Disclaimer: I don't own Narutoverse. Only the plot/storyline.

Extra Chapter


Sasuke opened his eyes. Pretty bubble gum pink strands were covering his eyes. He swept it away, and supported himself with his arm while eyeing the half naked lady next to him.

"Sakura…" he said softly. Sleep was still heavy in his tone.

Their legs intertwined. And Sasuke smirked at the thoughts of how exactly they got jumbled up like that.

And Sakura shuffled slightly before her emerald eyes opened. "Hm—" she mumbled.

"Morning…" said Sasuke as he leaned down to kiss her small lips.

The pinkette stretched, ignoring the kiss. Sasuke raised an eyebrow.

After awhile, Sakura was fully awake but she was in Sasuke's arms.

"No kissing- I wanna brush first…" she said as she moved her head away from Sasuke's.

The raven haired guy sighed.

"I'm kinda ravenous…" whispered Sasuke.

He climbed on top of Sakura, encaging her with his strong arms.

"So, what do you want for breakfast?" asked Sakura.

Sasuke's lips twirled into a slight smirk. "You…"


Okay, this is only a mini story. So, 'Everyday I Love You' had finished. How do you like it? Wanna some more stories like this? Maybe with other characters?

Gimme feedback!