Oh! I know! Balto Kurosaki's private plane went missing. You know him, the billionaire? They found it today."
Sakura felt very embarrassed, "T-Then what about your phone? I went to call you again, to see if you answered, but you never did!"
"Um, signal doesn't really reach much in the air? Plus, my phone was dead."
Sakura just covered her face, "I made myself this stupid… I should have known!"
Naruto looked at her confused, "I thought the pilot sent out a call for Tsunade! Didn't she tell you?"
Shaking her head she said, "No, she never told me… I think she assumed I already knew… Oh, my god… I'm so done with this. Everyone knew you were alive but me…"
He held her tighter and said, "That won't happen again, I promise."
After a while he said softly, "I would also feel very devastated if I thought the same thing happened to you…"
She still felt stupid, but at the same time, very happy that it wasn't true. Breathing in deeply she rested her head on his shoulders as they walked back.
"I can explain…"
Naruto and Sakura looked at each other and tried not to laugh again. They were in their room having Sasuke come over. Sasuke was there, frowning with a bit of blush on his face, "You know what? I don't have to explain anything to you two…! Give me my phone, Uzumaki."
Sakura wrapped her arm around him, "Hm, I had no idea you liked those types of songs…!"
He sighed while receiving the phone back, "Hey, at least I don't get obsessed with Naruto like you. You couldn't stay away from him for 3 days!"
She frowned, "I thought he died!"
He stopped and looked at her confused and back to Naruto who was giving a nod.
Sakura blushed, "Shut up! It's a long story! Promise you won't tell anyone and we won't tell anyone about you."
He frowned, "Fine. I still don't get it… But whatever."
Sasuke walked away with Oso following him, hoping for a treat.
"Oso!" Naruto cried out, "Don't ya miss me?!"
He looked at Naruto and wagged his tail, changing his mind with Sasuke.
The dog jumped on Naruto, knocking him to the floor, licking his face. Sasuke looked back with a broken heart.
"Damn traitor!" He thought annoyed while continuing back. But then he got over it.
Sakura laughed and took a picture of them together, "He's so happy to see you!"
Naruto hugged him, "Ah, I missed you… even if it was about 3 days…"
"GROUPIEEE!" Sakura cried as she jumped in taking a picture with all three of them.
"Yooo guess whos back? At:NarutoUzumaki /m3dz4"
She placed the image online happily, but then realized they were still on the floor.
"Let's go on the bed…" She suggested getting up.
But Naruto lay on the floor, "Ahhhhh…. Help me….!"
"Come on." Sakura said picking up Oso in her arms.
"I'm too weak, Sakura…! My arms…!" He reached out as she rolled her eyes as she placed down Oso.
As she reached his arm, he pulled her towards him, making her squeal a bit. She landed on top of him, "Hey! Naruto!"
"Oops." He grinned as he went to kiss her lips. She smiled and kissed him back.
After a mini make out session, Naruto spoke, "I'm going to take you out sometime…"
Sakura smiled, "If we have time… We've been so busy!"
She sat up, allowing him to sit up in front of her. He stared at her face and touched her hair softly, "You are you so beautiful…"
Taken a bit surprised, she blushed a bit, grinning at him slyly, "I know."
He grinned back, "Good, 'cause I'll keep reminding you every day, 'ttabayo."
The remaining week went by with Naruto and Sakura finishing their work in Onryx Studios.
"It looks beautiful, Sai!" Sakura gasped at the finished work, "You really are a great artist…!"
Sai just stood there smiling a bit, "Thank you. Your figures won't be ready until later on. But they have everything they need to finish, so we might see each other soon."
Sakura nodded, "Yea, I'll see you later then. Goodbye!"
Waving goodbye, she went on outside where the rest were waiting. Tsunade got out of her car and smiled, "You ready?"
Sakura nodded while getting in the car. They were leaving today to another new country, the last one before the long tour ended.
"Only a month more…" Tsunade sighed as she got in the passenger's side.
"I miss my house…" Sakura leaned back while watching the buildings pass by.
After a while, they made it to the airport.
Walking in, many fans cried seeing her go while others tried to take as much pictures as possible. She, of course, stopped to give in last minute requests.
Finally, she got on the plane with the rest of them.
Naruto was arm wrestling with Sasuke, but he lost once he saw Sakura enter, "Sakura!"
"Ha!" Sasuke smirked as he slammed Naruto's arm down.
Sakura walked up to both of them, "Arm wrestling?"
