I don't own Young Justice.

This is the last chapter!

I will probably do a sequel, I'm not sure. I will definitely do more YJ with my own characters thrown in or not-check the summary for that.

Chapter 9—

He awoke with a shake from Angel, or really she just elbowed him in his sore side. He sat up sharply and winced, expected pain but when nothing happened, he relaxed. He checked his side through the ripped tunic and traced his finger over the scar, the only thing left of the wound. It would probably disappear soon too anyway, but not before Batman would notice—now that was a conversation to fear, for sure. Angel had his gloves, she had the computer up and computer code streamed down the screen. It read what she was drawing up and nodded.

"We just need to stick into one and the whole are out for good." He shook her shoulders, "You're a genius."

"I know." She murmured, swallowed by her work.

"It will shut down the fans, without a possible override unless you strip the whole thing to do a diagnostic. Without the fans, the systems will overheat and the circuits will fry themselves. I mean, have you seen the power running trough them things?" He all but shrieked.

"Keep your voice down, don't let them know."

"Make sure you override the safety shutdown; it'll try to cool off." He noted and sat back against the bars of the cage, he tested them for strength—probably carbon steel, he thought, they wouldn't stand against a Super.

"Oh, yeah." She rewrote a few lines off code, then handed me my gloves and handed them both back to me, I slipped the on and hid them behind my back.

"You were asleep for half an hour, I heard them two leave out a back door then about ten minutes later they came back, the Joker in tow, and that was," she looked up at the clock then back at him, "seven minutes ago."


"He came in, grinned at me and walked out, that's when I grabbed your glove. I've been working since."

"You reach it?"

"At the cost of a bruise on my shoulder but yeah."

He knew he might as well have asked for a full status report because when they were in the field Angel became all business. She always noted times and people, leaving nothing out, following orders to the letter and kicking butt with an awesome plan. We were the son and daughter of Batman—the great detective, the Caped Crusader, the Dark Knight—a few metals raccoons were nothing to them. Angel shuffled closer to the bars ready for our victim. What we would do after this was unclear, then Angel looked at me and things became apparent. Get out, now she knew all they're aura's they could easily find them with the league as back up. It was a good idea.

"I've overheard snippets of their conversation, I know their plan; they're going to catch all of your team."

"Why? Sloane has no interest in the league."

"Joker persuaded them."

A massive crash and a scream emanated from the other room, but in the end it all fell silent after a moan from the Joker and a prolonged 'Fuck!' from Sloane. The door was kicked down and Superman lunged for the cage, ripping the bars open. Robin pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed when he saw the sight in the other room. All three were tied up, surrounded by a pretty pissed off league, all with their partners beside them glaring daggers at the man who had tormented their team-mates.

"You don't like doors do you?" Angel asked.

"We had a plan and everything." Robin whined.

"Oh did you?" Batman growled, coming forward and wrenching the boy to his feet but when he saw the blood soaked tunic, he instantly let go. "Stabbed?"

"Angel healed me, I'm fine." He crossed his arms. "And yeah, I did. Wait for the robots, take them out, escape and get you. Hunt them down and well, end it like this."

"Then we saved your time." Aqualad stepped forward and put a comforting hand on his youngest friend's shoulder, "Are you injured?"

"No. I'm fine."

"Not for long, you might need that plan of yours, boy." Sloane spat, making Robin wince. Batman stood protectively in front of the Boy Wonder and he was grateful. "They'll be aware of this disturbance an they'll kill you all apart from those two. I promised you I'd hurt whoever you got involved, you chose this one." He nodded to Angel, since his hands were tied. "I'll just have the League killed, whether you involved them or not."

"So you're fleeing your original plan. Use my team as hostages then…oh," Robin mocked disappointment, and it angered him further, "That's a big shame."

The first robot raccoon burst through the back door, taking it off its hinges, Robin vaulted over the surprised League, using Wonder Woman's shoulder as a pivot point to a hammer a kick to the robots head. The robot fell to the floor as a catch on its head opened revealing numeric pad awaiting a password. Robin knew more where coming and was about to try a code before it got up for Wonder Woman's fist sorted that problem out. He wasted no time it connected his glove and downloading the computer code.

When he was done, he half jumped back, and was half pulled back by Wonder Woman when several more lurched into the room. They didn't have time to attack before the overheating kicked up and they all collapsed.

It was done.

Everyone was alive and no one was hurt.

Sloane was taking his first time to Belle Reeve.

"They don't like doors either then." Angel murmured, disappeared and reappeared with Robin's stuff.

"Thanks." He said taking it, he suited up and turned to Wonder Woman, "And thanks."

"Angel?" Kid Flash asked quietly.


"Will you join the team?"