Credit for Alien Movie with the Xenomorph goes to Dan O'Bannon & Ronald Shusett

Credit for Predator Movie with those Yautja goes to Jim & John Thomas

oh and I read up about the Yautja and it turns out they did use humans as slaves and not just hosts for xenomorphs

so it was a surprise to find out about that and I will let you read this now.

and by the way this will be in Serene's point of view

so you read this you will know it is her speaking.

okay now you can read this

I still couldn't believe it happen when it did

the strange creatures called themselves yautja

and not only were they from space and from another planet, which I had just found out about two to three months ago

but it would appear they have been using us humans for slaves and or hosts for those xenomorphs

and I wont go into detail on about their tastes in trophies they seem to love to hunt for all the days of their many years.

as I say many years is because they live much longer than us humans

and to be truthful I don't much care if they can out live a human, it doesn't matter.

me and my family were brought to what appeared to be a farm to work on after we and alot of other people were abducted by the yautja during their hunt.

I and the rest of the people who were brought here, were made to wear either loincloths and or gown like robes.

I chose to wear the robes, I didn't feel comfortable wearing a top cloth and loincloth as my clothes.

some times I would find most humans have been taken by yautja who would come to the farm and seem to look each one of us up and down and then speak to the yautja who was one of the ones who owns this farm.

I had remember very clearly the day I first saw the exchange between the two yautja.

the yautja would give what my guess was some sort of money to the yautja who lives here on the farm and then the said yautja will order one of the humans, that was at times females or males to go with the yautja that bought them.

the whole thing still makes me sick to my stomach, it was bad enough when it happen on earth to which still disgust me

but to learn that these yautja have been using humans as slaves for who knows how long makes me even more sick.

and yet I was happy I was never bought and as long as I keep myself uninteresting and unworthy the yautja who come here will not try to buy me.

I use to have very pale skin before I came here, but now my skin has become more of a less pale color

my hair is a golden color and my eyes are gray color with a hint of silver

and my height is around 5'8"

and yes I'm female and my name happens to be Serene.

at times when I'm harvesting the fruits and vegetables out in the field, it always feels like someone is watching me

but when I turn around to look where I believe where the said someone is watching me, the feeling would be gone as if they had run off because they didn't want me to spot them.

the next few days it would always be the same, not just the harvesting and other work that the yautja are making me and the other humans do.

but the feeling of being watch by eyes that I can't see and I thought I would never find out who has been spying on me until I had finally caught the one who had been watching me for the last few weeks.

it was a male yautja, he was around 7'9" in height

and right now we are doing what appears to be a stand off

but what happens next really made me confused even after I started to yell out at him and said hateful things to him about spying on me and I even made threats to him if he keeps it up I will hurt him.

but even after all that he did something that again confused me and still does even to this day, because it only happen like a year ago.

he gave me what seem to be a purr before taking what look to be a white flower and place it in the left side of my head before he took me by my hand and started to drag me to one of the yautja who works there and the said yautja seem to be surprise if not shocked to see me, but I soon learn why that was...because it was the flower in my hair, for you see after the said yautja spying on me for a few weeks had bought and brought to his home, I learn from one of the yautja who work there

that the white flower was a form of engagement and to which means only one thing

that idiot had made me his fiancee with out me knowing it!

and I was told by him that when he first saw me he couldn't help but be lost in my beauty

oh please, you can't just like someone for just their beauty.

and I know for a fact these yautja know nothing about falling in love and I have my doubts my 'fiance' has such feelings for me and even if he some how does I will never return them for I do not feel anything but hate to him.

I had plans to get off this planet and return back to my home, where I belong and I was going to try for it tonight while the whole family of my...'fiance' who I have not bother to learn the name of, went out to who knows where and I couldn't help but be happy that he went with them but seem like he didn't want to leave but lucky me that his father made me go with them.

whatever the reason, it was my chance to escape this place and for good.

I had sneak out and went to where they keep those space ships and then I took it off the very planet that had me trap for so long.

and my clothes that I was given was different, it was a dress that was much different than the clothes I been wearing since I came to that world and home of the yautja.

but even as I got back to earth I thought I was safe

I was wrong because the next thing I knew one of those xenomorphs were in my old home town and had been chasing me all over the place and when about four of them had me cornered and I thought I was going to die

but just as I was thinking this was it and as I shut my eyes to wait for what will happen next

I hear a roar and other sounds too and when I hope my eyes I was shocked to see that all the xenomorphs were dead

and standing a few feet away from me was the very male yautja that I was trying to get away from

he had look pretty mad, perhaps at me for leaving him but I don't care how mad he got at me because I will not be his no matter what he thinks or says.

and I guess I was too deep in shock to notice that he had pick me up into his arms and started to do that purring thing again

and started to walk off with me in his arms and most likely taking me back to his ship.

but what he said to me as we were leaving to go back to his home planet was these words

"my Serene."he would say to me and my short freedom was now gone

because I was stuck with him until I could figure out how to get away once again with out him knowing or finding out about it.