Naruto grinned, "You ready?"
Sighing she sat down, "…Yea, last country here we go…!"
The remaining time went like a breeze for them. Visiting many cities was so much fun, doing more together. Sakura got more interviews and Naruto went to more meet and greet places for the fans. Sasuke even got mobbed by crazy fangirls one night. It was terrible, they stole his clothes and wallet… one even took the taco he was eating.
"Sasuke's spit is mine!" One crazy fangirl yelled while raising the taco up high, then running away crazily.
He had to go to the hospital for a short time, but he was ok.
But, at last, they had made it to their last concert. After this, was the last plane right home, but right now, Sakura watched the crazy stadium filled with fans cheer her name.
Watching them scream and happily shout made her happy. She waved at the fans as the concert came to an end.
"Thanks so much for having me today! For having those other two along, too!" Sakura yelled cheerfully at the crowd.
Just then, Naruto and Sasuke walked in waving and thanking them, too.
"It's been so fun, guys…" Sasuke said while giving a nod.
"Very fun…" He thought while remembering the flashbacks for his terrible fangril mob.
Naruto grinned and messed up Sasuke's hair, making him chuckle a bit, "Don't mess up my perfect duck butt hair…!"
After a very long goodbye, everyone got back towards the hotel to finally pack up and leave home.
They had to leave that night, so the packing was quickly. Even though they had time that day, Sakura and Naruto were goofing off again.
"I should have stayed and packed!" Sakura sighed while getting all her clothes folded.
Natruto walked in the room with a sock on his hand, "Hey, have you seen the other one?"
She looked at him and shook her head, "Nope." But then she spotted it at the corner of the bed, "Yo, it's over here!"
Sakura threw the sock at his face making him not catch it and having him hit his face, "Ouch, Sakura!"
Laughing she said, "You idiot…!"
Smirking a bit he said, "Oh yea? Catch this!"
He threw a couple of socks that were in his suitcase, causing her to shriek a bit and try to hide, "Naruto! You'll pay! Ew, they aren't even washed!"
Suddenly it seemed like they were both hiding behind objects, trying to get each other out with clothes or anything.
"Oso!" Naruto called out to the dog who was passing by, "Quick! Get me those shirts!"
"No, Oso!" Sakura laughed from behind the bed, "Pass them to me!"
But Oso just looked at them as if they were crazy and walked out, causing both of them to groan.
Sakura then got the biggest pile of clothes that could be gathered in her arms and ran towards Naruto, who was hiding behind a chair.
"Gotcha!" She said as the pile landed on him.
"Sakura!" He threw more clothes at her as she did the same. Just then, Sasuke walked in looking all confused at them, "What the hell are you guys even doing? Why are there bras and pants all over the floor? We have to leave now!"
Sakura and Naruto laughed and slowly got up.
"Ok…" Naruto sighed, "I was my fault. Sort of."
Sasuke sighed and said, "Hurry up, I heard some noise and that's why I came over."
Sakura was already gathering all her clothes, not caring about folding and shoved it all in her suitcase.
Naruto did the same and soon they were done before Tsunade would call Sakura with an angry voice.
"Let's get out asses out of here…!" Sakura grinned while picking up Oso and heading out.
Everyone slept through the whole ride home. It would be very late until they would get back home, but they were very glad to be going back.
After long hours of plane riding, it was very late. It was about 3 AM, very dark outside.
"We're here….!" Sakura stretched and stood up, trying not to fall down and sleep. Her body was so tired and her eyelids felt so heavy.
Naruto also stood up a bit, "Ok, ok…." He then wrapped his arm around Sakura's shoulder, "Let's… let's go…"
They didn't care about their luggage at the moment, just go straight to a bed and sleep. Of course, they brought Oso along.
Sasuke yawned and said, "Well… I guess this is goodbye for now."
Sakura smiled at him, "Yes, we will see you around soon. Good luck on your career! Oh, and careful with those fangirls."
He grinned, "Don't make me remember that."
Naruto laughed, "Yea, don't you see he likes girls with a big fat ass!"
Sakura looked at him weirdly and pushed him slightly, "Naruto, what the hell, what does that have to do with anything!"
Sasuke sighed, "It was only one time…! One time! I'm never letting you use my phone ever again."
Naruto's eyes grew wide, "No! Ok, look I'm sorry, ok? I mean what if I;m in an emergency again and need your phone? Alright, I'll never mention this again… it'll be out inside joke."
