No one seemed to notice that a young seventh grader had gone missing. Her parents didn't seem to care at all, they were constantly working late and figured she was in school all the time or trying to prepare for cheerleading.

The school she went to hadn't noticed, not really. It had only been two days after all.

Her small number of friends were glad the blonde girl was missing, less competition.

Instead Kitty Wilde sat in a metal cage, slumped over, tears pricking in her eyes. It was cold in this room, and dark. Long black curtains covered the windows and it had been two days since she had seen the sun.

Kitty had been in the wrong place at the wrong time, she had gone to the high school to use the track so she could jog. She had pulled her long hair up in a regulation ponytail required for the cheerios, eager to mimic the girls she hoped to become one day. She even got to wear one of the track pants that she knew the cheerios wore in colder weather, with her own cheerleading shirt she was going to jog. The middle school uniforms were black and red instead of white and red, and instead of the initials WMHS, it was WMMS, so she knew she couldn't get mistaken as a high schooler, even if she wanted too.

But that didn't stop the older football player from walking in. He was a broad guy with a strong jaw and dark eyes. His eyes danced playfully as he looked at her in the locker room smiling.

"Hey I'm Karofsky. I guess you must be new here?" the football player asked, his smile devilish.

Kitty's stomach did flip flops when she looked up at him, and not in a good way. He wore the regular letterman jacket and raggedy blue jeans. His skin was pale in the dim lights.

"I go to the middle school." Kitty said, hands on her cell phone in her bag.

"Right honey, well my mistake. Are you sure you aren't a new cheerio?" Karofsky laughed a deep laugh, his voice taunting.

"I will be someday." She said determined.

Kitty was always told how pretty she was. Lucky to look so nice. She knew that at 12 she could pass for a little older, maybe 14. She understood why Karofsky would make the mistake. It was an easy one to make. So she figured she could just shrug it off, and not have to use the cell phone to call 911.

She started to edge her way out when Karofsky stepped in front of her, "Where are you going? I didn't even get a name."

"Maggie." Kitty lied.

"Well Maggie, you might not make it to being a cheerio, see, I have a job to do." Karofsky said slowly, he smirked down at Kitty who was shaking.

"I have to go now." Kitty said loudly, but as she moved forward Karofsky's large hand came out and pushed her to the ground.

Kitty landed on her arm, pain shooting through her right side and a crack that was heard.

"You're coming with me." Karofsky smirked, Kitty tried to get up but the pain made her slow as Karofsky bent over, his fist looming over her small head. She whimpered and then saw black. (he hit her.)

When Kitty woke up she was in a cage that was too small for her body, it was on a cold cement floor in a dark room, on the other side of the room she saw another girl. The girl looked familiar, and was still sleeping. A large dark bruise on the side of her pretty face.

"Where am I?" Kitty whispered to herself, it had been the first day, she heard a laugh, a large figure came closer to the cage.

"The first to fall and the first to rise." Karofsky's voice made her shiver, "I guess the loss was worth it Ammizzio, we got ourselves two pretty ones."

"Dude, isn't she like 12?" a deep voice asked, he came into the little light the dark room had with a frown. He was a large, dark skinned man with a letterman jacket on and a shaved head.

"Yeah but….she looks older, plus if we turn her it totally doesn't matter." Karofsky said with a shrug, peering at Kitty who had crawled to the corner of her small cage, to further herself from the men.

"Where am I?" Kitty squeaked out, her eyes rapidly moving around the room, spotting two more cages.

"The Master's lair. She wanted some females to add to her gang." Karofsky said with a shrug, "I mean, we got three. I think our next run might be a little bigger, right?"

"Might." Ammizio said with a shrug.

"I mean, we got pretty girls so maybe one will be my girlfriend, if the undead do that?" Karofsky asked.

"Dave shut up." Ammizo said with a roll of his eyes. Kitty noticed that he was much larger than Karofsky. Karofsky was muscular and had a strong jaw bone. Ammizio was just fat. Either way she couldn't get past the two of them. Not that she had a way out of her cage.


By the second day Kitty figured out that the two guys who had her in the cage thought they were vampires or something equally stupid. But it was also disturbing because she was trapped with the two idiots and the other two girls had disappeared. She had gotten a good look at them. One was a cheerio, still in the uniform, the other was a regular student it looked like. But they had each gotten dragged from the cage screaming moments before, leaving her.

Kitty rattled the cage bars, hoping that somehow it would save her life. She was hungry and thirsty, she wanted to go home and sleep in her own bed. She just wanted out.


The party was basically over. Students were filing out, talking and laughing, it was almost morning.

Quinn herself was tired, she had to help Santana clean though. Rachel seemed too energetic as she ran around the house with a garbage bag. Brittany was recovering from having her mind invaded, and trying to heal her powers or something, so she was up in Santana's room. Finn and Tina had also stuck around to help her clean up. Moving slowly but surely they all started to pick up garbage and bottles of beer, cups strewn all around.

