Minor god's Hero

Author's note: SO this chapter shouldn't be too confusing as I'm starting it off at the right pace and pretty much explaining things from the get go. IF anything this seemed like a short chapter to me because it didn't imply much accept what we already knew but please do enjoy it.

Disclaimer: I claim no rights over the Percy Jackson or Heroes of Olympus series who are owned by Rick Riordan and Masashi Kishimoto owns Naruto which is okay with me because I'm sure the series wouldn't be as epic if I was in charge of it.

Chapter Two: Making your Girlfriend explode.

A figure sighed softly, his cerulean blue eyes watched the lone school bus, the driver of the car he was riding in, was a middle aged man with intense brown eyes that did not match his appearance whatsoever. He word a beige suit that looked like it hadn't bee ironed in ages. The mas name was Ron Brunner or better known as Chiron when he wasn't I the real world. The trip so far hadn't been difficult, thy were following the bus intently, the passenger a rather special case as his temper had known to get the better of him, letting his mouth usually start a fight that he couldn't finish. "I can understand your trepidation, I'd rather be on the bus myself and I'm sure you'd rather be with your friends, and that Kim girl I suppose." The driver said with small hint of annoyance, as he took a left turn onto the nearest street. The Metropolitan Museum of Art was still two and a half miles away, and with the way traffic was moving, it could possibly be another twenty minutes alone with the delinquent.

The figure turned his head rubbing a few golden lock's hair that dared dangle in his line of sight, as a small smile graced his whiskered cheeks. "Sorry Mr. Brunner, its just today hasn't been a good day I suppose." The teen said with a small click of his tongue, today had bee horrible so far, he found a rat in each of his drawers, obviously the cruel joke of some of his fellow classmates, the large rodents had nearly chewed through everything the blonde had leaving him only to wear what he could find his laundry hamper, which was a pair of black cargo pants, a shirt with a falling leaf on it and his two prized possessions a orange jacket that his mother left him before she disappeared as his father put it, and a coin necklace he'd had ever since he could remember.

"Would you care to share your day with me, I find talking helps Naruto." Mr. Brunner said with a gentle tone as Naruto's hands rubbed the coin absently missing the dull glow that it gave off as Chiron held back a grimace at the feeling of the energy it exuded.

"I know, its just this school, I'm not sure if I'll be coming back next year." Naruto said with a bit of reluctance if there was anyone the blonde could trust to keep a secret it was Mr. Brunner, and he'd confide in him with some things, though some of the odd things in his life, he wouldn't care to share a one way trip to the nut house isn't what Naruto needed.

"Oh is it because you two years older than your classmates?" Chiron said with an inquisitive tone, to be truthful he was well aware of Naruto's failing grades the only class he was passing was his. While Percy's grades were dismal, Naruto made him seem like a genius as everything the blonde did seemed to turn up wrong no matter how hard he tried, and he could tell it was tearing the poor boy apart. Chiron had an idea he knew it was something controlling the mist for the poor boy to fail so spectacularly and he had a sneaking suspicion it was now worse because of his girlfriend Cynthia, and that coin was just a beacon to whatever the creature that pretended to be interested in Naruto, and whatever the girl had done she manipulated the school and found enough leeway to know that he couldn't directly intervene unless she acted out.

"No, I can handle that, its just...your class is the only class I'm passing." Naruto said with a breath of exasperation secretly wishing he didn't bring up not retuning to school, he'd miss his friends but more importantly he'd be homeless. Naruto was well aware of the fact hat he was thankful for the private school it had been one of the few strokes of luck in his life and he held on to it like a lifeline knowing that if he were to lose it, things would snowball down hill rather quickly.

"Naruto things happen for a reason, perhaps this school isn't the place for you." Chiron took a quick glance at Naruto as he visibly flinched at his statement. "I meant that perhaps you'll find your place in the world outside of Yancy. A home isn't a place where you stay to fight off the cold or injustices that the worlds dealt you, a home is a place where you can truly feel at peace, and my boy with a spirit like yours Yancy is far to small of a place to stay at." Chiron said as he saw a look of astonishment and hope in Naruto's eyes, he knew of Naruto's predicament in act he planned to rectify that as soon as the school let out, being homeless wasn't the ideal situation for a demigod. "Well enough chatter I believe were here." Chiron said as Naruto nodded dumbly and the school trip that would shape not just Percy Jackson's life but Naruto's as well had begun.