Before Sasuke was about to say anything Oso went to scratch Sakura's feet. Sasuke looked at him and smiled, "Guess I won't be seeing much of you either, Oso…"
He kneeled down and petted him.
"I'm gonna adopt thousands of puppies." Sasuke thought while slowly getting up.
"Well, goodbye… It was very… interesting going on tour with you guys. Later."
With that, he stepped out and left. But as soon as he left, his phone vibrated getting a text.
It was a picture of an anaconda. Sighing loudly he turned his head to hear Naruto laugh loudly while Sakura was scolding him.
Sakura sighed at Naruto as they werestepping out of their plane, they saw Sakura's car waiting for them.
"You coming?" Sakura asked while getting in the back seats with Oso. But Naruto shook his head, "No, I have to get everything done at my place… We can discuss this later if you want."
She smiled, "Nah, its ok… I'll see you tomorrow, ok?"
He gave a chuckle, "It is tomorrow."
Sakura playfully pushed him, "Tomorrow is when I wake up!"
"Alright, queen, princess, beauty… As you say." He grinned at her while rubbing his eyes a bit.
A voice came from the car, "Miss Haruno? Are you ready to depart?"
Sakura nodded, "Yes." Turning to Naruto she smiled, "Goodbye, loser."
"Later, loser's girlfriend."
Oso was still asleep in Sakura's arms. She closed the door and waved at him a bit as the car went on out.
Closing her eyes, she decided to doze off for a bit. The ride was slow and smooth. She couldn't wait any longer to get to her nice soft bed.
"Would you like some music, Miss Haruno?" The driver asked.
Sakura yawned, "Sure, put something like… soft music."
The driver nodded while putting on some quiet music, making her even more sleepy. The ride was taking it's time to reach her house.
But after a nice good ride, she was finally home.
"Your luggage should be here shortly." The driver said while giving a nod.
Sakura nodded back, "Yes, thank you so much."
Without another word, she and Oso walked up to the big lighted mansion.
Opening the door, she got in and took a deep breath.
"Miss Haruno! Oh, it's so nice for you to be home!" Grinned the housekeeper.
Sakura looked at her and smiled a bit, "Yea, it's very nice to be back… sleeping in my own bed…"
"Would you like anything?"
Shaking her head, Sakura said, "No… We'll just head on back… Goodnight."
Without saying anything else, she climbed up the large stairs and through a maze to get to her room. But after a while, she finally made it. It was all nice and clean in there, especially her bed.
Her eyes turned to hearts as she, in slow motion, ran and jumped to her large comfy bed.
"Yeessss!" She sighed happily.
Oso looked around and climbed up the bed and slept next to the already sleeping Sakura.
Sakura's phone began to ring loudly in her purse. Groaning, she reached for her purse, next to her bed, and grabbed her phone.
It was nearly noon and it was Naruto calling.
"Hello?" She yawned.
"Ah, I'm sorry for waking you up, Sakura! I called last night at your house, to check on you, because you wouldn't answer your phone. You know, to check and make sure you arrived safely."
She grinned, "I made it alive. You got home safely, too? You're not calling from the hospital, right?"
Naruto laughed, "What? No, I'm not. It'd be all over the news if I was. Anyways, just wanted to tell you that we are going out tonight."
"A date?" Sakura asked confused while rubbing her eyes. It was early in the morning, ok not really, but it was for Sakura.
"Yea, I'll pick you up tonight. At around 8, ok? I have to go and meet up with some friends and finish unpacking… Is it alright with you?"
She smiled while running her hand through her hair, "Yea, it's alright. Where are we going to go?"
"We are going to watch pandas wrestle. It's a surprise, Sakura!"
She raised her eyes brows while giving a sly grin, "Ah, ok, I see. I'll catch you later, then. Love you."
"OK, later, love you, too."
Sakura yawned while putting away her phone. She stretched her arms out and slowly got out of her bed. She saw that it was near midday and her stomach was very hungry.
"I better go fins something to eat now. And maybe go shopping!" She said a bit excitedly.
But before she could make another step, there was a knock at her door. Turning her head, she saw Ino walk right in, "Sakura! You're finally home!"
Sakura's eyes grew wide as she ran to hug her best firend tightly, "Ino! It's been a while!"
Hugging tightly back, Ino smiled, "Yes! You not being at the fashion show made the whole place seem boring…!"
