Lucy was placed on a couch in the lounge room to rest and all the others were surrounding her in a big circle looking nervously down at her.

"What do we do?" Italy asked out, biting his fingers in fear. "Well, we are going to have to wait for her to wake up." China responded wiping a wet cloth on Lucy's forehead when sweat started to appear.

"I can't believe this is happening!" Prussia exclaimed. "Yeah," America admitted with an unusual look of seriousness on his face. "But what caused for her to forget that she was a nation? That's the real question." England said. "Maybe it's because she was thrust into a unfamiliar world, maybe that had locked away her memories." China began theorizing before pausing."But why does she look so much younger? I remember her being an adult, not that she isn't an adult now but she looks much younger than before?" Russia looked at Lucy with a pleasant smile on his face. "Да, maybe when she was thrust into the other world, her whole entire life restarted over again like a switch. So it meansー" Russia trailed off. " She didn't become a nation at all over there, but instead a human." America finished Russia's sentence with his arms crossed. "No, but that can't bー" England protested but stopped when America looked at him with such seriousness in his eyes that a chill crawled up his spine. "Face it, there's no another reason why she could've forgot her memories about her being a nation." America snapped.

Everyone was silent when they heard America.

He isn't dumb as we thought. He's actually really smart when he wants to be.

"If you guys are done." Germany coughed in his fist. "We should cooperate with each other until she is awake. I don't think she would want to be awakened by us bickering back and forth like little children." As much some nations wanted to throw out that they aren't fighting like little children, they kept their mouth closed.

After that, a tense aura lingered around them and no one dared try to break it. China stayed by Lucy's side at all time making sure she was alright and seeing if there was signs of her waking up.

England kept glancing at America, who was sitting in a chair near by Lucy with one of his leg draped over the other and seemed to be in deep thought. He couldn't help but look at him with a bit of sadness and hurt as the three words America said to him whispers sinfully in his head over and over again. America didn't mean it, right? Right. He was just doing what he thought was right, after all, America was his little brother. But he can't help but feel as if the words America said were real. He shook his head, get a hold of yourself, he internally told himself. Why was he so worked up about this? It may have stung a little bit a LITTLE bit. But why was he such in a turmoil?

"Oh well, it doesn't matter. He didn't mean it, he was just in the heat of anger and just said it out. Yeah. He didn't mean it all..." England doubted himself when he tried to reassure himself. He didn't want to lose America. He didn't want to lose his little brother. He knows that America doesn't think of him as his older brother anymore after the Revolutionary War. But England still see America as a little brother to him.

He just wish he could've have been there for America, when he needed him the most...

But it's too late for it now.

Now it's just a past between them.

A bitter past.

Crunch. Crunch. Crunch.

A thirteen year old girl with beautiful golden blonde hair and deep chocolatey eyes that had golden specks in it, quietly but stealthy moved in the woods before ducking under a bush with her eyes locked in her prey that was currently munching on a tuff of fresh green grass. She rose her longbow to aim at the unguarded deer that hadn't notice her yet. She pulled back the string and positioned her feathered arrow to the deer's heart. Her breath was calm but her heart thump erratically, she must be calm. That's what her mentor had told her when she goes out hunting for her tribe. She closed her eyes and breathed slowly, once she opens her eyes again she let go of the arrow and it went soaring through the air to pierce the deer's heart. The deer jerk in surprise before slumping over as another arrow pierce through its skin again.

She made a little whooping sound of success before slinging the longbow over her shoulder and got up from her hiding place to retrieve the carcass.

"Ова е една навистина голема. Доволно голем за да се хранат сите!" She exclaimed excitedly before trying to lift it up but frown when the deer was too heavy for her to carry back to her tribe. She sighed setting the deer down and put two fingers in her mouth to blow out a loud whistle.

"Силвија и Аки!" Two loud howls responded back to her. She waited patiently before she heard rattling from her under her feet. She looked up just in time to see two big husky dog jump out from the forest. They landed on the ground with a skit before rubbing their side up against her leg. She giggled delightfully before nudging them to the freshly killed deer. She looped a rein over the two huskies head and connected it to a sled. She walked around the dogs who wagged there tail in excitement, to get the deer. She drag half hold the deer and set it in the sled before she too got on the sled and grab the reins.

