A blue box- that's what he had told her to look for. But that wasn't exactly an award winning description, and she honestly had no idea what she was looking for. A blue box was as ordinary as it got, so she may as well be looking for a specific piece of hay in a pile of other pieces of hay. But, that's how her life had been for the past, oh, eight and a half years or so. It wasn't anything out of the ordinary to 19 year old Sophie.

"Hey Soph."


"Good morning, Sophie!"

"`Morning, Mrs Hudson."

"Hello again!"


This was a small town; Tadcaster was its name. Here, everyone knew everyone. It was one of those small, stereotypical villages, and an old market town. There was nothing particularly interesting about it, besides the fact that he had told her to meet him here. Sophie didn't actually live here, but she came here so often that the townsfolk considered her one of their own.

Besides meeting him in this town and looking for a blue box, Sophie knew next to nothing about this man called the "Doctor". She didn't know any other name besides 'Doctor'. That was aggravating, as the only response she'd receive when she asked if anyone knew the Doctor, was, "Doctor Who?" and she'd end up right where she started, because not even she knew who this Doctor was.

A satchel hung from her shoulder, and a bulky one at that. Judging by the sharp, triangular edges that jutted out through the bag's fabric, its contents seemed to be primarily consist of books, and a lot of them. It was a wonder her shoulder didn't snap under the weight of all these books, but over time, she had gotten used to the satchel's gradually heavying weight.

Hazel eyes darted from one side of the street to the other, making her rounds. She'd walked these streets more than she'd even walked her own, and she knew her daily route. She was almost through the last round for the day, when she noticed something inexplicably uncanny to what she'd been looking for, for years.

A blue box.

In her shock, Sophie dropped her bag to the ground, eyes widening, knees going weak, and mouth becoming dry.

It was tall, and had a set of doors on one side. At the top of the box it read 'Police Public Call Box', and had a sort of beacon light on the roof. Most importantly though, it was the bluest blue she had ever seen. Sophie looked it up and down in her disbelief, doubting its very existence at first. It took someone to bump into her for her to snap out of her daze and come to the realization that this was, in fact, a blue box.

She was almost certain that it had never been here before; she would have seen it if it had been, she knew where everything in this town was. Could this be the blue box the Doctor had told her to find? It had to be! Scooping her satchel up and throwing it over her shoulder numbly, Sophie rushed up to the box, standing at its doors. She couldn't move to lift her hand; she felt frozen. This had to be a dream.. no. If it was a dream, she wouldn't know it. Dreams are tricky like that. So.. this had to be the blue box. THE blue box.

-Tap tap tap-

Her knuckles moved at their own accord. Could a man really fit in this box anyways? Maybe, but why would he want to sit in such a small space? It would be incredibly cramped. All Sophie knew was that she certainly wouldn't want to sit cramped in a small box..

The short, petite girl stood there with an anticipating expression, which slowly faded into something of a frown. There had been no answer, but she still stood there for a few more moments. Maybe I missed him? Sophie pondered, turning a fraction to glance around, peering around to hopefully catch a glimpse of the man. It'd been eight years, though, and Sophie wasn't too sure that she would recognize him even if he did happen to be wandering around on the street out here.

Her lips pulled into a thin line as she turned back around to face the tall, blue box. If he was inside, he surely would have heard her; after all, it was just a teeny blue box. It wasn't as if he'd be away from the door. Maybe he had ear-buds in? Or he could be asleep, she supposed.

"Alright then," Sophie cleared her throat stood straight, braver than before, and lifted her fist to give the door another rapping. Before she could, though, the doors flew open.

There came two gasps of pure surprise; one came from Sophie, who jumped away, pulling her satchel to her chest as if it were going to protect her from any sort of impending doom. The second came from a man within the box. He was an older man, hair greyed, eyes fogged, and face covered with wrinkles and other various blemishes. He stood within the box (why was he so far away?), his eyes trained on her in the most frighteningly disbelieving gaze.

This wasn't who she had expected.

It seemed that they stared at one another for a lifetime before he suddenly paced towards her, eyes intense, and hands clenched into fists.

"How?" He demanded as he walked towards her, stopping a few feet from her and the doors.

"What?" Sophie asked, taking a few steps backwards, still clutching her satchel as if it were the only thing keeping her grounded.

The old man peered down his nose at her, his lips pressed into a thin frown. "The doors. How did you open them?" He sounded Scottish, but what would a Scottish man be doing here?

"I didn't," she responded quickly, staring up at him with a wide-eyed frown. "they opened on their own.."

There came a loud scoff from the old man as he crossed his arms. "Do you expect me to believe that? The TARDIS doesn't open her doors for just anyone. Let me guess, you didn't just knock now, either?"

Sophie looked past him, over his shoulder and into the blue box. "Yeeeah, I did, hang on, why does everything look so odd inside there?" The man's eyes widened as she suddenly stepped in, slipping past him, much to his discontent.

"I didn't say you could come in!" He shouted, turning to follow her.

The young woman's face contorted into an expression of complete and utter awe as she came to a halt within the box. "Oh… my God! Look at this!" She gasped, barely able to breath. "The box! It's got a bigger room inside a smaller box!" Sophie paused, eyebrows furrowing. "Huh. I think he said that I would say that."

"Who did?" Momentarily forgetting the sudden intrusion, the man took a step closer to her, expression intense.

"The Doctor."

She expected two words to come from his mouth. Two words that always made her heart drop and spirits fall. However, he simply leaned down to her facial level, looking her in the eye.

"I'm the Doctor."