Giving a relaxed sigh, Sakura grinned, "I have a date with Naruto later on tonight. I have to get ready! I don't know where he is taking me, but I think it's a nice place. Help me?"
Ino placed her hands on her hips and said, "Yes, I'll help you! But first, let's eat, I'm starving…!"
Sakura nodded, "Same here, I'm so hungry, too! Hold on, I'll get ready real quick."
Ino decided to go sit down on her bed. But as soon as she did, Ino felt something on her arm.
Giving a small gasp, she moved her arm quickly, only to see Oso.
"Ah! Oso!" Ino smiled happily while petting his head, "Awww you're so cute!"
Sakura went out of the bathroom with random clothes, "Ah, these are all over the place now…!"
"Sakura, Oso is so cute! We are going to bring him along, right?" Ino asked while patting his back now.
Sakura grinned while taking off her shirt, "Yea! Of course, we will!" she then started to place on a random new loose tank top, "I need to buy him some things for him, like food and bowls… and other stuff dogs need."
Ino got up and went to her large closet that seemed like a whole new room and got out a pair of white shorts and threw it to Sakura.
"Get comfortable now, Sakura. We need to get you something nice." Ino smiled as she went to search for Sakura's shoes.
Sakura placed on her shorts and quickly went to tie up her hair in a high ponytail. Soon, Ino came in with some matching shoes, "Yo, here it is."
"Thank-ya, gurrrlll." Sakura laughed while sitting down to put on her shoes.
After finishing up, Sakura went to place on some quick makeup on and soon was all done.
"Let's-a-go!" Sakura pointed towards her door.
"WAH!" Ino said in a Waluigi accent, making both of them laugh a bit.
Oso followed behind quickly.
Naruto lazily began to put away his clothes and other belongings while his music was playing loudly in the background.
"Mr. Uzumaki!"
Naruto didn't hear the maid while he was starting ignore his job and get to his guitar.
"Excuse me, Mr-"
"I got his…" A voice said to her and she agreed as she left them.
Naruto was singing along loudly to the music as he was placing the guitar in place.
But suddenly the whole music stopped, causing Naruto to turn his head annoyingly, "Hey!"
His eyes grew wide with glee, "Gaara!"
Gaara stood there, standing next to the music player, "Hey, Naruto…! I've been waiting for you forever and even called you."
Naruto went to check his phone and gave a nervous laugh, "Ah, yea… Sorry about that. I was just thinking."
Gaara went to wrap his arm around Naruto's shoulder, "We haven't been able to hang out for a while, so let's go out, no?"
Naruto nodded, "Hell yea, let's go right now. Where do you wanna go?"
"I dunno where do you wanna go?"
Naruto laughed, "Gaara we aren't doing this."
Gaara smiled, "I was only joking. Let's just hang out where we usually went to, with the other guys ok?"
Nodding, Naruto agreed, "Sure, but not for long, I have an important date to be at."
They walked away with Gaara saying, "Ah…! I see…!"
Ino and Sakura went on out with their shades on. Of course, it was never enough, because paparazzi were following both of them.
"Let's go in here…!" Ino pulled Sakura as they went to get some fast food. But they didn't get much, only some fries along with a milkshake.
They walked out of the place to go to some other place to shop.
"Ok, so he says it's a surprise?" Ino asked, "Ok, so, don't dress too nicely or too casual… You know just in case. That loser better not take you out some place dumb…!"
Sakura laughed, "It doesn't matter where he takes me… As long as it's fun."
Ino sighed and then gave a small gasp, "What about Oso? Are you just going to leave him alone?"
She shrugged, "I'm sure he'll be fine alone for some time… besides the housekeeper will be there."
As the day went on, they searched for a few dresses and then, finally found one.
"Ah!" Ino squealed, "It looks so cute! I think I could order one for me, too…!"
Sakura watched her reflection and smiled, "Yea, it does look cute…!"
"That peach dress is so cute… I love the lacy patterns…" Ino touched the dress.
Sakura's dress had a sweetheart illusion neckline. It was short, and hung loosely to her sides.
Sakura gave a dramatic pose and then did some other weird poses, "Hyah!"
Ino blushed embarrassed, "Sakura! Stop it!"
Some people looked at her like she was insane.
"Sakura!" Ino frowned while trying not to smile, "Don't do that!"
Sakura blushed a bit and said, "Whoops, sorry… I've always wanted to do that, though… Anyways, let's go."
Ino gasped at the time and said, "No time for anything else, we need to get you ready! I saw shoes that match perfectly with this."