Having a party on a weeknight wasn't the best idea, they all had school, and they all needed to get ready, even though it was still relatively late night/early morning. 2am, if they all worked they would be able to get an hour of sleep. They had rushed everyone out at 1, and just started cleaning. Santana wanted to wait a little, get some sleep! But Rachel had insisted.

Quinn wasn't looking forward to school, but she didn't care. She just wanted to get this house cleaned up.

It took another hour to clean, and Quinn watched as Tina and Finn both fumbled with their phones, explaining to their parents why they were so late. Quinn walked over to Rachel.

"Do your dads know where you are?" Quinn asked.

"They aren't even home, they're out for the week, another convention thing they needed to go to." Rachel's voice sounded sad, her brown eyes were on the floor. Her thick hair had fallen out of the braids and was in waves around her shoulders.

"I'm sorry, do you maybe want to spend the night, morning I guess?" Quinn smiled at Rachel.

"I guess if I want any sort of rest I should, even though it makes me quite upset that my morning routine is ruined." Rachel sighed, "I also did not bring a change of clothes so…."

"I'm sure Santana or I have something you can borrow." Quinn said.

"Hey guys, I'm giving Tina a ride home." Finn called out, the two girls looked over at him as he lead Tina out of the room.

"Did you drink last night?" Quinn asked, Rachel sighed.

"No, I knew I'd have to bring someone home, Rach are you coming?" Finn asked, as he made his way to the door.

"I am just staying the night Finn, thank you though." Rachel smiled at her friend, Finn nodded and lead Tina out again.

Santana came from the kitchen with a sigh, "I am to tired for school, I'm going upstairs and passing out. Tell my teachers I died or something. What about you Fabgay? Had enough Berrilicious fun yet?" Santana called out.

Quinn paused, her eyes wide as she looked at Santana who paused, her mouth gaping as she saw Rachel standing there.

"What?" Rachel asked with wide eyes.

"She's being a bitch, my room is all the way on the left, just go in and borrow some of my pajamas, I have plenty." Quinn recovered with a laugh, Rachel looked at her quizzically but walked away anyway.

Santana was still standing there looking shocked, "Close your mouth Santana."

"I thought she left with Finnocence, his truck was gone…" Santana said meekly.

"It's fine, you've had a long night." Quinn sighed, not wanting to stay mad at her friend, "I'll get all the papers for you tomorrow in our classes."

"Thanks." Santana started to walk up the stairs, her eyes had bags under them, her horned headband had fallen off her head at some point, and her hair was pulled back into a messy bun.

"Santana wait." Quinn called out.

Santana paused, her back to Quinn, shoulders tensing.

"Next time you feel low, please talk to me. I love you, you're my sister." Quinn whispered.

Santana nodded her head, turning to look at Quinn with a small smile, before heading up the stairs.

Quinn sighed roughly and followed suit.


The halls that day were pretty empty, most students passing over a hangover. Rachel felt odd in her outfit. She had chosen a dress, while it hit mid thigh on Quinn, on Rachel it fell to her knees. Over the dress she had on Quinn's mustard yellow cardigan. Quinn was walking next to her in a pink dress and red cardigan, her blonde hair was pulled back in a bun, with her shorter layers falling in her face.

Rachel had kept her hair down, the waves complimenting her face, she kept glancing up at Quinn.

"I think you look really nice in my clothes." Quinn said with a smile, catching Rachel's hesitant gaze.

"Oh." Rachel blushed and looked down at the ground, not sure how to respond to the compliment.

"I mean, it's your color." Quinn mumbled, her head downcast.

"No, I think you look better in them, you would look good in a paper bag though." Rachel said with a small smile, "I mean, lovely."

"Thanks.." Quinn smiled softly and the two girls continued to walk on their way to the choir room.

Rachel looked down the hallway and saw an angry Mr. Schue coming out of the principals office, his face was red and he resembled Sue Sylvester in his stride to the girls that were standing in the empty hallway. Quinn came to a halt, Rachel joined her, and the two girls watched their teacher in wonder.

"Quinn we need to talk now." Will said, he stormed past them, Quinn turned with one raised eyebrow, her hand on her hip.

"Well excuse me." Quinn said with a sigh, "I guess I should go see what he wants."

Quinn started to follow her teacher, when Rachel took her hand, "No I'm coming, I promised you wouldn't do anything alone."

Quinn smiled slightly, her hazel eyes shining, "Thanks."


Quinn walked into the choir room holding Rachel Berry's hand. Will was pacing the room back and forth.

He looked up at her and sighed.

"There are students missing. David Karofsky, Ammizzio Adams, the vampire you dusted the other day, and two cheerios. There's a middle schooler missing, she's attacking kids." Will said.