The trip and history lesson had been much better than Naruto expected, as he stuck closely to his friends Percy and Grover, and his girlfriend Kim, making small idol talk with one another about the displays, Naruto taking a keen interest in the roman exhibits loving the armor decorating the mannequins, it was much cooler than the vase's and painting that decorated the other exhibits, and as lunch finally settled in Naruto strayed away from the crowd as he went through the exhibits once again. Naruto's eyes shifted through the exhibits as his eyes fell on a coin in a small glass case, it was striking similar to his own, except that his was in much better condition than the other one. "We call that a drachma." Naruto turned swiftly meeting bright silver eyes that belonged to a slightly pale face, which was accompanied with fiery red hair.

"I knew that Cynthia." Naruto said as he took another step backwards almost losing balance as his girlfriend reached out and grabbed his hand with a kind smile. Her touch as smooth as silk, a small warmth crept through his body that seemed to wash any sense of unease and doubt that plagued the blonde's mind. Then it was gone the feeling of everything that he felt disappeared as her hand released from his own, Naruto almost yearned for her touch again but knew that whatever he felt was abnormal, Kim's touch was anything but warm to him, it was usually cold the only time he felt warmth was when she was flirting with him before they got together.

"I'm sure you did, I'm just curious as to when your giving me yours." The question was asked with a semi-innocent tone her toothy smile yellowing slightly as fog seemed to fill the hallway, it curled around Naruto's ankles as silver eyes stared innocently at him.

"Cynthia, I told you I wasn-" Naruto could only exhale as he felt himself backpedalling, his chest pounding as though someone or something slammed into him with the force of a miniature sledgehammer. His eyes drifted towards the extended fist of Cynthia Lopsie. She held a look of annoyance on her face as one strap of the sundress she wore hung loosely.

"We are going to do this the hard way then I presume." The girl sighed as she tilted her neck an eerie crack of bones echoed through the hallway, as she made another lunge at Naruto, the blonde narrowly dodged as he felt his feet shift absently as she let out a growl sending a backhand towards him shattering the drachma case as glass coated her hand getting a growl of frustration and what Naruto had hoped pain from the large piece of glass stuck in the palm of her hand.

"Look, maybe we can talk this out get you to a doctor or something." Naruto asked as he kept his distance away from his former girlfriend because if anything he was not keen on having someone trying to harm him over one of his most precious things he had.

"Oh, this is rich a good little right to the end I see." Cynthia let out a large billowing laugh as she pulled out the piece of glass, her eyes trained on Naruto as her face seemingly transformed into something the blonde could only imagine seeing in horror films as a lone yellow crusted eye rested right above her nose, with grey elephant like hide acted as skin for her face. Naruto didn't even see the small fist sinking into his face as he felt to distracted by the grotesqueness of Cynthia's face, as he body began to change to match something that belonged to her face.

Naruto hit the ground like a sack of bricks his jaw bruising already as he rubbed it absently, the mist covering his whole frame as he felt what felt like a tree trunk step on his stomach, putting just enough pressure for it to be excruciating but enough for him to not pass out in pain. Cynthia's hand which resembled more like a beach ball with bloated sausages for fingers, reached down grabbing the coins strap, releasing it in a dull roar as she gripped her hand tightly, her leg lifted from Naruto's stomach as he regained what little breath he could, letting his eyes stare out form the mist, a small sense of warmth enveloping, like he was being bathed in sunlight, it felt invigorating to the blonde, which gave him nothing but the incentive to move as far away from Cynthia as possible.

Cynthia growled in irritation, a year of planning had been almost been thwarted thanks to those pesky teachers, but this was just plain annoying, the drachma was so close to being in her possession she could even feel the power that coursed through it, perhaps she need the boy alive for a little while longer after all. Her crusted eye peered into the mist once again, taking a lazy swipe at the empty floor as her knuckles dragged against the marble floor, earning a snarl of frustration for her trouble. "Uzumaki" Her shout could be heard through the hallway as it echoed off the walls making the blonde crawl faster through the mist.

Naruto said nothing he just increased his pace, the blonde knew if he could stay in the mist he'd be safe, it was like a blanket of sorts, letting him know that everything was alright as long as he was covered in it. Naruto flinched as he met a pair of gold eyes that seemed to twinkle in surprise inside the mist, the first thought was to jump to his feet and run as it seemed the best way to avoid another possible fight that Naruto had no possible chance of winning. The thought remained with him until he watched a large rock slam into the girl's skull knocking her face down into the ground. He saw no sign of movement from the girl only the slightest groan of pain or discomfort escaped from her lips as Naruto made a startling revelation staring down at the green haired girls body. If he left he'd be dragging whatever that thing was to the rest of the school, and someone else could end up like this girl or worse, so with as much courage as he could muster he stood up turning towards the lumbering giant known as Cynthia.