Without another word, Sakura and Ino left to change.
"Gaara what is the point of this…?" Asked Shikamaru lazily.
They were all in Gaara's house in the kitchen.
Shikamaru, Shino, Kankuro, Choji, along with Gaara and Naruto, had all gathered in expecting to hang out and have fun.
"Cooking?" Choji asked excitedly, "That sounds like fun!"
Gaara gave a nod, "Yes, we will be making a meal for Naruto and Sakura. Since Naruto here blurted out something stupid to her!"
Naruto gave a nervous laugh, "Look guys, I kinda said it would be nice… and I did not have any reservation for today… but it turns out it was next month not this month and-"
"So," Shino began, "You don't have a place for your date with Haruno?"
"Gah, you idiot!" Kankuro sighed while putting on an apron, "Looks like my closet secret is out… I'm actually a professional chef!"
Everyone looked at him like crazy, "Really?!"
He sighed, "Yea a professional at microwave items…!"
"Enough!" Choji said hurriedly, "Let's get cookin', guys!"
Everyone got out basic food supplies and after a while Shikamaru asked, "What exactly are we supposed to be cooking? Naruto, why can't you hire someone?"
Naruto sighed, "Look, I want to make it special… I kind of want to do it myself, with the help of you guys, of course."
Shikamaru nodded, "Yes, but that still doesn't answer my question, what are we cooking?"
"… I dunno…"
The whole room turned blue with disappointment.
Gaara shook his head, "OK, enough. We are going to make something nice… like… Kankuro search up something."
While everyone was discussing on what to do, Kankuro had found one real quick, "Ok, how about this?"
It wasn't that hard to make. Just make sure the meat wasn't undercooked or overcooked was hard for people who really didn't have any experience in anything like that.
But as they still tried, they failed miserably, almost putting the house on fire.
"Turn it off!" Kankuro yelled, "Shino! Turn it off- Shino-"
"I got it! I got it! It's off!"
The smoke detector set off and many tried to open up windows.
"What's going on here?!"
Everyone turned around to see Temari standing there with her hands on her hips, "What are you idiots doing? Trying to burn down this house?!"
"W-We can explain!" Kankuro said quickly, "We need to cook some super nice food."
She raised her eyebrow, "Really? I know some few tips… I could help you if you'd like… Under one condition…"
Naruto asked, "What?"
"You will not disturb me with my girls as they sleepover tonight, is that clear? Gaara, Kanuro? Especially you, Kankuro, you closet pervert! Don't knock in saying you're an expert at makeup!"
Kankuro blushed and frowned, "But I am."
Shikamaru sighed, "Alright, whatever, they accept!"
Temari smirked, "Thank you. Now, where do we even begin…?"
Ino helped Sakura get ready. As Sakura was showering, Ino picked out all her shoes, jewelry and clutch.
"This is gonna be so much fun!" Ino grinned as she got out Sakura's make up.
Sakura tried to dry her hair with her towel, but Ino quickly went to blow-dry her hair while brushing it.
"Remember when we would be doing this when we were younger?" Ino asked excitedly, "Last time I did this to you, you were about to play for your first crowd ever…!"
Sakura smiled softly while watching Ino through the mirror in front of her, "Yea, you were also starting out with modeling, too. You made it so high, so quickly!"
"Good looks and character didn't go wasted." Ino said while finishing up the final touched of drying her hair.
After a while, Ino had finished and said, "Ok, time to do your hair!"
But looking at her watch, she shook her head, "Nope, only I doing all of this won't be enough… time to call the other expert…."
Getting her phone out Ino dialed a number and said, "It's an emergency. Ok, I'll see you soon."
Closing the phone she smiled at Sakura, "She'll be here in less than ten minutes. Pft, she's gonna kill me."
Sakura's eyes grew wide, "TenTen? You mean the famous makeup artist? Ino, this is a bit too much, I mean, it's only a small date with him…!"
Ino patted her shoulder lightly, "Don't worry! Besides, she sort of owes me a favor. And we don't have time."
While they waited, Ino and Sakura wondered how the hair would look like. They both debated on which hairstyle, but wanted a simple one.
Ten minutes had passed and the doorbell rang loudly. Both of them looked at each other and stood up, waiting for TenTen to come through the door.
"Hello!" TenTen greeted while walking in with her supplies.
Ino walked up to her, "Hello, TenTen! Thanks so much for coming now."