"What?" Quinn dropped Rachel's hand, her stomach dropping as well.

"Terri, her army is kids, why didn't we think about this the night before!" Will cried out, "Figgins is just now sending out the notice!"

"Principal Figgins is what?" Rachel asked from next to Quinn, eyes wide with fear.

"He decided not to investigate or alert us until now, they are absent. David and Ammizzio apparently have excused absences and their parents say they just don't want to be in school. But the other students went missing three days ago. I can't believe the nerve!"

"Wait, how do we know that they are being hunted?" Rachel interrupted Will, her brown eyes shining.

"Because we know that Terri wanted an army and she sent someone here." Quinn said before Will could continue, "and now it's time to go see if we can save those students. Did you get their names?"

"Yes, Christy Gunderson, and Jessica Webb." Will said.

"The middle schooler's name?" Quinn asked as she put her bag down and started to rifle through it.

"I wasn't allowed to know that information. Or Figgins wouldn't tell me." Will sighed.

"Alright I'm going to find them." Quinn had pulled out a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. She also had a stake in her hand.

"How?" Rachel asked, "We have no idea where they are."

"They'll come to me." Quinn said, clutching her bundle of clothes, she ran out of the room and could feel Rachel hot on her heels.

"You can't do this alone!" Rachel cried, "I don't want you to get hurt."

Quinn stopped and turned around, she narrowed her eyes at Rachel, "I'm a Slayer it's what I do."

"You're more than that Quinn." Rachel whispered, "Please let me come with you."

"No!" God can't you just stay away from me sometimes Berry!" Quinn snapped, annoyance building up inside of her. Rachel flinched, eyes filling with hurt.

"I can't." Rachel whispered.

"Well maybe you should try it! I already told you I'm not all gay for you like you are for me so leave it alone! You're being an idiot over a crush!" Quinn's harsh words left her mouth before she could take them back. She just didn't want to be responsible for Rachel being hurt, but this is exactly what would happen if Rachel were to go with her.

Rachel's eyes widened, her jaw dropped. Quinn couldn't take the words back, she couldn't amend what she said, and she definitely couldn't admit that she might reciprocate the crush.

"Contrary to your beliefs Quinn, this is about our friendship. I may have had a crush on you at one point but believe me when I state that it is fading rather quickly." Rachel said in a cold tone, her brown eyes narrowing, "However since you wish to be alone I will let you go be an idiot alone."

Quinn opened her mouth but no sound came out. Rachel rolled her eyes and turned away, stomping down the hallway. Quinn watched, all she could do was watch. Because she had to come up with a plan to save the missing students.

Will's voice interrupted her thoughts, "How do you plan on saving them?"

"I just...I think if I go to the graveyard she'll be there. Terri I mean. She wants me to know about these girls. I can feel it." Quinn said.

"You're going alone?" Will asked nervously.

"I have no choice."


Terri waited, the graves lit up by the moon. She knew the Slayer would be here, waiting. Terri wanted to show that girl exactly what she was doing to others like her. The Slayer would know of her power and how far she would go, it would be hilarious to see the Slayer's face. She slowly paced around, enjoying the smell of the night air, the occasional whiff of human. Wait, the whiff of human? Terri stopped pacing, arching her neck, her nose in the air. She took another sniff and smiled.

"I was sort of hungry tonight, who do we have here?" Terri asked in a purring voice as she let her nose lead her to the snack. Crouched behind a tombstone was a beautiful young girl with dark hair and dark eyes.

"Uh…" the little snack squeaked, backing up further into the grave.

"My, I do enjoy the young ones, it rejuvinates me!" Terri exclaimed.

The dark haired girl sprang up from her crouch and started to run. Terri snorted, reached her hand out, and grasped the girl's thick hair. She pulled the girl back with ease.

"LET ME GO!" The girl had a loud voice, alarming at that.

"I think not." Terri said easily, she walked on dragging the struggling girl.

"I would think you should." A raspy voice whispered. Terri turned around in curiosity.

"Slayer? You came!" Terri grinned.

"Rachel!" the young blonde's voice sounded paniced, her hazel eyes widening. Terri begrudgingly had to admit that the Slayer was beautiful. Her hazel eyes shining in terror, her blonde hair hanging in her face, falling out of the tight up do. Illuminated to look like a dark angel in the sun. Such beauty would taste wonderful.

"QUINN!" the snack cried out, apparently it had a name.

"Oh joy, you know my latest snack pack." Terri rolled her eyes, "Now Slayer I suggest you follow us."

"Let her go and I will." Quinn said, her voice shaking.

"Oh my, well...I can't. I think this pretty little girl would have remarkable blood." Terri shrugged, "However you may follow us." Terri turned and walked away. She dragged the small snack by the hair still, she could hear Quinn's footsteps behind her.
