Sorry about the delay. I meant to give this to you for Christmas, but as you can see that didn't happen. But it's finally out and I can proudly say that I am working on chapter 6. I didn't like my old chapter six so I decided after I got chapter 5 out I was going to re-write it. but it'll hopefully be out within the next couple weeks. And every writer has to have one so I'm going to do a Valentine's chapter as well. because cliche.

ANYWAY. Please enjoy!

Chapter 5



"Who the hell is this." Dean asked


"Gabriel! Who the fuck is this?!" Dean demanded.

"Dean. It's another angel." Sam Said trying to calm his brother, "His name is Castiel."

"Don't speak my name, abomination. You have no right to speak my name."

Dean shuddered. Then realized what the so-called angel called his brother.

"How DARE you. You have no clue who my brother is. You have no right to call him anything."

"I am an angel, Dean Winchester. I can call him" Castiel pointed at Sam, " whatever I want."

"That's not house things work in my house Cassie." Gabriel said with a clipped tone, golden eyes shining with rage.

Castle barely gave Gabriel a look.

'Are you hiding your grace?' Sam thought at Gabriel.

'Yup. He may be my younger brother but that gives him no right to speak to my mate like that.' Gabriel thought back.

Sam glowed with pleasure at being called Gabriel's mate.

"Guys, its ok." Sam said, "I understand where Castiel is coming from." Gabriel noticed Sam's understanding smile didn't quite reach his eyes.

"Really, Sam. Is it?" Gabriel asked looking at Sam.

"It's fine, Gabriel. I promi-" Sam was interrupted by Castiel.

"Gabriel?" Castiel said, finally looking at Gabriel, "You're alive! I should return to heaven and tell the others!"

"Hey now. Who, exactly, is the messenger of God?" Gabriel snarked.

"You are." said Castiel, looking reprimanded.

"Good boy. Now we are all going to sit down and talk, peacefully, over coffee and snacks. And if I hear any name calling from any of you I'm bringing out punishment." Gabriel said as he lifted a hand to snap.