TenTen just waved her hand away, "No, it's perfectly fine! I wasn't busy and it was a good time to repay. Anyways, let's start shall we?"
Sakura smiled at her, "You are so good at makeup…! I suck at it so much!"
TenTen grinned, "Oh, I place makeup on everyone else, but sometimes forget about mine!"
As Ino was doing Sakura's hair, TenTen was cleaning Sakura's face to begin placing on the makeup.
Ino, Sakura, and TenTen all talked about each other more, finding out they had a lot in common. But, they had moved on to TenTen's personal life.
"Wait, so what happened to him?" Ino laughed while doing the finishing touches on Sakura's simple high bun.
"Holy shit, I actually did this better than expected… I suck at doing buns at other people's hair!" Ino thought proudly.
"Well…" TenTen said while trying to blend in the eyeshadow, "He left… to live with his cousin's family. There he helps her with some stuff… I haven't been able to see him in a while."
"Ahh…!" Ino smirked, "You miss him a lot?"
TenTen blushed a bit, "Yes, I do…. Sort of. I mean he did leave first… Without leaving anything for me to COMMUNICATE WITH HIM!"
Sakura and Ino watched her wide eyed at TenTen's sudden shout.
She blushed and laughed nervously, "A-Anyways, he hasn't had any intent in communicating back… so it doesn't matter."
Sakura found this to familiar, "Wait, what is his name?"
She looked up and said, "Neji Hyuuga."
"Neji Hyuuga?!" Sakura said out loud, "I know him! I saw him on tour!"
TenTen looked at her confused, "You did? How do you know it was him?"
"Long story short, Naruto and I helped his cousin with a mini surprise. He sounded so familiar…! Hinata and I exchanged online information online before leaving. Would you like to have it?"
TenTen hesitated and slowly said, "I have to finish this… Your date will be here soon, Sakura."
She continued to do Sakura's face, not speaking much.
Ino and Sakura looked at each other for a bit and looked worried.
Minutes passes by and soon, TenTen was finally done.
"There!" She grinned while showing Sakura her face on the mirror, "What do you think?"
Sakura gave a small gasp, "I don't even recognize myself…! I'm so hiring you to be my personal makeup artist!"
TenTen chuckled, "Ok, if I have time to. I have so many appointments to complete. I'll go and put my stuff away, go quickly change!"
Ino and Sakura went to the other room to find the dress.
"Help me, help me, help me!" Sakura said as the dress carefully passed her head. Ino grabbed the side and said, "Ok, hold on, WAIT!"
As the dress was successfully placed on, Sakura patted her self, to make sure everything was alright. Ino walked around her to check for it to be ok.
"Alright…" Ino began, "Let's see… Everything seems fine!"
But before Ino would say anything else, Sakura grabbed her arm, "Wait…" She whispered.
Ino looked at her confused and answered in a low voice, "What is it?"
Sakura got out her phone and said, "Here, look. Give this to TenTen; I'm sure she really wants to meet Neji again."
She gave Ino her phone which had Hinata's username and along her page was Neji's. Ino quickly copied it to her phone and nodded, "Don't worry, I will…!"
"Hey, is Sakura done, yet?" TenTen called out, "I just want to see her face to make sure everything is ok."
"And, done!" Temari proudly said as the dishes were all done. It smelled wonderful, making Choji want to eat it all.
"Damn, sis…!" Kankuro said in awe, "Why don't you ever cook for us?!"
"Because you all stink." She said while washing her hands, "Oh, and load it all up. And Naruto, get ready. It's like almost time."
Looking at his watch he saw that it was almost time to pick up Sakura, "S-Shit! Gotta go guys, thanks so much! You too, Temari!"
Without another word, he ran out to go to his house.
"Wait!" Shino called out, "What about…?"
Gaara sighed, "He'll come back. Let's just get this all cleaned…"
The kitchen was a complete mess. Temari left saying, "Make sure it's all cleaned before 8."
"What about you?" Shikamaru asked while placing a plate on the sink.
"I did most of the work; you guys need to do the rest."
Evrey guy groaned loudly while returning to clean.
And of course, thirty minutes passed by and Naruto came back with a nervous laugh.
"I… forgot the stuff…"
Gaara sighed and handed him the basket, "Ok, here it is. Have fun, Naruto."
Sakura had just finished getting ready and all she did was wait for Naruto. She sat with the rest of the girls in the living room.
