Today the Vongola, Arcobaleno, and Varia family are all going to Italy today. Many were anxious because some would be riding on the plane while others are not. Several people were very nervous because they were worried about how their guardians weren't going on the flight to Italy. Sawada Tsunayoshi never took the airplane before, so he was stressing a bit, but that's the least of his worries.

The fact that he has to deal with his guardians and the Varia family makes him afraid for the safety of the passengers if one of them decides to
pick a fight with them. Things doesn't get any better with Arcobaleno Tsuna, as knows half of the family is hostile but is hopping that they would control themselves today.

"Alright sirs you said that you want to take an First-Class flight am I correct?"

"VOOOI! We just told you what we want so why are you asking the same damn question?"

"Well dummy, she just wants to make sure we said the right thing."

"VOOOI! What was that you little brat? Say it again and I'll cut your head off."

"Do it. I dare you to. Once I'm dead, I'll make sure to haunt you every single day and make your life a living hell."

"Gokudera-kun and Squalo, stop it already, we're in public. Be quiet." As Tsuna pushed Gokudera and Squalo to the side, he can already feel himself stressing out as he knew he'll have to be the only civilized person here today.

"Kora! You're taking too long. I want to go now! Come on and hurry up already."

"We all want to get going but we can't, so just wait and be patient."

"Kora, Reborn, stop telling me what to do! You're not my mother so I can do whatever I please."

"Excuse me sir, you're holding up the line, so can you please tell me what flight you're taking." The people in the back of the line weren't saying anything only because of a certain black-man.

"Trash, hurry up already, I'm tired of waiting and if you don't go any faster I'll shoot."

"Well take First-Class and we'll need nineteen of them please." Tsuna wants to get this over with as he really doesn't want to stay any longer. "I'm sorry to be the bearer of bad news sir, but we're out of First-class tickets, but you can take the coach." The woman wished she never said that because the people went in front of her went into a melt down.

"Ushishishi I'm not taking coach class, not with these peasants and surely not with some stranger."

"What's wrong with coach class? We should be grateful and just take it."

"You don't get it you stupid cow, if we take that type of flight, then tenth might not get to sit with me."

"Hahaha. That's right and I won't get to sit with Squalo so we can talk about our interests."

"VOOOI! Who said I want to sit next to you? I never agreed to that."

"Would you people hurry up already? My family and I have been waiting for hours." One of the brave passengers finally stood up and said something.

"What did you just say? Do you want to die?" As Gokudera took out his dynamite, Xanxus had his X-guns out, and Squalo placed his the tip of his sword in front of the man.

"You really want to die, huh. I'll grant that wish Trash."

"Xanxus, wait! Don't do it. Please look, we'll take the coach class. Come on everyone." Tsuna paid for the tickets as he kept the family mild-mannered, until they had to step through the metal detector.

Tsuna didn't even want to know what they were all packing. With Gokudera's weird fashion, he wore several belts and skull rings. Tsuna knew Gokudera would be the first one to set the alarm off.

Station 1: Gokudera Mukuro and Hibari,

"Ok sir, I want you to walk through here and if you have any accessories, please place them here." The man said as he gestured to the container in front of him. Gokudera looked at the man and calmly placed all his things in the container, but when he walked through, the metal detector went off. "Sir did you place all of your belongs in the container?"

"Yes I did. You saw me taking them off, what do you want me to do, strip?"

"No I do not sir, I just want to make sure you don't have anything else on you." The man said. "Okay, can you walk through again?" Gokudera huffed but complied, yet the detector still went off again. The man gestured Gokudrea to come to him.

"I'll take care of him, can you take care of the other two?" The man looks at the woman and she's replies with a 'yes'.

"Ok sir, I'm going to have to frisk you, so can you please put your hands in the air."

"No, I won't let you touch me! What type of person are you? Keep ya hands off me."

"Sir, this is a requirement. All I'm asking is that you can just put your hands up, that's all."

"Tch, fine, but if you try anything I'm going to blow you up." Gokudera put his hands up and the begun to check him. While he was doing his search, Gokudera's dynamite fell out, along with everything else. The man looked at Gokudera and couldn't believe a person has so much dynamite. In his mind, this can only mean one thing.

"Y-y-your planning on blowing up the plane, aren't you? No wonder you won't let me check you."

"WE NEED SECURITY, QUICK. HURRY, WE HAVE AN EMERGENCY!" The man panicked as he saw that his co-worker too had problems.

"I refuse to let go of my trident! If you want it, you'll have to pry it out of my cold dead hands." Mukuro was ready the moment this foolish human tried to take his trident. he rather make hell come alive then give his trident to a mere human.

The security guards showed up and as they were about to take Mukuro and the other two into custody, the guards were surrounded, not knowing that they didn't have a chance against the three.

Station 3:Xanxus, Squalo, Bel

"S-sir are those guns? Do you have a permit for that? If not, I'll have to call security."

"And if you do call security I'll kill all of you. Now move out of my way."

"I-I'm sorry, but it's against the law to own a gun without a permit. I can't just let you through with the guns in your possession." Xanxus just looked at him stoically as he walked closer to the man and placed the barrel of his gun right on the man's temple.

"Let me through, or I will pull the trigger." The man is scared shitless, so he let Xanxus through along with Bel and Squalo.

After all the fighting..

The Vongola, Varia and Arcobaleno families boarded the flight, but there was a surprise waiting for them. When they entered the flight, they all saw the Simon, Millefiore, and the Chiavarone family.

"What the hell is going on here?"

"See, that's why I said taking coach class isn't the best choice. No one ever listens to me." Colonnello said as he shook his head back in front.

"I'm so going to hate this flight." Famous last words from Tsuna as he prepared to endure the fight between the families.

Beta'ed read by 'Datalife123'