The giants eyes locked onto Naruto's a distance away form her, if he made it a few more feet to the door everything would be ruined as she'd have to deal with something far worse than the leathery hag that was posing as a teacher. Her eye shifted to that of surprise as the mist seemed to swirl around his feet, gathering more and more as Naruto stood there looking defiantly at her. "I see you've gathered the courage to fight me." Cynthia's words were cautious, she'd seen newly awakened demigods fight off creatures much stronger than her, but she was cunning that's why she'd lived this long, and with that drachma she'd knew that her master would be proud of her, it wasn't until she saw the wall of mist that had gathered behind Naruto that she felt the smallest bit of fear grow in the pit of her stomach, and then he took a step forward, and the wall moved with him.

Naruto gritted his teeth as he approached Cynthia cautiously, he had to get to a display case as soon as possible because he doubted that his fists would do anything against the elephant like hide that she had. He held a small bit of surprise as his chest started to glow as the coin hummed with an energy he never had seen or felt before. His hand unconsciously moved to the coin as it seemingly melted at his touch forming a short knife with a ring at the base of it, it felt oddly familiar in his hands like it had been apart of his life forever. Naruto took a small breathe as he looked on at Cynthia, noticing the fear in her eye as he readied himself to charge madly at her hoping to bury the knife up to the hilt into that lone eye. Everything seemed clearer as he exhaled taking the first of many steps never noticing the misty copy of himself that followed right behind him.

It only took a moment before he felt his blade dig deep into the flesh of Cynthia's grey hide that covered her arm, it met no resistance as it sank into the bone as Naruto felt something step on his shoulder, and a howl of pain erupted from Cynthia as Naruto felt weightless the other arm slamming into him with a vicious backhand as he bounced off the ground catching a glimpse of orange rushed past him and then more as they all dug their weapons into Cynthia's hide, having less of an effect from what he could tell as he gripped the blade tightly in his hand as he rushed again at the grey creature ignoring the pounding of his chest, and throbbing of his stomach as he let all of his frustration out from being bullied at Yancy, to failing no matter how he tried and the fact that his girlfriend only wanted to be with him because of his necklace. The blade shifted to a short sword as he slashed across the monsters stomach a pool of black blood began to drop from her stomach as she attempted to yell loudly only to find it caught in her throat as Naruto followed up the slash, planting the blade in her neck as the tip of the blade peaked out form the other side, before she exploded into dust as Naruto let another exhale as he dropped the weapon to the ground letting exhaustion wash over him, falling unconscious to the ground.

Tyche said nothing as the blood practically evaporated from the ground the damage caused could easily be taken care of. She had gotten up once the battle had truly taken place, golden ichor coated her face, as the rock did more of cosmetic damage than she had been dealt in a long time, but it was necessary if she was going to bring some sort of purpose to Naruto. Her hand outstretched as she felt her drachma return to her, the pulse of energy was euphoric considering she had dealt with being at half strength for fourteen years, her item of power was a welcome addition. Though it made her lightly curious as to why didn't the creature evaporate instantly she'd seen the fury disappear almost instantly when Poseidon's son slashed through it, perhaps she needed to investigate the matter more thoroughly.

"He did surprisingly well considering his memories are still locked away from his previous life." She said absently as she took a short walk to the drachma case her fingers brushing over it as melted at the simple touch of her fingertips. The metal lowly shifted as the goddess focused on the task at hand letting her magic create a weapon for the boy that would serve him well in the future. It took only two minutes before it returned to its original state, and the goddess let out a satisfying sigh as she glanced at the blonde, her hands hard at work as she returned the necklace to its original position as the familiar sound of a wheelchair rolled down the hallway.

Chiron found Naruto laid beaten on the ground and a pile of dust which he imagined was the remains of Cynthia, it was slightly relieving to see the boy shift in pain as he looked at him for another second before the boy began to steer, and with a small fear the boy collapsed again as the mist enveloped his body the dull glow of the drachma did nothing to tide the mist as it enveloped Naruto's body. Chiron looked on with morbid fascination before relenting and deciding it was best to take Naruto to Camp half-blood now or else risk losing such a prospective hero to whatever else was after him.

Author's Note: So how is that for a second chapter, I think I'm starting it off on the right foot if I do say so myself, I already have him a weapon shadow or mist clones for that matter and I'm shipping him to camp half-blood to get this train rolling. Next chapter is Naruto getting accustomed to things and meet his fellow campers.