"So then, " Ino continued her story, "I was so confused like, 'what the hell?'. So here I am, with this ridiculous outfit, in the middle of the beach. None of the photographers were there. Turns out I was in the wrong beach."
"I'd die of embarrassment." TenTen said shaking her head, "How did you get it confused? Where did you get the outfit?!"
"It was-" Ino was interrupted by a knock at the door and Sakura's phone vibrating that a text just came in.
Sakura got up and said, "Well… I'm off! Thanks so much you two!"
Ino went to hug her goodbye, as did TenTen.
"I think I will go now." TenTen said as she got her things ready.
"Wait!" Ino said to TenTen as Sakura left.
Ino wrapped her arm around TenTen, "Why don't you, you know, show me some tips? On the makeup stuff? I'd really love to learn some!"
TenTen looked at her confused, "Ok? Sure…"
As Sakura left the front door, Ino then said, "Oh yea, and here's Neji online profile. You know… just let him know that you still… here."
TenTen hesitated and then sighed, "Fine. I'll give him a damn call if that's what you want, ok? Now, do you want the tips, or nah?"
Ino's eyes glittered, "Of course!"
Sakura opened the door to see Naruto standing there. His clothes wasn't too casual or too formal. He wore a simple blue dress shirt, with sleeves rolled up and some navy blue shorts. He saw her outfit and watched in awe as Sakura walked down the stairs alongside with him.
As they reached the bottom she smiled and gave a small twirl, "So? What do you think?"
"Shit! My outfit isn't on point as her's!" Naurto secretly panicked.
He gave her a smile, "You are so beautiful…! Too bad we are going alligator hunting."
Sakura's eyes grew wide, "W-What!? Alligator hunting!? First of all, isn't that illegal? Second of all…"
Naruto interrupted her by giving her a small kiss, "Kidding!"
Sakura laughed while they headed up towards the car, "Ok, so where are we going then?"
As they got in the car, Naruto nervously scratched his head, "At first it was going to be at this nice restaurant, but turns out it was for next month… But I figured out what to do for now."
She looked at him with a raised eyebrow, "You suck at making reservations, don't you? And aren't you Naruto Uzumaki? World-wide famous?"
"Hey, it wouldn't be fair for those other poor people who've waited for months…! Besides, I think this idea is a bit better."
Sakura leaned back to her seat and placed on her seatbelt, "Ready?"
Naruto gave a nod and said, "Leggo."
The ride was quiet at first, but Sakura felt all warm and cozy. She looked out her window and noticed that they were going further away from the city.
"We better not be seriously go hunting for alligators…" Sakura said quietly.
Naruto looked at her and grinned, "Nope! Just wait, Sakura!"
Sakura waited for a bit, before checking her phone. But to her surprise she laughed at what she read.
"What?" Naruto asked.
"Sasuke adopted thousands of puppies today...!" Sakura laughed at her phone.
"Kakashi and Sasuke should team up..."
Both of them chuckled a bit while it quieted down for a while.
"Sorry I was 5 minutes late…" He began, "I forgot to get something."
Sakura grinned at him, "It's ok. But your outfit isn't."
"Hey, shut up. I tried to look nice."
Sakura laughed and said, "I was just kidding, I'm the one that looks over dressed!"
Naruto protested, "No, you look perfect! Look at me!"
"No, look at me!"
"I am."
"Oh my god…" Sakura smiled, "Look at the road, Naruto."
After a while of driving, they seemed to pull over at the bottom at a hill.
"Oh!" Sakura grinned, "A picnic!"
Naruto nodded, "Yea, this was what came to mind after my mistake. So, ta-da! But wait until we reach the top. You can see the whole city…!"
Sakura watched the hill and then looked at her stilettos.
"You want to take them off?" Naruto asked her as he got out the basket.
But she shook her head, "No, I can do this. Let me help you."
She gathered the blanket and Naruto got the rest. They climbed the hill slowly, but Sakura was ahead. She turned around and said, "Slowpoke!"
"You have those things in your feet! I shouldn't mess with you…!" He said as they finally got up.
Sakura watched in awe as the city glowed below them. It glowed so brightly, it could light their area up.
"Yo, this is like super radical, bro!" Sakura joked around while Naruto chuckled a bit, "Ok, that's enough. We're going home."
Of course, he was kidding, and they set up the place.
"What if there's a ghost here?" Naruto asked randomly.
"I'd punch him for getting in our way…" She said as she placed the blanket nicely on the floor.
"You can't punch ghosts!" He protested as he started to set the place.
