The Plan

John and Boone were slowly moving forward to the ledge that look over the last known legion camp in the area around New Vegas. The target was the last Legion comander."Boone do you see the commander." John ask."No slaver asshole must be in side, the main building. There is about fifteen of them between us and there. " Boone said "Well that not counting the Guys inside the building but you and me did kill Caesar in his own fort. So this is childs play compared to that." They both took aim with their scoped Hunting rifle and started to score headshots on the unprepared and disorganised legionaries. It only took the pair five minuets to clear the outside of the camp from their concealed position. The duo made their way down from the rocky area into the carnage they had just, inflected on the Legion. The headless bodies of the Legionaries painting the ground in a deep red. "John why do we get all the fun suicide mission." Boone joked. "I don't known we can ask generally Oliver when we get back to New Vegas, He has an even more important mission for us after this." As they neared the building the pair could hear the screams of woman and children, erupt from within.

As they look through the window they could see the last of the legionaries and the their commander put the slaves between them and the main entrance. A look of disgust flash across Boone face thinking back to his died wife and unborn child."Slaver bastards we need to end this." Boone stated angrily. "Agreed move to the door i will smash the window and throw in a few flash bangs in then we'll breach the doors." the only conformation came in the form of a grunt. The window smashed easily before the flash bangs were through in. the quiet was interrupted by the panicked screams and shouts of the legion and the slaves before John and Boone burst through the front door rifle a blaze. Turning the head of the legionaries into nothing more than a red cloud of mist. The advantage of surprise did not last to long as the remaining 5 legionaries dived for cover before returning fire. The commander of the legion was take cover behind an upturn table after taking a .308 round in the shoulder try to get his men in to charge the two attackers.

"We Shall avenge Caesar, NOW get up and rip those two apart" only two out of the remaining 5 legionaries started to charge the two with their machetes drawn. John looking down the scope on his rifle blow the head off one of the legionaries hiding in cover panting the wall with his blood and parts of his brain the satisfaction was short-lived. As he felt sharp pain erupt from his shoulder as the machete went deeper into him. The blood cascading around the fresh wound and on to the dusty floor. Time slowed down for him, he couldn't hear Boone shout his name. Before letting out a demonic roar and head butting the legionaries back. In a swift motion he bring his 44 Magnum out and finish the two exposed legionaries off.

Everyone in the room look on with shock as the lightly armoured John charged into the remaining hostile with little thought for his own well-being. the sacred men in front of him stood no chance, as he charged at the, the two legionnaires drop their weapons and turn to run but didn't get to far as one's head explode from a shot from Boone rifle. The blood went over John as he started to unload his 44 into the back of the fleeing man. After reloading his Magnum John said,"Boone take the slaves outside and get the General to send a few Vertibirds to get everyone out and tell him to set up an interrogation room."

"Right John I will also get a medic on one for your shoulder" Boone replied as he started to heard the newly freed slave outside to await the Vertibirds. John started to strided over to the petrified form of the legion commander with the machete still in shoulder. He shot the down commander in both legs, then punched him in the face before puting the handcuffs on him. "If you try anything scum i will not think twice about throw your ass out of the door while we are in the air do you understand me!" The only response cam in the form of the captured commander spitting in the face of John. That earn him a quick combo to face before anything else could be said or done Boone shout in,"John the birds just touched down, so grab that asshole and let get your shoulder look at."

Picking up the Legion commander John started to drag him out of the building into the massacre that happen before him and Boone could enter the building. Grunting in pain John see the well-known sight of NCR troopers help the woman and children. Before he could get any further a well-known Squad leader approaches him. Sergeant Mags the leader of the squad the NCR once called Misfits but after their heroic defence of Camp Golf. They are becoming one of the best non special force squads out there. "Sir i will take the P.O.W off your hands so that you can go and get that blade out of you"

"For the love of. Mags how many time have i got to tell you cut the Sir rubbish we are all friends. I hate hearing Sir this and Sir that." The sound of sniggering could be heard coming from the rest of the Misfits."Right take this legion Scum and sucre him on the Vertibird" Before anything could be said back he moved to find a medic to deal with the pain in his shoulder.

Once he find one Boone, the medic and himself boarded a Vertibird. "Alright this is going to hurt like hell Shepard."the medic stated while holding the handle of the weapon embedded into his shoulder. "What was the old world saying, just take it out like ripping off a band-aid. Without warning the medic rip the machete out of his shoulder. The pain was unbearable for Shepard as he passed out almost immediately after it.

"SHITE you put wight on the wound I going to get some bandages and stimpacks"

A/N Hope you enjoy this chapter and I am sorry that it was only a time line I put up as first
I have a poll open to what you think i should do with the meting of the "Aliens" so help out with the choice