"Одат Силвија и Аки! Земе ни се врати дома!" She shouted at the huskies who bolted right away at her command to take them home. Because it was not winter and was summer. The ground was more bumpy then the smooth snow that she glided right pass. But she didn't care and endured it. She gently brought the rein up then down and soon the huskies picked up their speed although they were being slowed down by the heavy weight of the deer but nonetheless, they were gliding right pass mother nature at a very fast pace. The cool wind of the evening went by her, flinging her hair in different directions but she didn't mind.

She loved the nature. It was peaceful and wonderful. Just with her people and entire nation suffice her enough. She didn't need any other nations. A smile broke upon her face when her home appeared from the valley with the sunset set just above the village. She snapped the reins and the huskies lurched forward with power and stamina.

She only frowned when she saw strange men in her village once she got closer to the village. Dotted figures of people soon appeared but the strange men stood out like a sore thumb among them all with the way they wore. Flashy armors and gleaming swords. Dread filled in her stomach as she spotted a young handsome male with curly brown hair and dark brown eyes that held such fierceness and experience, talking with her mentor. She decided to go to the back to not draw attention to her. Once she gotten to the back she jumped out of the sled in panic. She shushed the huskies and they complied her, sitting on ground sensing her nervousness and dread.

She hurriedly ran out into the open. "Ментор! Дали си добро?" She asked running up to him and hugging him, not caring if she had brought attention on her.

"Тоа е во ред, не убавица. Тие не ме боли, не се плашат за мене. " He reassured her with a smile petting her head like a father would do to its child.

The young man looked at her in surprise, before he squatted down, eye level to her. For awhile both of them just stared at each other non of them wanting to break away. He smiled warmly with mirth in his deep dark brown eyes.

"Potest Latine loqueris?" She didn't understood what he said so she only nodded her head slowly indicating a no.

He frowned at that but smiled once more. "Well, can you speak English?" At that she nodded her rapidly. He smiled at his success, "Can you tell me who you are?" She hesitated because she felt as if something was off about him but stopped when her mentor's hand laid his hand on her shoulder reassuring her. She breathed slowly.

"M-My name is S-Sun Beauty, or my human name Lucy Hearthlyne, or my Nation's name Fiore." At that his eyes widen in shock and was speechless.

But he smiled once again but with a look of fondness and adoration. Lucy blushed at that, feeling a warmth spreading through her body. How cute, the handsome young male bit back a wide smile as the adorable girl glance around nervously, glancing at the Roman soldiers and their sharp swords that gleamed in the dying sun.

"Well then, you can call Grandpa Rome, or my Nation's name Holy Rome."

He grinned widely stretching his hand out for a handshake with Lucy. She bit her bottom lip nervously before letting go of one of her hand that was fisted in her mentor's pants to shakily stretch her quivering hand out to his and slipped her small dainty ones into his rough callous hands.

"N-Nice to meet you, erー Grandpa Rome."

And done!

If you guys are confused of this Italic story, it's all about Lucy's past as when she was a growing nation. And it's not done yet, her past story I mean.

And no, this is not Russian although it has the same texts as it but this is Ancient Macedonian.

But if you enjoyed this please review or favorite or follow because I really appreciate it that people likes reading my stories.

This isn't the best translation in the world cause I got all of this from Google translation so please cut me some slack if some words are weird and out of place.

Ancient Macedonian Translation:

Ова е една навистина голема. Доволно голем за да се хранат сите! = This is a really great. Big enough to feed everybody!

Силвија и Аки! = Sylvia and Ski

Одат Силвија и Аки! Земе ни се врати дома! = Go Sylvia and Aki! Take us back home!

Ментор! Дали си добро? = Mentor! Are you okay?

Тоа е во ред, не убавица. Тие не ме боли, не се плашат за мене. = It's okay, Sun Beauty. They did not hurt me. Do not fear for me.

Latin Translation:

Potest Latine loqueris? = Can you speak Latin?