"Watch me!" She said showing a fist. But her attention went towards the food, "Mm! This looks so good! I never knew you could cook…! I kinda suck at it to be honest…"
Naruto nervously laughed, "Actually… I didn't exactly cook it."
She raised an eyebrow, "Oh? So you ordered it?"
"No, actually Gaara's sister, Temari, helped us cook it."
She gave him a confused smile, "Us? Who else was there?"
Naruto leaned on his elbows, "My friends… we didn't know jack on how to cook, so first, we almost burned Gaara's house… then Temari came."
Sakura laughed imagining Naruto almost burning the house, "You guys are idiots… So, you did help her, right?"
He quickly nodded his head, "Yes, of course we did. We mostly did everything; she told us how to do it. And… made us restart the whole thing if we messed up."
"Good." Sakura said laughing.
Naruto whined, "Aww! Sakura, it was cruelty! Wasted food being thrown away! It was especially painful for Choji…"
Sakura grinned, "I should meet your friends someday…!"
"I'm sure they'd love to have you around. Also, Ino…!" He said as he was about to take a bite of his food.
Both of them didn't say much for a while. All Sakura could think how happy she was right now. Even though it wasn't what she had in mind, it was still perfect. She looked over at Naruto, who was looking ahead.
She felt very happy to be around him. It made her feel happy and normal around him.
"I'm glad I met you, Naruto…" She said as she stared at the city, "I'm glad you came up to me that day to fix my tuning. I don't think I've been this happy before…!"
Giving a smile to him she saw him grinning at him, "So do I, Sakura…! Each day, I feel like I'm falling harder for you…"
She leaned closer to him, "I'm also falling so hard for you, Naruto."
He touched her face softly and whispered, "I love you, Sakura Haruno."
Blushing a bit she smiled at him, "I love you, too, Naruto Uzumaki."
It was summer time and Sakura, along with Naruto, decided to do some fun charity together. They agreed to play beach volleyball in front of thousands of fans.
The beach was filled with fans watching them play, screaming happily and cheering for them.
Naruto and Sakura were on opposite teams with little kids on their sides. Sakura raised her eyebrows at him, "You ready, Naruto?"
He held a yellow volleyball in his hands, "You bet, Sakura!"
"Whoo!" Ino yelled from the crowd. She sat there watching with sunglasses on while holding Oso, "Go! Go!"
Oso barked a few times too, to show support.
Next to them was Jiraiya and Tsunade watching and cheering on, along with Kakashi who was mostly reading.
"Naruto's team will surely win." Jiraiya said confidently.
Tsunade chuckled, "You don't know Sakura well, I see. She will definitely win for sure."
"Ok, let's bet on it. Loser buys drinks." He suggested.
"Alright." She smirked then looked at Sakura, "Go, Sakura! Knock 'em dead!"
Sakura's team wore red, while Naruto's wore blue.
Fans were either yelling Naruto's team or Sakura's.
The internet was also going crazy for them:
"At: SakuraHaruno Haruno for the win! –insert random emojis-"
"At all ya who think Haruno is going to win: NOT GONNA HAPPEN! TeamUzumaki!"
"U-Z-U-M-A-K-I! At: NarutoUzumaki"
"Aww those lil kids are so cute!xx"
" ^^^ dafaq that gotta do wit dis"
Naruto and Sakura went on their sides, staring at each other. All they could hear was: "Uzumaki! Haruno!"
Sakura smirked, "You are so gonna lose. I'm excellent in volleyball."
He laughed, "Ok, whatever. We all know I'm better than you at this!"
She grinned at him while waiting for the ball to be hit.
But before it started, Naruto yelled, "Still love you, though!"
She laughed while looking at him and back to her little teammate, then back to him.
"I love you, too, Naruto….!" She yelled back as the whistle was blown and game started.
DONE! 33 pages…! I wanted to post it earlier, but… 1d news happened and I felt very sad for a couple of days… and it was longer than expected … I'm sorry (excuse the errors pls!). And for those wondering about TenTen and Neji, yea they ended up together.
But anyways, I'd like to thank everyone who took the time to read this all the way! Thank you so much, without you guys adding this to your favs/alerts and adding reviews, I probably wouldn't even finish this. Also, thanks so much to "theartenfellar" (for worrying lol and I'm sorry I said it would be done in 2 days… I thought I would finish at that time. It took an extra day) So, thank you so much! Take care, guys! Xx