1. Scribbler: Thank you for your thoughtful reviews!
- I'll tackle your last point first. I had originally set out to write a Red Lotus Korra story, but unfortunately I never got beyond the backstory. I thought I'd go ahead and share it anyway, but I'm not really sure where to take it from here. Sorry :(
- Style: thanks, I try to write somewhat script-like, but that's often an excuse for sloppy or non-existent description :)
- Chronology: I couldn't find the ages for the Red Lotus Four, so I assumed they were about Tenzin's age. That would put them at around age 10 at Yakone's trial, 18 when they left the White Lotus, 40 when they kidnapped Korra, and 50ish when Akna arrived in Republic City. (Granted, this may better fit Zaheer, who had grey hair in Book 3. I wanted to age them so they could have met Yakone.)
- Red Lotus: I agree the RL is more interesting when their motivation is more than chaos for the sake of chaos. I think you can usually make a credible case on both sides of a peace vs. justice dilemma.
2. Jokermask18: Thank you, I'll try! :)