Three's Company/Clue AU.

A wealthy tycoon invites a group to his mansion for a fancy dinner party. Strangers to each other—but not to the host—the seven guests, along with the butler, housemaid, and wife of the tycoon, find themselves in a dangerous predicament when someone is murdered in the mansion. The night turns from bad to worse when the killer is unknown, and there is no way out. Follow these wacky guests as they race to unmask the murderer, find the missing host, find each others passion, and make it through the night—alive.

Inspired by the movie Clue.

Had this brilliant idea a while ago. Decided to try it out. Enjoy! Reviews would be awesome :)



1984, Santa Monica, California.

Dear Sir or Madam,

In honor of Sir Phillip Dawson the third, you are cordially invited for cocktails and a gourmet feast, especially delicately prepared, on Saturday, the twenty-ninth of August at seven p.m.

Because of the astounding impression you have made on Sir Dawson, you, along with a number of other guests, will enjoy the night of fine dining, mingling, and a small auction for fundraising.

Please consider accepting this invitation; it is in your best interest to attend.

Hope to see you there.

Best regards,

Mr. Ralph Furley.


Address and directions are included in this letter.


Chrissy Snow smiled, as she tossed the invitation onto the coffee table.

She stood from the couch, wandering the spacious living room, waiting patiently for her husband to return from the office.

The moment he crossed the threshold of their victorian home, she leapt into his arms.

"So glad you're home, sweetheart!" Chrissy cheered.

He spun her around, while she squealed in delight. He set her down and they continued to kiss passionately on the couch. After a while, he peered at the coffee table and noticed the elegant letter sitting on top of a stack of chic magazines. He reached for the letter.

"What's this, honey?" He asked.

Chrissy glanced at the letter he was holding. "Oh, I almost forgot! Peter, we've been invited to a dinner party!"

Peter narrowed his eyes, still staring at the invitation. "Oh, by whom?"

Chrissy thought for a short time, then, her eyes filled with gleam.

"Do you remember a..." She plucked the letter out of Peter's hands, "A... Phillip Dawson?"

Peter leaned back on the couch, staring thoughtfully at the plain beige wall. Suddenly, he snaps his fingers.

"That's right! Dawson! Sure, I remember him. We met him a few weeks ago at that fundraising event. The one for the children's center?"

Chrissy furrowed her brows and tapped her chin. She, also, snapped her fingers in triumph.

"Of course! That was a swell event. Yeah, now I remember. He was nice. I think I also remember his wife," Chrissy smiled at the thought of Phillip and his lovely wife.

Peter heaved a heavy sigh.

"What's the matter, love?" Chrissy questioned in a concerned tone.

"I'm afraid we can't make the party, my love," Peter gave an apologetic look and patted her knee softly. "I have a business trip to attend in New York. Sorry, Chrissy."

Chrissy nodded her understanding, carefully concealing her disappointment. A thought, however, flashed inside of her mind.

"No, Peter, that's okay! I can go!" Chrissy brightened.

"Are you sure, honey? There will probably be guests there that you aren't familiar with." Peter inquired solemnly.

"Of course I'm sure, Peter. It'll be fun. I'll be happy to go." Chrissy shrugged.

"Okay, sweetie, if you really want to,"

She leaned over to peck Peter softly on the lips.

"Yes, I very much want to. It'll be fun."


"Helen! Helen, is breakfast finished? I'm starving for my meal!" Stanley Roper complained to his wife, Helen Roper.

"That's the only thing you're ever starving for around here," Mrs. Roper quipped.

Mr. Roper rolled his dark eyes and sat down on the stylish sofa. He glanced at his wife, who was perched on the windowsill, reading a letter.

"What's that, Helen?" Mr. Roper asked, curious to know.

"Stanley, we've been invited to a fancy dinner party," Mrs. Roper answered, walking over to the sofa, letter in hand. "Somehow, you've impressed somebody."

Mr. Roper snatched the letter out of her hand, and read it to himself. "Oh, Helen, this is some trick to get money out of me. Well, you know what? It's not going to work!" Mr. Roper got up to toss the invitation into the wastebasket.

"Stanley! Please, we never get invited to go anywhere, why ruin this chance for us to have some fun?" Mrs. Roper pouted, crossing her arms over her chest.

"Because I say so. Got it?" Mr. Roper pointed a finger at his wife. "And don't you dare try and convince me otherwise. I get enough of that when you try and convince me to put up those shelves."

Mrs. Roper stares at her husband with irritated eyes. She tries a final time to convince him.

"Stanley, if we don't go to this dinner party on Saturday, I will invite my mother over instead. She hasn't seen us in two years, Stanley." Mrs. Roper threatened in a sing-song voice.

Mr. Roper stared at his wife with his mouth agape. "Where was this party, again?" He darted to retrieve the invitation from the wastebasket.


"Larry, I don't wanna go to this pointless dinner party," Susan Dallas remarked to her husband. "And you can't make me."

Larry followed her swiftly into their bedroom. "Honey, what is the problem? It's for one night. And free food!"

Susan turned toward Larry, voice full of venom. "Listen here, Larry. You know perfectly well I've got work to do on Saturday. I don't have time for this 'gourmet feast delicately prepared'." She snarled, quoting the invitation.

"Fine, Susan. Then I'll go on my own." Larry declared. He turned and started out of the bedroom.

Upon entering the kitchen, Larry marched up to Felipe, their limo driver.

"Felipe, take note of this address. You'll be taking me there on Saturday." Ordered Larry.

"Yes, jefe. Whatever you say, jefe." Said Felipe, nodding his head obediently and looking over the letter.


The sound of the doorbell chiming brought Terri Alden out her reverie.

