Dean, Seth, and Roman stood in the ring, the crowd roaring loudly at their presence. The boys were wearing their usual Shield gear, and their hair was wet, with strands stuck to their sweaty faces.

Roman grabbed a microphone from somebody that stood just outside the ring, and began to pace around the squared circle.

"What's up, Chicago?" He said into the ring, his voice soft like velvet. The audience cheered in response, causing Roman to smile as he passed the microphone to Seth.

"Are ya'll ready for our big announcement?" Seth asked the crowd, and they cheered again loudly. He smirked and Dean grabbed the mic from him, the United States champ chuckling at the reaction that they were getting from the crowd.

"We'd love you lot to meet the newest member of The Shield." He spoke, causing an uproar from the audience. They all looked at each other, and then up at the ramp as they waited for the newest member to come out from the gorilla position.

They waited for much too long, the anticipation killing the crowd. Suddenly, her music hit. AJ began to skip down the ramp in black denim shorts, and a cut up Shield top, her converse fitted with black laces. She flicked her hair from side to side as the crowd reacted positively to their announcement. The brunette skipped around the ring once before lightly climbing the steps and sliding through the ropes. She stood in between Dean and Roman, looking ever so tiny compared to the men.

Roman and Seth held up their tag team titles, as Dean held up his United States belt, and AJ joined in, holding her Diva's championship high with a huge grin on her face.

The team looked dominant and powerful, and the crowd were completely behind their new addition. With a skip in her step, AJ began to make her way to the edge of the ring, climbing out of the ropes, as her boys followed.

"Excuse me!" Vickie Guerrero screeched from the stage, causing AJ and The Shield to turn around. The brunette leaned against the ropes as she cocked her head to the side, Dean and Seth on either side of her. "Did you think that you were just going to walk out of here?" She asked with a chuckle.

Grabbing the microphone from Ambrose, AJ stepped forwards; herself and Vickie had an eventful history, the majority of it being bad.

"What do you want, Vickie?" She asked, rolling her eyes.

"I want what the WWE Universe wants... a match. Tonight." She spoke, and the audience cheered in appreciation. "So tonight, AJ and Seth will face Brie Bella and Daniel Bryan." The roar from the crowd got louder, and a chant of 'yes' began to get louder and louder. "And that match starts... right now." Vickie evilly giggled, before turning and walking backstage.

AJ turned to her boys, a quick glance of worry exchanged with Seth. He stepped to her, wrapping his arm around her loosely.

"It'll be fine." He promised, and she believed him. Giving him a squeeze, she nodded, and stepped outside the ropes. Roman and Dean had already stepped down to the mats, and stood proudly behind their team.

Daniel and Brie stood in the middle of the ring, doing their 'yes' chant in unison with the WWE Universe.

Seth and Daniel began the match, exchanging a series of takedown's and moves. It was an even match, but AJ desperately wanted to get in the ring. Holding her hand out, she indicated to Seth that she wanted in. However, the two-toned superstar wanted longer, and ignored her request. Folding her arms, AJ rolled her eyes and leaned against the turnbuckle post.

Then she noticed it, Seth was readying up for his finisher. The curb stomp was coming. She could see Brie across the ring, alerting Bryan to what was about to happen, but AJ wasn't about to let her team down. Jumping down from the apron, the brunette ran around the ring, undetected by the Bella twin. Grabbing her feet, the Diva's champion dragged her from the apron, throwing her to the outside. She glanced up to see Seth covering Daniel, as the crowd counted with the ref. 1, 2, 3!

AJ grinned, sliding under the bottom rope back into the ring. She wrapped her arms around Seth, as he lifted her off her feet.

"Well done, tiny." He whispered in her ear, causing her to smirk a little. When her feet were placed back on the ground, she noticed that Dean and Roman had joined the two in the ring. Roman grabbed AJ carefully, pulling her over to him.

"Bring Brie back in the ring." He whispered to her, and she nodded. She exited the ring, jumping back down to the mats. Grabbing Brie by her brunette hair, she rolled the Bella back into the ring, sliding in after her.

Roman did his mighty roar, as Dean and Seth helped Daniel to his knees by Romans feet. Grabbing him, Roman glanced over at AJ and nodded. The Diva's champion replicated Roman, putting Brie's head between her muscular legs and holding onto her waist. In sync with her boys, AJ raised Brie up onto her shoulders, and then slammed her back to the ground. Brie and Daniel both lay still, and broken in the middle of the ring, as AJ began to skip around the squared circle. Dean, Seth, and Roman held their fists over Bryan's body, as their music hit.

The four were in their element.