"Coming!" She hollered, walking to the door at a brisk pace. When Terri opened the door, she was met with a handsome smile.

"Here's your mail, Terri."

"Thank you, Marshall," Terri thanked her mailman and friend sweetly. "Wow, a lot of mail."

"Someone's popular," Marshall winked. "How long at the hospital?"

"Nine hours. And going back tonight for three more." Terri said with a tired smile.

"Gosh, Terri. I don't think they pay you enough. You've certainly earned the right to be called a successful doctor." The honesty in Marshall's words brought a sudden warmth to Terri's heart. She cocked her head, flashing him a brighter smile than before.

"You're too sweet. Thanks. See you tomorrow."

Marshall reluctantly breathed his goodbye and left her doorstep, which now stood empty. Exhaling a deep sigh, Terri closed the door and leaned on the doorframe, shuffling through her mail. The stand-out color of an envelope caught her attention and noticed that the only thing written on the envelope was her name.

Strolling over to her kitchen, she opened a drawer and picked out a small butter knife. Running the knife along the edge of the envelope, she slid the invitation out of it, while another piece of paper accidentally flutters onto the floor. Bending over to retrieve the fallen piece, Terri skims through the invitation and her face softens.

"Dinner party? Cool." She murmurs to herself.

Re-reading the letter, her eyes land on the printed date of the approaching social function. Mentally going over her work schedule, she finally declares that she is indeed free on Saturday.

"Now, to journey for a dress."


Eyeing the invitational letter gave Jack Tripper something to do while he laid tediously on the couch in his large, silent office. The only sounds were the sound of his soft breathing and the ticking of the clock that was mounted on the white, tasteless wall.

After a while, Jack sat up and tapped his shoe on the carpeted floor.

What is even my job? Jack thought.

Looking around his office, Jack rested his eyes on a framed picture of him and his father. A smile found its way onto his face, and as quickly as it appeared, it disappeared upon noticing the stack of paperwork on his desk.

Seriously, why am I here?

However, Jack knew. His father owned this company. His grandfather started it and his father took it over. Now that Father Tripper was growing older, it was up to Jack to take it under his wing.

"What does a wealthy man like Dawson, want me at this party?" Jack asked aloud to no one in particular.

"What was that, Jack?" Asked Sue the secretary, as she peeked in through the cracked open door.

Jack whipped his head toward Sue and stuttered out his response. "Oh, uh, n-nothing, Sue. Nothing at all." He waved her off, as she nodded and closed his door.

Looking over the invitation one final time, Jack placed it neatly on his desk, and went around it to stare out of his huge glass window. The view looked over the city of L.A., and he stood watching, drinking up the gorgeous scenery.

"Okay, Dawson. I'll show to this party. What else do I have to look forward too?" Jack whispered to himself.


Without looking both ways, Janet Wood ran into oncoming traffic in order to make it to her parked car on the other side of the street. A symphony of honking cars graced her ears, as she apologetically hurried towards her car.

Turning onto her street, she sighed deeply upon finding no parking and having to circle her block for the third time. She finally settled on positioning it a street over and jogged to her apartment in heels, desperately attempting—and failing—to avoid the oncoming pouring rain. She had forgotten her umbrella and rain jacket before leaving for work; again.

The sound of the pitter-patter paws of her Great Dane running up to her as she unlocked the front door placed a smile on her attractive face.

"Hey, boy. Ah! Good to see you too, Humphrey," Janet squealed, as Humphrey leaped on her, causing Janet to slowly fall over onto the floor.

The large dog continued to lick her face lovingly and rested his head on her chest. Janet breathed calmingly, careful not to ruin this beautiful moment. Janet always loved coming home to Humphrey. He showered her with attention for the first ten minutes, then he would continue to aimlessly walk around the apartment and then snooze on the sofa.

Janet peeked at Humphrey, who stayed on top of Janet. "Okay, buddy. Time to get off of mommy, now, okay?"

Humphrey licked her cheek for a final time, and gently climbed off of Janet.

"Good boy. You get a treat later," Janet heaved herself off of the floor and walked into the kitchen. The stack of mail that she picked up before leaving for the flower shop awaited her on the counter.

"Okay, Humphrey, lets see what we got in the mail," She rummaged through the mail, categorizing them into sections: bills, catalogs, coupons, junk mail, etc.

An unfamiliar colored envelope stuck out like a sore thumb, and naturally, Janet grabbed the envelope which only harbored her first and last name.

"Ooo, might be a live one, Humph," Janet said aloud.

Reading the invitation, Janet beamed. Twirling a lock of her shoulder-length dark hair, Janet eyed her dog dreamily, who laid on the kitchen floor, looking back at her with dark eyes.

"Moms been invited to a dinner party! Isn't that exciting?"

Humphrey barked once, as if responding to what Janet said.

"Guess you'll be spending some time with Bob and Carol on Saturday, huh Humph?"

Humphrey barked again, wagging his tail. Janet skipped to the cabinet, and took out a bag of treats. Humphrey got back up on all fours and continued to wag his tail uncontrollably.

"Here's that treat, bud." She tossed the treat into the air and Humphrey caught it with his watering mouth. Janet watched as he chewed the treat and then went on into another room, the treat still secured between his sharp teeth.

"But why does a wealthy man want me at a dinner party?" Janet inquired aloud. "I'm certainly not rich, and certainly won't find anyone familiar there." She read the invitation again, and looked over the piece with the address and directions on it.

"Free party though. Huh, why not? Sounds like it could be fun."


This is a full 2019 update with some changes! Hope y'all will enjoy! Let's see if I can actually finish the story this time...hahaha